samedi 3 février 2024

Nouvelles perspectives du cimetière de Laoguanshan

Classical Medicine: New Insights from Laoguanshan Cemetery

Asian Medicine: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine - Special Issue

Edited by Vivienne Lo, Shelley Ochs, and Dolly Yang


Classical Medicine 
Authors: Vivienne Lo


Collating and Interpreting the Medical Bamboo Slips Excavated from the Han Tombs in Tianhui Town
Authors: Man Gu

Bamboo Slip Medical Manuscripts Excavated from Tianhui Township, Sichuan
Authors: Changhua Liu, Man Gu, Yang Liu, Qi Zhou, and Qiong Luo

Investigating the Clan Affiliations of the Occupants of the Laoguanshan 老官山 Han Tombs in Chengdu
Author: Tao Xie

Research on the Lacquered Channel Figurine Excavated from a Han Tomb in Tianhui
Author: Qi Zhou

Bian Que’s Twelve Channels? [OPEN ACCESS]
Author: Jianmin Li and Dolly Yang

Reflections on Bian Que in Religious and Medical Traditions in Early China
Author: Shelley Ochs

Looms of Life [OPEN ACCESS]
Author: Vivienne Lo

Preliminary Translation of the Tianhui Laoguanshan Manuscript on Piercing as Therapy 
Author: Vivienne Lo

Techniques for Piercing the Mai Recorded in the Laoguanshan Han Tomb Bamboo Slips
Authors: Man Gu, Qi Zhou, and Changhua Liu

Practitioner Responses to the Tianhui Laoguanshan Medical Manuscripts and Artifacts
Authors: Edward Neal and George He

Preliminary Report on the Tianhui Bamboo Manuscript Methods of Decoctions with Blended Formulas to Treat Sixty Ailments
Authors: Qiong Luo, Man Gu, and Changhua Liu

Mapping the Bencao
Author: Michael Stanley-Baker

A Brief Introduction to the Horse Medical Manuscript from the Tianhui Laoguanshan Han Tomb Author: Dolly Yang

Book Reviews

Pandemic Medicine: Why the Global Innovation System Is Broken, and How We Can Fix It, written by Kathryn C. Ibata-Arens
Author: Michael Stanley-Baker

Body and Cosmos: Studies in Early Indian Medical and Astral Sciences in Honor of Kenneth G. Zysk, edited by Knudsen, Toke Lindegaard, Jacob Schmidt-Madsen, and Sara Speyer
Author: Eric Moses Gurevitch

Unani Medicine in the Making: Practices and Representations in 21st Century India, written by Kira Schmidt Stiedenroth
Author: Sabrina Datoo

Mao’s Bestiary: Medicinal Animals and Modern China, written by Liz P. Y. Chee
Author: Ayo Wahlberg

The Practice of Texts: Education and Healing in South India, written by Anthony Cerulli
Author: Leena Abraham

Chinese Medicine in East Africa: An Intimacy with Strangers, written by Elisabeth Hsu
Author: Amanda Kaminsky

Madness in the Family: Women, Care, and Illness in Japan, written by H. Yumi Kim
Author: Harry Yi-Jui Wu

Healing at the Periphery: Ethnographies of Tibetan Medicine in India, edited by Laurent Pordié and Stephan Kloos
Author: Jan M. A. van der Valk

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