mercredi 31 décembre 2014
mardi 30 décembre 2014
La molécule anticorps
The Antibody Molecule: From antitoxins to therapeutic antibodies
Anthony R. Rees
Hardcover: 384 pages
Éditeur: Oxford University Press (7 novembre 2014)
Langue: English
ISBN-10: 0199646570
ISBN-13: 978-0199646579
Dimensions du produit: 23,6 x 2,3 x 16,3 cm
Hardcover: 384 pages
Éditeur: Oxford University Press (7 novembre 2014)
Langue: English
ISBN-10: 0199646570
ISBN-13: 978-0199646579
Dimensions du produit: 23,6 x 2,3 x 16,3 cm
The Antibody Molecule follows the extraordinary journey of the medics and scientists who shaped the course of medical advances in the field of immunology. One of the oldest of the medical sciences, immunology has a history that has seen chemists, physicists and biologists alike seeking to unravel the most complex system in the human body outside the brain. This book charts its intriguing history, from the genetic basis of antibody diversity, through the understanding of the mechanism by which the immune system's first line of defence works, to breakthroughs in crystallography and the exploitation of immunoglobulins as therapeutic platforms to treat cancer, inflammation and allergy. Tracing the developments in immunology in chronological order, Professor Anthony R. Rees presents the historical contexts of the periods in rich detail, bringing them to life with quotes and illustrations. This fascinating book examines the literature of the time, turning points, and controversies. A must read for immunologists and life scientists, as well as historians of science and medicine.
Histoire de la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, History of Medicine (Life of Breath)
Call for applications
Department of Philosophy
Bristol University
Division/SchoolSchool of Arts
Contract type Fixed term contract staff
Working pattern Full time
Salary £31,342 - 35,256
Closing date for applications 01-Feb-2015
The Life of Breath project is a 5-year Wellcome Trust funded project, headed by Prof Jane Macnaughton (Durham) and Prof Havi Carel (Bristol). Life of Breath examines breathing and breathlessness, suggesting that these can only be understood fully by drawing not only on physiological and pathological information, but also on cultural, historical and phenomenological sources. The key goal of the project is to use medical humanities to inform interventions in diseases in which breathlessness is a symptom. For more information on the project see: (see also the appendix of the job description, via link below).
The successful applicant for this postdoctoral position will pursue a three-year project of research within the medical history research strand of the project. This strand will examine the recent history of COPD. Because COPD’s defining symptom is breathlessness, it provides an important and prevalent standard to focus clinical attention. Historical texts pertaining to breathing problems, including bronchitis and emphysema, texts documenting advances in pathology and medical diagnostic tools, and more recent clinical guidelines for COPD, will be analysed in this postdoctoral research project. Mapping the historical trajectory of the medical understanding of COPD and breathlessness will illuminate, and be illuminated by, literary and cultural history, philosophy, medical anthropology, and medical humanities, which form the other strands of the project (for further information see the appendix of the job description, via the link below, as well as the project website).
The successful applicant will be expected to work independently at a postdoctoral level, and to publish and present work in academic and non-academic contexts. They will be mentored by a multidisciplinary team, consisting of Prof Tim Cole (Bristol, history), Prof Gareth Williams (Bristol, medicine and medical history), and Prof Havi Carel (Bristol, phenomenology of breathlessness and project PI).
Applicants should have, or be very near completion of, a PhD in medical history, and should have research experience in the field. For person specification and further details about the post please access the job description via the link below. Please read the job description carefully before submitting your application.
The start date for this post is 1 March 2015 (or as soon as possible thereafter).
Please supply:
1. An academic CV (including a publication list),
2. A writing sample of up to 8,000 words,
3. The names and contact details of two academic referees,
4. A 2,000-3,000 personal statement
In your personal statement explain how you would approach the research project described above (for further details on the project see the appendix to the job description) and how you would make a valuable contribution to the Life of Breath project more broadly.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Prof Havi Carel in the Department of Philosophy by telephone at +44 (0)117 954 6690 or by email at
Please note that the University will be closed for Christmas from 24 December to 4 January so you may not get a response to your email until 5 January. It is anticipated that interviews will be held on 20 February 2015
lundi 29 décembre 2014
Les récits de l'asile cantonal de la Waldau
Schreiben am Rand: Die »Bernische kantonale Irrenanstalt Waldau« und ihre Narrative (1895-1936)
Martina Wernli
Broschiert: 450 Seiten
Verlag: transcript; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (5. Dezember 2014)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3837628787
ISBN-13: 978-3837628784
The book is concerned with selected texts, which were written in the Bernische kantonale Irrenanstalt Waldau (Switzerland) at the beginning of the 20th century. The study follows the questions, what was written in a certain clinic, Waldau, at this time, how someone would write there, who writes and why they write and what about. The thesis analyses various types of texts concerning their form and content. This assembly of texts interlaces and shows the clinic as a place of writing.
The presentation of this specific place of writing concentrates on the time between 1895 and 1936 because of the presence of well-known patients: in 1895, Adolf Wölfli (1864–1930) is brought to Waldau for an examination, in 1936, Friedrich Glauser (1896–1938) is allowed to leave the mental institution and between 1929 and 1933, Robert Walser (1878–1956) stays interned there.
After theoretically exploring the alliance between writing an place, the thesis persists of two main parts: In the first, the history of the clinic and its protagonists are focused, whereas the second part is dealing with texts both well-known and nameless patients as well as with medical records. The thesis shows, how in writing as a performative act, the clinic becomes visible and legible and how through this process the requirements of the clinic are built, but also addressed and it shows how these requirements form the condition of future writing in the setting of the closed clinic.
Martina Wernli
Broschiert: 450 Seiten
Verlag: transcript; Auflage: 1., Aufl. (5. Dezember 2014)
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN-10: 3837628787
ISBN-13: 978-3837628784
The book is concerned with selected texts, which were written in the Bernische kantonale Irrenanstalt Waldau (Switzerland) at the beginning of the 20th century. The study follows the questions, what was written in a certain clinic, Waldau, at this time, how someone would write there, who writes and why they write and what about. The thesis analyses various types of texts concerning their form and content. This assembly of texts interlaces and shows the clinic as a place of writing.
The presentation of this specific place of writing concentrates on the time between 1895 and 1936 because of the presence of well-known patients: in 1895, Adolf Wölfli (1864–1930) is brought to Waldau for an examination, in 1936, Friedrich Glauser (1896–1938) is allowed to leave the mental institution and between 1929 and 1933, Robert Walser (1878–1956) stays interned there.
