lundi 9 octobre 2023

Postdoctorats en histoire de la médecine

Post-doc opportunities: History of medicine/Digital humanities

Call for applications


ActDisease is a five-year research project funded by the European Research Council (ERC) with a Starting Grant (ERC-2021-STG 101040999) and placed at the Department of History of Science and Ideas at Uppsala University, Sweden. The project studies the history of 20th-century medicine and the role of lay involvement in science through analysis of so far largely neglected, but central actors in medical history: patient organizations. These groups first emerged in the late 19th century, and worked towards increased attention to particular illnesses, shared information on disease management, promoted treatments, and developed healthcare resources. This project is the first historical analysis of these early patient organizations’ role in shaping ideas about illness and medical practices, and the first systematic account of how disease became an object of civic organization.

The ActDisease project gathers an interdisciplinary research team to analyse the publications and archives of selected patient organizations from four European nations – Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom and France – using a combination of traditional and computer based historiographic methods. The project entails a large-scale digitization of patient organization periodicals and using various text mining technologies to analyze these sources. The particular features of this material and the research questions pose a number of challenges to text mining methods, ranging from its fragmented and multilingual nature to the analysis of relationships between different corpora and professional and lay spheres.

We are now accepting applications for three postdoc positions (two years full-time employment with the possibility of one further year extension provided sufficient funds). Full details can be found in the announcements:

1 Postdoc in History of Science and Ideas, focus on British 20th century History of Medicine

1 Postdoc in History of Science and Ideas, focus on French 20th century History of Medicine

1 Postdoc in Digital Humanities with focus on historical text mining

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