Denyse Baillargeon et le métier d'historienne
Journée d'étude
Université de Montréal
1er mai 2019, 9h30-17h
Mot d’ouverture
Carl Bouchard, Université de Montréal, département d’histoire
Faire et enseigner l’histoire avec Denyse Baillargeon
Présidente de la séance : Andrée Lévesque (Université McGill)
Josette Brun (Université Laval), Des ménagères au temps de la féminisme à Femme d’aujourd’hui
Sophie Doucet (Université Concordia), Ménagères ou bourgeoises, des femmes et des émotions
Brian Young (Université McGill), Conversations: Denyse Baillargeon, Writing History, and the Groupe d’histoire de Montréal
Pause-café (11h10-11h30)
Une histoire sociale de la santé
Présidente de la séance:Laurence Monnais (Université de Montréal)
Catherine Carstairs (University of Guelph), Healthy Bodies for the Nation: Medicalization and the Health League of Canada, 1920-1970
Susanne Commend (Université d’Ottawa), Genre et handicap: une étude intersectionnelle des enfants handicapé.e.s et leurs familles au Québec
Sasha Mullally (University of New Brunswick), Sisterhood Economics: Therapeutic Handcrafts and the Women’s Work of the Antigonish Movement
Dîner, 13h-14h (salle C2081-C2083)
Les voix des femmes, les voies de la citoyenneté
Présidente de la séance:Catherine Larochelle (Université de Montréal)
Aline Charles (Université Laval), Hospices, asiles et «Dames pensionnaires» du XIXe au XXe siècle
Marie-Hélène Brunet (Université d’Ottawa), L’agentivité des femmes dans les récits historiques: des pistes pour faire découvrir l’histoire des femmes en formation à l’enseignement
Louise Bienvenue (Université Sherbrooke), Faire l’histoire autrement. La trajectoire suffragiste brisée de Marie-Claire Daveluy
Pause-café (15h30-15h50)
Conférence d’honneur
Présidente: Michèle Dagenais (Université de Montréal)
Christine Bard, Professeure d’histoire contemporaine, Université Angers, «Du côté de Fernande»
Vin d’honneur (17h, salle C2081-C2083)Le Vin d’honneur est rendu possible grâce à la générosité des Éditions du remue-ménage et de UBC Press
mardi 30 avril 2019
Bourse sur les femmes en médecine
The Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation Research Fellowship
Call for applications
Call for applications
Deadline May 15, 2019
The Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation is pleased to provide one $5,000 grant to support travel, lodging, and incidental expenses for a flexible research period between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Foundation Fellowships are offered for research related to the history of women to be conducted at the Center for the History of Medicine at the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine. Preference will be given to:
projects that engage specifically with the history of women physicians, other health workers, or medical scientists; proposals on the history of women’s health issues will also be considered
those who are using collections from the Center’s Archives for Women in Medicine;however, research on the topic of women in medicine using other material from the Countway Library will be considered
applicants who live beyond commuting distance of the Countway; however, all are encouraged to apply, including graduate students
In return, the Foundation requests a one page report on the Fellow’s research experience, a copy of the final product (with the ability to post excerpts from the paper/project), and a photo and bio of the Fellow for web and newsletter announcements. The Fellow will also be asked to present a lecture at the Countway Library.
Application Requirements
Applicants should submit a proposal (no more than five pages) outlining the subject and objectives of the research project, length of residence, historical materials to be used, and a project budget (including travel, lodging, and research expenses), along with a curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendations by May 15, 2019. The fellowship proposal should demonstrate that the Countway Library has resources central to the research topic.
Applications should be sent to: The Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine Fellowship, Archives for Women in Medicine, Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, 10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115. Electronic submissions of applications and supporting materials and any questions may be directed to or (617) 432-2170.
Partnering Organizations
The Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation, formerly the Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine, was founded with the strong belief that understanding our history plays a powerful role in shaping our future. The resolute stand women took to establish their place in these fields propels our vision forward. We serve as stewards to the stories from the past, and take pride in sharing them with the women of today. Our mission is to preserve and promote the history of women in medicine and the medical sciences, and we look forward to connecting you to our collective legacy that will empower our future.