After theoretically exploring the alliance between writing an place, the thesis persists of two main parts: In the first, the history of the clinic and its protagonists are focused, whereas the second part is dealing with texts both well-known and nameless patients as well as with medical records. The thesis shows, how in writing as a performative act, the clinic becomes visible and legible and how through this process the requirements of the clinic are built, but also addressed and it shows how these requirements form the condition of future writing in the setting of the closed clinic.
Les malades mentaux pendant la Première Guerre Mondiale
Documentaire de Jean-Yves Le Naour et Grégory Laville
Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, nombreux sont les soldats qui ne se
sont jamais remis du spectacle quotidien de l'horreur auquel ils ont
assisté sur le front. C'est le cas notamment de Baptiste Deschamps qui,
dès septembre 1914, s'est retrouvé prostré après un bombardement. Or,
les médecins, réfractaires à la psychanalyse, importée d'outre-Rhin, se
montrent impuissants face à ce type de souffrance. Promené d'hôpital en
hôpital, Baptiste Deschamps se voit appliquer des méthodes douces, avant
de subir la technique de Clovis Vincent, étoile montante de la
neurologie française, qui consiste à infliger au patient des décharges
d'électricité, pour que la douleur physique prenne le pas sur la
souffrance psychique.
dimanche 28 décembre 2014
Le corpus hippocratique
The 'Hippocratic' Corpus: Content and Context
Elizabeth M. Craik
Hardcover: 344 pages
Éditeur: Routledge (16 décembre 2014)
Langue: English
ISBN-10: 1138021695
ISBN-13: 978-1138021693
Dimensions du produit: 15,6 x 23,4 cm
Elizabeth M. Craik
Hardcover: 344 pages
Éditeur: Routledge (16 décembre 2014)
Langue: English
ISBN-10: 1138021695
ISBN-13: 978-1138021693
Dimensions du produit: 15,6 x 23,4 cm
The Hippocratic Corpus comprises some sixty medical works of varying length, style and content. Collectively, this is the largest surviving body of early Greek prose. As such, it is an invaluable resource for scholars and students not only of ancient medicine but also of Greek life in general.
Hippocrates lived in the age of Socrates and most of the treatises seem to originate in the classical period. There is, however, no consensus on Hippocratic attribution. The ‘Hippocratic’ Corpus examines the works individually under the broad headings:
content - each work is summarised for the reader
comment - the substance and style of each work is discussed
context is provided not just in relation to the corpus as a whole but also to the work’s wider relevance.
Whereas the scholar or student approaching, say, Euripides or Herodotus has a wealth of books available to provide introduction and orientation, no such study has existed for the Hippocratic Corpus. As The ‘Hippocratic’ Corpus has a substantial introduction, and as each work is summarised for the reader, it facilitates use and exploration of an important body of evidence by all interested in Greek medicine and society.
Elizabeth Craik is Honorary Professor at University of St Andrews and Visiting Professor at University of Newcastle, UK.
Réévaluer les anciennes théories de la génération
One-seed, two-seed, three-seed? Reassessing ancient
theories of generation
Rebecca Flemming (Classics, Cambridge)
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
University of Cambridge Free School Lane, Cambridge CB2 3RH
Thursday 15 January 2015 at 4:30pm
Medical and philosophical theories of generation from the
classical world are often classified according to whether the female as well as
the male produces 'seed', the substance which does the most important work in
procreation. Aristotle is usually identified as the most influential proponent
of the 'one-seed model', while Galen champions the 'two-seed' cause, and the
debate between them continues, and continues to matter, for centuries. At stake
here is not just theoretical efficiency – how well the full complexities of
parental resemblance are accounted for by the contending notions, for example –
but also, it has been suggested, politics and patriarchy. Two seeds are thus
better, more egalitarian, than one, because this model values the female role
in generation more positively. The lecture will argue that not only this
characterisation, but the division itself, is misleading. Another way must be
found to understand the key concepts in these foundational debates.
There will be tea before the lecture, at 4pm, and a
drinks reception afterwards, at 6pm.
The event is free and open to all.
samedi 27 décembre 2014
Les instruments chirurgicaux de la Grèce et la Rome antique
The Tools of Asclepius: Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times
Lawrence Bliquez
Hardcover: 440 pages
Éditeur: Brill Academic Pub; Bilingual édition (28 novembre 2014)
Langue: English
ISBN-10: 9004279075
ISBN-13: 978-9004279070
Dimensions du produit: 3,2 x 15,9 x 23,5 cm
Hardcover: 440 pages
Éditeur: Brill Academic Pub; Bilingual édition (28 novembre 2014)
Langue: English
ISBN-10: 9004279075
ISBN-13: 978-9004279070
Dimensions du produit: 3,2 x 15,9 x 23,5 cm
With The Tools of Asclepius Lawrence Bliquez offers the first comprehensive treatment in English of the instruments and paraphernalia employed by Greco-Roman surgeons since John St. Milne’s Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times (1907). Introductory sections cover topics ranging from literary and archaeological sources to the design, materials and production of instruments and the training and practice of the doctors-surgeons who used them. Summaries of Hippocratic and Hellenistic surgery lead to the meat of the book: tools used during the Roman Empire. These are presented by category (e.g. Cutting Instruments) broken into subcategories (Scalpel, Lithotome, etc.). A substantial appendix deals with biodegradable items, such as suppositories. Much new material is featured and the book is richly illustrated.
Les technologies de la vie quotidienne en Grèce antique
Technologies of Daily Life (TODL) in Ancient Greece
Call for Papers
Swansea University 2-3 July 2015
Organizers: Tracey Rihll (History and Classics, Swansea University), Evelien Bracke (History and Classics, Swansea University), Laurence Totelin (History and Archaeology, Cardiff University)
The Ancient Greeks are renowned as creators of political, social and artistic inventions; for example, democracy, trial by jury, symposia, drama, realistic (mimetic) sculpture, and the classical architectural orders with columns, triangular pediments and tiled roofs. As the last examples make clear, the Greeks were creative with things as well as with concepts and ideas. The extraordinary achievements of the ancient Greeks were supported and enabled by technologies that they invented and then applied in daily life. For example, the Athenians used a machine called a kleroterion to select jurors randomly, and a sort of stopwatch to ensure plaintiffs and defendants had equal time to persuade the jury of their case. The Hippocratics reduced fractures and dislocations using a variety of ordinary and special devices, such as ladders and little leather balls respectively. And the Spartans collectively recognized the impact that a particular technology (precious metal coins) had on society by deliberately rejecting them, in order to try to create and preserve equality between citizens. Things, aka technologies, are society made durable, argued Bruno Latour.
