vendredi 31 août 2018

L'eugénisme italien et la Grande Guerre

L’eugenetica italiana e la Grande Guerra

Giovanni Cerro

Edizioni ETS
Collana: Guerra e cultura. Biblioteca della Grande Guerra
Pagine: 230
Formato: cm.14x21
Anno: 2017
ISBN: 9788846747310

Con lo scoppio della Prima guerra mondiale, il presupposto su cui era nato e si era sviluppato il movimento eugenetico internazionale sembrò incrinarsi definitivamente: di fronte a tanta inaudita violenza era ancora possibile sperare in un miglioramento della “razza umana”? Anche in Italia gli eugenisti si divisero tra chi considerava il conflitto una minaccia per l’integrità fisica e psichica del corpo sociale e chi lo interpretava invece come un fattore di selezione e di progresso, in grado di favorire la parte migliore della popolazione. Questa contrapposizione contribuì a ridefinire non solo gli equilibri nel campo dell’eugenetica nazionale, ma più in generale i rapporti tra scienza e politica nella delicata fase del dopoguerra.

Giovanni Cerro è tutor della Scuola Internazionale di Alti Studi “Scienze della cultura” della Fondazione Collegio San Carlo di Modena, istituzione presso la quale ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Storia contemporanea con una tesi sull’antropologo e psicologo positivista Giuseppe Sergi. Ha pubblicato saggi in volumi e riviste italiane e internazionali sui rapporti tra antropologia e politica nella cultura europea tra Ottocento e Novecento, dedicando particolare attenzione alla teoria della degenerazione, alla nascita e all’evoluzione del movimento eugenetico e del pensiero razzista in Italia.

Psychiatrie et histoire

Storia e PsichiatriaMetodologia, temi, fonti

Appel à communications

Società Ligure di Storia Patria, Palazzo Ducale, Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 5, 
Gênes, Italie (16123) 

vendredi 30 novembre 2018

A cent’anni dalla fine del Primo conflitto mondiale e a quarant’anni dall’approvazione della cosiddetta Legge Basaglia, si rinnova l’attenzione della storiografia sui processi di alienazione mentale, sulla loro comprensione e sul loro trattamento. A fronte di un crescente interesse, soprattutto da parte della storiografia internazionale, verso questo genere di tematiche, in Italia persiste un atteggiamento di sospetto e diffidenza, in parte dovuto alla ridotta conoscenza delle possibilità offerte da un dialogo tanto affascinante quanto rischioso. Quali sono i rapporti tra storiografia e psichiatria? Quali strumenti deve padroneggiare lo storico per una adeguata problematizzazione dell’argomento? Quale uso fare delle fonti psichiatriche? Quali risultati sono stati raggiunti in questi anni dagli storici italiani che hanno affrontato il tema? Questi sono soltanto alcuni degli interrogativi che il confronto tra le due discipline solleva. L’obiettivo del convegno è tentare di stabilire un solido punto di contatto tra storia e psichiatria, provare a definire una metodologia ed una terminologia condivise alla luce dei grandi passi in avanti fatti negli ultimi vent’anni dalla storiografia, fare il punto dello stato della ricerca in materia.


Sono passati diversi decenni da quando Michel Foucault diede alle stampe la sua Storia della follia in età classica (1961), capolavoro nel quale tratteggiava un’originale e accattivante genealogia della pazzia. Da allora la tradizione di studi sulla storia dell’alienazione e la psichiatria ha fatto notevoli passi in avanti. Per avere un’idea della quantità e della qualità dei lavori dedicati all’argomento sarebbe sufficiente leggere la Bibliografia di storia della psichiatria italiana 1991-2010 di Matteo Fiorani e la rassegna di Patrizia Guarnieri La storia della psichiatria. Un secolo di studi in Italia. Indicativo anche l’importante lavoro di Valeria P. Babini, Liberi tutti. Manicomi e psichiatri in Italia: una storia del Novecento. A margine delle rispettive introduzioni sono numerosi gli interrogativi metodologici sollevati, soltanto in parte ripresi dagli studiosi ed affrontati in maniera sistematica.

In Italia uno dei campi più battuti è stato indubbiamente il contesto bellico, in particolare quello legato allo spartiacque epocale del 1914-1918. Nel 1991 il pioneristico lavoro di Antonio Gibelli L’officina della guerra. La Grande Guerra e le trasformazioni del mondo mentale intrecciava magistralmente le testimonianze scritte dei soldati con fonti psichiatriche, aprendo a nuovi scenari di interpretazione soggettiva del vissuto bellico sin lì sconosciuti. La modernità della guerra è qui intesa come sconvolgimento della realtà percettiva dei singoli, scomposizione del vissuto, automatismo della morte.

