vendredi 6 octobre 2023

Le sang médiéval

There Will be Blood

The Medieval Blood Conference 

King’s College, Cambridge
Schedule: Friday 13th – 14th October 2023 th

Friday 13th
08:30-09:00 Arrival and registration (Audit Room, King’s College)

09:00-09:20 Introduction to the event from convenors, safety information and housekeeping notices (Audit Room, King’s College)

09:20-10:20 First Keynote Paper (Audit Room, King’s College)
Professor Heather Webb (Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages and Linguistics, University of Cambridge): ‘On the Visibilities and Temporalities of Blood in Italy 1200 – 1400’

10:20-11:40 Session One: Wounds and Woundedness (Audit Room, King’s College)
Dr Hope Doherty-Harrison (University of Edinburgh): ‘Blood from the Wound of Love in the Middle English Judas Ballad’

Dr Hannah Piercy (University of Bern): ‘burlande yn hys own blode’: Disentangling Blood, Wounds, and Pain in and through Middle English Romance’

11:40-12:00 Refreshments break (Beves Room, King’s College)

12:00-13:20 Session Two: Divine Blood (Audit Room, King’s College)

Clare Whitton (University of Oxford): ‘Il sangue incontra con la testa’: The Liquefying Blood of San Gennaro in the Later Middle Ages’

Caitlin Kane (University of Oxford): ‘Il latte della divina dolcezza’: Queering Catherine of Siena’s Encounters with Christ’s Blood’

13:20-14:20 Lunch (Beves Room, King’s College)

14:20-15:40 Session Three: Consuming Blood (Audit Room, King’s College)
Natalie Hopwood (University of Leeds): ‘The Taste of Courage: Scenes of Ritual Blood-Drinking in
Völsunga saga and Hrólfs saga kraka’

Adrián Rodríguez (University of Cambridge): ‘Blót(dh)-Sven and the Christian Implications of a Pagan
Blood-Drinking Feast’

15:40-16:00 Refreshments break (Beves Room, King’s College)

16:00-17:00 Second Keynote Paper (Audit Room, King’s College)
Dr John Munns (Faculty of History, University of Cambridge): ‘Blood and Passion: Thomas Becket
and the Lamb of God’

17:00-18:30 Drinks reception (Gibbs Building, King’s College)

18:30-20:00 Dinner for those who wish (Venue TBC, must have booked in advance)


14th October 

9:00 – 10:00 Third Keynote Paper (Audit Room, King’s College)
Dr Elma Brenner (Wellcome Trust): ‘Women’s Bodies, Women’s Care: Blood and Gender in Medieval European Medicine’

10:00-12:00 Session Four: Othering Blood (Audit Room, King’s College)
Professor Heather Blurton (University of California): ‘Blood Cries Out: Blood, Proof, and Medieval Race’
Kerstin Mayerhofer (University of Vienna): ‘The Blood-sucking Serpent and the Bleeding Jew: Late Medieval Entanglements of Sexism and Antisemitism’

Professor Alfred Thomas (University of Illinois at Chicago): ‘Bad Blood: The Spectral Jew and Mimetic Rivalry in Hartmann von Aue's "Der arme Heinrich" (Poor Henry).

12:00 - 12:15 Refreshments break (Beves Room, King’s College)

12:15 - 13:35 Session Five: Bonds of Blood (Audit Room, King’s College)
Dr Jose Maria Andres Porras (University of Oxford): ‘One Flesh or One Blood? Sexual Consummation,
Consanguinity, and Marriage Strategies’

Kári Pálsson ‘Blood, Earth and Oaths - The Creation of Blood Brotherhood in Gísla saga Súrssonar’
Schedule: Saturday 14th

13:35 - 14:10 Lunch (Beves Room, King’s College)

14:10-16:10 Talk and showcase of medieval medical manuscripts from the ‘Curious Cures’ project; Dr Sarah Gilbert and Dr Clarck Drieshen (Milstein Room, Cambridge University Library).

15 minute walk each way from King’s College

16:10-16:30 Refreshments break (Beves Room, King’s College)

16:30-17:50 Session Six: Bleeding Bodies (Audit Room, King’s College)

Rosalie Bernheim (University of St Andrews): ‘The Menstruating Bodies of Synagoga and Ecclesia’
Rajalakshmy R S (Jawaharlal Nehru University): ‘Asrja, Utirakkali, and Raktadosam: Imageries of Blood in the Early Manipravalam Literature of South India c. 13th – 14th Centuries CE’

17:50 – 18:15 Closing Statements, end of conference (Audit Room,King’s College)
The conference organisers are grateful to the University of Cambridge, King’s College, and the Society for the Social History of Medicine who have made this conference possible.

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