mardi 2 juillet 2013

Nouveau Blog

Circulating Now
Nouvea blog de la division Histoire de la médecine de la National Library of Medicine

Free things like air,
Vital things like blood,
Living things like ideas…

For over 175 years the National Library of Medicine’s historical collections have circulated to generations within the reading rooms of its various locations in and around Washington, DC. Now, these collections—as part of the trillions of bytes of data produced and delivered by the world’s largest biomedical library—circulate daily to millions of people around the world, including scientists, health professionals, scholars, educators, students, and the general public.

Circulating Now sustains the tradition and commitment of the NLM, and libraries everywhere, to provide knowledge and expertise freely and to inspire people and enrich lives.

Circulating Now conveys the vitality of medical history in our 21st-century world: its relevance and importance for research, teaching, and learning about the human condition.

Circulating Now evokes the living quality of the NLM’s historical collections and the stories they offer about the experience of health and disease across ten centuries and around the world.

Circulating Now is managed by:

Beth Mullen
Managing Editor

Jeffrey S. Reznick
Chief, History of Medicine Division

Michael J. North
Erika Mills
Christie Moffat
Ginny A. Roth
Michael Sappol

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