samedi 12 avril 2014

Les méthodes dans les archives médicales

Methods in the medical archives


On 23th April 2014, Walferdange Campus, Luxembourg

Meeting and reflexions between PhD and post doctoral students working with medical sources that were produced in medical institutions in the 19th and 20th century (patient files, admission books, administrative or personal correspondence and documents, photos or moving images, etc). It will be an exchange about methodological approach to these sources: How are we using them (quantitative/qualitative analysis)? What kind of history do we intent to write? How are we choosing our material (criteria for exclusion and inclusion)? among other questions…


09h00-09h15 : Welcoming and presentation of the day

Morning Session
- 09h15-10h00 :
Presentation of Tinne Claes and Veronique Deblon (KU Leuven, University of Leuven, PhD fellow)
“Anatomy, scientific authority and the visualized body in medicine and culture (Belgium, 1780-1930)”

- 10h00-10h30 :
Presentation of Sophie Richelle (UniLu, University of Luxembourg, PhD)
” Between administration, assistance and care : the elderly hospices archives (Bruxelles – 19th century)

- 10h30-11h00 :
Presentation of Chantal Marazia (DHVS, Département d’histoire des sciences de la vie et de la santé, Strasbourg, Post-doctorante).
” Methodologische Verschiebungen: Vom Archiv eines kleinen Privatkrankenhauses in die Universitätsklinik”

- 11h00-11h20 : Pause

- 11h20-11h50 :
Présentation of Max Gawlich (Ruprecht-Karls Universität, Historisches Seminar, PhD Candidate, Professorship for Economic and Social History)
“Therapeutical practices in psychiatric patient files. Methodological questions between absence and positivism”

- 11h50-12h20:
Présentation of Johanna Tietje (UniLu, University of Luxembourg, PhD)
“The Patient File in Contemporary Medical History: Problems and Possibilities”

12h20-13h30 : Lunch

Afternoon Session:
- 13h30-14h00: Introduction to general discussion (by Sophie Richelle et Johanna Tietje)
- 14h00-16h00 : General Discussion (Benoit Majerus)

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