Why do technologies disappear in plain sight when they become commonplace, so that the word ‘technology’ is associated strongly, especially in our own perceptions, with new devices? Studying the place and role of technologies in daily life offers us a new route to engage with the ancient Greeks, especially relations of power and domination between people. The social fabric of ancient Greece was woven through everyday technologies and techniques. Girls learned how to manipulate special tools and machines to make thread and cloth. Boys learned how to manipulate other tools and machines to make food and drink. The Greeks built their houses by processing a variety of stones and woods into walls, doors and roofs, and furnished them by processing other materials into pots, baskets and beds. Metals were mined and transformed into coins, pans, tools, trinkets and weapons. Water was piped into town centres, and drains were dug to run out of them. Locks and keys kept temple treasures safe, and kept town gates shut to protect the inhabitants. Cranes lifted and lowered loads, carts transported people and goods, ships caught the wind, and nets, rods and traps caught fish.
Proposals for papers are invited on all such aspects of technologies and techniques in the ancient Greek world. Questions could include: What technologies were contained or embodied in a typical Archaic, Classical or Hellenistic Greek home? Who made and used them? Were Odysseus’ DIY skills typical or unusual? What was distinctive about professionally-made items? How, where and when did novices learn specialized techniques of production or service provision? Which ancient Greek technologies persisted, even to our own times?
Keynote speaker: Serafina Cuomo, Birkbeck College London, on the Foundry vase
Please send proposals, which should include an abstract of about 200 words and 5 keywords, and a brief CV,, or by 15 January 2015. Speakers’ costs will be met in whole or in part (depending on our success with further fund-raising). To widen access to the subject of the conference, we are also organising a local schools’ day, with hands-on activities (which may be made available to conference delegates too if there is sufficient demand); see for more details.
These events have been made possible thanks to the generosity of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and the College of Arts and Humanities at Swansea University.
Call for Papers
Swansea University 2-3 July 2015
Organizers: Tracey Rihll (History and Classics, Swansea University), Evelien Bracke (History and Classics, Swansea University), Laurence Totelin (History and Archaeology, Cardiff University)
The Ancient Greeks are renowned as creators of political, social and artistic inventions; for example, democracy, trial by jury, symposia, drama, realistic (mimetic) sculpture, and the classical architectural orders with columns, triangular pediments and tiled roofs. As the last examples make clear, the Greeks were creative with things as well as with concepts and ideas. The extraordinary achievements of the ancient Greeks were supported and enabled by technologies that they invented and then applied in daily life. For example, the Athenians used a machine called a kleroterion to select jurors randomly, and a sort of stopwatch to ensure plaintiffs and defendants had equal time to persuade the jury of their case. The Hippocratics reduced fractures and dislocations using a variety of ordinary and special devices, such as ladders and little leather balls respectively. And the Spartans collectively recognized the impact that a particular technology (precious metal coins) had on society by deliberately rejecting them, in order to try to create and preserve equality between citizens. Things, aka technologies, are society made durable, argued Bruno Latour.
Why do technologies disappear in plain sight when they become commonplace, so that the word ‘technology’ is associated strongly, especially in our own perceptions, with new devices? Studying the place and role of technologies in daily life offers us a new route to engage with the ancient Greeks, especially relations of power and domination between people. The social fabric of ancient Greece was woven through everyday technologies and techniques. Girls learned how to manipulate special tools and machines to make thread and cloth. Boys learned how to manipulate other tools and machines to make food and drink. The Greeks built their houses by processing a variety of stones and woods into walls, doors and roofs, and furnished them by processing other materials into pots, baskets and beds. Metals were mined and transformed into coins, pans, tools, trinkets and weapons. Water was piped into town centres, and drains were dug to run out of them. Locks and keys kept temple treasures safe, and kept town gates shut to protect the inhabitants. Cranes lifted and lowered loads, carts transported people and goods, ships caught the wind, and nets, rods and traps caught fish.
Proposals for papers are invited on all such aspects of technologies and techniques in the ancient Greek world. Questions could include: What technologies were contained or embodied in a typical Archaic, Classical or Hellenistic Greek home? Who made and used them? Were Odysseus’ DIY skills typical or unusual? What was distinctive about professionally-made items? How, where and when did novices learn specialized techniques of production or service provision? Which ancient Greek technologies persisted, even to our own times?
Keynote speaker: Serafina Cuomo, Birkbeck College London, on the Foundry vase
Please send proposals, which should include an abstract of about 200 words and 5 keywords, and a brief CV,, or by 15 January 2015. Speakers’ costs will be met in whole or in part (depending on our success with further fund-raising). To widen access to the subject of the conference, we are also organising a local schools’ day, with hands-on activities (which may be made available to conference delegates too if there is sufficient demand); see for more details.
These events have been made possible thanks to the generosity of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies and the College of Arts and Humanities at Swansea University.
vendredi 26 décembre 2014
Vésale et l'invention du corps moderne
Vesalius and the Invention of the Modern Body
Interdisciplinary symposium
Interdisciplinary symposium
This interdisciplinary symposium will celebrate the 500-year anniversary of the birth of Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564), founder of the study of modern human anatomy. Saint Louis University and Washington University plan to jointly host three days of events especially inspired by the landmark publication of Vesalius’s De humani corporis fabrica (Basel, 1543 and 1555) and the new critical edition and translation of this work, the New Fabrica. The conference program will feature a roster of internationally-renowned speakers, including keynote speakers Daniel Garrison, Malcolm Hast, and Sachiko Kusukawa. In addition to the presentation of academic papers of leading research, the schedule will also include an anatomy demonstration, rare books workshops, and a publishers’ exhibit hall.
Because the Fabrica represented a collaborative project involving a scientist (Vesalius), a humanist (Johannes Oporinus, the printer), and an artist (Jan van Kalkar), the goal of the conference is to encourage a network of scholars working in disparate fields to explore the potential for future interdisciplinary research.