Dieci anni più tardi è Bruna Bianchi con il suo La follia e la fuga. Nevrosi di guerra, diserzione e disobbedienza nell’esercito italiano (1915-1918), a concretizzare oltre vent’anni di ricerche sull’argomento, facendo emergere attraverso una grandissima quantità e varietà di fonti, i fenomeni di psicopatologia in seno al Primo conflitto mondiale.

Un ulteriore approfondimento viene dal volume curato nel 2008 da Andrea Scartabellati, Dalle trincee al manicomio. Esperienza bellica e destino di matti e psichiatri nella Grande Guerra. Più recentemente, lo stesso autore commenta in Pazzia e sessualità nei lager della Grande Guerra (2015) uno stupefacente saggio di Amedeo Dalla Volta (Studi di psicologia e di psichiatria sulla prigionia di guerra, 1919) dove emergono violente convergenze tra disturbi legati alla sessualità e reclusione. Molto interessanti, anche per le possibilità offerte di validare (o confutare) in sede locale dinamiche più generali, sono i lavori che hanno studiato il ricovero e il trattamento degli “scemi di guerra” in diversi manicomi italiani. Solo per citare qualcuno: Ilaria La Fata per Colorno, Maria Vittoria Adami per il San Giacomo di Verona; Fabio Milazzo per Racconigi.

Anche le guerre coloniali in relazione alla psichiatria sono state recentemente oggetto di interesse storiografico. Il punto di riferimento è Marianna Scarfone che ha dedicato la propria tesi di dottorato a La psichiatria coloniale italiana. Teorie, pratiche, protagonisti, istituzioni. 1906-1952. Il caso specifico della guerra di Libia è trattato da Graziano Mamone in Soldati italiani in Libia. Trauma, scrittura, memoria. 1911-1912 e dalla stessa Scarfone in La psychiatrie italienne au front. L’expérience fondatrice de la guerre de Libye (1911-1912) in «Le Mouvement social», 257, 2016, 4, p. 109-126 (ma anche in Gli storici e la psichiatria coloniale: interrogativi, approcci, orientamenti, in «Contemporanea», 4, 2015, pp. 665-676).

Un altro interessante filone di ricerca ha riguardato il tema della devianza militare e delle politiche di difesa sociale attuate per controllare i soldati delinquenti. Solo per citare un paio di riferimenti: Fabio Milazzo, «Smascherare il soldato simulatore. Difesa sociale e istanze disciplinari in ambito militare prima della Grande Guerra», «Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea», N. 33, 1|2018. E «Pazzi di caserma». Politiche di difesa sociale, tipologie diagnostiche e soldati alienati nel manicomio di Racconigi (1909-1914), «Memoria e Ricerca», 2|2018. Sempre sul tema della devianza, in particolare sui processi di costruzione della categoria di «pazzo criminale» vedi: Marica Setaro, La costituzione del folle-reo. La storia di Natale B. nel manicomio criminale di Aversa (1885-1905), «Memoria e ricerca», n.47, 2014 e, sempre della stessa autrice, Le vite manicomiali fra crimine e follia. Storia anonima di un uomo “corretto”, in «Il policlinico della delinquenza», a cura di Gaddomaria Grassi e Chiara Bombardieri, Franco Angeli, Milano 2016.

Sui fenomeni di alienazione mentale in rapporto alla storia di genere e alla storia della cultura scritta fondamentale il lavoro di Augusta Molinari, Autobiografie della vita e della mente. Scritture femminili nelle istituzioni psichiatriche del primo Novecento, in «Genesis. Rivista della Società delle storiche italiane», 1, 2, 2003, pp. 151-176. La stessa autrice si è occupata anche dell’assistenza sanitaria in rapporto alla marginalità sociale. A tal proposito si rimanda ai suoi Medicina e sanità a Genova nel primo Novecento (1996) e Emigrazione e follia. Una storia poco nota delle migrazioni storiche italiane, in «Rivista sperimentale di freniatria», 3, 2010.

