mardi 28 février 2023
Gériatrie et vieillissement en Union soviétique
Susan Grant & Isaac McKean Scarborough (Editors)
Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic (February 9, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 272 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1350273795
This open access book brings together an eclectic cast of scholars in related disciplines to examine ageing in the Soviet Union, covering the practice of geriatrics, the science of gerontology, and the experience of growing old. Chapters in the book focus on concepts and themes that analyse Soviet ageing in its medical, political and social contexts, both in the Soviet Union and internationally.
Ageing was hardly a uniquely Soviet phenomenon: over the past fifty years, moreover, governments and societies have been dealing with steady increases in their ageing populations. Almost paradoxically, however, societal focus on this ageing population, its lives, and its social impact remains extremely limited. Compared to most sciences, gerontology is pitifully underfunded; geriatrics is amongst the least prestigious branches of medicine; and while the world's population is growing undeniably older, great disagreement remains over what can and should be done in response. These were the same challenges that the USSR faced in the post-war decades (1945-1991), and the contributions included in this volume help to
flesh out and contextualize the example of Soviet gerontology and geriatrics as one possible model of response.
Geriatrics and Ageing in the Soviet Union captures the growing interest in this important subject, demonstrating the influence of ageing on Soviet science and society and the impact of Soviet gerontology and geriatrics at a global level.
Prix de thèse et aide à la recherche de la Maison Auguste Comte
Prix de thèse et aide à la recherche de la Maison Auguste Comte - 2023
Appel à candidatures
L'Association internationale "La Maison d'Auguste Comte" dont l'objectif est de faire connaître l'oeuvre d'Auguste Comte et les positivismes, décerne un prix de thèse et des aides à la recherche pour un montant global de 3000 euros.
Prix de thèse:
L'association décernera un prix à une thèse dont le sujet portera sur:
Auguste Comte et les positivismes aux XIXe et XXe siècles,
L'histoire et la philosophie des sciences aux XIXe et XXe siècles ou
La politique et les sciences sociales aux XIXe et XXe siècles.
Cette thèse (ou PHD) devra avoir été soutenue il y a moins de cinq ans. Les candidats sont priés de se faire connaître auprès de l'association. Ils devront joindre à leur candidature un exemplaire de leur thèse (papier ou PDF), un Curriculum vitae détaillé et, si possible, les rapports de soutenance.
Dossier à envoyer par courrier postal (Maison d'Auguste Comte, 10, rue Monsieur-le-Prince, 75006 Paris) ou par mail : ou
Date limite de dépôt: 30 avril 2023
Aides à la recherche:
L'association décerne aussi des aides à la recherches pour aider à financer et à encourager des travaux de recherche portant sur:
Auguste Comte et les positivismes aux XIXe et XXe siècles,
L'histoire et la philosophie des sciences aux XIXe et XXe siècles ou
La politique et les sciences sociales aux XIXe et XXe siècles.
Ces travaux de recherches mettront à profit les ressources documentaires du Centre de documentation de la Maison d'Auguste Comte.
Les candidats devront envoyer: une lettre de motivation, un projet de recherche détaillé, un Curriculum Vitae et - éventuellement - des lettres de recommandation.
Dossier à envoyer par courrier postal (Maison d'Auguste Comte, 10, rue Monsieur-le-Prince, 75006 Paris) ou par mail: ou
Date limite de dépôt: 30 avril 2023
lundi 27 février 2023
La science raciale en Inde
Brown Skins, White Coats. Race Science in India, 1920–66
Projit Bihari Mukharji
The University of Chicago Press
360 pages | 20 halftones | 6 x 9 | © 2022
A unique narrative structure brings the history of race science in mid-twentieth-century India to vivid life.
There has been a recent explosion in studies of race science in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but most have focused either on Europe or on North America and Australia. In this stirring history, Projit Bihari Mukharji illustrates how India appropriated and repurposed race science to its own ends and argues that these appropriations need to be understood within the national and regional contexts of postcolonial nation-making—not merely as footnotes to a Western history of “normal science.”
The book comprises seven factual chapters operating at distinct levels—conceptual, practical, and cosmological—and eight fictive interchapters, a series of epistolary exchanges between the Bengali author Hemendrakumar Ray (1888–1963) and the protagonist of his dystopian science fiction novel about race, race science, racial improvement, and dehumanization. In this way, Mukharji fills out the historical moment in which the factual narrative unfolded, vividly revealing its moral, affective, political, and intellectual fissures. Read Lessabout Brown Skins, White Coats
Science cognitive historique
Science cognitive historique: Cerveaux, Esprits, Mouvements / Historical Cognitive Science: Brains Minds Motions
Journée d'études
ENS de Lyon, 10-11 mars 2023.
Vendredi 10 mars
Présidence : Pierre-François MOREAU
(ENS de Lyon)
15:00 Accueil et introduction
15:15-16:15 Gary Hatfield (Penn)
“Descartes” Visual Space: Subject-Dependent and Embodied”.
16:15-16:55: Gabriel Alban-Zapata (Toulouse)
€« Espèces, empreintes, traces. La ''nouvelle philosophie'' à l'épreuve des disputes sur les modalités de la :mémoire (Descartes, Regius, Gassendi) ».-
16:55-17:35 Raphaële Andrault (CNRS, Ens Lyon)
« Deux modèles de compréhension anatomique de la mémoire : Thomas Willis et Jan Swammerdam ».
17:35-17:50 pause
ƒ€‡17:50-18h50 John Sutton (IEA/Macquarie)
“Cognitive history and historical cognitive science: bodies, skills, places”.
Samedi 11 mars
Présidence : Martine PECHARMAN (CNRS)
‡‰€9:15-9:55 Delphine Antoine-Mahut (ENS Lyon)
« Cerveaux, esprits et mouvements plausibles.Sur quelques suppositions inouïes de l’anthropologie
malebranchiste ».
… 9:55-10:35 Sylvie Kleiman (Paris8)
“Mandeville and the Mind”.
”10:35-11:15 Mazviita Chirimuuta (Edinburgh)
“The origins of physicalism in philosophy of mind and experimental biology”.
11:15-11:30 pause café
ƒ11:30-12H15 Samuel Leze (ENS Lyon)
« Objections aliénistes à la localisation cérébrale de la folie au XIXe siècle en France ».
‡ƒ12:15-12:55 Denis Forest (Paris 1)
“The return of Theodor Meynert: engines of association, brain networks and psychiatry”.
