vendredi 3 juillet 2020

Les humanités en santé en pratique

From the Trenches: Health Humanities in Application

Call for Chapter Proposals

Editors: Christian Riegel (Regina) & Katherine M. Robinson (Regina)

The health humanities field arises out of encounters of the humanities with health broadly conceived, and has rapidly become recognized for its breadth of application, involving numerous disciplines, expansive interdisciplinary practice, and multiple professional and individual contexts. A key consideration that binds these encounters is how health and the humanities come together in application, and From the Trenches builds from this elemental concept.

As the field of health humanities continues to expand, we assert the primary concern is how we find the humanities in action in health contexts. This assertion motivates the conception of From the Trenches: Health Humanities in Application, which underscores the need to move beyond theoretical and meta discussion and articulate the deployments of the humanities in health practice, research, teaching, and creative endeavour, to more fully understand the contexts and boundaries of the field.

We invite expressions of interest relating to any aspect of the intersections of health and the humanities in applied contexts. These contexts can range from the conventional humanities disciplines (e.g., literary studies, history, philosophy, etc.) to creative fields (e.g., visual art, digital art, installation art) to epistemological considerations. The notion of application should be broadly conceived to include any expression of health. For example, considerations of art creation and disability, research on literary and/or artistic expressions of disease, pedagogical discussions of how and where the humanities fit within health education (and not just medical education), or how the humanities are deployed in a wide-range of professional contexts would fit well. Other configurations are anticipated as well. We welcome innovative, unique, and non-traditional articulations of our theme.


Expression of interest July 30, 2020. Include in the expression of interest: (1) title, and (2) a 300-word abstract that describes the topic of the proposed chapter and that makes clear its articulation of the health humanities in application.

Decisions on expressions of interest and invitation to submit a full abstract: August 31, 2020

Full abstract due: September 30, 2020

Submission of book proposal to the publisher: October 31, 2020

Full chapter submission: March 15, 2021

Submission of manuscript to the publisher: July 1, 2021

Submit expressions of interest to

Contact Info:

Christian Riegel

Campion College/University of Regina

3737 Wascana Parkway

Regina, SK S4S 0A2


Contact Email:

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