lundi 12 février 2024

Bourse doctorale sur les sciences médicales modernes

Doctoral Fellowship in Early Modern Philosophy (Lyon/Oxford)

Call for applications

A three-year doctoral fellowship in the history of philosophy (16th-17th centuries) is available in the context of the ERC project NOTCOM. NOTCOM is a five-year research project in the history of philosophy of science funded by an ERC Advanced Grant in 2023-2027. It is dedicated to the epistemology, methods, and communication strategies of collective science in the seventeenth century. The project is set up between the research centre IHRIM at the Ecole Normale Supériere de Lyon and the Maison Française d'Oxford, a CNRS unit abroad, placed in England. For more information, see

Submission deadline : 25/03/2024

Start date: 1/09/2024

Salary: 2 135 €

Thesis supervisors: Mogens Lærke and Raphaële Andrault

Thesis topic : The thesis should be concerned with natural philosophy or the history of natural or medical sciences in the 16th and/or 17th centuries and include an epistemological dimension. The precise thesis topic should be defined by the candidate and can be further elaborated in dialogue with the thesis directors. Interested candidates are encouraged to contact the supervisors for further information about the fellowship before submitting (,

Requirements :

- The doctoral fellow's main affiliation will be the research unit IHRIM at the ENS de Lyon, which implies administrative residence in Lyon. Over the three years of thesis work, the fellow will also accumulate stays of approx. 4-6 weeks a year at the Maison Française d'Oxford. The expenses associated with these stays are covered by the NOTCOM project and will not involve additional cost for the doctoral fellow.

- The thesis can be written in French or in English. In the latter case, however, the candidate must have at least good passive knowledge of French (understanding of written and spoken French). It is moreover required that a substantial summary of the thesis (about 10%) should be provided at the end of the contract, before the thesis defence. If the thesis is written in French, the candidate must have reasonable good English skills.

-- The doctoral fellow will be enrolled in the doctoral school of philosophy in Lyon (ED no. 487). In order to validate the contract, the candidate must complete 60 hours of training throughout the three years of their doctorate.

To apply, please send :

- a CV

- a letter of motivation

- a research project of about 5 pages

- two letters of recommendation

- a copy of the masters diploma (or equivalent). If not yet completed, include instead a document stipulating that the diploma is in progress. The establishment of a contract requires that a masters degree is obtained on 5 July 2024 the latest.

NB: Dossiers must be posted on the CNRS platform here:

(please note that the currently stated deadline of 22 February will be prolonged in due course to 25 March)

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