Accanto a questi ci sono poi gli studi sulla storia delle singole istituzioni manicomiali, il punto di osservazione privilegiato per analizzare non soltanto le evoluzioni istituzionali, ma anche le dinamiche di internamento e le relazioni sociali, politiche e familiari, che hanno interessato le diverse isole psichiatriche. Anche in questo caso solo per fare qualche nome: Paolo Giovannini per il San Benedetto di Pesaro (Un manicomio di provincia. Il San Benedetto di Pesaro 1829-1918), Vinzia Fiorino per Roma (Matti, indemoniate e vagabondi. Dinamiche di internamento manicomiale tra Otto e Novecento) e per Volterra (Le officine della follia. Il frenocomio di Volterra 1888-1978), Annacarla Valeriano per il manicomio di Teramo (Ammalò di testa, Storie dal manicomio di Teramo 1880-1931), Matteo Banzola per Imola (Il manicomio modello. Il caso imolese. Storia dell’Ospedale psichiatrico (1804-1904), Fabio Milazzo per Racconigi («Una casa di custodia pei pazzi pericolosi della provincia». Storia del manicomio di Racconigi dalle origini al fascismo 1871-1930). E ancora il recentissimo (2018) I demoni del Mezzogiorno. Follia, pregiudizio e marginalità nel manicomio di Girifalco (1881-1921)dove l’autore Oscar Greco tratta con maturità e profondità di analisi il caso, mettendo in luce rapporti sinergici tra struttura correttiva e tessuto sociale e urbano della realtà meridionale. Sulle pratiche di liberazioni e le dinamiche di internamento negli istituti toscani, invece, vedi: Massimo Baioni, Marica Setaro (a cura di), Asili della follia. Storie e pratiche di liberazione nei manicomi toscani, Pacini editore, Pisa 2017.

Stimolanti e gravidi di ulteriori sviluppi anche gli studi su psichiatria, fascismo e “uso” dell’internamento ai fini del controllo sociale. Tra gli studi pubblicati: Matteo Petracci, I matti del duce. Manicomi e repressione politica nell'Italia fascista; Annacarla Valeriano, Malacarne. Donne e manicomio nell'Italia fascista: Paolo Peloso, La guerra dentro. La psichiatria italiana tra fascismo e resistenza (1922-1945).

Per l’età moderna doveroso il confronto con l’ormai classico di Lisa Roscioni, Il governo della follia. Ospedali, medici e pazzi nell’età moderna (2003), la quale descrive magistralmente l’universo vario degli “ospedali per pazzi” tra Cinquecento e Settecento.

Questi soltanto alcuni dei maggiori frutti di una lunga tradizione si studi che merita una maggiore sistemazione teorica. A oltre quindici anni dal convegno internazionale organizzato da Francesco Cassata e Massimo Moraglio – Manicomio, Società e Politica. Per una storia della psichiatria negli anni ’60 e ’70 – si avverte oggi l’esigenza di una riflessione ad ampio spettro, un più aperto dibattito capace di cucire assieme tanti lavori individuali di pregevole fattura, tentando di fare il punto su una tradizione di studi sempre più florida.

Storia e psichiatria: terminologia e modelli teorici a confronto
La relazione tra l’evoluzione delle pratiche psichiatriche e i rispettivi contesti storici
Mestiere di storico e psichiatria: categorie, strumenti, epistemologia
La formazione dei concetti psichiatrici e l’epistemologia storica

Storia contemporanea e psichiatria: temi, interessi e orizzonti di ricerca
La storia della psichiatria oggi: bilanci e prospettive
Terapie e strutture
Il rapporto tra medici e pazienti
Lo studio delle diagnosi in prospettiva storica: risorse e limiti
Il ruolo del racconto scritto e orale nel nesso tra storia e psichiatria

Le fonti d'archivio e la letteratura psichiatrica: come usarle
La cartella clinica: strumenti per lo studio e la comprensione
Gli archivi e le fonti psichiatriche: complessi documentali, conservazione, digitalizzazione

Il convegno si svolgerà il 22-23 marzo 2019 presso la Società Ligure di Storia Patria, Palazzo Ducale, Piazza Giacomo Matteotti, 5, 16123 Genova
Modalità di partecipazione

Le proposte (massimo 300 parole) dovranno essere accompagnate da un breve curriculum (200 parole) ed inviate entro il 
30 novembre 2018


L’accettazione delle proposte sarà comunicata entro il 31 gennaio 2019.

