samedi 23 décembre 2023

Bonnes fêtes


Le blogue entre en période de vacances hivernales. Il sera de retour le 8 janvier 2024. 

Fête de Noël, hall principal de l'hôpital cantonal, 1969
© Musée historique de Lausanne
Joyeuses fêtes ! 

Le dernier numéro du e-SFHM

e-SFHM, 2023/04

Voici le 22e numéro de la e.SFHM, revue en ligne créée en 2015 sous l’impulsion de Jacqueline Vons, qui a désormais trouvé son rythme de croisière, avec quatre numéros par an. Cette revue fait désormais partie de l’identité de notre société, en plus des conférences mensuelles et de la revue annuelle Histoire des sciences médicales, dont elle est le supplément illustré. Les membres de la SFHM, et au-delà, peuvent proposer leurs travaux, surtout si les illustrations y sont nombreuses, pour qu’ils soient soumis à notre Comité de lecture.

Le premier article de ce numéro est rédigé par Loïc Capron qui, après sa formidable édition en ligne de la Correspondance et autres écrits de Guy Patin (, s’est attaché cette fois à ce qu’il a appelé la Tempête du chyle, vive querelle anatomique qui éclata au beau milieu du XVIIe siècle. Nous y retrouvons des acteurs tels que Pecquet, au premier plan, mais aussi Aselli, Riolan, Bartholin, Harvey et quelques autres, autour de débats (traduits du latin), parfois houleux et hauts en couleur, sur la nature du chyle et de ses mouvements, ainsi que sur l’élaboration du sang (sanguification). Ce n’est qu’en 1855, avec Claude Bernard, que la plupart de ces questions purent être résolues.

Le second article présente la suite d’une série de portraits de « grands patrons » des années 1930, série débutée fin 2021 à partir de caricatures publiées dans la revue Ridendo.

vendredi 22 décembre 2023

Jean Pecquet et la Tempête du chyle (1651-1655)

Jean Pecquet et la Tempête du chyle (1651-1655) : un regard inédit sur l’un des grands débats médicaux du XVIIe siècle

Loïc Capron

Loïc Capron traduit du latin, documente et analyse une controverse anatomique et physiologique qui agita le monde savant entre 1651 et 1655. Le plus brillant médecin français du XVIIe siècle, Jean Pecquet (1622-1674), découvrit le canal thoracique et le mouvement du chyle intestinal vers le cœur ; il en tira des théories audacieuses à propos de la fabrication du sang, qui suscitèrent de vives disputes. Un nouvel éclairage original sur la médecine du XVIIe siècle, par l’auteur de la Correspondance complète et autres écrits de Guy Patin.

En 1673, le Diafoirus de Molière a justement dénoncé l’aveuglement de certains médecins sur l’éblouissante découverte de la circulation du sang par William Harvey en 1628. Moins connue, mais tout aussi conséquente et animée, une autre querelle anatomique a éclaté en 1651 avec la publication des Experimenta nova anatomica [Expériences anatomiques nouvelles] de Jean Pecquet (Dieppe 1622-ibid. 1674) : voulant comprendre les forces en jeu dans le mouvement du sang, en s’aidant des derniers progrès de la physique (existence et variations de la pression atmosphérique), et encore simple étudiant en médecine, il eut l’heureuse fortune de mettre au jour le canal thoracique en montrant qu’il conduit le chyle intestinal jusqu’à la veine cave supérieure et au cœur. Ce liquide blanc et épais, trouvé par Gaspare Aselli en 1622, était tenu pour représenter la totalité du suc nutritif produit par la digestion des aliments. Au lieu de gagner directement le foie, comme on le croyait jusqu’alors, pour y être transformé en sang et répandre son pouvoir vital dans tout le corps, le chyle arrivait donc dans le cœur qui devenait l’organe de la « sanguification ». Dans le sillage immédiat de Pecquet, Thomas Bartholin (Copenhague 1610-ibid. 1680) confirmait l’existence du canal thoracique chez l’homme (1652), découvrait les vaisseaux lymphatiques et célébrait les « funérailles du foie » (1653), dépossédé de sa très noble fonction de fabriquer le sang.

Ce crime de lèse-majesté provoqua les vives protestations de Jean Riolan le Jeune (Paris 1580-ibid. 1657), tout-puissant professeur royal d’anatomie au Collège de France, et de plusieurs autres, dont le moindre ne fut pas Harvey, et ainsi naquit la Tempête du chyle. L’hérésie pecquétienne n’en devint pas moins le nouveau dogme et cessa d’être contestée pendant deux siècles. En 1855, Claude Bernard (Saint-Julien 1813-Paris 1878) ranima le débat et le conclut en montrant l’existence de deux chyles produits par l’intestin grêle : l’un aqueux gagne directement le foie par la veine porte ; l’autre, graisseux, le fait indirectement, après être passé dans le cœur et avoir circulé dans la totalité du corps ; tous deux permettent au foie de fabriquer la partie liquide du sang (plasma).

La double nature du chyle est essentielle dans l’équilibre lipidique de l’organisme, la formation du lait ou la fabrication des cellules sanguines par la moelle osseuse, et n’a sans doute pas encore révélé la totalité de ses secrets.

Contrairement au livre de Harvey, dont Charles Richet (prix Nobel de médecine ou physiologie en 1913) avait donné une remarquable version française en 1879, les Experimenta nova anatomica de Pecquet n’avaient jamais été publiées dans sa langue maternelle. Conçue et rédigée par Loïc Capron, ancien professeur des universités en médecine interne, sur le même modèle que La correspondance et autres écrits de Guy Patin, qui l’a enfantée, La tempête du chyle (1651-1655) a vu le jour grâce à la confiante collaboration de la Direction des bibliothèques et musées d’Université Paris Cité. Elle traduit, commente (2 489 notes) et indexe (4 190 entrées) l’ouvrage de Pecquet, ainsi que les principaux textes qui l’ont soutenu ou contesté : soit un total de 737 pages de latin qui procurent un éclairage original sur le progrès médical au xviiesiècle et, plus généralement, un instructif exemple des erreurs auxquelles peut conduire une brillante découverte anatomique.

Pour en savoir plus, il est également possible de consulter la conférence de Loïc Capron : Jean Pecquet (1651-1654) et la tempête du chyle (Société Française d’Histoire de la Médecine, séance du 21 avril 2023 ; 58 minutes).

Histoire médicale et environnementale

PhD Studentship Intersections in Medical and Environmental History

Call for applications 

Applications are currently open for a PhD studentship researching Intersections in Medical and Environmental History at Newcastle University starting in September 2024

100% of home tuition fees paid and an annual stipend starting at £18,873. Additional funding is available to cover research costs, conference fees, and engagement activities.

Interested in the intersection between medical and environmental history after 1700? This PhD will allow the successful candidate the opportunity to develop a project which can help us understand current issues in environmental and health using the lens of the past. Themes which may shape this PhD could include, but are not limited to, green urban infrastructure and health; conceptions of the rural as ‘healthy’; hospital design; atmospheres; travel for health; sport and exercise; explorations of changing ideas of ‘nature’ in relation to health; sensory interactions between the body and the environment. This is an exciting opportunity to work with Dr Clare Hickman who has recently led a Wellcome Trust funded network, 'MedEnv: Intersections in Medical and Environmental Humanities’, and be based within the School of History, Classics and Archaeology where there are strong interests in associated themes such as environmental justice as well as wider Newcastle University initiatives in Medical Humanities, Landscape, Climate and Resilience and Cities.