The Archives for Women in Medicine is a program of the Countway Library’s Center for the History of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. The Archives for Women in Medicine actively acquires, processes, preserves, provides access to, and publicizes the papers of women physicians, researchers, and medical administrators. Learn more about collections open to research on our Archives for Women in Medicine Collections page.
Established in 1960 as a result of an alliance between the Boston Medical Library and the Harvard Medical Library, the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine is the largest academic medical library in the United States. The Countway Library maintains a collection of approximately 700,000 volumes. The Center for the History of Medicine’s collection of archives and manuscripts, numbering between 15-20 million items, is the largest collection of its kind in the United States. The manuscripts collection includes the personal and professional records of physicians from the medieval and Renaissance periods through the twentieth century, including the professional papers of many renowned Harvard faculty members as well as physicians and scientists from New England and around the country.
The 2018-2019 Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine Research Fellow is Carla Bittel. Previous fellows include Maria Daxenbichler, Jordan Katz, Kate Grauvogel, Louella McCarthy, Rebecca Kluchin, Ciara Breathnach, Carrie Adkins, and Hilary Aquino.
The Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation is pleased to provide one $5,000 grant to support travel, lodging, and incidental expenses for a flexible research period between July 1, 2019 and June 30, 2020. Foundation Fellowships are offered for research related to the history of women to be conducted at the Center for the History of Medicine at the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine. Preference will be given to:
projects that engage specifically with the history of women physicians, other health workers, or medical scientists; proposals on the history of women’s health issues will also be considered
those who are using collections from the Center’s Archives for Women in Medicine;however, research on the topic of women in medicine using other material from the Countway Library will be considered
applicants who live beyond commuting distance of the Countway; however, all are encouraged to apply, including graduate students
In return, the Foundation requests a one page report on the Fellow’s research experience, a copy of the final product (with the ability to post excerpts from the paper/project), and a photo and bio of the Fellow for web and newsletter announcements. The Fellow will also be asked to present a lecture at the Countway Library.
Application Requirements
Applicants should submit a proposal (no more than five pages) outlining the subject and objectives of the research project, length of residence, historical materials to be used, and a project budget (including travel, lodging, and research expenses), along with a curriculum vitae and two letters of recommendations by May 15, 2019. The fellowship proposal should demonstrate that the Countway Library has resources central to the research topic.
Applications should be sent to: The Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine Fellowship, Archives for Women in Medicine, Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, 10 Shattuck Street, Boston, MA 02115. Electronic submissions of applications and supporting materials and any questions may be directed to or (617) 432-2170.
Partnering Organizations
The Women in Medicine Legacy Foundation, formerly the Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine, was founded with the strong belief that understanding our history plays a powerful role in shaping our future. The resolute stand women took to establish their place in these fields propels our vision forward. We serve as stewards to the stories from the past, and take pride in sharing them with the women of today. Our mission is to preserve and promote the history of women in medicine and the medical sciences, and we look forward to connecting you to our collective legacy that will empower our future.
The Archives for Women in Medicine is a program of the Countway Library’s Center for the History of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. The Archives for Women in Medicine actively acquires, processes, preserves, provides access to, and publicizes the papers of women physicians, researchers, and medical administrators. Learn more about collections open to research on our Archives for Women in Medicine Collections page.
Established in 1960 as a result of an alliance between the Boston Medical Library and the Harvard Medical Library, the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine is the largest academic medical library in the United States. The Countway Library maintains a collection of approximately 700,000 volumes. The Center for the History of Medicine’s collection of archives and manuscripts, numbering between 15-20 million items, is the largest collection of its kind in the United States. The manuscripts collection includes the personal and professional records of physicians from the medieval and Renaissance periods through the twentieth century, including the professional papers of many renowned Harvard faculty members as well as physicians and scientists from New England and around the country.