12:55-14:30 déjeuner
Présidence : Bernard BAERTSCHI (Genève)
“‚€14:30-15:10 Laurent Clauzade (Caen)
« Le modèle phrénologique et la dispersion des mémoires ».
„„‚ ™‡
15:10-15:50 Charles Wolfe (Toulouse)
“Materialism and the cultured brain: Sutton’s Cartesian plasticity paradox”.
”› 15:50-16:30 Cédric Brun (Bordeaux)
“Is localizationism a Cartesian inheritance?”.
16:30-17:30 Guillemette Bolens (Geneva)
“Kinesic Intelligence through History”.
— “ šœ“Š“
Contact : ‚ ™ž
dimanche 26 février 2023
Une histoire culturelle de la médecine à l'âge de l'empire
Jonathan Reinarz (Editor)
- Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic (February 9, 2023)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 296 pages
- ISBN-10 : 147256989X
- ISBN-13 : 978-1472569899
Historians describe the 'long 19th century' as an age of empire, characterized by expansion and industrialization. The period witnessed the evolution of Western medicine into something uniquely 'modern', rooted in the shift to industrial capitalism and encroachment of government monitoring to state health, as well as the colonial mindset that drove overseas travel and encounters with unfamiliar populations, climates and disease. More than ever before, food, drugs, people and sickness circumvented the globe, crossing borders and prompting enormous changes in the way people made sense of health and illness. Novel technologies, from vaccination to x-rays, and ways of organizing medicine and its delivery, increased the reach of medicine and augmented the power of the state and colonizers. Equally, the new medicine answered governments' growing recognition that health had acquired cultural value and meaning for their domestic populations. Spanning the period from 1800 to 1920, this volume surveys the spatial, experiential, visual and material cultures that shaped authority, mind and body, disease theories and the growing integration of human and animal health.
These essays focus on the centrality of the state and hospitals, the growing importance of controlled laboratory experimentation, statistical methods, medical specialization, as well as the impact of war and peace on sick and injured bodies marked by notions of gender, race and class. While documenting the rise of new medical paradigms, this volume also charts the ways in which patients and populations have mediated, contested and shaped medical encounters, as well as the meanings of health and illness. Together these chapters map the contours of recent trends and trajectories in the cultural history of medicine and set an agenda for the self-reflexive critique of medicine's past in the future.
Vies et formes de vies
Vies et formes de vies, 1660-1820
Appel à communications
Congrès annuel de la Société canadienne d’étude du dix-huitième siècle
Montréal, Québec, Canada
18-21 October 2023 | 18-21 octobre 2023
Co-organizers | coorganisatrices : Marcie Frank (Concordia University), Heather Meek (Université de Montréal), Sandrine Roux (Université du Québec à Montréal)
E-mail | courriel :
Lieu du congrès: Le congrès aura lieu au Centre Sheraton Montréal, 1201 boulevard René-Lévesque O, Montréal (QC) H3B 2L7 Canada. On trouvera des images et des informations supplémentaires sur l’hôtel et ses services ici :
Thème du congrès: Le thème du congrès est « Vies et formes de vies, 1660-1820 | Matters and Materials of Life, 1660-1820 ». Nous vous invitons à soumettre des propositions de panels ou de communications portant aussi bien sur le thème général du congrès que sur tout autre sujet touchant le long dix-huitième siècle. Pour plus de détails, voir notre Appel à communications.
Plenary Speakers / Conférences plénières:
Ramesh Mallipeddi (University of British Columbia, Department of Language and Literatures)
Joanna Stalnaker (Columbia University, Department of French)
Cultural Events: More details will be provided at the time of conference registration in the spring of 2023.
Activités culturelles: Tous les détails seront fournis au moment de l’inscription au congrès au printemps 2023.
samedi 25 février 2023
Une histoire culturelle de la médecine au siècle des Lumières
A Cultural History of Medicine in the Age of Enlightenment
Lisa Smith (Editor)
Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic (February 9, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 248 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1472569905
The Enlightenment, as concept and time period, was haunted by ambiguities about the relationships between mind and body, humans and the natural world, and reason and imagination. The 18th century was inherently contradictory, particularly when it came to ideas about medicine and the body. The growing optimism that medicine and science could control nature and disease was counterbalanced by the hierarchies of gender, race and class being fixed on the body. Enlightenment ideals emphasized rationalism and expertise, but they existed alongside religious belief and everyday authority. Focusing on Western Europe, this volume examines disability and suffering, emotional and physical sensations, supernatural phenomena and scepticism, medical authority and expertise, biologization and power, and bodily and environmental regulation. Volume contributors have used a range of cultural history methodologies – from material history to discourse analysis – to examine the Enlightenment's tensions. The book's chapters centre on topics (Environment, Food, Disease, Animals, Objects, Experiences, Mind/Brain and Authority) that have encouraged contributors to reframe their assumptions about the history of medicine and the Enlightenment.
Les études sociales de la santé
Call for Papers
The journal is currently indexed in Scopus, Scielo Colombia, CAB Abstracts, CSA Linguistics & Lenguage Behavior Abstracts, CINAHL, Index Copernicus, LILACS, RedALyC, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, IMBIOMED, Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ, Periodica and Google Scholar.
The editorial committee of the SSH cordially invites the national and international scientific and academic community that is working in research projects related with the field of social studies of health to participate in the open call for the years 2023 and 2024. Throughout this period the call will remain open to the reception of articles. We accept original manuscripts written in Spanish, Portuguese, and English with an extension of no more than 7.000 words, not counting bibliography.
The instructions for authors can be consulted here: publications of the Social Studies of Health Section can be found in the following links: and
Editors: María Catalina Sánchez Martínez y María Camila Núñez Gómez,
Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud
Universidad del Rosario
Bogota, Colombia
Contact Email:
vendredi 24 février 2023
Une histoire culturelle de la médecine à la Renaissance
A Cultural History of Medicine in the Renaissance
Claudia Stein & Elaine Leong (Editors)
Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic (February 9, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 288 pages
ISBN-10 : 1472569911
ISBN-13 : 978-1472569912
Since the 'cultural turn' of the 1980s the history of Renaissance medicine has been radically transformed, with older narratives stood on their head as concepts and categories for research have been re-thought. At the core of this change – for the period now familiarly referred to (not insignificantly) as 'early modern' – stands an epistemological reconsideration of the production of natural knowledge, and of power in relation to the core of medicine's subject, the human body. Additionally, at issue are the origins of modernity itself.