Gli interventi selezionati dal Comitato Scientifico saranno pubblicati in un volume collettaneo.
Comitato scientifico
Bruna Bianchi (Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia)
Antonio Gibelli (Università di Genova)
Graziano Mamone (Università di Genova)
Fabio Milazzo (Università di Messina)
Augusta Molinari (Università di Genova)
Marianna Scarfone (Université de Strasbourg)
Marica Setaro (Università di Siena)
Comitato organizzativo
Graziano Mamone (Università di Genova)
Fabio Milazzo (Università di Messina)

Graziano Mamone
courriel : storiaepsichiatria [at] gmail [dot] com

Fabio Milazzo
courriel : storiaepsichiatria [at] gmail [dot] com

jeudi 30 août 2018

Pasteur à l'oeuvre

Pasteur à l’œuvre

Philippe Bruniaux, Marie-Laure Prévost

Éditions du Sekoya
Date de parution : 28/08/2018 
198 pages 
ISBN : 978-2-84751-163-5

Louis Pasteur est l'un des scientifiques les plus connus au monde, et la pasteurisation, un mot traduit dans toutes les langues. De la dissymétrie moléculaire au vaccin contre la rage, les travaux de Pasteur ont révolutionné la chimie, l'oenologie, la médecine vétérinaire comme humaine. Portraits au pastels, pages de cahiers d'expériences, correspondances, instruments de laboratoire souvent conçus par lui, montrent l'artiste puis le savant à l'oeuvre, au gré de lieux d'affectations ou d'expéditions, comme sur la mer de glace ou dans les Cévennes.
Pasteur reste aussi profondément attaché à son Jura natal, et ses vacances studieuses à Arbois, dans la maison de son enfance où il a installé un laboratoire, rythment le cours de sa vie et de ses recherches. L'histoire de l'Institut Pasteur et de son réseau international ainsi qu'un entretien avec le professeur Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Prix Nobel de Médecine pour la découverte du VIH/SIDA, montrent combien la recherche pasteurienne est toujours d'actualité.

Poste en STS à l'University of Toronto

Assistant Professor tenure stream, Science and Technology Studies - University of Toronto, St. George Campus

Call For Applications

Institution Type: College / University
Location: Ontario, Canada

Assistant Professor, Tenure-Stream—Science and Technology Studies

Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology

Faculty of Arts and Science

University of Toronto

Application Deadline: October 30, 2018

Job Description:

The Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST) at the University of Toronto invites applications for a tenure-stream appointment in the area of Science and Technology Studies (STS) at the rank of Assistant Professor. The appointment will begin on July 1, 2019.

Candidates must hold a PhD in STS, history of science and/or technology, philosophy of science and/or technology, or a closely related discipline by the date of appointment, or shortly thereafter. Research fields of interest include, but are not limited to, the social/humanistic studies of (i) computer, information, or data science and technology; (ii) biomedicine, or biomedical science and technology, including neuroscience; (iii) environmental science and technology, including climate science. Geographical areas of research focus are open. 

Candidates must demonstrate excellence in, and commitment to, both research and teaching in science and technology studies, and competencies in STS method and theory. They must demonstrate the ability to engage with and contribute to research and teaching in history or philosophy of science, technology, and/or medicine. Candidates must provide evidence of excellence in research as demonstrated by a record of publications or forthcoming publications in top-ranked journals or other leading venues and presentations at significant conferences in STS, and strong endorsements by referees of high international standing. Publications and/or conference presentations in the history or philosophy of science, technology, and/or medicine will be an asset. The successful candidate will be expected to mount an innovative, competitive and externally funded research program.

The successful candidate must demonstrate teaching excellence through teaching accomplishments, the statement of teaching philosophy and the teaching dossier (including sample course materials and teaching evaluations), and strong letters of reference. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the IHPST’s research-intensive graduate programs and its undergraduate programs in science and society and history and philosophy of science by teaching undergraduate courses on the introduction to STS; graduate courses on STS theory and method; and by developing courses related to the candidate’s own research expertise. In addition, the successful candidate will have the ability to teach some of the Institute’s existing courses, such as Science and Values and the proseminar Introduction to History and Philosophy of Science.

The IHPST is one of a few units at the University of Toronto to forge intellectual and pedagogical connections between the humanities and sciences. We anticipate that the successful candidate will be involved in collaborative initiatives in research and teaching with other cognate departments depending upon their area(s) of expertise.

Salary to be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

To apply, please click on the link below. Applications must include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement outlining current and future research interests, a statement of teaching philosophy, a sample of academic writing, and a teaching dossier (including sample course materials and teaching evaluations). All application materials should be submitted online by October 30, 2018.

Applicants should also ask three referees to send letters directly to the Institute via e-mail to by October 30, 2018. Reference letters should be signed and on letterhead.

Submission guidelines can be found at: We recommend combining documents into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format.

If you have questions about this position, please contact

The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research and live in one of the most diverse and cosmopolitan areas in the world. For more information about the Institute, please visit .

