Significance of Race and Place: Historical Examination of Equity & Belonging in Nursing & Healthcare
Call for papers
The American Association for the History of Nursing (AAHN) invites abstract submissions for the 42nd Annual Nursing and Healthcare History conference, to be held in Wilmington, NC from October 16-18, 2025. The AAHN is offering three separate abstract tracks: (1) original research; (2) teaching nursing and healthcare history; or (3) thematic proposals. While we encourage the submission of research & educational innovations that examine the historical significance of race and/or place for nursing or healthcare practice, education, and/or policy which align with our conference theme, as always, we are happy to receive abstracts on any aspect of nursing and healthcare history. Submissions should match the criteria in one of the three abstract tracks and, where applicable, must indicate the preferred presentation option, either poster, podium, or panel presentation. The conference call for abstracts opens Monday, December 2, 2024, and closes on Friday, February 28, 2025. Presenters will be notified via email of their acceptance status by Friday, April 4, 2025.
Track Descriptions
Track 1: Original Research
As the premier forum for researchers, faculty, and enthusiasts of nursing history to share their scholarship, AAHN welcomes abstracts of original, completed work utilizing historical methodology. The research can address events, issues, and topics in any area of nursing and healthcare history, from any region or time period, as well as those that engage related fields such as women’s labor, technology, economic history, and race and gender studies.
Track 2: Teaching Nursing and Healthcare History
Building on the success of the education-focused pre-conference session at the 40th Annual conference, AAHN welcomes abstract submissions describing completed work in teaching nursing or healthcare history. Submissions focused on education can describe an entire course, a module or unit, an individual class or seminar, or a specific teaching and learning activity but must include information on planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Track 3: Thematic Proposals
AAHN also welcomes abstracts for thematic proposals. These presentations are intended not for original scholarship, but to address topics of broad interest such as new themes in historiography, teaching, research methods, and advocacy. Though limited to 60 minutes, presenters may utilize a flexible format and structure. They should, however, include several speakers for a more multidimensional perspective.
Guidelines for Submission
Abstracts must arrive on or before February 28, 2025, and must be submitted via the Oxford Abstracts submission portal: Oxford Abstracts Submission Portal. Presenters will be required to select an abstract track and indicate their desired presentation format, either poster, podium, or panel.
Abstracts should be 500 words or less, exclusive of footnoted references and learning objectives. Abstract content must be blinded; all references to the organizations and/or authors by name must be omitted from the title and body of the abstract to ensure a fair, unbiased review process. Failure to comply with this blinded process will result in automatic abstract disqualification. A complete submission will include all of the following elements: Abstract Body, References, and Learning Objectives.
Abstract Body: 500 words max; each section of the abstract should be clearly identified using the 4 following headers:
Purpose and Background: Research and Thematic Tracks: provide an overview of the topic, including the problem identified, the major actors, their interests, and the historical period. Summarize the historical literature on the topic and contextualize your work within the key texts and approaches in the field. Describe how your work is different and what it contributes to the extant body of knowledge.
Teaching Track: provide an overview of the learning need by identifying the problem that was addressed through education with historical content. Describe and summarize any background literature utilized in the development of the learning activity.
Methods / Course Design / Implementation Plan: Research and Thematic Tracks: identify and describe the methodology, framework, or theory underpinning the work. Include information on data sources and/or archival collections accessed for primary source material.
Teaching Track: identify and describe the theory, philosophy, or framework guiding the development of the learning activity. Provide an overview of the education, including a description of the intended learners and the history content that was incorporated. Discuss the implementation plan and describe any challenges incurred during course planning or execution.
Results / Outcomes: Research and Thematic Tracks: describe key findings from the work, supported by evidence discovered during data collection. Discuss the data analysis methods that informed your findings.
Teaching Track: identify and describe the learning assessment and evaluation methods used to determine the impact and effectiveness of the education activity. Summarize outcome data and discuss the data analysis methods that informed your findings.
Conclusions / Implications: Research and Thematic Tracks: summarize your conclusion and discuss the significance of your findings for nursing research and/or practice. Indicate how your work contributes to a more inclusive history of nursing or healthcare and/or addresses a significant gap in nursing scholarship.
Teaching Track: discuss any planned changes to the learning activity based on outcome data and experiential feedback from learners and describe plans for continuous evaluation moving forward. Summarize the implications of the education on the learners’ future nursing practice.
References: Any footnoted references from the abstract text should be cited using the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition. References are a separate section and are not considered part of the abstract word count.
Learning Objectives: Please state a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 learning objectives that you expect participants to meet by attending your session. Learning objectives utilize an action verb and must be congruent with the abstract text. New knowledge must be gained to qualify for continuing education (CE) contact hours.
Contact Information
American Association for the History of Nursing
Contact Email