mardi 29 juin 2021

Histoires scientifiques

Storie di scienza
Call for papers
SISS Conference of Early Career Scholars in History of Science

15-16 October 2021 (online)

The SISS network of early career scholars in history of science has been recently established to put PhD students, research fellows, and postdoctoral researchers of different backgrounds and at the beginning of their careers in contact with each other and to facilitate dialogue among them. The aim is to involve these scholars more in the activities of the SISS and offer them the opportunity to collaborate, learn about each other, and make known their research.

The first “pilot” edition of the conference Storie di scienza sponsored by the network will be held online on 15-16 October 2021. This conference will be devoted to exploring the richness of approaches, methodologies, and themes of the discipline in order to showcase a wide range of studies and provide a picture of the current state of research in the field of history of science in Italy and beyond. 

Consequently, the focus of this first event, which it is hoped will be held annually, has been purposefully left open in terms of topics as well as methodological and historiographical approaches.

The interdisciplinary approach of the conference is combined with a broad historical scope, stretching from antiquity to the present, in order to highlight the trajectories of the various scientific disciplines in diverse traditions and geographical contexts – from the natural and hard sciences to the medical and clinical disciplines; from social, economic, and political science to cognitive science. The conference also welcomes all disciplines that put history of science in dialogue with political, cultural, social, and religious history, global history, gender history, history of art and architecture, and book history, among other fields. More generally, the conference aims to collect and connect various perspectives on science – from its visual and material dimensions to its more purely intellectual dimensions.

Proposals based on the following areas will be considered:
- Objects. What objects, instruments and material devices have been used over time to convey scientific knowledge? To what extent has materiality influenced the transmission and circulation of science, and what were the epistemic roles of visual representations of science?
- Places. Through what political, cultural, social, and educational institutions has science been conveyed at local and global scales? What were the roles of professional environments? What were the roles of publishers and publishing venues? What roles did home environments, or more generally, non-professional environments have? How did collaboration between science and industry develop?
- Actors. Who are the protagonists of the history of science? How has the socio-professional status of scientists evolved? What role has the collaborative aspect of research and experimentation played in the development of science? What has been the contribution of women to the development of science? What epistemic practices have had non-professional figures and individuals outside science as protagonists?
- Knowledge. Through what themes, theories, methodologies, and practices has the evolution of scientific disciplines been realized? How has the dialogue with other fields, both
scientific/technical, and non-scientific, contributed to the development of scientific disciplines? What kind of relationship have scientific disciplines had, for instance, with the humanities, religion, applied sciences and economy?
- Representations. What images of science, scientists, natural phenomena, and scientific knowledge have literature, music, and the fine arts conveyed? To what extent have literature, music, and the fine arts contributed to the dissemination and popularization of science? What role did images play in the production and dissemination of science?
- Historiography. What is history of science and how did it develop in Italy and in an international context? What types of dialogues has history of science had with other historical and non-historical disciplines? Who were the protagonists in the discipline? How is the relationship with recent historiography evolving?

The conference is open to PhD students and early career scholars who received their doctorate not more than six years ago. We welcome both panels (3-4 presenters, with a chair indicated) and single talks.
The preferred language of the conference is Italian, but proposals in English are also accepted. Papers should have a title and abstract (max 400 words). For panels, both a general abstract (max 600 words) and the abstracts of individual talks (max 400 words) are requested. A short biography of participants of max 50 words is also required; this should include institutional affiliation and email address.

Proposals should be sent to:
Deadline for proposal submissions: 23 July 2021
Notification of proposal acceptance: 3 September 2021
Membership in SISS for 2021 is necessary to participate in the conference.

Organizing committee:
Stefano Tomassetti, Valentina Vignieri, Denise Vincenti

Conference secretary:
Claudia Addabbo

Scientific committee:
Elena Canadelli, Mauro Antonelli, Marco Beretta, Benedetta Campanile, Luigi Ingaliso, Sandra Linguerri, Erika Luciano, Flavia Marcacci, Matteo Martelli, Paolo Mazzarello, Carmela Morabito, Laura Ronzon, Ezio Vaccari

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