Building on the foundations of this historiographical transformation, the essays in this volume elaborate, refine and challenge what are now standard interpretations in the study of medicine and the body in the early modern period. They broaden the scope of study through exploration of the contact zones between European knowledges and practices with other indigenous cultures. They draw attention to the riches of early modern material and visual culture as they take stock of how key epistemological notions for the study and practice of medicine, such as 'experience' and 'authority', were shaped and redefined. Moreover, essays on such topics as food, animals, environment, and mind and brain demonstrate how the cultural turn has revived and given new urgency to themes long central to the study of sickness and health. Wetting appetites and distilling the recent past, these essays work collectively to remind readers that the 'cultural turn' is far from over.
Épidémies, infections et écologies du changement dans une perspective historique
Call for Papers
22-23 June 2023
Centre for the History of Medicine and Disease
Durham University
From spillover diseases to re-emerging infections to rising rates of antimicrobial resistance, stories of unruly microbes have proliferated daily conversation in recent years. These serious and continuing threats to human and nonhuman health fly in the face of triumphalist narratives of epidemiological transition and global disease eradication (Bellamy Foster et al., 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the extent to which these human-microbial interactions are mediated by ecological change widely construed, from urban and rural land use change driven by global commerce patterns to shifts in internal microbial populations within bodies. While scholars have developed many frames through which to think about the embeddedness of disease in ecological change historically and in the present, these stories remain on the margins of more traditional biomedical studies, and are often siloed into different disciplinary homes. This conference seeks to bring together scholars across disciplines to think through the relationship of epidemics to human-driven environmental change across time and space. Paper and panel proposals are welcome from researchers working on topics widely related to this theme. Examples of possible intersecting themes include:
· Capitalism, land use change, and infectious disease.
· Colonialism, ecological change, and infectious disease
· Urban ecology and sanitation
· Zoonoses and multispecies studies of disease
· Agricultural systems and human-animal diseases
· Hospitals-as-ecologies and histories of infection control
· Histories of epidemic and infection control programs
· Changing conceptions of human-microbial relationships (the Holobiont, Pathobiont, mutualisms)
Abstracts of between 300-500 words on the themes above and related topics are welcome. We are happy to consider co-authored submissions and panel proposals, especially those that include scholars working from multiple disciplines.
Please direct abstracts and any questions to Dr Emily Webster ( by March 17, 2023.
jeudi 23 février 2023
Une histoire culturelle de la médecine à l'âge moderne
A Cultural History of Medicine in the Modern Age
Todd Meyers (Editor)
Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic (February 9, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 248 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1472569882
A Cultural History of Medicine presents anauthoritative survey from ancient times to the present. The set of six volumescovers over 2500 years of history, charting the changes in medical experience,knowledge and practices throughout history.
This volume, ACultural History of Medicine in the Modern Age, explores medicine as acultural practice from 1920 to the present day. As with all the volumes in the illustrated Cultural History of Medicineset, this volume presents essays on the environment, food, war, animals, objects,experiences, authority and the mind.
A Cultural History of Medicine in the Modern Age is the most authoritative andcomprehensive survey available on medicine in the modern period.
Bourses de la BSHS
Call for applications
Project grants are intended to support initiatives that encourage engagement with the history of science, technology and medicine by non-academic audiences. For example, eligible projects might include supporting the costs of holding a public event, the creation of a public display, or the translation of research into educational resources. We particularly encourage projects that use innovative formats and reach audiences that might be new to the history of science, technology and medicine.
Further information, and a downloadable application form, can be found at:
mercredi 22 février 2023
Une histoire culturelle de la médecine dans l'Antiquité
A Cultural History of Medicine in Antiquity
Laurence Totelin (Editor)
Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic (February 9, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 288 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1472569936
Patient, disease and physician were the three corners of the 'medical triangle' according to one of the texts attributed to Hippocrates, a famous ancient Greek doctor. This volume, covering a period from roughly 800 BCE to 800 CE, examines and deconstructs these three aspects of ancient medicine in the Mediterranean world. It shows that, while physicians sought to assert themselves as experts in the medical art, they had to contend with numerous other healers whose methods, remedies and tools patients often favoured. It explores the ways in which civic entities, cities, kingdoms and empires, and their officials directly and indirectly shaped medical encounters and discoveries. It examines the interaction between medicine and the environment, non-human animals and plants.
To attempt a cultural history of medicine in antiquity requires bringing together a wealth of sources: the texts attributed to Hippocrates, Galen and other medical authors are not neglected, but they are studied alongside other literary and historical works, letters on papyri, funerary inscriptions celebrating healers, surgical tools and bioarchaeological remains. While discussing the enduring cultural impact of classical Greek and Roman medicine in the West, through texts such as the Hippocratic Oath or names of diseases and types of medicines, this volume reveals the various ways in which health, disease and medical treatments were experienced diversely in the ancient world, according to gender, socio-economic class and ethnicity.
Les histoires cachées du VIH
Hidden Histories of HIV
Wednesday 8 March 2023, 15:30 – 17:00
Join two cultural historians, Dr Hannah Elizabeth and Dr Janet Weston, who will share their research recovering the hidden histories of people affected during the HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Their work unearths the stories of those often missing from mainstream narratives about HIV in the UK and Europe, such as people living and working in prisons, drug users, mothers and children, sex workers and social workers.
You will learn how Hannah Elizabeth and Janet Weston’s research has been inspired by the archives and collections here at Wellcome Collection. A selection of our HIV/AIDS posters will be available to view online and in the room.
The content will include swearing, images of naked bodies, and images of drug use.
The talk will be facilitated by HIV activist and health communications professional Paul Steinberg. There’ll be a chance to ask questions during a discussion and Q&A at the end.
15:15 doors open
15:30 poster viewing session
15:45 talk begins
This event will take place in our building and on Wellcome Collection’s YouTube channel. A recording of the event will be available afterwards. You can book a ticket for the in-venue or online event below.
mardi 21 février 2023
Histoires de la santé et de la matérialité dans le monde de l'océan Indien
Anne Gerritsen & Burton Cleetus (Editors)
Publisher : Bloomsbury Academic (February 9, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 320 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1350195882
Introducing materiality into the study of the history of medicine, this volume hones in on communities across the Indian Ocean World and explores how they understood and engaged with health and medical commodities. Opening up spatial dimensions and challenging existing approaches to knowledge, power and the market, it defines 'therapeutic commodity' and explores how different materials were understood and engaged with in various settings and for a number of purposes.
