Material Care Studies
European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics
The first issue of the European Journal for Nursing History and Ethics focuses on a young and innovative field of nursing research: research on the objects of nursing, for which Lucia Artner and Isabel Atzl coined the term “Material Care Studies” in their leading article in this issue. The “Practice Turn” in recent years has shifted the focus not only towards the practices of nursing but also its objects. Simultaneously, dealing with and using objects in nursing always also implies an ethical dimension in the relationship between nurse and patient: One might think of handling modesty and disgust when using instruments for emptying a patient’s bowels or of the implementation and daily management of a feeding tube for artificial feeding. Photo: © Thomas Bruns
The complete issue as PDF

Susanne Kreutzer & Karen Nolte
Crossing the Boundaries. Nursing, Materiality and Anaesthetic Practice in Germany and Britain, 1846-1945
Karen Nolte & Christine E. Hallett
The Fake Three-Sided Key. Patient-Fabricated Duplicate Keys in Psychiatry around 1900
Martina Wernli
The Quality of Time and Its Quantifications. Negotiations about the Feeding Tube at the End of Life
Jeannette Pols
Susanne Kreutzer
History of Public Health Nursing in Spain and the International Context
María Eugenia Galiana-Sánchez
María Eugenia Galiana-Sánchez
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