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from racialized persons / persons of colour, women, Indigenous / Aboriginal People of North America, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

As part of your application, you will be asked to complete a brief Diversity Survey. This survey is voluntary. Any information directly related to you is confidential and cannot be accessed by search committees or human resources staff. Results will be aggregated for institutional planning purposes. For more information, please see .

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.


Muna Salloum
Business Manager and Executive Assistant to the Director
Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology
91 Charles St. W., Room 316
Victoria College
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 1K7
Tel: +1-416-978-5131
Mobile: +1-416-523-4564
Fax: +1-416-978-3003

Secondary Categories: None
Posting Date: 08/19/2018
Closing Date 11/17/2018

mercredi 29 août 2018

Une généalogie du bodybuilding masculin

A Genealogy of Male Bodybuilding. From classical to freaky

Dimitris Liokaftos

192 pages | 17 B/W Illus.

Bodybuilding has become an increasingly dominant part of popular gym culture within the last century. Developing muscles is now seen as essential for both general health and high performance sport. At the more extreme end, the monstrous built body has become a pop icon that continues to provoke fascination. This original and engaging study explores the development of male bodybuilding culture from the nineteenth century to the present day, tracing its transformations and offering a new perspective on its current extreme direction. 

Drawing on archival research, interviews, participant observation, and discourse analysis, this book presents a critical mapping of bodybuilding’s trajectory. Following this trajectory through the wider sociocultural changes it has been a part of, a unique combination of historical and empirical data is used to investigate the aesthetics of bodybuilding and the shifting notions of the good body and human nature they reflect. 

This book will be fascinating reading for all those interested in the history and culture of bodybuilding, as well as for students and researchers of the sociology of sport, gender and the body.

L’histoire du corps, un éclairage pour la médecine

Entre passé et présent : l’histoire du corps, un éclairage pour le droit, l’éthique et la morale en médecine ?

Journée d’étude

Vendredi 12 octobre 2018

Journée d’étude organisée par le Pr. Christian Hervé (Paris-Descartes, AIEMPP) et Stanis Perez (MSH Paris Nord)

Salle de conférences R229 (au 2e étage du Centre Universitaire des Saints-Pères),
45, rue des Saints-Pères, 75006 Paris (Métro : ligne 4, station St-Germain-des-Près)


8h45 Accueil des participants

9h-9h15 Allocution de Frédéric Dardel, Président de l’Université Paris-Descartes

9h15-9h30 Introduction de Christian Hervé

Historicités : le temps long du rapport médecin-malade

9h30-10h Le sujet malade et son corps dans la pensée et la pratique médicale médiévale.
Laurence Moulinier-Brogi

10h-10h30 Le statut de patient : du corps malade à la personne souffrante (16e-20e siècle.).
Stanis Perez

10h30-11h Remèdes ou poisons ? Les cas Agnès Sorel (1422-1450) et Diane de Poitiers (1500-1566)
Philippe Charlier

11h-11h15 Discussion


Informer le patient : entre jurisprudence et prise de parole par les malades

11h30-12h L’affaire dite du « sang contaminé ».
Olivier Garraud

12h-13h00 Table ronde autour de Christian Hervé : Le manque d’information autour des scandales récents en matière pharmaceutique.
Alain-Michel Ceretti (France Assos Santé), Laurence Carton (AFS-AFLAR), Jean-Luc Plavis, (France Assos Santé-Ile-de- France)

13h00 Repas

Le corps « entre la vie et la mort » : traitements, organes, accompagnements

14h30-15h15 Des valeurs, des avis et des lois dans la pratique médicale. Claude Huriet

15h15-15h30 Discussion

15h30-16h00 Les changements de comportements à travers les rituels autour de la mort.
Côme Bommier

16h00-16h15 Discussion

16h15-17h15 Table ronde autour de Stanis Perez : Les évolutions juridiques et éthiques sur les notions de mort et de fin de la vie. Martyna Tomczyk, Eric Martinent, Stamatios Tzitzis

17h15 Propos d’un grand témoin : Pr Jacques Rouëssé
Membre de l’Académie Nationale de Médecine.

17h30 Conclusions
Stanis Perez

mardi 28 août 2018

La lutte contre l'obésité au Canada

Fighting Fat: Canada, 1920-1980

Wendy Mitchinson

University of Tortonto Press 
46 p.

While the statistics for obesity have been alarming in the twenty-first century, concern about fatness has a history. In Fighting Fat, Wendy Mitchinson discusses the history of obesity and fatness from 1920 to 1980 in Canada. Through the context of body, medicine, weight measurement, food studies, fat studies, and the identity of those who were fat, Mitchinson examines the attitudes and practices of medical practitioners, nutritionists, educators, and those who see themselves as fat.