The 2018-2019 Foundation for the History of Women in Medicine Research Fellow is Carla Bittel. Previous fellows include Maria Daxenbichler, Jordan Katz, Kate Grauvogel, Louella McCarthy, Rebecca Kluchin, Ciara Breathnach, Carrie Adkins, and Hilary Aquino.
lundi 29 avril 2019
Le dernier numéro du Bulletin canadien d'histoire de la médecine
Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/ Bulletin canadien d'histoire de la médecine
Volume 36 Issue 1, spring/printemps 2019
Presidential Address / Adresse présidentielle
“Everything Possible Is Being Done”: Labour, Mobility, and the Organization of Health Services in Mid-20th Century Newfoundland
Peter L. Twohig
L’auto-expérimentation athlétique du docteur Fernand Lagrange (1880–1900)
Alexandre Ayrault, Thomas Bauer
“Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails”: Boys and Behaviour in the USA
Matthew Smith
Medical History as Fine Art in American Mural Painting of the 1930s
Bert Hansen
University of Alberta Hospital Acute and Convalescent Polio Care and the Reintegration of Polio Patients into Albertan Communities, 1953–80
Geraldine Huynh
The Greater Good: Agency and Inoculation in the British Army, 1914–18
Simon H. Walker
Les expertises dans l’affaire Lafarge ou la fabrique du doute
Nicolas Sueur
Methods and Issues / Problématiques et méthodes
« Imaginaire et sensibilités » : la mise en récit de la déshospitalisation psychiatrique en Ontario
Marie-Claude Thifault

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Review Essay: Making Doctors, Preventing Disease – Medicine in 19th- and 20th-Century Ireland
J.T.H. Connor
Managing Madness: Weyburn Mental Hospital and the Transformation of Psychiatric Care in Canada by Erika Dyck and Alex Deighton
Megan J. Davies
Schizophrène au XXe siècle. Des effets secondaires de l’histoire par Hervé Guillemain
Marie Derrien
Cartes postales, notes et lettres de Sigmund Freud à Paul Federn (1905–1938) par Sigmund Freud et Benjamin Lévy (traduction), Christophe Woerle (transcription)
Emmanuel Delille
Cancer, Radiation Therapy, and the Market by Barbara Bridgman Perkins
Jennifer Fraser
Artificial Hearts: The Allure and Ambivalence of a Controversial Medical Technology by Shelley McKellar
J.T.H. Connor
A History of Public Health: Revised and Expanded Edition by George Rosen
Stephen E. Mawdsley
Mobilizing Mercy: A History of the Canadian Red Cross by Sarah Glassford
Catherine Carstairs
L’impossible prohibition. Drogues et toxicomanies en France, 1945–2017 par Alexandre Marchant
Zoë Dubus
La pharmacie centrale de France : Une coopérative pharmaceutique XIXe siècle par Nicolas Sueur
Stéphanie Tésio
Morts avant de naître. La mort périnatale par Philippe Charrier, Gaëlle Clavandier, Vincent Gourdon, Catherine Rollet et Nathalie Sage Pranchère (dir.)
Andrée Rivard
Cesarean Section: An American History of Risk, Technology, and Consequence by Jacqueline H. Wolf
Ian Miller
Pour une histoire du handicap au XXe siècle : Approches transnationales (Europe et Amériques) par Gildas Brégain
Stéphane Zygart
Suffering Scholars: Pathologies of the Intellectual in Enlightenment France by Anne C. Vila
T. Jock Murray
Raconter la douleur. La souffrance en Europe (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles) par Marilina Gianico (dir.)