Deadline for applications: 12 January 2024

For more information and details of how to apply go here:

jeudi 21 décembre 2023

Les chirurgiens de l'Hôtel-Dieu

Chirurgiens de l'Hôtel-Dieu

Levon Doursounian 


Collection : Ethique et pratique médicale
Broché - format : 15,5 x 24 cm • 284 pages
Langue : français
ISBN : 978-2-14-048363-9

L'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris est réputé être l'ancêtre de tous les hôpitaux de France. Sa situation est exceptionnelle : il s'ouvre sur le Parvis Notre-Dame, le point zéro des routes de l'hexagone. Il a été le théâtre de l'histoire de la Médecine et ce fut au XIXe siècle le phare de la chirurgie occidentale. Récemment, la chirurgie a quitté définitivement cet antique giron et cela invite à se pencher sur le passé à la fois terrible et exaltant de ce monument de la charité humaine. Comment enluminer des bâtiments qui, selon le point de vue, peuvent s'apparenter à un mausolée, une caserne ou un cloître ? Comment vivifier ces espaces oubliés ? Une des façons est de suivre les tribulations d'un jeune chirurgien, qui à la fin du siècle dernier, aura arpenté durant plus de dix années, les couloirs actuels de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris et en songes ceux légendaires de la Maison-Dieu, de l'Hospital des Hospitaux, du Grand Hospice d'Humanité... De plus, au travers du quotidien d'un orthopédiste, se révèlent les contours du métier de chirurgien hospitalier et les arcanes des épreuves à surmonter pour parvenir à la Maîtrise. Date de publication : 19 juillet 2023

Nuncius Prize 2024

2024 Nuncius Prize

Call for applications

Nuncius is a peer-reviewed and international journal devoted to the history of the material and visual culture in science. Published three times a year by Brill and under the auspices of the Museo Galileo in Florence, Nuncius explores the material sources of scientific endeavor, such as scientific instruments and collections, and the specific settings of experimental practice, as well as the visual cultures of science and interactions between sciences and arts. The materiality of science is a fundamental source for the understanding of its history, and the visual representation of its concepts and objects is equally crucial. Founded in 1976 by Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli (1917-1981), Nuncius was originally published as Annali dell’Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza.

The 2024 Nuncius Prize, which is supported by Brill, will be awarded to the best original essay related to the material and visual history of science, technology and medicine in any period. The editors of Nuncius have established this prize with the aim of encouraging, recognizing and promoting high-quality research among graduate and early career scholars.

The winning entries are chosen using the journal’s standard criteria for selection.

Entries will be judged by a scientific committee.

The award is free to enter and no purchase is necessary.

The winner of the 2022 Essay Prize (first edition) was:

- Amandine Victoria Didouan with “To draw a body, human or beast, one must study anatomy”. The Overlooked Influence of a Sixteenth-Century Equine Anatomy Illustration on Early Modern Artists

The three honorable mentions were:

- Rahul Bhaumik with Picturing the Snakes: Western Natural History, Visual Culture, and Local Agency in Late-Eighteenth-Century British India

- Hannah Kaemmer with Description or Design: Debating Visual Truth at Stonehenge in the Seventeenth Century

- Chia-Yun Wu with The Search for the Tang Royal Domain (Wangji 王畿): How Yixing (683-727) Used the Zhou-Era “Nine Domains” (Jiufu 九服) to Map the Tang Dynasty’s New Terrestrial Realm

All essays have been published openly in the issue 38.2 (2023) of Nuncius:


The winner will receive a cash prize of €500 and the open-access publication in Nuncius.

Three honourable mentions (€100 of Brill book tokens each) will also be provided.

All entries will be published as articles in Nuncius pending peer review.

Non-winners submissions may be considered for publication in Nuncius.


The prize is intended for those who are currently graduate and doctoral students, or have been awarded their PhD (or equivalent) within the past six years.

The essay should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. It must be written in English. Only one entry per person is permitted.


Essays must be:

- unpublished and not submitted to any other competition at the same time

- written in English

- no more than 9,000 words in length (including footnotes)

- referenced in accordance with Nuncius guidelines (

Any entry must be your original work and it must not infringe the rights of third parties including copyright, trade mark, trade secrets, privacy, publicity, personal or proprietary rights.

By submitting an entry, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Nuncius reserves the right to refuse entry, or refuse to award the prize to anyone in breach of these terms and conditions.


The opening date for entries is 00.01 (CET) on 31 October 2023. The closing date of the Prize is 23.59 (CET) on 31 May 2024. Submissions received after this time will not be accepted.

Nuncius uses online submission only. Authors should submit their manuscript via the Editorial Manager (EM) online submission system (by selecting article type “Nuncius Prize”) at:

When submitting the article, authors should indicate that they wish it to be considered for the Prize. All entries should be accompanied by a cover letter with a short biographical note that includes a statement of how the author meets the eligibility requirements for the Prize.

For further information, please contact the editor-in-chief: Elena Canadelli,

mercredi 20 décembre 2023

Pratiques et usages des archives médicales

Pratiques et usages des archives médicales. Méthodes et approches interdisciplinaires. 

Cycle de journées d'études - Semestre 1


Organisation et comité scientifique : Claire Barillé (IRHiS),
Théophile Lavault (Sophiapol), Agathe Meridjen (Sophiapol/AD94)

10/01/24. Archives : collectes,classements, usages.
Kamel Amichi, Mauricio Aranda, Claire Barillé, Liora Israël, Guillaume Normand, Elsa Quétel, Judith Revel, Mathilde Rossigneux-Méheust, Nicolas Simonpoli, Edouard Vasseur.

02/02/24. Définir la médecine hors des archives sérielles : possibilité et limites des classements thématiques des archives.
Pascal Cristofoli, Agathe Meridjen, Thomas Ramonda, Edouard Vasseur.

26/04/24. Livres de la loi :regards croisés hôpitaux psychiatriques et prisons.
Audrey Ceselli, Laurence Guignard, Théophile Lavault,Clémence Moreau.

07/06/24. Suivre le quotidien de l’hôpital à la ligne :rapports journaliers et comptabilité.
Claire Barillé, Anatole Le Bras, Pauline Lemaigre-Gaffier, Sophie Panziera, Yann Potin (sousréserve), Agnès Seguin, Pauline Teyssier.

Bourses SIS 2024

Scientific Instrument Society 2024 Grants

Call for applications

The Scientific Instrument Society (SIS) awards small grants, of up to £750 each, for research on the history of scientific instruments. Applications for the 2024 SIS Grants Scheme are now open; the deadline for applications is 1200 GMT on Friday 5 January 2024.

To learn more of the Society, or to join, visit

The grant application form may be found at

Applicants do not need to have any institutional affiliation and applications that are for less than the maximum grant are just as welcome — a properly costed proposal with a clear relevance to the Society’s interests in historic scientific instruments, a realistic timetable and a clear tangible result or question to be answered are the most important factors that the committee will be considering.

Successful grant holders will have a maximum of 18 months from the date of award to complete their research and claim the funds.

Grants are open to applicants from any country, and both members and non-members of the Scientific Instrument Society may apply. Previous applicants are also welcome to apply, provided that an article based on their first research grant has already been submitted to the SIS Bulletin.