Fighting Fat analyzes a number of sources to expose our culture’s obsession with body image. Mitchinson looks at medical journals, both their articles and the advertisements for drugs for obesity, as well as magazine articles and advertisements, including popular "before and after" weight loss stories. Promotional advertisements reveal how the media encourages negative attitudes towards body fat. The book also includes over 30 interviews with Canadians who defined themselves as fat, highlighting the emotional toll caused by the stigmatizing of fatness.

La médecine dans les drames télévisés costumés.

Diagnosing History: Medicine in Television Costume Dramas

Call for Papers

September 15, 2018
Maryland, United States
Subject Fields: 
British History / Studies, Film and Film History, Popular Culture Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, American History / Studies

There has been a long relationship between television and medicine: some of the small screen’s most popular shows, on both sides of the Atlantic, have been medical in focus, from hospital-set dramas like ER to reality TV shows and docudramas like One Born Every Minute. This fascination with doctors, hospitals and bodies is also shared by period drama television, but scholarship has paid little attention to this intersection/relationship. Recent period dramas including The Knick, Mercy Street, and Charite, for example, use the hospital setting familiar from older shows like Bramwell, to address larger themes about the professionalization of medicine, medical innovations and failures, and the gender politics that surround the profession. Dramas like Call the Midwife document the progress of the NHS and female reproductive health while also engaging in contemporary debates about contraception, abortion, and disability. In addition, medical-driven narratives abound in almost every period drama on our screens today: war-induced mental and physical trauma in Peaky Blinders; Spanish ‘flu in The Village; gay conversion plotlines in A Place to Call Home; bodily and facial disfigurement in Home Fires; medical experimentation and monstrosity in Penny Dreadful and Frankenstein Chronicles; nursing as a vehicle of female emancipation in The Crimson Field and Morocco: Love in Times of War; and all of the above and many more in Downton Abbey, whose most famous plotlines are medical in nature. 

This edited collection seeks to address this important area of period drama studies, and we are looking for proposals for essays on any of the above issues, or which may be interdisciplinary in approach and engage with the medical humanities, interrogating relationships between medicine and history, class, gender or race. Our collection aims to be international in scope, so submissions about period dramas from/situated in any country are welcome.

Please send a 500 word abstract and brief biography by Sept 15, 2018 to:

Julie Anne Taddeo:

Katherine Byrne:

Contact Info: 
Dr. Julie Anne Taddeo
Contact Email: 

lundi 27 août 2018

Histoire du handicap

The Oxford Handbook of Disability History

Michael Rembis, Catherine J. Kudlick, Kim Nielsen (Editors)

Series: Oxford Handbooks
Hardcover: 552 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press (July 18, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0190234959

Disability history exists outside of the institutions, healers, and treatments it often brings to mind. It is a history where disabled people live not just as patients or cure-seekers, but rather as people living differently in the world--and it is also a history that helps define the fundamental concepts of identity, community, citizenship, and normality. 

The Oxford Handbook of Disability History is the first volume of its kind to represent this history and its global scale, from ancient Greece to British West Africa. The twenty-seven articles, written by thirty experts from across the field, capture the diversity and liveliness of this emerging scholarship. Whether discussing disability in modern Chinese cinema or on the American antebellum stage, this collection provides new and valuable insights into the rich and varied lives of disabled people across time and place.

Diversité et maladie mentale

Diversity and Mental Illness

Call for Papers

Workshop, 24 October

The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH), University of Oxford & Phenomenology and Mental Health Network The Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice, St. Catherine’s College Diversity and Mental Illness (one-day workshop) 24th of October 2018, University of Oxford

The workshop is a part of TORCH’s annual headline series Humanities & Identities

Organizers: Marcin Moskalewicz & Bill Fulford

Confirmed speakers:
Michael A. Schwartz (Texas A&M Health Science Center, USA)
Giovanni Stanghellini (Università degli Studi G. d’Annunzio Chieti e Pescara, Italy)


When speaking of diversity we usually focus on class, race, gender, sexuality, and disability, and forget mental disorders. Is this merely a coincidence, an oversight, or a sign of a deeper stigma? While contemporary cosmopolitan populations value the diversity of class, race, gender, etc., they often disvalue the diversity that is an inevitable consequence of mental syndromes. Our tolerance for radical mental otherness seems quite narrow. Modern mental health care calls for conformity and not for diversity, and it often pathologizes emotional and behavioral plurality of human beings. The goal of this workshop is to explore the question of diversity in mental health care from a transdisciplinary perspective cutting across medical humanities, history and philosophy of psychiatry, and phenomenological psychopathology.