Offering new spatial realms within which the circulation of commodities created new regimes of meaning, Histories of Health and Materiality in the Indian Ocean World demonstrates how medicinal substances have had immediate and far-reaching economic and political consequences in various capacities. From midwifery and umbilical cords, to the social spaces of soap, perfumes in early modern India and remedies for leprosy, this volume considers a vast range of material culture in medicinal settings to better understand the history of medicine and its role in global connections since the early 17th century.
Soutien financier à la recherche du Comité pour l'histoire de l'Inserm
Soutien financier à la recherche du Comité pour l'histoire de l'Inserm
Appel à candidatures
L'appel à candidature pour le soutien financier à la recherche du Comité pour l'histoire de l'Inserm est ouvert pour l'année universitaire 2023-2024. La date limite de candidature est le 20 OCT 2023.
Futurs étudiants de master 1, master 2 sont invités à candidater. Le Comité examine aussi aussi les candidatures de doctorants demandant une aide spécifique et limitée.
Depuis 2017, déjà, 29 lauréats ont pu bénéficier de ce soutien sur des sujets qui intéressent l'histoire de l'Inserm, mais aussi plus largement l'histoire globale de la recherche médicale et de la santé publique depuis le XIXe siècle jusqu'à l'époque contemporaine.
Un livret de présentation est disponible sur le site de l'Inserm :
avec présentation des archives, des exemples de sujets et de thèmes pour lesquels il existe des fonds identifiés dans les archives de l’Institut national d'hygiène ou de l’Inserm, dont certains fonds sont en ligne, sur iPubli.<>
Les approches et les thématiques possibles sont nombreuses (institutionnelle, biographique ou monographique, ou sujets privilégiant une entrée par l’histoire de la médecine, des sciences ou des techniques, de l'innovation, par l’histoire sociale et économique, etc.)
Pour toute information, écrivez au secrétariat scientifique:
lundi 20 février 2023
Mary Seacole
Mary Seacole as Doctress, Nurse and Healer
History of Nursing Lecture
Wednesday 29 March, doors 6pm, lecture starts 6.30pm
Online or in person (London)
Book here:
In the annual RCN History of Nursing Forum lecture, Helen Rappaport explores the making of Mary Seacole as a cultural icon, delving into her contributions to nursing and medicine alongside her holistic practice.
Having been raised in Jamaica and worked in Panama, Mary Seacole came to England in the 1850s and volunteered to help out during the Crimean War. When her services were turned down, she financed her own expedition to Balaclava, where she earned her reputation as a nurse and for her compassion. Popularly known as ‘Mother Seacole’, she was the most famous Black celebrity of her generation – an extraordinary achievement in Victorian Britain. She regularly mixed with illustrious royal and military patrons and they, along with grateful war veterans, helped her recover financially when she faced bankruptcy. However, after her death in 1881, she was largely forgotten for many years.
More recently, her profile has been revived and her reputation lionised, with a statue of her standing outside St Thomas’s Hospital in London and her portrait – rediscovered by the author – is now on display in the National Portrait Gallery. Rappaport reveals the truth about Seacole’s personal life and her ‘rivalry’ with Florence Nightingale. Often the reality proves to be even more remarkable and dramatic than the legend.
This event is open to all and you can attend in person or virtually. The in-person event takes place at the Royal College of Nursing, 20 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0RN. Please book your free ticket here:
La santé institutionnelle
Institutional Health. Practice and Metaphor in Early Modern Spaces
Call for papers
We invite contributions to a volume examining the ways in which health shaped institutional spaces and practices in the early modern world from 1400-1800. In the scope of this volume, we consider institutional “health” metaphorically, as in the stability of the body politic, as well as physically, in terms of both individuals and spaces. While such a topic necessarily confronts painful histories of institutionalization, our goal is to expand beyond discourses centered on the top-down disciplining of bodies and, instead, focus on health as a communal issue and cultural reference point that informed decisions across administrative structures.
Recently, there have been significant scholarly contributions to the study of early modern hospital architecture, decoration, and administration in Europe and its colonies. This volume aims to build upon these studies to explore how health affected practices of institutions outside or adjacent to hospitals, such as prisons, universities, asylums, and confraternities. The societal permeation of health concerns instigated relationships across these entities, creating intersections in regulations, statutes, rituals, material culture, and architectural design. While contributions focused on hospitals are welcome, preference will be given to essays that discuss responses to health across institutional boundaries. We recognize that the possible definitions of “institution” are wide-ranging, and for the purposes of this project, we limit our scope to organizations that were tied to and formulated through architecture, which can include individual buildings, infrastructure, and the urban fabric.
Please submit a 500-word abstract and CV to the volume editors, Danielle Abdon ( )and Maggie Bell (, by March 31st. Final essays are expected to be approximately 7500 words and due in July 2023. If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the editors.
dimanche 19 février 2023
Les débats autour de l'avortement dans le nord global
Debates Around Abortion in the Global North. Europe, North America, Russia and Asia
Edited By Fabienne Portier-Le Cocq
ISBN 9781032018676
Published December 9, 2022 by Routledge
196 Pages 5 B/W Illustrations
By means of a historical, legal and scientific approach, this book identifies the issues, progress and setbacks in the right for women to access abortion in various countries of the Global North.
The book provides insights on the past, present and potential actions and struggles in the future about continuing to have the right to procure an abortion. Rites and rituals in order to better understand the practices of Asian countries, such as China, Japan and Taiwan, permeate discussions and debates. The volume presents the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on access to abortion healthcare services and abortion, and the innovative initiatives and schemes designed and implemented. The latter encourages health professionals and decision-makers to reflect on the ‘good practices’ and retain and develop over the long term.
This edited collection is intended for academics and students across the social sciences and healthcare sector, members of the legal profession, healthcare professionals, activists, policy-makers, and any stakeholders working for and caring about women’s reproductive rights and abortion rights.