Please note that the grant awarded will be paid against actual receipted expenditure and funds cannot be paid in advance. The grant is intended to cover items such as travel, accommodation (excluding meals) and photocopying costs. We are unable to fund attendance at or travel to conferences, or contribute to the cost of outreach projects such as events and exhibitions.

Further information on what the Society can support and the terms and conditions of the grants can be found at

Examples of previously successful applicants may be found at and

Questions? For any questions regarding SIS grants, please e-mail

mardi 19 décembre 2023

Fernand Deligny

Fernand Deligny, enfant et institution. Pour une histoire de l'enfance en marge
Michaël Pouteyo
Préface de Michel Chauvière


Éditeur ENS Éditions
Février 2024
ISSN 17658128 

Alors que le xixe siècle met l'enfant à l'école, la première moitié du xxe s’occupe de celui qui n’y va pas. Qu’on le dise arriéré, délinquant, orphelin, fou ou en danger moral, l’enfant en marge voit se développer autour de lui un édifice institutionnel qui, entre le début du siècle et la fin des années soixante, acquiert progressivement consistance matérielle et unification idéologique.
C’est en examinant le parcours et le travail de Fernand Deligny (1913-1996), instituteur, éducateur et écrivain, que cet ouvrage entend redessiner cette histoire. Sans se limiter aux innovations législatives qui jalonnent la période ou aux acteurs qui font figure de fondateurs, il entend éclairer les évolutions idéologiques qui sous-tendent ce développement. En revenant sur les alliances, les oppositions et les affrontements auxquels se livrent les principaux personnages de cette période, cette enquête philosophique vise à mieux situer la place de Deligny, et à donner un autre éclairage à deux concepts au cœur de cette histoire : l’institution et l’enfant.

2024 Trevor Levere Prize

2024 Trevor Levere Prize

Call for applications

Competition for the 2024 Trevor Levere Prize (Annals of Science) is now open. This prize is awarded annually to the author of an original, unpublished essay in the history of science, technology, or medicine, which is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The prize, which is supported by Taylor & Francis, is intended for those who are currently doctoral students, or have been awarded their doctorate within the past four years. The winning essay is published in the Journal, and the author awarded US$1000 and a free subscription to the Annals of Science. For details see:,under%20consideration%20for%20publication%20elsewhere.

Please send submissions to: Mordechai Feingold (

Deadline for applications: 15 February 2024.

lundi 18 décembre 2023

Race et corps dans l'ordinaire colonial

Race et corps dans l'ordinaire colonial

Clément Fabre, Christophe Granger, Isabelle Surun (dir)

Presses universitaires de Rennes
Date de parution : 07/12/2023
Domaines : Histoire
Revues : Monde(s) - N° 24
EAN : 9782753594777
Nb de pages : 208

L’ambition de ce dossier est d’effectuer un pas de côté par rapport à une histoire de la race, souvent saisie au niveau des représentations scientifiques, littéraires et photographiques, pour s’intéresser à la manière dont la différence des corps est construite, interprétée, administrée et négociée en contexte colonial dans le cadre des interactions et des pratiques ordinaires.
Après un état des lieux sur la riche historiographie consacrée à la « colonisation des corps » et à l’incorporation de la domination coloniale, ce numéro propose une nouvelle lecture ancrée dans les pratiques et le quotidien, à partir d’études de cas situées en Afrique ou en Asie, qui décrivent la manière dont les catégorisations et hiérarchisations sociales et raciales sont mises en jeu de manière très concrète dans les sociétés impériales et coloniales à travers le corps des acteurs. Le débat sur le livre d’Ann Laura Stoler (Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power, 2002) est l’occasion de revenir sur la réception en France des thématiques postcoloniales.

Santé et nature

Santé et nature

Appel à contributions

Numéro thématique de HMS

Sous la direction de Léo Bernard, Matti Leprêtre et Céline Pessis

Ce numéro thématique de la revue « Histoire, médecine et santé » questionne les divers usages et rapports à la nature dans le domaine de la santé. Le concept historiquement et culturellement situé de « nature » peut évidemment revêtir plusieurs sens et porter à discussion. Dans son rapport à la santé, il évoque spontanément les nombreux courants se réclamant des médecines « naturelles » apparus en Europe à partir du dernier tiers du XIXe siècle, et qui entendaient s'opposer, par leurs pratiques, à une médecine jugée de plus en plus artificielle et chimique, du fait notamment de l'industrialisation de la production des médicaments. Néanmoins, et dans le sillage des appels à « en finir avec les médecines parallèles » (Guillemain, Faure, 2019), si ce numéro souhaite accorder une attention renouvelée aux marges médicales, ce n’est ni pour s’y restreindre, ni pour déconnecter leur histoire de mouvements scientifiques et culturels plus généraux. Pour cela, il adopte une définition large de la « nature » qui permet d'englober l'ensemble des pratiques médicales faisant appel à la réalité matérielle qui environne et façonne l’espèce humaine – sous la forme des sols, des airs, des eaux et des autres espèces vivantes –, dans le but de maintenir ou rétablir la santé.

À la suite d’initiatives universitaires récentes interrogeant les conceptions plurielles de la nature et leurs effets dans un certain nombre de champs culturels (urbanisme, production artistique, etc.)[1], et porté par les enjeux pluridisciplinaires du moment auxquels nous confrontent les crises du climat et de la biodiversité, ce numéro thématique se propose d'explorer la manière dont ces représentations, ancrées aussi bien dans des ontologies que dans des enjeux mercatiques, contraignent et transforment les usages médicaux des éléments et des espaces naturels. Le numéro est ouvert à des propositions issues des contextes historiques et géographiques les plus variés, susceptibles d’élargir le regard sur la naturalité des éléments et des produits en question. Les contributions centrées sur la biomédecine européenne sont également encouragées : par-delà le « Grand partage » qui associe cette dernière à l'artificialité et à l'émancipation de la nature, des études récentes centrées sur la matérialité des pratiques ont montré combien la mise au travail des éléments naturels était cruciale pour les pratiques biomédicales au sens large, y compris dans leur forme industrielle – que l'on pense aux cultures de bactéries ou au criblage des substances végétales et marines pour la réalisation des médicaments de synthèse.

Que nous révèlent l’usage des plantes, l’attention portée à la richesse des sols cultivés ou encore les qualités vitales accordées aux bains d’eau et d’argile sur les contextes culturels, scientifiques et spirituels de leur production ? De la colonisation des « matériaux-savoirs » (Boumediene, 2016) à l’époque moderne à l’essor de la naturopathie dans le second XXe siècle, quelles alliances thérapeutiques entre éléments naturels et corps malades se forgent au fil des expériences individuelles et collectives ?

Pour penser les rapports intellectuels, productifs et commerciaux à la nature dans le domaine de la santé par-delà l'hétérogénéité de leurs contextes de production, le numéro s’organisera par entrées centrées sur l’un ou l’autre des éléments matériels composant cet environnement naturel non-humain (plantes, eau, terre, champignons, minéraux, etc.). Nous invitons les auteurs et autrices à soumettre des propositions d’articles problématisant l’un et/ou l’autre des points suivants à partir de cette entrée matérielle :

- Comment des éléments ou des espaces naturels sont-ils mis au travail, activés ou convoqués, dans les pratiques de soin ? Comment leur agentivité est-elle pensée, dans quelles cosmologies s’insèrent-ils, et comment les conceptions de l'efficacité d'un agent thérapeutique naturel influent-elles sur les modes de préparation de cet agent (et inversement) ?

