lundi 10 février 2020

Séminaire du CHOMI

Centre for the History of Medicine in Ireland Spring Seminar Series 2020

5pm Thursdays

Room K114, School of History, UCD

6 February 2020

Dr Ana Antic (University of Exeter)
‘Decolonising madness? Transcultural psychiatry and the birth of a “global psyche” after WWII : a global history from below

20 February 2020 

Panel: ‘New Histories of the Medical Profession’

Dr Mary Hatfield (University College Dublin) 
‘Passionate physicians and childish children: diagnosing emotion in Irish paediatrics, 1780-1850’

Dr Kieran Fitzpatrick (National University of Ireland, Galway)
‘Beyond villainy? Some reflections on the medical profession and its place in modern history’

23 April 2020

Dr Laura Kelly (University of Strathclyde)
‘Sex, marriage and contraception in Ireland, 1950-80: an oral history of sexual knowledge and family planning practices

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