Health, Care, and Disability in the Early Modern Francophone World
Call for papers
Co-organized with the MLA Forums on 17th- and 18th-Century French Language, Literature, and Culture
Please consider submitting a proposal for this non-guaranteed MLA session co-organized by the LLC17th- and LLC18th- century French. Please feel free to circulate throughout your networks as well.
This non-guaranteed panel invites contributions that explore notions of health, care, and disability in early modern Francophone spaces in various contexts and perspectives. Potential topics might include (but are certainly not limited to): the relation between care, charity, and religion in the early modern; literature featuring characters with disabilities; texts that challenge gendered notions of care; the various ways bodily ability are articulated in different spaces within the early Francophone world. We especially welcome papers engaging with these topics from global and/or intersectional perspectives, as well as those considering diachronic and transtemporal approaches. Please submit abstracts to and by Monday, March 20th, 2023.
Cette session non garantie invite des propositions de communication qui explorent les notions de santé, de care (soins) et de handicap dans des espaces francophones dans divers contextes et perspectives. Les sujets possibles pourraient inclure (mais ne sont certainement pas limités à) : la relation entre les soins, la charité et la religion aux 17e et 18e siècles ; la littérature qui met en avant des personnages handicapés ; des textes qui remettent en question les notions genrées de soins ; les diverses façons dont les capacités corporelles sont articulées dans différents espaces au sein du monde francophone. Nous accueillons particulièrement les communications traitant de ces sujets dans une perspective globale et/ou intersectionnelle, ainsi que celles qui considèrent des approches diachroniques et transtemporelles. Veuillez soumettre vos propositions de communication à et avant le lundi 20 mars 2023.
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