Is there a stigma in our culture that prevents us from seeing some benefits of mental illness (such as those cherished by the neurodiversity movement)? What are these benefits? How to practice radical inclusivity today? Should we seek a balance within the often conflicting values in mental health care? Or must we rather learn to acknowledge the incompatible and irreducible variety of worldviews? Should the acceptance of a radically different perception of the world – such as a delusional one – be unconditional? What will a person-centered approach to mental disorders gain from assuming the diversity perspective?


We invite proposals of 20-30 minutes talks as well as posters. Please submit a 300-500 words abstract of your talk/poster to Deadline: 15th of September 2018. Applicants will be notified shortly afterwards.


Attendance is free of charge. Refreshments and lunch for the speakers will be provided. Limited funds are available to assist PhD students and Post-Docs with travel expenses. If you are in need of such support, please submit a request together with your abstract.

dimanche 26 août 2018

La mesure de la vie mentale

La mesure de la vie mentale & les Premiers Instruments Emblématiques de la Psychologie de Laboratoire


Jusqu’au 29 septembre 2018 au Musée d’Histoire de la Médecine
12 rue de l’École de Médecine - 75006 Paris

- du 27 juin au 13 juillet et du 1er au 29 septembre : du lundi au samedi de 14h à 17h30, sauf le jeudi
- du 16 juillet au 31 août : de 14h à 17h30 du lundi au vendredi (fermé le weekend et le 15 août)

Commissaire d’exposition : Yvan BROHARD, Chargé de mission Art & Science de l’Université Paris Descartes

L'esprit de cette exposition est de présenter au public quelques anciens instruments de la psychologie parmi les plus emblématiques et les plus curieux que l'Université Paris Descartes possède dans les riches collections de l'Institut de psychologie et du Musée d'histoire de la médecine. On pourra y admirer certains appareils construits par les firmes allemandes et françaises de la fin du XIXe siècle et du début du XXe siècle, dont il n'existe souvent plus aucun exemplaire connu dans le monde mais que le visiteur pourra ici contempler à loisir. Cette exposition s'inscrit résolument dans une politique de valorisation scientifique du patrimoine instrumental de l'Université Paris Descartes et ancre la psychologie française actuelle dans un passé glorieux.

Professeur de psychologie expérimentale et d'histoire de la psychologie à l'Université Paris Descartes
Membre senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France.

Les corps albinos

Different Shades of White: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Albinotic Body


6 - 8 September 2018 at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

Albinism made international headlines in recent years, from the terrible atrocities inflicted on persons with albinism in Eastern Africa to the emergence of fashion models with albinism around the world. It is much more than a medical phenomenon. At the conference, participants present papers that discuss albinism in historical, social, aesthetic and/or political perspective. We are interested in the varying perception, performance, representation, framing and treatment of albinism across different times and in several locales. How does the presentation of albinism differ in medicine, art photography, fictional literature or in the humanities and social sciences? The conference brings together experts from inside and outside academia to foster dialog and exchange about practical, political, artistic and scholarly perspectives.

Keynote lectures by
Ikponwosa Ero, United Nations Independent Expert on the enjoyment of human rights by persons with albinism
Charlotte Baker, Lancaster University

For registration, please write to
Please see the full programme available online for more details.

Contact Info: 
Conveners of the conference are the members of the research project "Un/doing Albinism: Recodings of a bodily difference through historically shifting frames" at the Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Prof. Dr. Matthias Krings coordinates the project; Kathrin Hoff and Christopher Hohl are research assistants. The project is itself a subproject of a larger multidisciplinary DFG Research Group "Un/doing Differences. Practices in Human Differentiation," established in 2013.

Contact Email: 

samedi 25 août 2018

René Nicolas Dufriche Desgenettes

Un médecin baron d'Empire, René Nicolas Dufriche Desgenettes

Henri Ducoulombier

Éditeur : Henri Ducoulombier
Prix de vente au public (TTC) : 20 €
642 pages ; 23 x 15 cm ; broché
ISBN 9781983364808

Résumé : Avec Percy et Larrey, René Nicolas Dufriche Desgenettes est l’une des trois grandes figures de la médecine et de la chirurgie du Premier Empire. Engagé dès 1793 dans les armées de la Révolution, il est médecin en chef à l’hôpital militaire du Val-de-Grâce, membre de l’expédition d’Égypte puis inspecteur général du Service de santé des Armées. Au cours des campagnes de Russie et de Saxe, il est fait prisonnier à Vilna en 1813 et à Torgau en 1814. De l’épopée napoléonienne, il aura connu surtout les hôpitaux et les charniers, les blessés, les malades et les épidémies. Resté dans l’ombre de ses pairs illustres, il lui fallait un historien. Avec ce livre, Henri Ducoulombier signe la première biographie, érudite et complète, d’un personnage majeur et peu connu de l’histoire de la médecine du Premier Empire.