February 26
Saint Louis University — Medical Center Library
Opening Remarks: Philip Gavitt (Saint Louis University) and Gregory Smith (Saint Louis University)
Session/Event at Medical School (TBD)
February 27
Saint Louis University — Frost Campus
DuBourg Hall-Pere Marquette
Publishers’ Exhibit Hall open 8:00am-5:30pm [DuBourg-Grand Hall]
Opening Remarks: Philip Gavitt (Saint Louis University)
9:00am SESSION 1 - Public Dissections as Spectacle in Early Modern Europe
DuBourg Hall-Pere Marquette Room
Session Chair: Anne Stiles (Saint Louis University)
Speaker #1: Andrea Carlino (University of Geneva)
Speaker #2: Cynthia Klestinec (University of Miami Ohio)
11:00am SESSION 2 - Discovery and Deconstruction of the Body: Cultural Contexts of the Fabrica
DuBourg Hall – Pere Marquette Room
Session Chair: Sara van den Berg (Saint Louis University)
Speaker #3: Jonathan Sawday (Saint Louis University)
Speaker #4: Glenn Harcourt (Independent Scholar)
Lunch at Saint Louis University – Refectory, DuBourg Hall
Shuttle service from DuBourg Hall to Young Hall
2:00pm SESSION 3 - Mapping the Interior: 3D Anatomy Demonstration
Young Hall Auditorium
*Session 3 is sponsored by the generosity of the St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society
Shuttle service from Young Hall to DuBourg Hall
4:00pm KEYNOTE ADDRESS - Creating the New Fabrica
DuBourg Hall – Pere Marquette Hallway
Introduction by: Jonathan Sawday (Saint Louis University)
Keynote Speakers: Daniel Garrison and Malcolm Hast (Northwestern University)
6:00 - 7:30pm RECEPTION
Pius XII Memorial Library – 2nd floor/TBD
February 28
Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
EPNEC Center
by Thomas Woolsey
9:00am SESSION 4 - Anatomical Specimens in the Early Modern Period
EPNEC Center
Session Chair: TBD
Speaker #5: Rebecca Messbarger (Washington University in St. Louis)
Speaker #6: Joanna Ebenstein (Morbid Anatomy Museum)
11:00am SESSION 5 - From the Renaissance to the Present: 19th and 20th Century Anatomical Imagery
EPNEC Center
Session Chair: TBD
Speaker #7: Michael Sappol (National Library of Medicine)
Speaker #8: Gilbert Jost (Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine)
Lunch at Washington University in St. Louis - EPNEC Center
2:00pm SESSION 6 - Concurrent Rare Book Workshops
Becker Medical Library
Workshop #1 – Suzanne Karr Schmidt (Art Institute of Chicago)
Workshop #2 – Marisa Anne Bass (Washington University in St. Louis)
Workshop #3 – Cynthia Wichelman (Washington University in St. Louis)
3:30pm BREAK
EPNEC Center
Introduction by: Rebecca Messbarger (Washington University in St. Louis)
Keynote Speaker: Sachiko Kusukawa (Cambridge University)
5:45-7:30pm RECEPTION
EPNEC Center
Saint Louis University — Medical Center Library
Opening Remarks: Philip Gavitt (Saint Louis University) and Gregory Smith (Saint Louis University)
Session/Event at Medical School (TBD)
February 27
Saint Louis University — Frost Campus
DuBourg Hall-Pere Marquette
Publishers’ Exhibit Hall open 8:00am-5:30pm [DuBourg-Grand Hall]
Opening Remarks: Philip Gavitt (Saint Louis University)
9:00am SESSION 1 - Public Dissections as Spectacle in Early Modern Europe
DuBourg Hall-Pere Marquette Room
Session Chair: Anne Stiles (Saint Louis University)
Speaker #1: Andrea Carlino (University of Geneva)
Speaker #2: Cynthia Klestinec (University of Miami Ohio)
11:00am SESSION 2 - Discovery and Deconstruction of the Body: Cultural Contexts of the Fabrica
DuBourg Hall – Pere Marquette Room
Session Chair: Sara van den Berg (Saint Louis University)
Speaker #3: Jonathan Sawday (Saint Louis University)
Speaker #4: Glenn Harcourt (Independent Scholar)
Lunch at Saint Louis University – Refectory, DuBourg Hall
Shuttle service from DuBourg Hall to Young Hall
2:00pm SESSION 3 - Mapping the Interior: 3D Anatomy Demonstration
Young Hall Auditorium
*Session 3 is sponsored by the generosity of the St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society
Shuttle service from Young Hall to DuBourg Hall
4:00pm KEYNOTE ADDRESS - Creating the New Fabrica
DuBourg Hall – Pere Marquette Hallway
Introduction by: Jonathan Sawday (Saint Louis University)
Keynote Speakers: Daniel Garrison and Malcolm Hast (Northwestern University)
6:00 - 7:30pm RECEPTION
Pius XII Memorial Library – 2nd floor/TBD
February 28
Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
EPNEC Center
by Thomas Woolsey
9:00am SESSION 4 - Anatomical Specimens in the Early Modern Period
EPNEC Center
Session Chair: TBD
Speaker #5: Rebecca Messbarger (Washington University in St. Louis)
Speaker #6: Joanna Ebenstein (Morbid Anatomy Museum)
11:00am SESSION 5 - From the Renaissance to the Present: 19th and 20th Century Anatomical Imagery
EPNEC Center
Session Chair: TBD
Speaker #7: Michael Sappol (National Library of Medicine)
Speaker #8: Gilbert Jost (Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine)
Lunch at Washington University in St. Louis - EPNEC Center
2:00pm SESSION 6 - Concurrent Rare Book Workshops
Becker Medical Library
Workshop #1 – Suzanne Karr Schmidt (Art Institute of Chicago)
Workshop #2 – Marisa Anne Bass (Washington University in St. Louis)
Workshop #3 – Cynthia Wichelman (Washington University in St. Louis)
3:30pm BREAK
EPNEC Center
Introduction by: Rebecca Messbarger (Washington University in St. Louis)
Keynote Speaker: Sachiko Kusukawa (Cambridge University)
5:45-7:30pm RECEPTION
EPNEC Center
Le cas de Proust
Littérature et médecine : le cas de Proust
Appel à communications
Journée organisée par le Centre de Recherches Proustiennes de la Sorbonne nouvelle-Paris3 (CRP 19)
Responsable : Mireille NATUREL
Appel à communications
Journée organisée par le Centre de Recherches Proustiennes de la Sorbonne nouvelle-Paris3 (CRP 19)
Responsable : Mireille NATUREL
Comité scientifique : Marianne BAUDIN, Professeur honoraire de psychologie clinique à l’université de Villetaneuse-Paris 13, Michel ERMAN, Professeur de Littérature française à l’université de Bourgogne, Mireille NATUREL, maître de conférences-HDR en Littérature française à la Sorbonne nouvelle.