- De la préparation à la guérison, quelles sont les différentes étapes (scientifiques, juridiques, commerciales) qui rendent une pratique ou un agent thérapeutique « naturels » ? Que révèlent-elles des rapports de force et des négociations entre les communautés épistémiques ou professionnelles qui interagissent autour de ces objets-frontière ? (On peut, par exemple, penser aux enjeux de définition entourant les « médicaments », les « produits cosmétiques » ou les « compléments alimentaires »).

- Comment historiographier la nature et sa matérialité ? Les réflexions méthodologiques, par exemple sur le recours aux biographies retraçant la trajectoire d'agents thérapeutiques naturels, sont les bienvenues.

Bibliographie indicative :

Arnaud Baubérot, Histoire du naturisme : Le mythe du retour à la nature, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2004.

Christian Bonah et Anne Rasmussen (dir.), Histoire et médicament aux XIXe et XXe siècles, Paris, Biotem & Éditions Glyphe, 2005.

Samir Boumediene, La colonisation du savoir. Une histoire des plantes médicinales du « Nouveau Monde » (1492-1750), Vaulx-en-Velin, Éditions des Mondes à faire, 2016.

David Cantor (dir.), Reinventing Hippocrates, Burlington, Ashgate, 2002.

Pratik Chakrabarti, Inscriptions of Nature: Geology and the Naturalization of Antiquity, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 2020.

Philippe Descola (dir.), Les Natures en question, Paris, Odile Jacob, 2018.

Hervé Guillemain et Olivier Faure (dir.), Pour en finir avec les médecines parallèles : Une histoire croisée des médecines alternatives et de la médecine académique (XIXe-XXe siècles), Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Midi, 2019.

Lisa Haushofer, Wonder Foods: The Science and Commerce of Nutrition, Oakland, University of California Press, 2023.

Robert Jütte, Geschichte der alternativen Medizin: von der Volksmedizin zu den unkonventionellen Therapien von heute, München, C.H. Beck, 1996.

Alexander von Schwerin, Heiko Stoff et Bettina Wahrig (dir.), Biologics, A History of Agents Made From Living Organisms in the Twentieth Century, London, Pickering & Chatto, 2013.

Avi Sharma, We Lived for the Body: Natural Medicine and Public Health in Imperial Germany, DeKalb, Northern Illinois University Press, 2014.

Informations et envoi des propositions :

leobernard.histoire[a] ; matti.lepretre[a] ; celine.pessis[a]

Calendrier :

· Délai d’envoi des propositions (deux pages maximum) : 15 février 2024.

· Réponses aux auteurs et autrices : début mars 2024.

· Remise de l’article définitif pour les propositions acceptées : décembre 2024. Après sélection des propositions, les articles soumis à HMS feront l’objet d’une évaluation par les pairs en double aveugle.

· Les propositions peuvent également mobiliser les différentes rubriques de la revue et concerner des entretiens, des sources et documents, ou encore des carnets de recherche.

· Publication prévue dans HMS 29, été 2026.

Langues de rédaction : français, anglais ou espagnol.

Directives éditoriales sur HMS.

[1] Journée d’étude « De quoi la nature est-elle le nom ? Représentations de la nature dans l'art, les arts appliqués et leur critique contemporaine », 2 juin 2021 ; Colloque « Les natures de Paris (1770-1914) », 25-26 mai 2023 ; Colloque « Faire la paix avec la “nature” », 9-10 novembre 2023.

dimanche 17 décembre 2023

Alexandre-Olivier Exquemelin

Alexandre-Olivier Exquemelin. Chirurgien, flibustier et naturaliste (1640-1717)

Bernard-Alex Gaüzère et Pierre Aubry

Collection : Médecine à travers les siècles
À paraître le 14 décembre 2023
Broché - format : 13,5 x 21,5 cm • 156 pages
ISBN : 978-2-336-42031-8

Pour les médecins auteurs de ce livre, l’apport de l’œuvre d’Alexandre-Olivier Exquemelin, Histoire des aventuriers flibustiers qui se sont signalés dans les Indes, se situe bien au-delà de ce qu’il rapporte sur la flibuste et les flibustiers, qui a déjà fait l’objet de nombreuses études.

Au-delà de la description de son activité de chirurgien et surtout de naturaliste, il dévoile un intérêt scientifique peu commun à son époque chez un chirurgien embarqué, flibustier de surcroît. S’il décrit quelques observations cliniques de chirurgie pratiquée dans les circonstances particulières et souvent traumatiques de la flibuste, il écrit un long chapitre sur son activité de naturaliste, affirmant ainsi sa curiosité pour la botanique et la zoologie.
Exquemelin est passé à la postérité grâce à cet ouvrage, dont la première édition est parue en 1678. Ces écrits sont une source précieuse pour l’histoire tourmentée des Caraïbes pendant la seconde moitié du XVIIe siècle. À paraître le 14 décembre 2023

samedi 16 décembre 2023

Le corps d'infirmières aériennes d'Amérique

Aerial Nurse Corps of America: Lauretta Schimmoler and Leora Stroup Pilot-in AirEvac

Cynthia Broze

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Semper Publishing (December 1, 2023)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 372 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0982650943

If we are sick and require air transport, we expect a skilled flight nurse will assist us. Before 1936 this was far from reality. Air transportation of critically ill patients began sporadically during World War I, but they crammed the wounded behind the pilot's area with no one to attend to them-the sick and dying patients had to fend for themselves. Lauretta Schimmoler realized this and sought to change it. She thought nurses trained in the aspects of air ambulance transport would be valuable for society. She hoped it could also benefit the military. She found nurses who believed in her cause. Some were pilots or became pilots. Dedicated nurses like Leora Stroup championed the idea when others doubted its relevance.

Schimmoler understood airport management, flight school operations, aircraft manufacturing, first aid, chemical warfare, air mail transport, weather, and flight recorders. She even designed special medical equipment to fit inside small airplanes. But the various ranks scrutinized her actions because she wasn't a nurse. Schimmoler and Stroup were born, spent their childhoods, and were buried within 120 miles of each other in Ohio. Both became pilots and early members of the Ninety-Nines club. Stroup had also thought nurses should train for aerial duty even before she met Schimmoler. And Stroup had an edge on Schimmoler-she was a nurse-but Schimmoler barreled ahead despite lacking those credentials.

Schimmoler expected people would see the value and appreciate what she and the nurses wanted to accomplish with this specialty they were trying to create. She was wrong. She hadn't realized one essential detail when developing her idea: nursing administration groups and the military didn't accept proposals from outsiders. Thus, she would spend her air ambulance life trying to work with them, through them, or around them.

vendredi 15 décembre 2023

Temps et médecine antique

Time and Ancient Medicine: How Sundials and Water Clocks Changed Medical Science

 Kassandra J. Miller

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Oxford University Press (December 7, 2023)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 256 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0198885177

Time and Ancient Medicine is the first monograph to explore, on the one hand, how the introduction of new timekeeping technologies (namely, sundials and water clocks) affected the practice, rhetoric, and philosophy of ancient medicine and, on the other hand, how medical timekeeping practices affected engagement with time elsewhere in society. The study seeks, first, to offer a chronological narrative of how timekeeping technologies and medical practices evolved and influenced one another in ancient Greece and Rome, with consideration of relevant Pharaonic Egyptian and Assyro-Babylonian precedents. Kassandra J. Miller turns to a series of case studies, drawn from the Roman Imperial period, to investigate thematic questions, asking how debates over medical timekeeping interacted with debates over proper scientific methodology, the status of medicine as a formal art, and the relationships between medicine and other disciplines like mathematics, astronomy, and astrology. Throughout, this study places epigraphic, artistic, and other material evidence for hourly timekeeping in dialogue with selections from medical literature, some of which has not previously been published in modern-language translation. Ultimately, this study reveals that time and timekeeping played fundamental roles in ancient medical debates and practices and challenges the traditional narrative that the social history of "clock time" only begins with the invention of the mechanical clock in the Medieval period. It offers new insights into the specific ways that physicians of the ancient Mediterranean engaged with their evolving temporal landscapes and raises questions about the relationships between time and medicine in the modern day.