Laura Tatoueix
La colonisation du savoir. Une histoire des plantes médicinales du « Nouveau Monde » (1492–1750) par Samir Boumediene
Anne Lardeux
Medicina e scienza dell’uomo. Paul-Joseph Barthez e la Scuola di Montpellier par Raffaele Carbone
Corinne Doria
Petite histoire de l’embaumement en Europe au XIXe siècle par Nicolas Delestre, préfaces de Philippe Charlier et Michel Guénanten
Sandra Menenteau
Juger les fous au Moyen Âge dans les tribunaux royaux en France (XIVe–XVe siècles) par Maud Ternon
Ninon Dubourg
Les danseurs fous de Strasbourg. Une épidémie de transe collective en 1518 par John Waller et Laurent Perez (traduction)
Mathieu Laflamme
L’Anonyme de Londres. Un papyrus médical grec du Ier siècle après J.-C. par Antonio Ricciardetto
Thierry Bardinet
Volume 36 Issue 1, spring/printemps 2019
Presidential Address / Adresse présidentielle
“Everything Possible Is Being Done”: Labour, Mobility, and the Organization of Health Services in Mid-20th Century Newfoundland
Peter L. Twohig
L’auto-expérimentation athlétique du docteur Fernand Lagrange (1880–1900)
Alexandre Ayrault, Thomas Bauer
“Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails”: Boys and Behaviour in the USA
Matthew Smith
Medical History as Fine Art in American Mural Painting of the 1930s
Bert Hansen
University of Alberta Hospital Acute and Convalescent Polio Care and the Reintegration of Polio Patients into Albertan Communities, 1953–80
Geraldine Huynh
The Greater Good: Agency and Inoculation in the British Army, 1914–18
Simon H. Walker
Les expertises dans l’affaire Lafarge ou la fabrique du doute
Nicolas Sueur
Methods and Issues / Problématiques et méthodes
« Imaginaire et sensibilités » : la mise en récit de la déshospitalisation psychiatrique en Ontario
Marie-Claude Thifault

Book Reviews / Comptes rendus
Review Essay: Making Doctors, Preventing Disease – Medicine in 19th- and 20th-Century Ireland
J.T.H. Connor
Managing Madness: Weyburn Mental Hospital and the Transformation of Psychiatric Care in Canada by Erika Dyck and Alex Deighton
Megan J. Davies
Schizophrène au XXe siècle. Des effets secondaires de l’histoire par Hervé Guillemain
Marie Derrien
Cartes postales, notes et lettres de Sigmund Freud à Paul Federn (1905–1938) par Sigmund Freud et Benjamin Lévy (traduction), Christophe Woerle (transcription)
Emmanuel Delille
Cancer, Radiation Therapy, and the Market by Barbara Bridgman Perkins
Jennifer Fraser
Artificial Hearts: The Allure and Ambivalence of a Controversial Medical Technology by Shelley McKellar
J.T.H. Connor
A History of Public Health: Revised and Expanded Edition by George Rosen
Stephen E. Mawdsley
Mobilizing Mercy: A History of the Canadian Red Cross by Sarah Glassford
Catherine Carstairs
L’impossible prohibition. Drogues et toxicomanies en France, 1945–2017 par Alexandre Marchant
Zoë Dubus
La pharmacie centrale de France : Une coopérative pharmaceutique XIXe siècle par Nicolas Sueur
Stéphanie Tésio
Morts avant de naître. La mort périnatale par Philippe Charrier, Gaëlle Clavandier, Vincent Gourdon, Catherine Rollet et Nathalie Sage Pranchère (dir.)
Andrée Rivard
Cesarean Section: An American History of Risk, Technology, and Consequence by Jacqueline H. Wolf
Ian Miller
Pour une histoire du handicap au XXe siècle : Approches transnationales (Europe et Amériques) par Gildas Brégain
Stéphane Zygart
Suffering Scholars: Pathologies of the Intellectual in Enlightenment France by Anne C. Vila
T. Jock Murray
Raconter la douleur. La souffrance en Europe (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles) par Marilina Gianico (dir.)
Laura Tatoueix
La colonisation du savoir. Une histoire des plantes médicinales du « Nouveau Monde » (1492–1750) par Samir Boumediene
Anne Lardeux
Medicina e scienza dell’uomo. Paul-Joseph Barthez e la Scuola di Montpellier par Raffaele Carbone
Corinne Doria
Petite histoire de l’embaumement en Europe au XIXe siècle par Nicolas Delestre, préfaces de Philippe Charlier et Michel Guénanten
Sandra Menenteau
Juger les fous au Moyen Âge dans les tribunaux royaux en France (XIVe–XVe siècles) par Maud Ternon
Ninon Dubourg
Les danseurs fous de Strasbourg. Une épidémie de transe collective en 1518 par John Waller et Laurent Perez (traduction)
Mathieu Laflamme
L’Anonyme de Londres. Un papyrus médical grec du Ier siècle après J.-C. par Antonio Ricciardetto
Thierry Bardinet
Bourse postdoctorale A. W. Mellon
A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, History of Science, Medicine, and/or Environment, 2019-2021
Call for applications
University of Wisconsin-Madison: College of Letters & Science: Institute for Research in the Humanities and Center for the Humanities
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Open Date Apr 22, 2019
Deadline May 10, 2019 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
The College of Letters & Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The fellow will be housed in the Department of History and supported by the Center for the Humanities. The fellow will begin on August 19, 2019, and will teach a total of three undergraduate courses over two years, with no teaching in the first semester of the fellowship.