Comité d’organisation : Mireille NATUREL, Marianne BAUDIN, Michel ERMAN, Isabelle DUMAS (doctorante en cotutelle Universités de Montréal et de la Sorbonne nouvelle)
Dates : 3-4-5 juillet 2015
Lieux : 3 et 4 juillet, Maison de la Recherche, Université de la Sorbonne nouvelle, 4, rue des Irlandais, 75 005 PARIS.
5 juillet : ILLIERS-COMBRAY, village natal du Professeur Adrien PROUST. Déjeuner de clôture dans les jardins.
Proposition de communication (30 ou 45 minutes) : jusqu’au 20 janvier 2015 (statut professionnel, intitulé et descriptif de 5 à 10 lignes) ; réponse du comité scientifique le 30 janvier. (N.B. Le transport est, en règle générale, à la charge du participant).
Contact :
Le lien littérature/médecine serait-il un facteur de filiation biographique d’abord, littéraire ensuite ? Dès Les Plaisirs et les jours, Proust peuple son univers imaginaire d’êtres en souffrance. Comment la maladie s’articule-t-elle avec les thèmes majeurs de l’œuvre, le mal, la mort, la mémoire, le temps, la création ? Quelle représentation romanesque est-il donné de la maladie dans la Recherche, à travers les personnages de médecins et de malades ? Comment soigne-t-on ? comment se soigne-t-on ? comment vit-on sa neurasthénie ? Comment meurt-on ? Quel tableau est donné des perversions, des passions elles-mêmes vécues comme états pathologiques ? À la recherche du temps perdu se prête-t-elle à une lecture psychanalytique - Proust est-il le rival de Freud ou Freud le rival de Proust ? Que peut-elle apporter à l’art-thérapie ? Autant de questions que pose Marcel Proust, à travers sa création.
L’univers médical est un thème qui traverse toute l’œuvre de Proust, d’abord, dans Les Plaisirs et les Jours, par un traitement thématique de la maladie, avec des personnages de convalescents sériels, souffrant de leurs nerfs et malades du manque de volonté, ou contrôlant de leur lit la vie de leur aimée. Puis, dès les premiers mots du Contre Sainte-Beuve, le narrateur se réfère à une époque où il était « déjà malade ». On y retrouve aussi des réflexions sur des « médicaments immoraux », chez un sujet enclin à des crises, nerveuses ou asthmatiques (ou les deux), parfois « causée[s] précisément par le beau temps ». Ce dernier, qui se qualifie de « despotique malade », mais aussi sa Maman, se méfient des médecins. Mais c’est évidemment dans À la recherche du temps perdu que la médecine, les médecins, les maladies, les médicaments et les corps malades reviennent sans cesse dans le discours du narrateur proustien, grand malade, grand jaloux et grand observateur, adoptant en quelque sorte et sans arrêt, la position, passive, effacée et « hors-jeu », du convalescent retiré de tout, qui n’a que ses yeux (et ses oreilles) pour vivre.
Le grand roman déploie, déplie en effet un monde de réflexions et de comparaisons médicales qui « travaille » tout le texte comme un système nerveux, des couchers de bonne heure à la crainte, dans les heures extatiques – quand l’art est éclairci et toute l’œuvre encore à faire –, d’une artère qui cède, de la fin de la vie et d’une mort à jamais. Les médecins semblent toujours aussi peu fiables, les médecines, souvent nuisibles, et surtout, administrées à la suite de décisions peu solides. L’amour lui-même est un mal, et l’amoureux n’est parfois plus « opérable ». La jalousie est un poison, et le jaloux s’y immunise à petites doses, mais sans jamais y parvenir. Et le corps se souvient plus des nuits où il a pris froid que de ses heures tendres au clair de lune. Détaché de l’esprit, il poursuit une existence autre, étrange et étrangère.
À la fois, malade, convalescent et bien portant, le narrateur, en surplomb de tout, comme sorti de son corps mais descendu dans ses plus profondes « galeries », s’interroge sur une foule de découvertes médicales, d’affections « de son époque » – notamment celles des « nerveux » –, d’instruments médicaux, de diètes du malade, d’hygiène de l’alité, etc.
Quant à Marcel Proust lui-même, malade intermittent, convalescent permanent… La faiblesse, la fragilité, la maladie ne composaient-elles pas son identité de fils, de frère, voire d’amoureux, et d’assidu épistolier ? Écrivant couché, dans la position du malade, comme l’a écrit Jean-Yves Tadié, donnant son corps à lire à sa mère, mais encore, à ses amis, à la fois pour donner de ses nouvelles, justifier le report perpétuel d’invitations, mais surtout, et tout court, pour être. Et que savons-nous de la bibliothèque médicale de Proust, grand lecteur de l’époque du Progrès (technologies, découvertes médicales, hygiène, textes imprimés) ?
Axes d’étude proposés
- filiations littérature/médecine (biographiques et littéraires)
- les théories médicales contemporaines
- les œuvres de jeunesse et la maladie
- la représentation romanesque de la maladie : les médecins et les malades
- le lien avec les thèmes fondamentaux de l’œuvre : le mal, la mort, la mémoire, le temps, la création
- les passions, les perversions, les pathologies
- la rivalité avec la psychanalyse
- Proust et l’art-thérapie (la musicothérapie notamment)
Articles du Dictionnaire Marcel Proust, publié sous la direction d’Annick Bouillaguet et Brian G. Rogers, Honoré Champion, 2004 : « Médecine » par Marie Miguet-Ollagnier ; « Médecins » par Jo Yoshida. Ils comprennent des éléments de bibliographie sur le sujet.
mercredi 24 décembre 2014
mardi 23 décembre 2014
Les sages-femmes du Moyen Orient pré-moderne
Muslim Midwives. The Craft of Birthing in the Premodern Middle East
Avner Giladi
Avner Giladi
Cambridge University Press
Part of Cambridge Studies in Islamic Civilization
December 2014
ISBN: 9781107054219
December 2014
ISBN: 9781107054219
This book reconstructs the role of midwives in medieval to early modern Islamic history through a careful reading of a wide range of classical and medieval Arabic sources. The author casts the midwife's social status in premodern Islam as a privileged position from which she could mediate between male authority in patriarchal society and female reproductive power within the family. This study also takes a broader historical view of midwifery in the Middle East by examining the tensions between learned medicine (male) and popular, medico-religious practices (female) from early Islam into the Ottoman period and addressing the confrontation between traditional midwifery and Western obstetrics in the first half of the nineteenth century.