Histoires toxiques de l'anthropocène

Illustrating the Anthropocene with Toxic Histories

Call for papers 

11th European Society for the History of Science Conference 

We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the panel “Illustrating the Anthropocene with Toxic Histories” at the 11th European Society for the History of Science Conference (Barcelona, Sept 4-7, 2024). This conference provides a unique platform for interdisciplinary dialogue, bringing together scholars from different branches of the history of science, including but not limited to environmental, sociological, and anthropological approaches. By fostering collaboration among experts with varied disciplinary backgrounds, we aim to enrich our understanding of the intertwined nature of toxic histories and the Anthropocene. Participants are encouraged to explore innovative methodologies, share case studies, and propose theoretical frameworks that contribute to a holistic comprehension of the historical and contemporary dimensions of toxic legacies. Join us in this intellectual exploration as we collectively strive to illuminate the intricate web connecting human actions, toxic materials, and the ongoing transformation of our planet.

Histories of toxic materials serve as crucial threads in the tapestry of the Anthropocene (in its broad interpretation beyond geology term), offering profound insights into the ways in which human activities have left enduring imprints on the planet. From industrial pollutants to chemical waste, these histories not only chronicle environmental degradation but also unravel complex socio-political narratives. Following the works of Emmanuel Henry, Jose Ramo n Bertomeu Sa nchez, Scott Frickel, Max Liboirion or Soraya Boudia scholars are invited to explore the historical dimensions of toxic materials, examining how their production, use, and disposal have shaped societies and ecosystems. We encourage papers that engage with diverse perspectives, showing how chemicals shape and contribute to the Anthropocene in different spaces, from pesticides in agriculture to environmental pollution, occupational health, or industrial hazards.

Histories of toxic materials serve as crucial threads in the tapestry of the Anthropocene, offering
profound insights into the ways in which human activities have left enduring imprints on the
planet. From industrial pollutants to chemical waste, these his tories not only chronicle
environmental degradation but also unravel complex sociopolitical narratives. Inspired by recent
studies in the field, we invite scholars to explore concept concepts such as residuals, slow violence, environmental justice and agnotology a s a framework for understanding the socio-material
properties of chemicals and their world-making powers. This innovative approach encourages a
holistic examination of chemicals, their singular and ubiquitous presence, and their regulated yet
unruly characteristics.

Please send paper proposals (title, abstract/200 words, name, and short bio) before 17th of December 2023 to I will submit the proposal for the panel to the organizers of the conference. Through interdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to deepen our comprehension of the socio-material dimensions of ignorance, exploring how it intertwines with the synthesis of toxic materials, regulatory practices, and the ongoing transformation of our planet. I look forward to collaborating with all participants in this intellectual exploration.

Best wishes

Sofiya Kamalova PhD researcher (funded by CIACIF2023) at the Lopez Pinero Inter-University Institute (University of Valencia).


Boudia, S., Creager, A. N. H., Frickel, S., Henry, E., Jas, N., Reinhardt, C., & Roberts, J. A. (2021). Residues: Thinking Through Chemical Environments. Rutgers University Press.
Bertomeu Sánchez, J. R. (2021). Tóxicos: Pasado y Presente. Pensar históricamente un mundo
Bertomeu Sa nchez, J. R. (2021). To xicos: Pasado y Presente. Pensar histo ricamente un mundo tóxico. to xico. Icaria Editorial.
Boullier, H., & Henry, E. (2022). Toxic Ignorance. How Regulatory Procedures and Industrial Knowledge Jeopardise the Risk Assessment of Chemicals. Science as Culture, 31, 1–24.
Liboiron, M. (2021). Pollution Is Colonialism. Duke Univ. Press.

jeudi 14 décembre 2023

Les expérimentations d'Alfred Binet

Domestiquer le corps social. Expérimentations sur les femmes, les enfants et les aliénés au temps d'Alfred Binet

Loig Le Sonn

Édition Première édition
Éditeur Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
Support Livre broché
Nb de pages 412 p.
ISBN-13 978-2-7574-3956-2

Entre 1880 et 1911, le psychologue français Alfred Binet a massivement expérimenté sur des femmes dites « hystériques », des enfants et des aliéné∙e∙s qui devinrent un réservoir inépuisable de sujets d'expérience. Pendant 30 ans, il n’a pas hésité à coucher sur papier ses directives, ses arbitrages, ses doutes et les réactions verbales de ses sujets d’expérience.

Quel était le mode opératoire des techniques d’hypnose utilisées à la Salpêtrière ? À quoi ressemblait les protocoles expérimentaux qui, dans les écoles primaires de Paris, furent à l’origine du test d’intelligence ? Comment Binet négociait-il ses interrogatoires psychiatriques dans les asiles, de Sainte-Anne à Perray-Vaucluse ? Son travail d’expérimentateur nous interroge aujourd’hui sur les préjugés savants de l’époque et les ambivalences éthiques de la relation médecin-malade, enseignant-élève et psychologue-patient.

Traditions et innovations en histoire des sciences

The Roots of the Future. Traditions, Innovations, and Challenges in the History of Science

Call for papers

 Conference of the Italian Society for the History of Science 

Bari, 29-31 May 2024

Our age is raising unprecedented challenges, which science and technology are taking up and reviving. However, the future cannot be built without an adequate critical understanding of the past, which will finally bring a 'humanistic' dimension to the research of scientists and technologists. In this sense, the National Conference of the Italian Society for the History of Science represents a unique opportunity. It provides an overview of current national and international research in the field, showing how tradition and methodological innovation must intertwine in order to contribute both to classic and fundamental historiographical questions, and to broader projects that involve the collaboration between historians and historians of science with experts from other disciplines to pursue interdisciplinary strategic objectives.

Proposals for thematic sessions must include a title, the session organiser’s name and at least 4 papers. The abstract describing the session and the individual papers must not exceed 500 words all included, and must also contain information regarding the affiliation or place of residence and the e-mail address of each individual speaker. The session organiser will liaise with the conference organisers.

Proposals for individual papers should include a title, an abstract of about 200 words, three keywords, the author’s affiliation or place of residence, and an e-mail address. The submission of a thematic or individual proposal authorises the Italian Society for the History of Science to publish the titles and abstracts on its website and elsewhere, in order to disseminate and promote the Conference contents.

The languages of the Conference will be Italian and English.

All proposals for thematic sessions or individual papers must be submitted via email by Saturday 24 February 2024.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection of their submission by Monday 11 March, 2024.

To register for the conference, please fill out the form and send it to the following e-mail address by Monday 1 April, 2024:

The Conference registration fee is €30 for all SISS members (if in good standing with the payment of the annual membership fee for 2024). For non-members, it will be possible to attend the Conference upon joining the SISS as a new member (
On 29 May 2024 the Members’ Meeting will be held in dual mode. For those who wish to join, the Social Dinner will take place on 30 May and a tour to explore Puglia and its surroundings is planned for 1 June. Further information will be provided in the Registration Form.