Applicants must hold a doctorate in history or relevant degree program by the start of the appointment. We seek applications from scholars with expertise in the history of science, medicine, and/or the environment, from the early modern to contemporary period, in any geographic area. Competitive applicants will have a strong research profile and proven record of teaching at the undergraduate level.
For 2019-2021, the stipend for postdoctoral fellows will be at least $67,870 per academic year, with a $5,000 per year research allowance. Fellows will be furnished with office space and computer equipment. Fellows are eligible for health insurance (more information:
All materials, including reference letters, must be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on May 10, 2019, to ensure full consideration.
Complete information about the UW-Madison Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is available here.
Questions about the program or application process may be directed to Megan Massino: or 608.890.0013
Applicants must hold a PhD in History or a relevant degree program.
Applicants must be scholars who are not yet tenured and who are within 5 years of having received their PhD. To be eligible for this competition, the degree must be received between August 2014 and August 2019.
Applicants who do not yet hold a PhD but expect to file their final thesis prior to the begin date of the fellowship (August 19, 2019) must provide a letter from their home institution (department chair, head of graduate studies, or advisor) confirming the degree award schedule.
Doctoral candidates and those holding PhDs or other doctoral degrees from UW-Madison are ineligible.
The fellowship has no nationality requirements. If accepted, international candidates will be responsible for securing their own paperwork, visas, etc. as needed, though the university can provide some support in that process.
Selected recipients may not hold another fellowship simultaneous with this one.
Application Instructions
Call for applications
University of Wisconsin-Madison: College of Letters & Science: Institute for Research in the Humanities and Center for the Humanities
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Open Date Apr 22, 2019
Deadline May 10, 2019 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time
The College of Letters & Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The fellow will be housed in the Department of History and supported by the Center for the Humanities. The fellow will begin on August 19, 2019, and will teach a total of three undergraduate courses over two years, with no teaching in the first semester of the fellowship.
Applicants must hold a doctorate in history or relevant degree program by the start of the appointment. We seek applications from scholars with expertise in the history of science, medicine, and/or the environment, from the early modern to contemporary period, in any geographic area. Competitive applicants will have a strong research profile and proven record of teaching at the undergraduate level.
For 2019-2021, the stipend for postdoctoral fellows will be at least $67,870 per academic year, with a $5,000 per year research allowance. Fellows will be furnished with office space and computer equipment. Fellows are eligible for health insurance (more information:
All materials, including reference letters, must be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on May 10, 2019, to ensure full consideration.
Complete information about the UW-Madison Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is available here.
Questions about the program or application process may be directed to Megan Massino: or 608.890.0013
Applicants must hold a PhD in History or a relevant degree program.
Applicants must be scholars who are not yet tenured and who are within 5 years of having received their PhD. To be eligible for this competition, the degree must be received between August 2014 and August 2019.
Applicants who do not yet hold a PhD but expect to file their final thesis prior to the begin date of the fellowship (August 19, 2019) must provide a letter from their home institution (department chair, head of graduate studies, or advisor) confirming the degree award schedule.
Doctoral candidates and those holding PhDs or other doctoral degrees from UW-Madison are ineligible.
The fellowship has no nationality requirements. If accepted, international candidates will be responsible for securing their own paperwork, visas, etc. as needed, though the university can provide some support in that process.
Selected recipients may not hold another fellowship simultaneous with this one.
Application Instructions
Your application must include the following:
Proposal of up to 2,000 words. The proposal should outline completed research (including dissertation); work in progress; research that will be conducted as a Mellon Fellow; a description of professional goals and plans for publication; an indication of the undergraduate courses you might teach; and other relevant information. Include how you believe you would benefit from being at UW-Madison, including the faculty associations you would like to develop.
Curriculum vitae; include work forthcoming and in progress.
Writing sample of up to 25 pages double spaced. The writing sample should be in English. References/images/endnotes may be in reasonable excess of the 25 pages.
Degree confirmation letter: applicants who do not yet hold a PhD must provide a letter from their home institution (department chair, head of graduate studies, or advisor) confirming the degree award schedule. Upload via “Additional Documents.” If your advisor has included this information in their recommendation letter, please upload a PDF that says: “Schedule for completion indicated in recommendation letter from [NAME].”
