jeudi 25 octobre 2018

Congrès nordique d'histoire de la médecine

Nordic Medical History Congress

Call for Papers


Abstract Submission Guidelines
Participants who would like to contribute with an oral or poster presentation must submit an abstract for consideration by the Scientific Committee. Please find an abstract example below.
All themes and topics within the history of medicine are welcome.

Ten bursaries for (PhD) students: Win free congress registration upon accepted abstract
The 27NMHC offers up to ten bursaries consisting of free registration to the congress for (PhD) Students (worth 1.599 DKK). Eligible are (PhD) students, who are working in Europe and whose abstract has been accepted (presenting author). You will have to register for the congress before being reimbursed by the organizers, and the offer does not include social dinner & excursions.

– Only electronic submissions will be accepted for review.
Send your abstract by mail to:

– The abstracts should be submitted in English no later than 23 November.

– The abstracts submitted must include the following 7 items:
1) Title
2) Presenting author and co-authors, incl. contact information
3) Affiliation(s)
4) Applying for free congress registration upon accepted abstract
5) Preference for oral presentation or poster presentation
6) Audio-visual equipment requirements
7) Abstract text (no more than 250 words)

– The Scientific Committee will determine whether the abstract will be accepted for oral presentation or for a poster presentation, with consideration to be given to the author’s preference.

– Oral presentations: Speakers should confirm upon submission of their abstract which audio-visual equipment they will require for presentation.

– An author may submit no more than 2 abstracts as presenting author.
You may be co-author to an unlimited number of abstracts.

– The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission to the Scientific Committee.

– In submitting paper(s), you certify that the paper(s) is/are your contribution and give permission for the Organizing Committee to publish it/them – if accepted – in the Congress Interactive ePDF, including all abstracts etc.

– You further agree that if your paper(s) is/are accepted, you promise to appear and present your paper(s) or arrange for its/their poster presentation(s).

Abstract Example (200 words)
1. Title: The globalization of chronic disease
2a. Presenting author: John Doe (1),
2b. Co-author(s): Jane Doe (1,2), & Janet Doe (2),
3. Affiliation(s): (1): University of Gothenburg, Sweden; (2): University of Lund, Sweden.
4. Applying for free congress registration upon accepted abstract (students only): Yes.
5. Preference for oral presentation or poster presentation: Oral presentation.
6. Audio-visual equipment requirements: Nothing to declare.
7. Abstract:
Chronic noncommunicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries have recently provoked a surge of public interest. This paper examines the policy literature, notably World Health Organization archives and publications going back to the 1970s, to analyze the emergence and consolidation of this new agenda.

Starting with programs to control cardiovascular disease in the 1970s, experts from eastern and western Europe had by the late 1980s consolidated a program for the prevention of noncommunicable diseases risk factors at the WHO. These diseases remained a minor concern until the collaboration of World Bank health economists with WHO epidemiologists led to the Global Burden of Disease study that provided an “evidentiary breakthrough” for noncommunicable diseases activism by quantifying the extent of the problem.

Soon after, WHO itself underwent major reform. Noncommunicable diseases advocacy contributed to revitalizing WHO’s normative and coordinating functions. By leading a growing advocacy coalition, within which The Lancet played a key role, WHO established itself as a dominant institution in this domain. However, ever-widening concern and advocacy has not yet led to major reallocation of funding in favor of noncommunicable disease programs in the developing world.

We look forward to your participation in this hopefully exciting and inspiring event and we would love to see you as our guest in Copenhagen.

Ulrik Bak Kirk
Organizing Committee President

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