Hygiène, médecine et bien-être
Hygiene, Medicine, and Well-Being
Call for papers
2015 Conference:
"Hygiene, Medicine, and Well-Being in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age" will be the theme for the 2015 conference, first week of May 2015, at the University of Arizona, May 1-3.
Modern myths about medieval and early modern ideas concerning hygiene and health continue to dominate our understanding of the premodern world. People in the past used different approach to hygiene and interpreted well-being perhaps differently than we do today, but they were neither dirty nor sickly. Their societies worked well because they pursued their own hygiene and had, relatively speaking, a functioning medical system in place.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 31, 2015, but feel free to send an inquiry even after that date, to
Dr. Albrecht Classen
University Distinguished Professor
Dept. of German Studies, 301 LSB, The University of Arizona
520 621-1395;;
Call for papers
2015 Conference:
"Hygiene, Medicine, and Well-Being in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age" will be the theme for the 2015 conference, first week of May 2015, at the University of Arizona, May 1-3.
Modern myths about medieval and early modern ideas concerning hygiene and health continue to dominate our understanding of the premodern world. People in the past used different approach to hygiene and interpreted well-being perhaps differently than we do today, but they were neither dirty nor sickly. Their societies worked well because they pursued their own hygiene and had, relatively speaking, a functioning medical system in place.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: January 31, 2015, but feel free to send an inquiry even after that date, to
Dr. Albrecht Classen
University Distinguished Professor
Dept. of German Studies, 301 LSB, The University of Arizona
520 621-1395;;
lundi 22 décembre 2014
Dernier numéro du Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences

Volume 70 Issue 1
January 2015
Arleen Marcia Tuchman
Diabetes and “Defective” Genes in the Twentieth-Century United States
Full Text (PDF)
Ross Brooks
One «Both» Sex«es»: Observations, Suppositions, and Airy Speculations on Fetal Sex Anatomy in British Scientific Literature, 1794–1871
Full Text (PDF)
Michael A. Flannery
Alfred Russel Wallace's Medical Libertarianism: State Medicine, Human Progress, and Evolutionary Purpose
Full Text (PDF)
Yolana Pringle
Investigating “Mass Hysteria” in Early Postcolonial Uganda: Benjamin H. Kagwa, East African Psychiatry, and the Gisu
Full Text (PDF)
Susan D. Jones
Commentary on Raquel A. G. Reyes, “Environmentalist Thinking and the Question of Disease Causation in Late Spanish Philippines”
Full Text (PDF)
Book Reviews
Histoire de la théorie cellulaire et du concept de cellule
Histoire de la théorie cellulaire et du concept de cellule
Journées d'étude
les 7 et 8 janvier 2015
Université de Strasbourg
Bibliothèque du DHVS
4 rue Kirschleger, 67 000 Strasbourg
Mercredi 7 janvier
13h30-14h30 Florence Vienne (Université de Braunschweig) « Les cellules comme individus chez Schwann »
14h30-15h30 François Duchesneau (Université de Montréal) « La cellule comme organisme
élémentaire : de Schwann à Brücke »
15h30-16h00 Pause
16h00-17h00 Ludovic Frobert (ENS Lyon, UMR 5206) « Théorie cellulaire, science économique et République dans l’œuvre de François-Vincent Raspail autour de 1830 »
17h00-18h00 Emmanuel D’Hombres (Université catholique de Lyon) « Le débat indépendance vs (inter)dépendance des éléments anatomiques dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle ; sa triangulation via la notion de milieu intérieur ; son intérêt idéologique et politique »
Jeudi 8 janvier
9h30-10h30 Thierry Hoquet (Université Lyon 3) « Turpin et la préhistoire de la théorie cellulaire »
10h30-11h30 Stéphane Tirard (Université de Nantes) « La réception de la théorie de Schleiden et Schwann en France au cours des années 1840 »
11h30-12h00 Pause
12h00-13h00 Cédric Crémière (Muséum d'histoire naturelle du Havre) « Le débat autour de la
réception de la théorie cellulaire au Muséum d’histoire naturelle (1839-1855) »
15h00-16h00 Marion Thomas (Université de Strasbourg) « Réception de la théorie cellulaire en France : peut-on parler d’une école strasbourgeoise ? »
16h00-17h00 Laurent Loison (Université de Strasbourg) « Après Robin. Quelles lignes de développement pour la cytologie à Paris à la fin du XIXe siècle ? »
Organisées par Marion Thomas et Laurent Loison dans le cadre du projet POLCELL.
les 7 et 8 janvier 2015
Université de Strasbourg
Bibliothèque du DHVS
4 rue Kirschleger, 67 000 Strasbourg
Mercredi 7 janvier
13h30-14h30 Florence Vienne (Université de Braunschweig) « Les cellules comme individus chez Schwann »
14h30-15h30 François Duchesneau (Université de Montréal) « La cellule comme organisme
élémentaire : de Schwann à Brücke »
15h30-16h00 Pause
16h00-17h00 Ludovic Frobert (ENS Lyon, UMR 5206) « Théorie cellulaire, science économique et République dans l’œuvre de François-Vincent Raspail autour de 1830 »
17h00-18h00 Emmanuel D’Hombres (Université catholique de Lyon) « Le débat indépendance vs (inter)dépendance des éléments anatomiques dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle ; sa triangulation via la notion de milieu intérieur ; son intérêt idéologique et politique »
Jeudi 8 janvier
9h30-10h30 Thierry Hoquet (Université Lyon 3) « Turpin et la préhistoire de la théorie cellulaire »
10h30-11h30 Stéphane Tirard (Université de Nantes) « La réception de la théorie de Schleiden et Schwann en France au cours des années 1840 »
11h30-12h00 Pause
12h00-13h00 Cédric Crémière (Muséum d'histoire naturelle du Havre) « Le débat autour de la
réception de la théorie cellulaire au Muséum d’histoire naturelle (1839-1855) »
15h00-16h00 Marion Thomas (Université de Strasbourg) « Réception de la théorie cellulaire en France : peut-on parler d’une école strasbourgeoise ? »
16h00-17h00 Laurent Loison (Université de Strasbourg) « Après Robin. Quelles lignes de développement pour la cytologie à Paris à la fin du XIXe siècle ? »
dimanche 21 décembre 2014
Le corps féminin au Moyen Âge
Le corps féminin au Moyen Âge
eBook € 7,99

medi@evi. digital medieval folders, 05