Optional: Statement of teaching philosophy and/or sample syllabi or descriptions of courses you have taught or would like to teach. Upload via “Additional Documents.”
Confidential reference letters from two writers. Reference letters must be submitted via Interfolio. However, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE A FULL SET OF REFERENCES and encourage your letter writers to submit their letters as soon as possible.
In addition, your application will include entries in the "Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Information Form 2019-2021" with inputs to tell us about your dissertation committee, references, and educational background. This form includes a field for a 100 word abstract of the dissertation (or book project if current project is unrelated to dissertation).
When you begin your application, you will be asked to upload your curriculum vitae, proposal, and writing sample as separate documents (details for these submissions are below). If you would like to include teaching information and/or you have a letter corroborating the degree award schedule, upload these as “additional documents.”
All materials must be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on May 10, 2019 to ensure full consideration.
Questions? Contact Megan Massino: / 608.890.0013
Application Process
This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.
Proposal of up to 2,000 words. The proposal should outline completed research (including dissertation); work in progress; research that will be conducted as a Mellon Fellow; a description of professional goals and plans for publication; an indication of the undergraduate courses you might teach; and other relevant information. Include how you believe you would benefit from being at UW-Madison, including the faculty associations you would like to develop.
Curriculum vitae; include work forthcoming and in progress.
Writing sample of up to 25 pages double spaced. The writing sample should be in English. References/images/endnotes may be in reasonable excess of the 25 pages.
Degree confirmation letter: applicants who do not yet hold a PhD must provide a letter from their home institution (department chair, head of graduate studies, or advisor) confirming the degree award schedule. Upload via “Additional Documents.” If your advisor has included this information in their recommendation letter, please upload a PDF that says: “Schedule for completion indicated in recommendation letter from [NAME].”
Optional: Statement of teaching philosophy and/or sample syllabi or descriptions of courses you have taught or would like to teach. Upload via “Additional Documents.”
Confidential reference letters from two writers. Reference letters must be submitted via Interfolio. However, PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION EVEN IF YOU DON'T HAVE A FULL SET OF REFERENCES and encourage your letter writers to submit their letters as soon as possible.
In addition, your application will include entries in the "Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship Information Form 2019-2021" with inputs to tell us about your dissertation committee, references, and educational background. This form includes a field for a 100 word abstract of the dissertation (or book project if current project is unrelated to dissertation).
When you begin your application, you will be asked to upload your curriculum vitae, proposal, and writing sample as separate documents (details for these submissions are below). If you would like to include teaching information and/or you have a letter corroborating the degree award schedule, upload these as “additional documents.”
All materials must be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Time on May 10, 2019 to ensure full consideration.
Questions? Contact Megan Massino: / 608.890.0013
Application Process
This institution is using Interfolio's Faculty Search to conduct this search. Applicants to this position receive a free Dossier account and can send all application materials, including confidential letters of recommendation, free of charge.
Apply Now
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
UW-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
UW-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.
dimanche 28 avril 2019
La médecine domestique romaine
Roman Domestic Medical Practice in Central Italy: From the Middle Republic to the Early Empire
Jane Draycott
Series: Medicine and the Body in Antiquity
Hardcover: 200 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (March 26, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1472433961
Roman Domestic Medical Practice in Central Italy examines the roles that the home, the garden and the members of the household (freeborn, freed and slave) played in the acquisition and maintenance of good physical and mental health and well-being. Focussing on the period from the middle Republic to the early Empire, it considers how comprehensive the ancient Roman general understanding of health actually was, and studies how knowledge regarding various aspects of health was transmitted within the household.
Using literary, documentary, archaeological and bioarchaeological evidence from a variety of contexts, this is the first extended volume to provide as comprehensive and detailed a reconstruction of this aspect of ancient Roman private life as possible, complementing existing works on ancient professional medical practice and existing works on domestic medical practice in later historical periods. This volume offers an indispensable resource to social historians, particularly those that focus on the ancient family, and medical historians, particularly those that focus on the ancient world.