L'analyse scientifique des recettes de la Renaissance
The Scientific Analysis of Renaissance Recipes: Medicine and the Body in the German Material Renaissance
Lecture by Stefan Hanß
24 February 2023 (5.30pm) TBC
GHIL and Online
The Scientific Analysis of Renaissance Recipes: Medicine and the Body in the German Material Renaissance The ‘material Renaissance’, historians have argued, was an age of experimentation, and recipes were at the heart of this cultural movement. New collaborations between the humanities and the sciences allow for novel insights into Renaissance recipe cultures, and more specifically the degree of material experimentation and engagement by ‘recipe practitioners’. Scientific analysis and thorough historical contextualization of the chemical fingerprints of recipe users offer a new understanding of material cultures, medicine, and the history of the body in early modern Germany. Which ingredients were used? How were they used, and what for? Which substances were altered, and why? And what can be said about their impact on the human body? This lecture focuses on early modern Augsburg and discusses topics as wide-ranging as haircare and toothache. It contributes to research on recipes, as well as to the new history of material practices, early modern medicine, and material and medical practitioners in early modern Germany.
Stefan Hanß is Senior Lecturer in Early Modern History at the University of Manchester and the winner of a British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award (2019) as well as a Philip Leverhulme Prize in History (2020). Hanß works on cultural encounters and global material culture, currently with a focus on the history of hair and featherwork, and on establishing new collaborations between the humanities and the sciences. In September 2023, Hanß takes on the role as Deputy Director and Scientific Lead of the John Rylands Research Institute Manchester. His research has been widely published in, among others, History Workshop Journal, Past & Present, Renaissance Quarterly, and The Historical Journal. He is the author of two monographs on the Battle of Lepanto and Narrating the Dragoman’s Self in the Veneto-Ottoman Balkans, c.1550–1650 (Routledge, 2023). Hanß has co-edited Mediterranean Slavery Revisited (500–1800) (2014), The Habsburg Mediterranean, 1500–1800 (2021), Scribal Practice and Global Cultures of Colophons, 1400–1700 (2022), and, most recently, In-Between Textiles, 1400–1800: Weaving Subjectivities and Encounters (2023). He is currently in the final stage of writing a new book on the early modern history of hair.
This lecture will take place as a hybrid event at the GHIL and online via Zoom. In order to attend this event, please register via Eventbrite to take part in person or online.
samedi 18 février 2023
Corps, race et droits à l'âge de l'abolition
Kathleen M. Brown
Publisher : University of Pennsylvania Press (February 1, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 456 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1512823271
Slavery exploited the bodies of men and women differently: enslaved women needed to be acknowledged as mothers rather than as reproducers of slave property, and enslaved men needed to claim full adult personhood without triggering white fears about their access to male privilege. Slavery’s undoing became more fraught by the 1850s, moreover, as federal Fugitive Slave Law and racist medicine converged. The reach of the federal government across the borders of free states and theories about innate racial difference collapsed the distinctions between enslaved and emancipated people of African descent, making militant action necessary.
Escaping to so-called “free” jurisdictions, refugees from slavery demonstrated that a person could leave the life of slavery behind. But leaving behind the enslaved body, the fleshy archive of trauma and injury, proved impossible. Bodies damaged by slavery needed urgent physical care as well as access to medical knowledge untainted by racist science. As the campaign to end slavery revealed, legal rights alone, while necessary, were not sufficient either to protect or heal the bodies of African-descended people from the consequences of slavery and racism.
La vaccination contre la fièvre jaune et la politique des infrastructures coloniales en Afrique de l'Ouest
Pasteur’s Empire: Yellow Fever Vaccination and the Politics of Colonial Infrastructure in West Africa
Lecture by Aro Velmet (Univ. of Southern California and Univ. of Tartu)
February, 23rd 5pm (CET)
In the 1890, students of Louis Pasteur established a network of laboratories in French colonies across the globe. In the following decades, these Pasteur Institutes became central to France’s imperial mission, but also complicated it in unexpected ways. This talk uses the example of the BCG vaccine, used to prevent tuberculosis, to think through the relationship of microbiology, colonialism and transnational politics. Following the BCG vaccine from France to West Africa, from Munich to Saigon, this talk shows how this experimental vaccine got entangled in debates ranging from medical ethics to labor rights, and set into question France’s entire “civilizing mission”.
The seminar will be streamed on line at:
Details and further info are available at:
Please spread the word among friends and colleagues.
vendredi 17 février 2023
Les femmes dans les soins et la médecine en Suisse (1870-1940)
Les femmes dans les soins et la médecine: réseaux, pratiques et engagements en Suisse (1870-1940)
Vendredi 24 février 2023, 10h30-16h30 | Salle de colloque IHM
Organisation : Aude Fauvel, IHM & Amélie Puche, Université de Tours
Programme de la journée
10h15 Accueil des participant·e·s
10h30-10h40 Présentation de la journée | Aude Fauvel | IHM
Président de séance | Philippe Delmas | HES-La Source
10h40-11h35 Amélie Puche | Université de Tours, Aude Fauvel | IHM
Les premières femmes-médecins : des études à la pratique, entraides et réseaux entre France et Suisse (1870-1940)
11h35-12h20 Séverine Allimann | HES-La Source
Documenter les parcours de femmes dans les soins et la santé : autour des ressources de La Source
12h20-13h45 Pause repas
Présidente de séance | Pauline Milani | UNIFR (sous réserve)
13h45-14h30 Audrey Bonvin | UNIFR & IHM
« Nous croyons, femmes abstinentes, par l’union de nos efforts, à des victoires étonnantes, à des conquêtes, des renforts » : Mobilisations transnationales au sein de réseaux antialcooliques fondés par des femmes (début du 20e siècle)
14h30-15h15 Camille Jaccard | CNRS/Université Paris 8
Le rôle des femmes dans l’invention et la diffusion de savoirs et de pratiques médico-psychologiques
en Romandie (1920-1940/1950)
15h15-15h30 Pause
15h30-16h25 Sabine Utz | Musée cantonal d’archéologie et d’histoire, Lausanne, Gaëlle Nydegger | UNIGE
De Lausanne à La Havane : Dr. Favez (1791-1856), enjeux et réceptions d’une trajectoire complexe
La journée est ouverte à toute personne intéressée. Elle est également retransmise en direct par visioconférence, mais, pour des raisons de confidentialité, elle ne sera pas enregistrée.
Plus d’informations :
Décoloniser l'histoire mondiale
Decolonising World History: New Voices, New Values, New Methodologies
Call for papers
Entremons: UPF Journal of World History (University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona) is preparing its next thematic issue of the Journal about Decolonising World History: New Voices, New Values, New Methodologies.
