Senate House, Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU
United Kingdom
Thursday 11 July
9.30am Registration and refreshments
10.00 am Plenary lecture
Ken Albala, Toward a Historical Dialectic of Culinary Styles
11.15am Parallel panel sessions
1. Another person’s poison: food and mysterious symptoms in historical perspective
Marie Reinholdt, The role of dietary approaches in childhood hyperactivity in the US and the UK, 1975 – 2010
Val Harrington, ‘A recipe for relief’: medical and patient discourses around diet in irritable bowel syndrome
Matthew Smith, The pre-history of food allergy: idiosyncrasies in the nineteenth century
2. Cooking health: food and health in the 19th century Americas
Ilaria Berti, ‘Eat sparingly of all kinds of fruit’
Bruna Gushurst-Moore, Gardens, foods, medicines: foods of the sickroom in nineteenth-century America
Deborah Levine, Therapeutic diets for pregnant women in maternity hospitals, 1880-1920
Bruna Gushurst-Moore, Gardens, foods, medicines: foods of the sickroom in nineteenth-century America
Deborah Levine, Therapeutic diets for pregnant women in maternity hospitals, 1880-1920
3. Dark secrets shared: chocolate, coffee and glocalisation 1: Transnational approaches
Chair: Margrit Schulte, Beerbühl
Jonathan Morris, The Espresso Menu: An International History
Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, Beerbühl, Transferring Sweet Secrets: Transnational connections in the European Chocolate Industry
Angelika Epple, Chocolate and the Invention of Quality
Ruben Quass, Fair Trade Coffee. “Global” Product – “Glocal” Project – “Local” Goals?
Jonathan Morris, The Espresso Menu: An International History
Margrit Schulte Beerbühl, Beerbühl, Transferring Sweet Secrets: Transnational connections in the European Chocolate Industry
Angelika Epple, Chocolate and the Invention of Quality
Ruben Quass, Fair Trade Coffee. “Global” Product – “Glocal” Project – “Local” Goals?
4. Eating for victory: food production and consumption on the home front during the second world war
John Martin, Potatoes
Debra Reid, Canned corn
Clare Griffiths, Rhubarb
Debra Reid, Canned corn
Clare Griffiths, Rhubarb
5. Immigration, food and national identity
Chair: Peter Atkins
Maren Möhring, Transnational Food: The Dönerkebab in Germany
Jernej Mlekuž, Not Just Food, but Food for Thought: A Short History of the Burek in Slovenia
Panikos Panayi, Antisemitism, Poverty and Britishness: The Identity of Fish and Chips
Maren Möhring, Transnational Food: The Dönerkebab in Germany
Jernej Mlekuž, Not Just Food, but Food for Thought: A Short History of the Burek in Slovenia
Panikos Panayi, Antisemitism, Poverty and Britishness: The Identity of Fish and Chips
6. Wild (and tame) food
Robert Alexander Hearn, Where the Wild Things Weren’t: the Re-wilding of Ligurian Culinary Landscapes, 1800-2012
Malcolm Thick, Rabbit production (and consumption) in Eighteenth Century London
Emma C Spary, The natural diet in eighteenth-century France, or, how to feed a wild child
Malcolm Thick, Rabbit production (and consumption) in Eighteenth Century London
Emma C Spary, The natural diet in eighteenth-century France, or, how to feed a wild child
12.45pm Lunch
- Film screening
- Food history collections and archives
- Katherine Carter (Marks and Spencers archives)
- Polly Russell (British Library)
- Andrea Tanner (Fortnum and Mason)
2.00pm Parallel panel sessions
7. Food and the British empire in the 18th century
Molly Perry, ‘Flowing Bowls and Bumping Glasses’: Raising Toasts, Declaring Loyalty, and Protesting in the British Empire
Lucy Dow, ‘Very Excellent Gingerbread’: Tracing the cultural influence of empire through eighteenth and nineteenth recipes for Gingerbread
Troy Bickham, The edible map of mankind: food, the enlightenment, and imperialism in Britain
Rachel B Herrmann, No Useless Mouth: Food Diplomacy, Victual Warfare, and the Revolutionary Atlantic
Lucy Dow, ‘Very Excellent Gingerbread’: Tracing the cultural influence of empire through eighteenth and nineteenth recipes for Gingerbread
Troy Bickham, The edible map of mankind: food, the enlightenment, and imperialism in Britain
Rachel B Herrmann, No Useless Mouth: Food Diplomacy, Victual Warfare, and the Revolutionary Atlantic
8. Eating out
Melissa Calaresu, Street food: Eating out in the early modern Italy
Marie-Adeline Guennec, Bibitur, estur quasi in popina : On food in Roman restaurants
Fernando Notario, Eating the Cynic way: anti-cuisine, food and social identity in late classical Greece
Marie-Adeline Guennec, Bibitur, estur quasi in popina : On food in Roman restaurants
Fernando Notario, Eating the Cynic way: anti-cuisine, food and social identity in late classical Greece
9. Dark secrets shared 2: chocolate, coffee and glocalisation: Comparative approaches
Chair: Jonathan Morris
Tatsuya Mitsuda, The hybridization of tastes: chocolate in Japan, c.1900-1970
Yavuz Köse, Chocolate and Coffee in the Late Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic
Merry White, Coffee Japanese Style
Tatsuya Mitsuda, The hybridization of tastes: chocolate in Japan, c.1900-1970
Yavuz Köse, Chocolate and Coffee in the Late Ottoman Empire and Turkish Republic
Merry White, Coffee Japanese Style
10. Feeding Britain in two world wars
Chair: Catherine Geissler
Rachel Duffett, Sustaining the man at the front, 1914-1918
Peter Atkins, What was the point of ‘British Restaurants’, 1940-1947?