Series: Medicine and the Body in Antiquity
Hardcover: 200 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (March 26, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-1472433961
Roman Domestic Medical Practice in Central Italy examines the roles that the home, the garden and the members of the household (freeborn, freed and slave) played in the acquisition and maintenance of good physical and mental health and well-being. Focussing on the period from the middle Republic to the early Empire, it considers how comprehensive the ancient Roman general understanding of health actually was, and studies how knowledge regarding various aspects of health was transmitted within the household.
Using literary, documentary, archaeological and bioarchaeological evidence from a variety of contexts, this is the first extended volume to provide as comprehensive and detailed a reconstruction of this aspect of ancient Roman private life as possible, complementing existing works on ancient professional medical practice and existing works on domestic medical practice in later historical periods. This volume offers an indispensable resource to social historians, particularly those that focus on the ancient family, and medical historians, particularly those that focus on the ancient world.
Médecine sacrée et dialogue interreligieux
Medicina Sacra e Dialogo Interreligioso
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
22-24 Maggio 2019
Mercoledì 22 Maggio 2019 (Pomeriggio) – Aula Tertulliano, Dibit2
15:00-15:30 Saluti istituzionali
15:30-19:00 Prima sessione – Presiede: Vito Limone, UniSR
15:30-16:30 Giulia Sfameni Gasparro, Università di Messina
Medicina e magia: dalla Grecia classica al mondo tardo-antico. Esempi tra letteratura e prassi rituale
16:30-17:30 Emanuele Ciampini, Università di Venezia
Prassi e conoscenza: il corpo umano tra scienza e sacro in Egitto
17:30-18:00 Coffee Break
18:00-19:00 Giuseppe Squillace, Università della Calabria
Tra Asclepio e Ippocrate: medicina religiosa e medicina laica nel mondo greco-romano
Giovedì 23 Maggio 2019 (Mattina) – Aula Tertulliano, Dibit2
9:00-10:30 Seconda Sessione – Presiede: Alfredo Gatto, UniSR
9:00-10:30 Marta Rivaroli, Università La Sapienza–Roma
Se un bambino piange fino a tarda ora e non vuole il latte: mano di Kūbu: la medicina dell’infanzia nell’antica Mesopotamia
Sergio Ribichini, CNR–Roma
Sacrum reddiderunt molchomor. Mortalità infantile e riti di guarigione nel mondo fenicio e punico
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Terza Sessione – Presiede: Andrea Tagliapietra, UniSR
11:00-12:00 Massimo Campanini, Università di Trento
Quando mi ammalo, mi sana. Il Corano e la medicina: problemi epistemologici
12:00-13:00 Leonardo Capezzone, Università La Sapienza–Roma
Un aspetto della medicina degli Imam sciiti: il Kitab al-ihlilaja attribuito al sesto Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (m. 765)
14:30-19:00 Quarta Sessione – Preiede: Giulio Maspero, Pusc–Roma
14:30-15:30 Marco Di Donato, Unimed–Roma
La medicina profetica nel sunnismo: al-Jawziyya e al-Suyuti
15:30-16:30 Matteo Monfrinotti, Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Roma
La scienza medica nel pensiero cristiano dei primi secoli
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Marcello La Matina, Università di Macerata
Medicina e filosofia tra cultura pagana e cristianesimo antico. Alcune questioni di semantica
18:00-19:00 Mariangela Monaca, Università di Messina
Tra medicina e agiografia: osservazioni storico-religiose a margine di alcune Vite di santi taumaturghi
Venerdì 24 Maggio 2019 (Mattina) – Aula Tertulliano, Dibit2
9:00-13:00 Quinta Sessione – Presiede: Massimo Reichlin, UniSR
9:00-10:00 Saverio Campanini, Università di Bologna
Salute e salvezza: l’Iggeret ha-qodesh e i suoi lettori
10:00-11:00 Raphael Ebgi, Freie Universität–Berlin
Medicina e Umanesimo
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Amina Crisma, Università di Bologna
Cura di sé e relazione con la totalità, razionalità indiziaria e rapporto con il sacro nelle antiche concezioni della medicina cinese