A. Paravicini Bagliani, Avant-propos / Premessa -
eBook € 7,99
A. Paravicini Bagliani, Avant-propos / Premessa -
D. Jacquart, La morphologie du corps féminin selon les médecins de la fin du Moyen Âge
C. Thomasset, Le corps féminin ou le regard empêché
J. Wirth, Le sein féminin au Moyen Âge
L. Moulinier, Aspects de la maternité selon Hildegarde de Bingen (1098-1179)
O. Niccoli, Corps maternels. Les Mystères de la génération aux débuts de l'époque moderne
C. Schuster Cordone, Maternité et sénescence. Le corps féminin entre prodige et transgression.
Bourses professorales Hannah en histoire de la médecine
Bourses professorales Hannah en histoire de la médecine
Appel à candidatures
Département d’innovation en éducation médicale
Faculté de médecine de l’Université d’Ottawa
Appel à candidatures
Département d’innovation en éducation médicale
Faculté de médecine de l’Université d’Ottawa
La Faculté de médecine de l’Université d’Ottawa sollicite des
candidatures pour des bourses professorales Hannah en histoire de la
médecine. On s’attend du récipiendaire d’une bourse professorale Hannah
qu’il apporte une contribution d’envergure à la mission de recherche et
d’enseignement de l’Université d’Ottawa. Il doit présenter une série de
conférences et de séminaires périodiques sur l’histoire de la médecine à
l’intention des étudiants des programmes du premier cycle dans le
domaine médical, ainsi que des conférences à l’intention de toute la
population de l’Université durant l’année, en plus de jouer le rôle de
personne-ressource pour les programmes postdoctoraux. Il participe
également à la direction et à la formation des étudiants des cycles
supérieurs afin d’approfondir leurs connaissances en histoire de la
Le titulaire d’une bourse professorale Hannah doit en outre
coordonner l’élaboration d’un cours en ligne en histoire de la médecine
destiné à un auditoire international, en stimulant les contributions de
nos partenaires internationaux situés en France et en Chine. Il prend
part à la conception du programme de médecine et sciences humaines en
contribuant au contenu historique pour tous les thèmes abordés.
La Faculté est à la recherche de spécialistes en histoire de la
médecine pour occuper un poste à temps plein ou à temps partiel. Les
candidats auront de préférence un doctorat en histoire de la médecine et
auront fait la preuve d’une certaine productivité en recherche dans le
domaine. La maîtrise des deux langues officielles (français et anglais)
constitue un atout. Ces bourses professorales sont d’une durée maximale
de deux (2) ans. Des postes de professeurs à plus court terme sont aussi
offerts; ces postes conviennent particulièrement aux universitaires à
la recherche d’un poste de professeur durant un séjour sabbatique à
l’Université d’Ottawa.
Les candidats retenus relèveront du programme de médecine et sciences
humaines du Département d’innovation en éducation médicale (DIEM) de la
Faculté de médecine. Les candidats occupant actuellement un poste de
professeur à l’Université d’Ottawa seront nommés conjointement au DIEM;
une nouvelle nomination à un poste universitaire à la Faculté de
médecine sera faite au rang approprié, avec affectation principale au
Les personnes intéressées sont priées de produire une brève
déclaration d’intérêt au plus tard le vendredi 16 janvier 2015,
accompagnée d’un curriculum vitæ à jour, d’un exposé de recherche, des
intérêts en matière d’enseignement et de rayonnement, un échantillon
d’une publication récente ainsi que les noms et adresses de trois
références. Tous les documents du dossier de candidature doivent être
transmis à l’adresse suivante :
Dr Jean Roy
Vice-doyen, Bureau des affaires francophones
Faculté de médecine, Université d’Ottawa
451, chemin Smyth (pièce 2045)
Ottawa (Ontario) K1H 8M5
Courriel :
Vice-doyen, Bureau des affaires francophones
Faculté de médecine, Université d’Ottawa
451, chemin Smyth (pièce 2045)
Ottawa (Ontario) K1H 8M5
Courriel :
L’Université d’Ottawa est un établissement bilingue (anglais et
français); les candidats doivent faire preuve d’un certain niveau de
compétence dans la langue seconde.
Nous encourageons tous les candidats compétents à poser leur candidature; la priorité sera cependant accordée aux citoyens canadiens et aux résidents permanents. L’Université d’Ottawa souscrit au principe d’équité : les femmes, les Autochtones, les membres des minorités visibles et les personnes handicapées sont invités à poser leur candidature.
Nous encourageons tous les candidats compétents à poser leur candidature; la priorité sera cependant accordée aux citoyens canadiens et aux résidents permanents. L’Université d’Ottawa souscrit au principe d’équité : les femmes, les Autochtones, les membres des minorités visibles et les personnes handicapées sont invités à poser leur candidature.
Hannah Professorships in the History of Medicine
Department of Innovation in Medical Education
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
Department of Innovation in Medical Education
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
The Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, invites applications
for Hannah Professorships in the History of Medicine. The incumbent of a
Hannah Professorship position is expected to make a significant
contribution to the research and educational mission of the University
of Ottawa. He/she will provide a regular lecture/rounds series in the
History of Medicine to the undergraduate medical program students, and
will provide lecture series to the wider university throughout the year,
as well as acting as a resource to the postgraduate programs. She/he
will also participate in graduate supervision and education to further
scholarship in the history of medicine.
The Hannah Professorship position will coordinate the development of
an international online course in the History of Medicine, fostering the
contributions from our international partners based in France and in
China. He/she will participate in curriculum development by making
contributions to the historical content of the Medicine and Humanities
curriculum for all the themes developed in the program.
The Faculty is seeking specialists in the History of Medicine for a
full-time or part time opportunity. The ideal candidates will have a PhD
in History of Medicine with demonstrated research productivity in the
field. Proficiency in both official languages (English and French) is an
asset. These professorships are for duration of up to two (2) years.