Derek Oddy, Nutrition policy in the two World Wars: myths and realities
Rachel Duffett, Sustaining the man at the front, 1914-1918
Peter Atkins, What was the point of ‘British Restaurants’, 1940-1947?
Derek Oddy, Nutrition policy in the two World Wars: myths and realities
11. Roundtable session
Emma Spary (Cambridge), Eating the Enlightenment: food and the sciences in Paris, 1670-1760 (University of Chicago Press, 2012)
12. Food regimes (convened by History Lab)
Chair: Sara Pennell
Stef Eastoe, ‘Keep them quiet and tranquil’: Exploring the role of food in the long-stay asylum
Bartley Rock , ‘Making a strict distinction in the degree of need’: Aid allocation by the local authorities in Tambov province during the 1891-92 Russian famine
Sally Osborn, Food as medicine: Diet drinks in the eighteenth-century recipe book
Stef Eastoe, ‘Keep them quiet and tranquil’: Exploring the role of food in the long-stay asylum
Bartley Rock , ‘Making a strict distinction in the degree of need’: Aid allocation by the local authorities in Tambov province during the 1891-92 Russian famine
Sally Osborn, Food as medicine: Diet drinks in the eighteenth-century recipe book
3.30pm Refreshments
4.00pm Plenary lecture
Steven Shapin, You Are What You Eat: Historical Changes in Ideas about Food and Identity
6.00pm Conference reception
Friday 12 July
9.00am Registration and refreshments
9.30am Parallel panel sessions
13. The food of the lower classes in late medieval England
Chair: Derek Keene
Chris Dyer, Wastel or treet? Buying daily bread in late medieval England
Umberto Albarella, Meat consumption in medieval England: the archaeological evidence from low status rural sites
Chris Woolgar, From hochepot to chitterling: peasant cuisine in late medieval England
Chris Dyer, Wastel or treet? Buying daily bread in late medieval England
Umberto Albarella, Meat consumption in medieval England: the archaeological evidence from low status rural sites
Chris Woolgar, From hochepot to chitterling: peasant cuisine in late medieval England
14. Drunkeness and early modern cultural change
Chair: Phil Withington
Tom Nichols, Double vision: the ambivalent imagery of drunkenness in early modern Europe
Rebecca Earle, Indians and Drunkenness in Colonial Spanish America
Angela McShane, A ‘Profane Sacrament’: Cups of Caritas in Seventeenth Century England
Tom Nichols, Double vision: the ambivalent imagery of drunkenness in early modern Europe
Rebecca Earle, Indians and Drunkenness in Colonial Spanish America
Angela McShane, A ‘Profane Sacrament’: Cups of Caritas in Seventeenth Century England
15. Class, gender and heritage in food consumption in North America
Janis Thiessen, Canadian Snack Foods: Old Dutch Potato Chips and Hawkins Cheezies
Matthew Broker, Shifting Tides: Oysters and Social Class in Urban America
Laura Ishiguro, ‘Scramble and Gobble at the Camp Table’: Settler Colonial Narratives of Eating in a Global British Columbia, 1858-1914
Matthew Broker, Shifting Tides: Oysters and Social Class in Urban America
Laura Ishiguro, ‘Scramble and Gobble at the Camp Table’: Settler Colonial Narratives of Eating in a Global British Columbia, 1858-1914
16. Ethnicities of food in the mediterranean world
Mark Aloisio, Regulation, Manipulation and Anti-Jewish Rhetoric in the Meat Markets of Medieval Sicily
Alexander Chase-Levenson, Food, Sensation, and Exoticism in Nineteenth-Century British Narratives of Travel
Ronald Ranta, De-Arabising and Re-Arabising Israeli Food
Alexander Chase-Levenson, Food, Sensation, and Exoticism in Nineteenth-Century British Narratives of Travel
Ronald Ranta, De-Arabising and Re-Arabising Israeli Food
17. Celebrity cooks
Jillian Adams, Betty Crocker and her Australian Lookalikes: America and Australian Post-War Culinary Culture
