jeudi 22 juin 2023

Les personnes juives et la santé

Fellowship Opportunity in Philadelphia on "Jews and Health" 

Call for applications

The theme for the 2024–2025 academic year will be JEWS AND HEALTH 
Application Deadline: October 18, 2023.

The Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies is pleased to announce that its 2024–25 fellowship year will be devoted to supporting new research at the intersection of Jewish studies and the study of health, medicine, and the body. The Center encourages applications from scholars aiming to illumine any aspect of health, health care, illness and/or embodiment as these relate to Jewish history, culture, and life experience, encompassing any period ranging from antiquity to the present.

The Center invites applications from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, including social and cultural history, the history of science and medicine, anthropology, literature, gender studies, bioethics, public policy, legal studies, and other relevant fields. The fellowship is meant for scholars who are open to pursuing their individual research projects in a collaborative and interdisciplinary setting built around seminars, conferences, and other forms of intellectual exchange.

The fellowship is open to scholars across the globe and the spectrum of academic life, from newly-minted early-career scholars to senior scholars, in order to promote intellectual community across disciplines, ranks, and national borders.

Katz Center fellows are provided with the time and resources needed to pursue their individual projects (including an office, computer, and library privileges at the University of Pennsylvania), and are also expected to actively engage in the intellectual life of the fellowship community. All applicants must have a doctoral degree in hand by the start date of the fellowship. Fellows are expected to live in Philadelphia for the term of their fellowship.

Please contact Anna Poplawski, the Katz Center's Academic Programs Coordinator, with questions.

Full details here:

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