The SISS 2024 Early Career Prize will be awarded at the conference

The call for papers is available in Italian and English at this link:

Conference webpage: .

mercredi 13 décembre 2023

La certification de la folie

The Certification of Insanity: Local Origins and Imperial Consequences

Filippo Maria Sposini 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Palgrave Macmillan; 1st ed. 2023 edition (December 1, 2023)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 340 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-3031427411

This book represents the first systematic study of the certification of lunacy in the British Empire. Considering a variety of legal, archival, and published sources, it traces the origins and dissemination of a peculiar method for determining mental unsoundness defined as the ‘Victorian system’. Shaped by the dynamics surrounding the clandestine committal of wealthy Londoners in private madhouses, this system featured three distinctive tenets: standardized forms, independent medical examinations, and written facts of insanity. Despite their complexity, Victorian certificates achieved a remarkable success. Not only did they survive in the UK for more than a century, but they also served as a model for the development of mental health laws around the world. By the start of the Second World War, more than seventy colonial and non-colonial jurisdictions adopted the Victorian formula for making lunacy official with some countries still relying on it to this very day. Using case studies from Europe, the Americas, and the Pacific, this book charts the temporal and geographical trajectory of an imperial technology used to determine a person’s destiny. Shifting the focus from metropolitan policies to colonial dynamics, and from macro developments to micro histories, it explores the perspectives of families, doctors, and public officials as they began to deal with the delicate business of certification. This book will be of interest to scholars working on mental health policy, the history of medicine, disability studies, and the British Empire.

Scientiae 2024

Scientiae 2024

Call for papers

Brussels, 11-14 June

We are delighted to present the Call for Papers for the 11th annual meeting of Scientiae, which will take place in Brussels, with support of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB), the ERC-funded project VERITRACE, and the FWO/FRS-FNRS funded RENEW18 project. The conference committee is led by Prof. Cornelis J. Schilt (VUB), and includes Prof. Steffen Ducheyne (VUB) and Eleonora Sammarchi (ETH, Zürich). As always, we accept proposals on all topics related to the 1400-1800 period, with an interdisciplinary focus and the view of generating a global investigation of knowledge-making.

This year, we envision a significant cluster of papers on the theme “The Twilight of the Gods,” which addresses the process in which from a relatively isolated Europe, Asia, and the Americas, the world became global. In the European heartland, religions are vying for power, the sun and earth are at the center of major controversies, authority is waning. The old gods are dying - or are they? Whilst some discard everything old in search for more of the new, others hark back to bygone antiquities, real and imagined. Scientific and religious institutes reinvent themselves - some slowly, others rapidly - and adapt to new realities. It is the twilight of the gods, yet new light dawns on the horizon.

Moreover, we also specifically seek contributions that critically examine our methodology and historiography of the period, for example, but not limited to, how nineteenth- and twentieth-century perspectives have shaped our understanding - or lack thereof - of the past, and how modern-day categories and terminologies have helped or hampered our discussions of particular historiographical concepts.

For Scientiae2024: Brussels, we are very proud to announce two keynote addresses by Steven Vanden Broecke (Ghent) and Sietske Fransen (Bibliotheca Hertziana, Max Planck Institute for Art History, Rome) as well as plenary VERITRACE and RENEW-18 panels.

We invite contributions with the following formats:

- Individual, 20-minute papers: Please submit a descriptive title, 200-word abstract, and one-page CV.

- Complete 90-minute panels: Same as above for each paper, plus 200-word rationale for the panel. Maximum of three presenters (or two plus respondent) plus chair.

- Round tables (90-minutes), consisting of up to five participants plus chair, ideally discussing one of the key themes of the conference as outlined above. NB round table participants can also partake in a panel or present an individual paper!

- Workshops or seminars: One-page CV for each session leader, plus 200-word plan explaining the topic's suitability, and its techniques or resources.

Submit your proposal online before January 15th, 2024, at There will be no extension of this deadline.

mardi 12 décembre 2023

La dégénérescence en Grande-Bretagne

Jack and Jekyll. La dégénérescence en Grande-Bretagne 1880-1914

Nathalie Saudo-Welby

Préface de Jean-Jacques Lecercle

Éditeur ENS Éditions
Novembre 2023
ISSN 12551015

En Europe, la fin du XIXe siècle s'accompagne d'une hantise du déclin, qui s’est exprimée en termes de dégénérescence. Dans des textes alarmistes au contenu parfois pseudo-scientifique, certains penseurs et savants britanniques s’inquiètent de l’usure « raciale » de la nation, du péril héréditaire et de la présence insidieuse du danger dans le corps social. La connaissance de ce contexte, marqué par la renaissance du genre gothique, permet de faire sortir de l’ombre des textes inquiétants et d’apporter un éclairage nouveau sur des romans célèbres, comme L’étrange cas du Dr Jekyll et de Mr Hyde, Le portrait de Dorian Gray, L’île du Dr Moreau, Dracula et la fiction de Conan Doyle consacrée à la figure de Sherlock Holmes.

L’être dégénérant en perpétuelle mutation revit un passé personnel, familial et biologique. Son corps est à la fois étranger et reconnaissable, monstrueux et déchiffrable. Certains romanciers prônent la régénération, d’autres mélangent jusqu’à les confondre la morbidité et la puissance, le dégénéré et le défenseur social, le malade et le médecin, le fou moral et le fou de moralité. En créant des êtres si indignes qu’il va devoir les liquider, l’écrivain transforme la dégénérescence en création.

Scientia Sexualis et l'historiographie de la sexualité

Scientia Sexualis and Historiography of Sexuality

Call for papers


Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science will receive proposals for articles that seek to reflect on Scientia Sexualis for the issue of June 2024.

Sexual science began at the end of the 19th century with the ambitious undertaking of physicians such as Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Havelock Ellis and Magnus Hirschfeld, who set out to analyse the laws of the nature of sex. Based on the prestige of biological science, the thinking of these scientists is founded on the idea that there is a “sexual instinct” that influences the diversity of individual experiences. According to this rationality, this complex “sexual instinct” is considered a natural process, the understanding of which will provide a more enlightened view of the main challenges faced in the contemporary world. Relying on biological and psychological factors, sexologists have created a vast taxonomy of sexual behaviours and practices, emphasising their deviations, perversions and pathologies. Their theses proved influential not only in the medical field but also in the legal world. In the wake of these works, but also as opposition to them, Sigmund Freud contributed to a broadening of the understanding of sexuality as a founding element of human subjectivity while at the same time revolutionising the techniques for treating diseases linked to “sexual pathologies”. In Freud, Scientia Sexualis is investigated within medical but also philosophical rationality.

After these famous works of sexology and psychoanalysis, sexuality was consolidated as a distinctive field of knowledge. Over the twentieth century, this new science ceased to be the exclusive object of medical rationality and became attractive to numerous fields of knowledge. The anthropological studies of Margaret Mead, the theories of gender and sexuality of Robert Stoller and John Money, the quantitative work of Alfred Kinsey and Shere Hite, and more recently, the radical critique of feminist epistemology on sex and gender, among many other references, show that sexuality is at the heart of academic research in the most diverse, contested and acclaimed approaches.