We invite you to send us your article or review to:
Deadline: March 1st 2023
Colonialism and the impacts of colonisation have long become an object of public debate. A recent example is a controversy raised by Bruce Gilley’s academic article 'The Case for Colonialism' (2017). In the last decade, social historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists have increasingly focused on the 'history from below.' It has brought up new perspectives and expanded the scope of historical research, addressing the ‘silences of the past’, to use Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s words. Scholars focusing on the Global South have developed new lines of investigation that focus on coloniality, epistemic extractivism (Ramón Grosfoguel) and memory. These studies have shifted our gaze and developed flourishing fields of research founded on subaltern studies (Gayatri Spivak, Ranajit Guha), the concept of négritude (Aimé Césaire, Frantz Fanon), postcolonialism (Edward Said) or the de-colonial shift (Aníbal Quijano, Rita Segato, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui).
By reflecting on colonialism and its consequences, we can deepen our understanding of ourselves and current societies. This issue aims to contribute to the historiographical debates on colonisation and decolonisation, and their impacts on (post)colonial and (post)imperial territories, cultures, and minsets.
Suggested topics:
- Power and colonialism
- Anti-colonial resistance movements
- colonial heritage, memories and legacies
- gender and colonialsm
- material culture
- "race" and nation
- decolonisation and imperialism
- coloniality
More information about formal aspects of the contribution:
jeudi 16 février 2023
Orientalisme épidémique
Alexandre I. R. White
Publisher : Stanford University Press; 1st edition (January 24, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 322 pages
ISBN-10 : 1503630269
ISBN-13 : 978-1503630260
Santé, soins et handicap dans la francophonie moderne
Health, Care, and Disability in the Early Modern Francophone World
Call for papers
Co-organized with the MLA Forums on 17th- and 18th-Century French Language, Literature, and Culture
Please consider submitting a proposal for this non-guaranteed MLA session co-organized by the LLC17th- and LLC18th- century French. Please feel free to circulate throughout your networks as well.
This non-guaranteed panel invites contributions that explore notions of health, care, and disability in early modern Francophone spaces in various contexts and perspectives. Potential topics might include (but are certainly not limited to): the relation between care, charity, and religion in the early modern; literature featuring characters with disabilities; texts that challenge gendered notions of care; the various ways bodily ability are articulated in different spaces within the early Francophone world. We especially welcome papers engaging with these topics from global and/or intersectional perspectives, as well as those considering diachronic and transtemporal approaches. Please submit abstracts to and by Monday, March 20th, 2023.
Cette session non garantie invite des propositions de communication qui explorent les notions de santé, de care (soins) et de handicap dans des espaces francophones dans divers contextes et perspectives. Les sujets possibles pourraient inclure (mais ne sont certainement pas limités à) : la relation entre les soins, la charité et la religion aux 17e et 18e siècles ; la littérature qui met en avant des personnages handicapés ; des textes qui remettent en question les notions genrées de soins ; les diverses façons dont les capacités corporelles sont articulées dans différents espaces au sein du monde francophone. Nous accueillons particulièrement les communications traitant de ces sujets dans une perspective globale et/ou intersectionnelle, ainsi que celles qui considèrent des approches diachroniques et transtemporelles. Veuillez soumettre vos propositions de communication à et avant le lundi 20 mars 2023.
mercredi 15 février 2023
Les venins dans les traités juridiques et rhétoriques romains
Poisoning and Suspicious Deaths in the Classical World. Venoms in Roman Legal and Rhetorical Treatises
Talk by Nephele Papakonstantinou
21 February 2023 – 5 PM (CET)
The way in which the Romans dealt with cases of poisoning in legal and judicial practice has recently gained increasing attention in the context of Latin imperial declamations. These school exercises convey educated medico-legal understandings and wider cultural perceptions of the activity of using venena.
Emphasis has been laid, so far, on cultural issues and stereotypes raised by the problem, through a legal, historical-literary, and narratological reading of rhetorical and legal sources.
Building on the latest research findings, this paper proposes to further explore the dialectic between, and parallel development of, forensic rhetoric and Roman law in the 1st century CE with regard to the criminalisation of poisoning, by shifting the focus to the actual conceptual workings of the law within rhetorical education and court practice.
How was poisoning defined and structured? Which elements of the crime had to be proven, and through which type of reasoning and argumentation? How was poisoning understood and negotiated to promote specific conceptions of ‘health’ and ‘legality’? What does this whole process reveal about Roman technical medico-legal knowledge and expertise? What were its ideological implications?
These and other questions will be analysed and clarified in my talk.
About the Speaker ...
Nephele Papakonstantinou is currently an Alexander von Humboldt Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Institut für Klassische Philologie at JMU with a project on normative constructions of iniuria under the Late Roman Republic and Early Empire.
Her research focuses on Roman Literature and Culture of the Early Empire, and more specifically, on Roman rhetoric, Roman legal practice, and Graeco-Roman Medicine. Her work explores the relationship between the self and the norm. She is the author of a number of peer-reviewed articles and chapters in edited volumes, and of a monograph (under publication) on the construction of crimen raptus according to Pseudo-Quintilian, as derived from her dissertation. She has taught as an Adjunct Lecturer at the University of Athens for a variety of years.
Free attendance but registration is required.
L'âme des plantes chez Galien
The soul of plants in Galen’s De propriis placitis
Talk by Antoine Pietrobelli (Université de Franche-Comté)
We are delighted to announce the next Phusis kai Phuta webinar on Friday, Feb. 24, at 4pm Paris (10am EST).
Abstract: It is well established that the De propriis placitis is one of the last works composed by Galen. It is therefore often considered as the doctrinal testament of the physician-philosopher, but this hypothesis is far from satisfactory. I would like to show that the central question of this treatise is rather the soul of plants and to try to reconstruct the polemical debate in which it is embedded. If Galen intends to defend the plausible opinion that plants have a soul, it is partly to align himself with Plato’s esoteric teaching, but mainly because the plant paradigm helps him to explain the functioning of the human body.
If you would like to attend, and are not already on our mailing list, please email lwash(at)colgate(dot)edu, ale.buccheri(at)gmail(dot)com, or amace(at)univ-fcomte(dot)fr, and we will add you to our mailing list to receive a link for each session.
