vendredi 28 mars 2014

Les mains sur les instruments

Hands on Instruments: Instrumental Practice in Twentieth Century Science, Medicine and Technology

Call for papers

University of Cambridge, 20-22 July 2014.

Organized by Ramona A. Braun, Cambridge.

Supported by the Wellcome Trust, the Society for Social History of Medicine, and the British Society for the History of Science

This conference will address the ways in which gestures and hand movements constitute a crucial basis of creative, analytical and didactic processes in 20th century science, medicine and technology. Participants argue that the human hand has a major impact on research and research-related activities, coming from History, STS, Anthropology, Design, Philosophy, Biomedical Engineering and Sociology.

Gestures are not only considered as ways to support communication through language: hand movements are also creative and teaching devices. Manual practice informs scientific and medical research on every level. We put special emphasis on the new digital technologies such as screens and robots. We also describe the impact of standardization and rationalization on wrist and finger movements.

Abstracts are accepted for some free slots, graduate students and early career scholars welcome.

Registration and information:


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