Additionally, shorter time-limited professorships are available; they
are ideally suited for academics seeking a professorship during a
sabbatical stay at the University of Ottawa.
The successful candidates will become a part of the Medicine and
Humanities program, within the Department of Innovation in Medical
Education (DIME) at the Faculty of Medicine. Applicants holding a
current academic appointment at the University of Ottawa will be
cross-appointed to DIME; new academic appointment to the Faculty of
Medicine will be made at the appropriate academic rank with a primary
appointment in DIME.
A brief statement of interest should be submitted no later than
Friday, January 16, 2015, together with: a current CV; a statement of
research, teaching and outreach interests; one sample of a recent
publication; and the names and addresses of three references. All
application materials should be addressed to:
Dr. Jean Roy
Vice-Dean, Office of Francophone Affairs
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
451 Smyth Road (room 2045)
Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5
The University of Ottawa is a bilingual institution (French and English); candidates will be required to demonstrate some knowledge in their second language.
Vice-Dean, Office of Francophone Affairs
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa
451 Smyth Road (room 2045)
Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5
The University of Ottawa is a bilingual institution (French and English); candidates will be required to demonstrate some knowledge in their second language.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians
and permanent residents will be given priority. Equity is a University
of Ottawa policy; women, aboriginal peoples, members of visible
minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
samedi 20 décembre 2014
Santé, maladie et traitement d'Homère à Galien
HYGIEIA - Health, Illness, Treatment from Homer to Galen
How did ancient Greeks care for their nutrition and bodies? How did they address the issue of public health? What would an athlete do if he got injured 2.500 years ago? Were there any surgical tools? How did they use opium and other pharmaceutical substances and herbs?
From the dawn of its existence, humanity has strived to improve all aspects of living conditions. Achieving and maintaining good health, seeking to understand the causes of diseases and, mainly, searching for solutions to fight and treat illnesses have been a primary concern and interest throughout all periods of civilization.
The Museum of Cycladic Art presents the major archaeological exhibition Hygieia: Health, Illness and Treatment from Homer to Galen, focusing on the universal subject of Health, providing an overview of the evolution of ancient medical practices: the transition from magico-religious healing practices to rational, scientific medicine. The exhibition presents approximately 300 artifacts with the participation of 41 international museums, including the Louvre, the British Museum, the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, the Musei Capitolini.
Our earliest literary sources for the history of Greek medicine are the epic works of Homer which clearly reveal that the Greeks of the Heroic Age linked sickness and disease with the supernatural, regarding them as manifestations of the wrath of the gods. To appease the gods, they employed prayers, purifications, animal sacrifices etc. Even the idea of health (Hygieia) was personified as a wonderful goddess usually accompanied by a snake, the symbol of therapy.
By the late 6th century BC, however, philosophy came to exercise a powerful influence upon the development of medicine. Hippocrates and the classical Greeks were the first to evolve rational systems of medicine free from magical and religious elements, realizing that maintaining good health and fighting disease depend on natural causes.
The exhibition presents 3 main subjects: Health, Illness, and Treatment, and covers the era from 1200 B.C. to the 3rd c. A.D.
Health: Archaeological objects unveiling the ways hygiene was treated in antiquity ranging from athletics to personal hygiene. Objects depicting the ideal mode of life, related to personal hygiene as well as public health.
Illness: Physical, mental as well as collective illnesses depicted in marble motive relieves and terracotta figurines.
Treatment: Vases and marble reliefs depicting Homeric heroes and the treatment of their woulds. Healing deities, such as Asclepius hero-healers temples dedicated to Asclepius, known as Asklepieia
The exhibition is curated by
Prof. Nicholas Chr. Stampolidis
Director of the Museum of Cycladic Art,
Yorgos Tassoulas
Curator of Antiquities, Museum of Cycladic Art
Exhibition catalogue :
Museum of Cycladic Art
Neofitou Douka 4, Athens 106 74, Grèce
From 19/11/2014 until 31/5/2015
How did ancient Greeks care for their nutrition and bodies? How did they address the issue of public health? What would an athlete do if he got injured 2.500 years ago? Were there any surgical tools? How did they use opium and other pharmaceutical substances and herbs?
From the dawn of its existence, humanity has strived to improve all aspects of living conditions. Achieving and maintaining good health, seeking to understand the causes of diseases and, mainly, searching for solutions to fight and treat illnesses have been a primary concern and interest throughout all periods of civilization.
The Museum of Cycladic Art presents the major archaeological exhibition Hygieia: Health, Illness and Treatment from Homer to Galen, focusing on the universal subject of Health, providing an overview of the evolution of ancient medical practices: the transition from magico-religious healing practices to rational, scientific medicine. The exhibition presents approximately 300 artifacts with the participation of 41 international museums, including the Louvre, the British Museum, the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, the Musei Capitolini.
Our earliest literary sources for the history of Greek medicine are the epic works of Homer which clearly reveal that the Greeks of the Heroic Age linked sickness and disease with the supernatural, regarding them as manifestations of the wrath of the gods. To appease the gods, they employed prayers, purifications, animal sacrifices etc. Even the idea of health (Hygieia) was personified as a wonderful goddess usually accompanied by a snake, the symbol of therapy.
By the late 6th century BC, however, philosophy came to exercise a powerful influence upon the development of medicine. Hippocrates and the classical Greeks were the first to evolve rational systems of medicine free from magical and religious elements, realizing that maintaining good health and fighting disease depend on natural causes.
The exhibition presents 3 main subjects: Health, Illness, and Treatment, and covers the era from 1200 B.C. to the 3rd c. A.D.
Health: Archaeological objects unveiling the ways hygiene was treated in antiquity ranging from athletics to personal hygiene. Objects depicting the ideal mode of life, related to personal hygiene as well as public health.
Illness: Physical, mental as well as collective illnesses depicted in marble motive relieves and terracotta figurines.
Treatment: Vases and marble reliefs depicting Homeric heroes and the treatment of their woulds. Healing deities, such as Asclepius hero-healers temples dedicated to Asclepius, known as Asklepieia
The exhibition is curated by
Prof. Nicholas Chr. Stampolidis
Director of the Museum of Cycladic Art,
Yorgos Tassoulas
Curator of Antiquities, Museum of Cycladic Art
Exhibition catalogue :
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