For the full program, please see
mardi 14 février 2023
La violence et la genèse des images anatomiques
Nothing excited early modern anatomists more than touching a beating heart. In his 1543 treatise, Andreas Vesalius boasts that he was able to feel life itself through the membranes of a heart belonging to a man who had just been executed, a comment that appears near the woodcut of a person being dissected while still hanging from the gallows. In this highly original book, Rose Marie San Juan confronts the question of violence in the making of the early modern anatomical image.
Engaging the ways in which power operated in early modern anatomical images in Europe and, to a lesser extent, its colonies, San Juan examines literal violence upon bodies in a range of civic, religious, pedagogical, and “exploratory” contexts. She then works through the question of how bodies were thought to be constituted—systemic or piecemeal, singular or collective—and how gender determines this question of constitution. In confronting the issue of violence in the making of the anatomical image, San Juan explores not only how violence transformed the body into a powerful and troubling double but also how this kind of body permeated attempts to produce knowledge about the world at large.
Provocative and challenging, this book will be of significant interest to scholars across fields in early modern studies, including art history and visual culture, science, and medicine.
Prix Georgina Feldberg
Georgina Feldberg Award
Call for applications
The Canadian Journal of Health History invites students to submit essays for the Georgina Feldberg Memorial Student Award in the History of Health and Medicine. Dr. Feldberg was a dedicated teacher and scholar of social history of medicine, public health, and the gendered politics of disease, who firmly believed that history has an important role to play in shaping public policy. The history of health and medicine community lost an important voice when Dr. Feldberg died far too young in 2010.
The Feldberg Memorial Award will be granted annually to the best unpublished essay based on original research on any topic within the history of health and medicine. Essays are not restricted by geography or time period. Students in related disciplines are eligible to apply, but all essays must include a clear historical argument and engage with the relevant historiography.
The winner will receive $500 and a year’s membership with the CSHM-SCHM, which includes a subscription to the CJHH. Finalists may be encouraged to have their submissions considered for publication in the CJHH, subject to our peer review process.
Eligibility: Applicants must be current members of the CJHH. Essays can be written in either English or French and must conform to the CJHH style guide. Applicants must be students at the time of submission, but the competition is open to students in different disciplines at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
Submissions must be based on original research and not currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submissions must be between 6,000 and 8,000 words in length, including citations. Applicants should consult the CJHH style guide before submitting their work.
All submissions must be received through the CJHH ScholarOne Manuscripts system. Indicate clearly in your submission that you would like your manuscript considered for the Georgina Feldberg Student Award. Please direct inquiries about this award or how to submit to the co-editors of the CJHH.
The next deadline for applications is April 14, 2023.
All submissions will be evaluated by the Feldberg Award Committee.
Winners will be announced at the CJHH annual meeting in May/June.
lundi 13 février 2023
Une histoire des produits menstruels
Une histoire des produits menstruels
Jeanne Guien
Éditions Divergences
A paraitre le 10.2.23
240 pages
18 euros
ISBN : 9791097088552
Loin d’être un phénomène purement biologique, les règles et plus généralement le cycle menstruel forment une expérience socialisée. Chaque société développe une culture menstruelle dominante, faite de pratiques, techniques et représentations plus ou moins acceptables. Ce livre étudie la culture menstruelle propre aux sociétés consuméristes, dans lesquelles toute expérience (notamment, toute expérience du corps) tend à être associée à des produits marchands. À travers l’histoire de trois produits menstruels – les serviettes jetables, les tampons jetables et les applications de suivi du cycle menstruel – l’auteure poursuit son enquête sur le consumérisme, les objets du quotidien et le dressage des corps « féminins ».
JEANNE GUIEN est chercheuse, spécialisée en philosophie des techniques et en histoire industrielle. Ancienne élève de l'école Normale supérieure elle est docteure et agrégée en philosophie. Auteure du livre Le consumérisme à travers ses objets, paru en 2021 aux éditions Divergences, elle co-anime l'émission Aux Ressources sur Hors Série. Ses autres recherches portent sur le gaspillage alimentaire, l'écologie politique, les conditions de travail dans le secteur de la collecte et de la récupération des déchets.
Le sida avant le sida
Call for papers
Historical reflections on epidemics and contagions have long pointed to the complexity of these phenomena, within which the 'natural' dimension of disease and its spread is intertwined with the social and cultural considerations that identify it, along with moral and political readings that seek factors and subjects to which responsibility can be traced and causality of contagion explained.
In these terms, research showed how epidemics are socially and culturally dense phenomena, in which these and other different elements mark ways and times of social and institutional response to contagion. Thus, it became clear how the social and institutional response is marked in no small measure by moral and cultural instances that look to the transgression of norms as the main factors in both contagion and spread.
In the context of historical reflections on epidemics, AIDS has always been a relevant historical example through which to grasp the epistemological complexity of epidemics and their social and political repercussions.
Since its emergence, AIDS has manifested itself as an epidemic with an evident global projection. Cause to date of more than thirty million deaths distributed on a global scale, AIDS has signaled a differentiated course of contagion very much linked to the contexts in which it has spread.
Analyses of geneticists and epidemiologists focused on the natural history of the disease have traced genealogies, chronologies, and periodizations of AIDS, placing the origin of this infection in the 1920s Congo. Historical research has interrogated the complexity of this epidemiological phenomenon, in its natural and cultural interweaving, focusing on the development of the epidemic in the United States since the late 1970s and then from there in Europe. Historians have emphasized continuities, transformations, and mutations that occurred in the social and cultural form of the epidemic that have allowed us to question chronologies and periodizations.
While in the African continent, to which research has traced the origin of the contagion, AIDS has manifested itself as a widely spread epidemic capable of deeply affecting local economies, as well as social and institutional structures, in the Western North American and European contexts, AIDS has been configured instead as a “minority epidemic,” caused by the transgression of norms - moral, social, hygienic - symbolized in the four H-Risk groups (homosexuals, hemophiliacs, heroin users, Haitians).
The transnational dimension of AIDS has thus clearly re-proposed questions about 1) how in different contexts and moments the epidemic is identified, defined,
addressed, and governed; 2) how these processes act, are interconnected, and influence the definition of institutional responses to the epidemic and the social perceptions of the “sick”; and 3) how the AIDS epidemic itself relates to the redefinition of processes of citizenship promoted by those primarily affected by the infection.