12:30-13:00 Conclusioni – Claudio Moreschini, Università di Pisa
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
22-24 Maggio 2019
Mercoledì 22 Maggio 2019 (Pomeriggio) – Aula Tertulliano, Dibit2
15:00-15:30 Saluti istituzionali
15:30-19:00 Prima sessione – Presiede: Vito Limone, UniSR
15:30-16:30 Giulia Sfameni Gasparro, Università di Messina
Medicina e magia: dalla Grecia classica al mondo tardo-antico. Esempi tra letteratura e prassi rituale
16:30-17:30 Emanuele Ciampini, Università di Venezia
Prassi e conoscenza: il corpo umano tra scienza e sacro in Egitto
17:30-18:00 Coffee Break
18:00-19:00 Giuseppe Squillace, Università della Calabria
Tra Asclepio e Ippocrate: medicina religiosa e medicina laica nel mondo greco-romano
Giovedì 23 Maggio 2019 (Mattina) – Aula Tertulliano, Dibit2
9:00-10:30 Seconda Sessione – Presiede: Alfredo Gatto, UniSR
9:00-10:30 Marta Rivaroli, Università La Sapienza–Roma
Se un bambino piange fino a tarda ora e non vuole il latte: mano di Kūbu: la medicina dell’infanzia nell’antica Mesopotamia
Sergio Ribichini, CNR–Roma
Sacrum reddiderunt molchomor. Mortalità infantile e riti di guarigione nel mondo fenicio e punico
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-13:00 Terza Sessione – Presiede: Andrea Tagliapietra, UniSR
11:00-12:00 Massimo Campanini, Università di Trento
Quando mi ammalo, mi sana. Il Corano e la medicina: problemi epistemologici
12:00-13:00 Leonardo Capezzone, Università La Sapienza–Roma
Un aspetto della medicina degli Imam sciiti: il Kitab al-ihlilaja attribuito al sesto Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (m. 765)
14:30-19:00 Quarta Sessione – Preiede: Giulio Maspero, Pusc–Roma
14:30-15:30 Marco Di Donato, Unimed–Roma
La medicina profetica nel sunnismo: al-Jawziyya e al-Suyuti
15:30-16:30 Matteo Monfrinotti, Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Roma
La scienza medica nel pensiero cristiano dei primi secoli
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Marcello La Matina, Università di Macerata
Medicina e filosofia tra cultura pagana e cristianesimo antico. Alcune questioni di semantica
18:00-19:00 Mariangela Monaca, Università di Messina
Tra medicina e agiografia: osservazioni storico-religiose a margine di alcune Vite di santi taumaturghi
Venerdì 24 Maggio 2019 (Mattina) – Aula Tertulliano, Dibit2
9:00-13:00 Quinta Sessione – Presiede: Massimo Reichlin, UniSR
9:00-10:00 Saverio Campanini, Università di Bologna
Salute e salvezza: l’Iggeret ha-qodesh e i suoi lettori
10:00-11:00 Raphael Ebgi, Freie Universität–Berlin
Medicina e Umanesimo
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:30 Amina Crisma, Università di Bologna
Cura di sé e relazione con la totalità, razionalità indiziaria e rapporto con il sacro nelle antiche concezioni della medicina cinese
12:30-13:00 Conclusioni – Claudio Moreschini, Università di Pisa
samedi 27 avril 2019
Nommer la schizophrénie
La schizophrénie
Première Journée du Cycle « Nommer la maladie mentale - histoire et actualités »
Organisée par Hervé Guillemain (TEMOS CNRS) et Marianna
Scarfone (Sage)
22 mai 2019
Lieu : Salle polyvalente de la clinique psychiatrique -
Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Strasbourg,
La journée sera composée de tables rondes destinées à
interroger :
le contexte d’émergence de la maladie (dans l’histoire
collective, médicale et individuelle), les représentations associées au nom de
la maladie, les effets historiques, individuels et sociaux d’une telle
représentation, les manières d’envisager l’évolution de la maladie
(individuelle, médicale, psychologique, sociale)
Aude Caria (Psycom) - Julie Clausse (Psychiatre -
Strasbourg) - Le collectif schizophrénies - Jean-Pierre Freling (Cadre de santé
– Dijon) - Clément Fromentin (Psychiatre – ASM 13 Paris) -
Hervé Guillemain (Historien – Le Mans) -
Marie Koenig (Psychologue – Paris 8) - Laurence Martin (auteure –Blogschizo) - Nicolas
Rainteau (Psychiatre – Montpellier) – Marianna Scarfone (Historienne – Strasbourg)
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