mardi 19 novembre 2013

31e congrès d'histoire du nursing

Thirty-first Annual History of Nursing Conference

Call for abstracts

American Association for the History of Nursing
Storrs and Hartford, CT
September 18-21, 2014

The American Association for the History of Nursing and the University of Connecticut's School of Nursing, are co-sponsoring the Association's thirty-first annual conference to be held in Hartford and Storrs, CT. The conference provides a forum for researchers interested in sharing new research that addresses events, issues, and topics in any area of nursing and health care history broadly construed to encompass the history of nursing, global nursing history, nursing practice, health care institutions, caring, illness, healing work and public health. Submissions pertaining to all areas and regions of the world are welcome. Papers and posters that expand the horizons of nursing and health care history and engage related fields such as women's, labor, technology, and economic history and race and gender studies are encouraged. Individual papers, posters, and panel presentations are featured at the conference. Additional information about AAHN and the conference can be obtained at

Guidelines for Submission: A one-page abstract of a completed study will be accepted by email. Submit two copies of your abstract; one must include the title, author's name(s), credentials, institutional affiliation, phone/fax and email. If more than one author is listed, indicate who is serving as the contact person. Indicate whether a paper, poster, or panel presentation is sought. The second copy of the abstract should include only the title, and mode of presentation with no other identifying information.

Abstracts must include: Purpose of study, rationale and significance, description of methodology, identification of major primary and secondary sources, findings and conclusions. Each section of the abstract should be clearly identified. Abstracts will be selected on the basis of merit through blind review.

Abstract preparation: Margins must be one and one-half inches on the left, and one inch on the right, top, and bottom. Center the title in upper case, and single space the body using 12 point Times (New Roman) font. Accepted abstracts will be printed as submitted in the conference program; thus, when printed, the abstract must fit one side of one 8.5" x 11" paper.

Submission Date: Abstracts must arrive on or before January 31, 2014

Submit to:

All conference presenters must be AAHN members.

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