Les récits médicaux de la mauvaise santé

Medical Narratives of Ill Health

Call for Papers

Humanities special issue

The field of literature and medicine has been steadily growing over the past four decades, solidifying itself as a vital component of the medical and health humanities. The intersection of literature and medicine enriches how we view issues of health, disease, and care, particularly in how we value the individual’s narrative of health and ill health to help with diagnosis, treatment, and the relationship between the practitioner and the patient. In an attempt to wade through the difficult terrain of defining disease and health, Kenneth Boyd provides the following medical definitions (adapted from Marshall Marinker’s earlier work): “Disease […] is the pathological process, deviation from a biological norm. Illness is the patient's experience of ill health, sometimes when no disease can be found. Sickness is the role negotiated with society” (Boyd, 1997). What Boyd reveals about these definitions is that one allows for the individual’s experience of ill health (illness), while the other two rely on others’ perceptions of ill health. Thus, he concludes, a clear definition of disease (and even sickness) is elusive: “to call something a disease is a value judgement, relatively unproblematic in cases when it is widely shared, but more contentious when people disagree about it” (Boyd, 1997). This contentious space has widened during the modern medical era (early nineteenth century to the present day), as medical reliance on technology favors an objective identification of disease. However, literary works, through both personal accounts and fictional scenarios, challenge this singular narrative of disease and ill health provided by the medical community.
For this special issue of Humanities, we seek to explore how literature from the early nineteenth century to the present day engages with and challenges modern medical authority when it comes to understanding disease, illness, and sickness. Papers for this special issue of Humanities should focus on narratives—fictional and/or non-fictional (such as medical realism, science fiction, pathographies, medical reports, etc.)—that explore the contentious space of disagreement between medicine, society, and the individual. Authors might consider topics such as: disease as metaphor; social vs. medical definitions of disease; patient agency and individual experiences of illness; challenges to medical technology’s presumed objectivity; representations of contagion and/or public health—or any other topics that relate to better understanding literary representations of disease, illness, and/or sickness.
Articles should be no more than 8000 words, inclusive of notes. The deadline for submission of articles to the guest editor is January 10, 2019: please email articles directly to Amanda M. Caleb at The deadline for final drafts is February 28, 2019, with expected puplication in early Summer 2019. Please consult the journal's webpage for formatting instructions: 

Dr. Amanda Caleb
Guest Editor

Contact Info: 
Dr. Amanda M. Caleb, Misericordia University
Contact Email: 

vendredi 24 août 2018

Les performances de la maladie dans la médecine victorienne

Playing Sick: Performances of Illness in the Age of Victorian Medicine 

Meredith Conti

Series: Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies
Hardcover: 232 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (July 19, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1138703117
ISBN-13: 978-1138703117

Few life occurrences shaped individual and collective identities within Victorian-era society as critically as witnessing or suffering from illness. The prevalence of illness narratives within late nineteenth-century popular culture was made manifest on the period’s British and American stages, where theatrical embodiments of illness were indisputable staples of actors’ repertoires.

Playing Sick: Performances of Illness in the Age of Victorian Medicine reconstructs how actors embodied three of the era’s most provocative illnesses: tuberculosis, drug addiction, and mental illness. In placing performances of illness within wider medicocultural contexts, Meredith Conti analyzes how such depictions confirmed or resisted salient constructions of diseases and the diseased. Conti’s case studies, which range from Eleonora Duse’s portrayal of the consumptive courtesan Marguerite Gautier to Henry Irving’s performance of senile dementia in King Lear, help to illuminate the interdependence of medical science and theatre in constructing nineteenth-century illness narratives. Through reconstructing these performances, Conti isolates from the period’s acting practices a lexicon of embodied illness: a flexible set of physical and vocal techniques that performers employed to theatricalize the sick body. In an age when medical science encouraged a gradual decentering of the patient from their own diagnosis and treatment, late nineteenth-century performances of illness symbolically restored the sick to positions of visibility and consequence.