In the experience of AIDS, those processes proper to the history of epidemics return, which have seen the social construction of figures - from the plague-spreader to Typhoid Mary, from patient zero to the super-spreader - to whom responsibility for both epidemic and contagion can be traced – a social process active, particularly in those historical moments in which the properly biological dimension of the epidemic is not yet clearly identified.
This issue of “Quaderni storici” aims to focus on the transitional phase, so to speak, the one in which contagion emerges, manifests itself, and acts, causing sickness and death, but without yet being understood, nor known in its pathological characters, etiologies, and therapies. What are the social practices - including institutional practices in their contextual genesis - acting at this historical juncture in which the concrete experience of illness collides with the absence of terms and interpretations to counter it? What cultural and social processes are activated to deal with something that is both concretely active and culturally incomprehensible? How do these processes involve sexuality and the history of the way in which it has been thought of, signified, and governed?
Proposals (3500 characters, 500 words approx.) accompanied by a short CV should be sent by March 1st, 2023 to editors Emmanuel Betta ( and Domenico Rizzo ( Selected essays, due in their final versions by October 1st 31, 2023, will undergo the peer review process (anonymous in both senses). The monographic volume is scheduled for release in the second issue of 2024.
dimanche 12 février 2023
La Femme dans la médecine de la Renaissance
Edition by Evelyne Berriot-Salvadore
Publisher : Classiques Garnier (January 25, 2023)
Language : French
ISBN-10 : 2812453478
ISBN-13 : 978-2812453472
This study examines the status of women during the Renaissance in the light of medical literature from the period, marked by both a medieval legacy and humanist discourse. It is accompanied by medical illustrations, two medical treatises, a study on sexual mutilation, and an analysis of canards criminels.
Santé et soin dans la Grèce et la Chine antique
International Hybrid Workshop
13-14 FEBRUARY 2023
Venue: Multiple Activities Room UCRC
For information please contact:
17:15 - 18:15
James Zainaldin: "Making medical comparisons: Some thoughts on crosscultural
study through the example of ancient 'pulse lore'"
Arthur Harris: “Health and wellbeing in ancient Greece and China”
Chiara Thumiger: “Bodies across time and space: comparativism, history of
medicine and the case of guts”
Polyhistor on Health and Disease"
George Kazantzidis: “Therapy of the word? Gaslighting the patient in Ιmperial Greek medicine”
Plenary session.
"Comparative approaches: Problems and prospects"
Arthur Harris, Needham Research Institute and Darwin College, Cambridge
George Kazantzidis, University of Patras (remote)
Stavros Kouloumentas, University of Ioannina
Chiara Thumiger, ROOTS, Kiel University (remote)
James Zainaldin, University of Oklahoma (remote)
Chloe Balla (organiser), University of Crete
Eleni Kaklamanou, University of Crete
Irini-Fotini Viltanioti, University of Crete/Institute for Mediterranean Studies
samedi 11 février 2023
Les pathologies du mouvement
Pathologies of Motion: Historical Thinking in Medicine, Aesthetics, and Poetics
Kevis Goodman
Publisher : Yale University Press (January 17, 2023)
Language : English
Hardcover : 320 pages
ISBN-10 : 0300243960
ISBN-13 : 978-0300243963
This book studies later eighteenth-century medicine, aesthetics, and poetics as overlapping forms of knowledge increasingly concerned about the relationship between the geographical movements of persons displaced from home and the physiological or nervous “motions” within their bodies and minds. Looking beyond familiar narratives about medicine and art’s shared therapeutic and harmonizing ideals, this book explores Enlightenment and Romantic-era aesthetics and poetics in relation to a central but less well known area of eighteenth-century environmental medicine: pathology.
No mere system of diagnosis or classification, philosophical pathology was an art of interpretation, offering sophisticated ways of reading the multiple conditions and causes of disease, however absent from perception, in their palpable, embodied effects. For medical, anthropological, environmental, and literary authors alike, it helped to locate the dislocations of modern mobility when a full view of their causes and conditions remained imperfectly understood or still unfolding. Goodman traces the surprising afterlife of the period’s exemplary but unexplained pathology of motion, medical nostalgia, within aesthetic theory and poetics, arguing that nostalgia persisted there not as a named condition but as a set of formal principles and practices, perturbing claims about the harmony, freedom, and free play of the mind.
vendredi 10 février 2023
Norman Bethune
Revenant de Chine. Norman Bethune en mémoire
Marc St-Pierre
Paru le 22/02/2023
ISBN : 9791037017857
Malgré les aléas des relations entre les deux pays, les Chinois associent encore beaucoup le Canada à un héros qui serait sans contredit le plus illustre : le docteur Norman Bethune. Quiconque visite la Chine et entre en contact avec son peuple est en mesure de saisir que l’évocation de ce nom, Bethune, ou Bai Qiu’en, y fait résonner une sympathie chaleureuse qui, parfois, ressurgit même sur le Canada. Bethune, un Canadien donc, n’a pourtant pas connu une renommée aussi importante dans son propre pays où il évoque des sentiments contradictoires, à commencer par l’ignorance de qui était ce fameux personnage. Cette étude cherche à comprendre pourquoi les représentations de cette personne se sont avérées aussi distinctes. En commençant par la Chine, revenant au Canada, interrogeant des diplomates, des Québécois, des communistes canadiens et des membres de la bourgeoisie canadienne, et d’autres, dont Norman Bethune lui-même, nous cherchons ici à comprendre comment a évolué son image jusqu’à nos jours.
jeudi 9 février 2023
Les juifs et la santé
mercredi 8 février 2023
La grande peur de la peste de 1720
The Great Plague Scare of 1720. Disaster and Diplomacy in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World
Cindy Ermus
Cambridge University Press
Part of Global Health Histories
Date Published: February 2023
format: Hardback
isbn: 9781108489546
From 1720 to 1722, the French region of Provence and surrounding areas experienced one of the last major epidemics of plague to strike Western Europe. The Plague of Provence was a major disaster that left in its wake as many as 126,000 deaths, as well as new understandings about the nature of contagion and the best ways to manage its threat. In this transnational study, Cindy Ermus focuses on the social, commercial, and diplomatic impact of the epidemic beyond French borders, examining reactions to this public health crisis from Italy to Great Britain to Spain and the overseas colonies. She reveals how a crisis in one part of the globe can transcend geographic boundaries and influence society, politics, and public health policy in regions far from the epicentre of disaster.