Until the 1970s, historiographical production on sexuality was timid, but from 1980 onwards, the increase in production was vertiginous. Michel Foucault’s thesis in The History of Sexuality contributed significantly to the awakening of historians’ interests. According to the French philosopher, sexuality is a device, a mechanism of regulation and governance of bodies, which operates in contemporary disciplinary society. The change in the key to understanding proposed by Foucault draws the attention of historians who begin to take an interest in the dynamics of force and power that constitute this device. In parallel to Foucault’s thesis, there are also several factors contributing to the growing interest in Scientia Sexualis: the rise of sexuality studies after the HIV epidemic, the spread of feminist studies, the development of gay and lesbian studies and gender studies, and not least the strength of social movements for sexual minority rights. All this has contributed to the fact that the history of sexuality has now reached the mainstream of contemporary historiography.

Our particular interest in this issue is not only to emphasise the historical aspects of the formation of Scientia Sexualis, its construction and deconstructions, contributions and criticisms, which have marked the history of this science from its birth in the 19th century to the present day but also reassess its historiography.

We welcome submissions that explore the following thematic axes: History of sexual science in its various areas of knowledge and its social and epistemological aspects;
History of the historiography of sexuality;
Empirical research that contributes to the analysis of sexual science and its impact on society;
The relationship between the history of sexual science and the history of techniques for transforming the body, sex and gender, as well as techniques and technologies for human reproduction and contraception;
Intersection of sexual science to the history of moralities.

Submission details:

Submissions must be received by February 10, 2024, via the journal webpage so they can be considered for the June 2024 issue.

Submissions must be prepared for double-anonymised review. Notification of acceptance will be sent on April 10, 2024.

For any further information concerning this Call for Papers, please contact:

Marina S. Duarte – Federal University of Minas Gerais – UFMG


For any further information concerning this Journal, please contact:

Mauro L. Condé – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais – UFMG


Marlon J. Salomon – Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG


Postdoctorat en histoire de la migration et de la psychiatrie

Postdoctoral position in medical humanities: History of migration, illness and psychiatry (CULTMIND) 


Call for applications

The Department of English, Germanic and Romance studies (ENGEROM), University of Copenhagen (UCPH), and the Centre for Culture and the Mind invite applications for a 24-month post-doctoral researcher position in the history of migration and psychiatry.

The expected starting date is 1 May 2024 or as soon as possible.

The position is funded by the DNRF Centre of Excellence, Centre for Culture and the Mind (CULTMIND).

The successful candidate will work closely with the Centre leader Ana Antic, and Drs Lamia Moghnieh, Jessica Carlsson and Peter Leese. The Candidate will join a dynamic international and interdisciplinary research team.

Job content 
The Centre for Culture and the Mind explores the puzzling relationship between cultural difference and the human psyche from a variety of disciplinary perspectives: historical, anthropological, psychiatric, sociological, literary and psychological. It zooms in on the core questions about the universality or otherwise of the human mind, which remain as difficult to answer today as they were a century ago.

The Centre proposes that the issue of culture-mind relationship lays at the core of many social, political and medical debates: within cross-cultural psychiatry/psychotherapy, in trauma studies, and in migration and refugee studies. It explores how the human mind and common humanity have been imagined in different cultural, sociopolitical and disciplinary contexts, examining the assumptions and forces which shaped such definitions. By analysing how different cross-cultural models of the psyche were formulated and critiqued, the Centre’s interdisciplinary team aims to develop a new framework for understanding cross-cultural interventions, which pushes beyond the binary of universalism and cultural relativism in order to arrive at a more nuanced model of interaction between socio-cultural contexts and ideas of the psyche.

The Centre consists of four interrelated thematic strands: cross-cultural research in human sciences; cross-cultural notions of trauma and resilience; cross-cultural therapeutics and creative mind; and cross-cultural encounters and population movements (migration).

The postdoctoral researcher will be a core member of the Centre’s thematic strand on cross-cultural exchanges and population movements. This strand, informed by multiple disciplines such as anthropology, history, literature and clinical practice, explores how different ‘psy’ and social science disciplines have conceptualised the mind and its socio-cultural attributes in order to address questions and problems related to cross-cultural movement, communication and understanding. It focuses on the fields of migration and refugee psychiatry, exploring their complex histories and their vital role in shaping present-day discussions about migration and refugeedom. Among other themes, it explores how displacement, cultural adaptation and integration became constructed as fields of psychiatric intervention.

Qualification requirements
In order to be considered for the position applicants must have research qualifications at least corresponding to what can be achieved as part of a successfully completed PhD within a relevant field.

The candidate should hold a PhD degree in the field of history, anthropology or medical humanities, with a focus on migration and refugee studies, and have in-depth knowledge of core debates around displacement, refugee experiences and ‘psy’ disciplines and interventions (as well as relevant language proficiency in accordance with the field of expertise). The candidate will conduct primary source research in a select range of archives and libraries, and take part in designing and implementing oral interviews if necessary. Experience with interdisciplinary and collaborative work, as well as with themes connecting migration and indigeneity, will be an asset. The postdoc will be expected to collaborate closely with researchers in clinical settings, and to explore how historical narratives of migration, psychiatry and illness have shaped contemporary discourses.

The successful candidate is expected to work both independently and in collaboration with the research team. Within the Centre, the candidate will take part in broader intellectual and methodological discussions around the Centre’s goals and general directions, and will also be expected to design and work on an original research project (either in the form of a monograph or a series of articles).

The postdoc position is a full-time research position and does not involve any teaching obligations. The candidate is also expected to take active part in the academic life of the Centre.

For further information, including more details on the Centre for Culture and the Mind, please contact Ana Antic at

For further details about the qualification requirements for postdocs, please refer to the job structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2019:

Submit the application online in Adobe PDF or Word format.

Please click on the “Apply now” icon at the bottom of this page.

The application must be written in English and include the following enclosures:

  • Application letter/cover letter (max 1 page).
  • Curriculum vitae (with applicant’s e-mail & telephone number).
  • Documentation of qualifications (examination certificates/PhD diploma, etc.).
  • Complete and numbered list of publications. The enclosed publications must be marked with *.
  • Research plan, including a short description of previous research and a plan for the coming years that includes an account of how the applicant will contribute to the Centre (max 3 pages).
  • Documentation of teaching qualifications and research dissemination, if any
  • Publications. Applicants may choose a maximum of three publications for assessment. Publication dates must be clearly marked on the publication list. The publications selected must be uploaded as attachments and listed from 1 to 3.

Should any material submitted consist of work with named co-authors, or work that is otherwise the result of collective academic endeavours, the extent of the applicant’s contribution to the work must be clearly stipulated. The Faculty may ask for a signed statement from the co-authors stipulating the extent and nature of each individual’s contribution.

Only material in English can be expected to be assessed.

Appointment procedure
After the application deadline, the Head of Department selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the appointment committee.  All applicants are notified whether their application has been accepted for assessment. The Dean subsequently appoints an expert assessment committee tasked with carrying out an assessment of the selected applicants for the specific post. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee. Applicants are ultimately offered the opportunity of commenting on the part of the assessment relating to themselves before the appointment is finalized.

Further information about the application procedure is available from (HR), e-mail:  Please refer to ID number: 211-1691/23-2I

Salary and conditions of employment
Terms of appointment and salary will be in accordance with an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). The salary range starts at DKK 36,412,60, (EUR approx. 4,880,) + a 17,1 % contribution to the pension scheme. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements on an annual basis.

The Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC) have further agreed on a protocol that makes it possible for international researchers employed by the University to achieve a pension exemption, whereby the pension contribution will be paid out as salary. For more information about the different pension schemes, please read more here:

If you consider applying from abroad, you may find useful information on how it is to work in Denmark and at UCPH here :, and

UCPH wishes to encourage everyone interested in this post to apply, regardless of personal background.

The closing date for applications is 15 February 2024 23:59 CET

Applications or supplementary material received thereafter will not be considered.

lundi 11 décembre 2023

Phrénite et pathologie de l'esprit dans la pensée médicale occidentale

Phrenitis and the Pathology of the Mind in Western Medical Thought (Fifth Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)

Chiara Thumiger 

  • Publisher: Cambridge University Press
  • Online publication date: November 2023
  • Print publication year: 2023
  • Online ISBN: 9781009241311

Phrenitis is ubiquitous in ancient medicine and philosophy. Galen mentions the disease innumerable times, patristic authors take it as a favourite allegory of human flaws, and no ancient doctor fails to diagnose it and attempt its cure. Yet the nature of this once famous disease has not been understood properly by scholars. This book provides the first full history of phrenitis. In doing so, it surveys ancient ideas about the interactions between body and soul, both in health and in disease. It also addresses ancient ideas about bodily health, mental soundness and moral 'goodness', and their heritage in contemporary psychiatric ideas. Readers will encounter an exciting narrative about health, illness and care as embedded in ancient 'life', but will also be forced to reflect critically on our contemporary ideas of what it means to be 'insane'. This title is also available as open access on Cambridge Core.

dimanche 10 décembre 2023

La lymphe

La lymphe. De l’Antiquité au XXIe siècle

Michel A. Germain

Préface de Christian-François Roques Latrille
Préface de Alain Philippon
Avant-propos de Queneau patrice

Collection : Médecine à travers les siècles
À paraître le 14 décembre 2023
Broché - format : 13,5 x 21,5 cm • 162 pages
ISBN : 978-2-336-42365-4

Souvent ignorée, car invisible, la lymphe est un sujet fondamental dont l’étude doit impérativement se poursuivre. Son histoire est le parfait reflet du long cheminement de la médecine qui a développé de manière empirique une multitude de procédés aux résultats aléatoires de l’Antiquité à nos jours.
C’est au XVIIe siècle que l’anatomie des lymphatiques est décrite. Les connaissances de son embryologie et de son histologie ont été rendues possibles grâce à la découverte du
microscope à partir de ce même siècle. Puis, les progrès techniques, les innovations, qui se sont succédé jusqu’à nos jours, ont offert progressivement de nouvelles perspectives dans son approche et dans le traitement des maladies lymphatiques : la lymphangiogenèse, les cellules souches, l’unité neurovasculaire, la transplantation de ganglions lymphatiques autologues.
La recherche doit donc continuer : beaucoup de questions demeurent en effet en suspens…

La prochaine séance de la Société Française d’Histoire de la Médecine

La prochaine séance de la Société Française d’Histoire de la Médecine 


VENDREDI 15 DECEMBRE 2023 à 14 heures

dans la salle de conférence (3ème étage) de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine 16, rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris. Un lien zoom pour une visioconférence vous sera envoyé.

Séance habituelle : informations générales, présentation et élection des candidats, présentation d’ouvrages. 

Conférence invitée (60 min)

François BOLLER
Effets du vieillissement et des lésions cérébrales chez les artistes

Communications (20 min)

Ernest Hamy et les Pays-Bas, en particulier la ville de Leyde

Le médecin général Pierre-Alphonse Huard (1901-1983)

Philippe ALBOU
Maxime Laignel-Lavastine : un parcours original dans la première moitié du XXe siècle

vendredi 8 décembre 2023

Histoire sanitaire du Chablais

Le Chablais aux petits soins. Histoire sanitaire d'une région entre Vaud et Valais

Alexia Cochand

Éditions BHMS
2023, 112 pages, 130 images et 6 illustrations, grand format
Collection Hors-série
ISBN : 978-2-940527-21-2

Au début du siècle, le paysage sanitaire suisse est marqué par la croissance du système hospitalier, la hausse de la densité médicale et la modification des techniques et des pratiques. Ce livre, richement illustré et doté de nombreux extraits de documents, met en exergue la spécificité des enjeux politiques, économiques et culturels qui accompagnent ces mutations dans le Chablais vaudois et valaisan. On y découvre les éléments qui en ont marqué particulièrement l’histoire récente, tels la bicantonalité, l’industrialisation ou encore le développement du tourisme.

jeudi 7 décembre 2023

La culture matérielle hospitalière au Moyen et au début de l’Âge moderne

Hospital material culture in the Middle and Early Modern Ages: concepts and meanings 

Call for papers


XIII Els Abrils de l'Hospital

School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon

15-17 April 2024

The everyday life in a hospital has always been related to different objects and practices that make up the material expression of established human relationships and the very functioning of such places. In its spatial or topographical, chronological and historical and anthropological dimensions, material culture is related to the purpose or meaning that objects have for a particular people or culture and is essential in defining a society's cultural identity.

The study of material culture as a scientific object has progressed, although historiography has paid little attention to hospital material culture.

Thus, the XIII Abrils del Hospital (Lisbon, 15-17 April) will address material culture as an indicator of hospitals' economic power and social prestige throughout the Middle and Early Modern Ages. The focus will not only extend to isolated objects, but also to human productions with a relevant social function.

- social function of objects

- cultural production and consumption

- material culture patrimonialisation practices

Those interested in attending this international meeting are to send a proposal stating the participant's name, email address, a brief CV, a title and a brief summary of the presentation (300 words max.). These must be sent no later than 15 January 2024 to the following email address: Proposals shall be examined by the Scientific Committee and the assessment results will be notified by 15 February 2024.

Both proposals and oral presentations can be held in one of the following languages: Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, English, French or Italian.

Organiser and chair of the scientific committee: Joana Balsa de Pinho

Scientific committee: Antoni Conejo, Blanca Garí, Raúl Villagrasa, Ana Rita Rocha, Cybelle Miranda

Conférences du Royal College of Nursing

History of nursing online events in Jan/Feb 2024


Nurses’ Voices from the Second World War: The Ireland Connection (online)

Thursday 18 January 2024, 5.30pm

Free, book online here:


Seán Graffin, RCN Northern Ireland History of Nursing Network member, will discuss how he has collated a database of over 600 Irish nurses which will be available on the website of the Public Records office of Northen Ireland (PRONI). Margaret Graham will talk through the stories of some of these nurses from a new book, Nurses’ Voices from the Second World War: the Ireland Connection.


Children's experiences of the first children's wards in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century England (online)

Wednesday 31 January 2024, 5.30pm

Free, book online here:


Siân Pooley, from the Centre for the History of Childhood at Oxford University, delves into her research into children’s experiences of early children’s wards. While previous generations had been denied access to hospital, or occasionally treated on adult wards, find out what young people in the first children’s hospitals thought about their experiences of care.


Sharing Stories from the Archive: The History of Children’s Nursing (online)

Thursday 15 February 2024, 6pm

Free, book online here:


Our exhibition was co-curated by a team of volunteers, many of whom are or were children and young people’s nurses. Hear from some of the team about the fascinating stories they uncovered – on mental health, hospital visiting, hospital history, nurse education and children’s rights – alongside their personal recollections of caring for, and learning from, children and young people.