Lara Anderson, The emergence of Spanish culinary nationalism: Dr Thebussem and the king’s chef
Maggie Andrews, Cooking Up a Performance: Fanny Craddock and Food Preparation in British Broadcasting
Lara Anderson, The emergence of Spanish culinary nationalism: Dr Thebussem and the king’s chef
Maggie Andrews, Cooking Up a Performance: Fanny Craddock and Food Preparation in British Broadcasting
18. Fascism, food and the home front
Kate Ferris, Constructing the empire’s home front: shopkeepers, housewives and the politics of food in fascist Venice during the Ethiopian War
Lisa Pine, Food in Nazi Germany: Consumption, Education and Propaganda in Peace and War
Simone C De Santiago Ramos, Substitute Recipes in National Socialist Germany
Lisa Pine, Food in Nazi Germany: Consumption, Education and Propaganda in Peace and War
Simone C De Santiago Ramos, Substitute Recipes in National Socialist Germany
11.00am Refreshments
11.30am Parallel panel sessions
19. Food in archaeology: frontiers, translocations and transformations of foodstuffs
Martin Jones, ‘Globalization’ of millets and other staple crops in Bronze Age Eurasia
Marijke van der Veen, The contrasts between Roman and Islamic foodways in the Indian Ocean world, and the agricultural and culinarys innovations of the Islamic period
Nilcole Boivin, Arrival and adoption of Asian crops into eastern Africa, including the Swahili period
Fuller, Dorian, Developing an archaeology of curry
Marijke van der Veen, The contrasts between Roman and Islamic foodways in the Indian Ocean world, and the agricultural and culinarys innovations of the Islamic period
Nilcole Boivin, Arrival and adoption of Asian crops into eastern Africa, including the Swahili period
Fuller, Dorian, Developing an archaeology of curry
20. Roundtable session
Deborah Valenze (Barnard College, New York), Milk: a local and global history(Yale University Press, 2011)
21. New approaches to the transnational history of food and drink
Brian Cowan, Café or Coffeehouse? Trans-national Histories of Coffee and Sociability
Brenda Assael, The Restaurant, Transnationalism and Food Cultures in Modern Britain
Marco Guidici, ‘A bridge across ethnic lines’: Italian cafes in Welsh popular culture and public history, 1980 to the present
Brenda Assael, The Restaurant, Transnationalism and Food Cultures in Modern Britain
Marco Guidici, ‘A bridge across ethnic lines’: Italian cafes in Welsh popular culture and public history, 1980 to the present
22. Food and drink, living standards and identity: Japan in comparative context
Chair: Janet Hunter
Penelope Francks, Rice as Luxury: Food and Comparative Living Standards in Japan
Helen Macnaughtan, Consuming Rice in Post-War Japan: The Electric Rice Cooker and Japanese Housewives
Harald Fuess, Beer as a transcultural commodity in Japan and East Asia
Penelope Francks, Rice as Luxury: Food and Comparative Living Standards in Japan
Helen Macnaughtan, Consuming Rice in Post-War Japan: The Electric Rice Cooker and Japanese Housewives
Harald Fuess, Beer as a transcultural commodity in Japan and East Asia
23. Roundtable session
Rebecca Earle (Warwick), The body of the Conquistador: food, race and the colonial experience in Spanish America, 1492-1700 (Cambridge University Press, 2012)
24. Feasting and fasting
James Hooper, Inflaming and Subduing the Body: The Role of Food and Denial in Late Antique & Early Medieval Eastern Asceticism
Stuart Palmer, The Fall and Rise of Fasting during the Early Reformation
Louise Carson, ‘For the honour of our nation’: new research on the sugar banquet at the court of Henry VIII
Heather Hess, The Carcass, Civilized: Transforming Flesh into Meat at Seventeenth-Century German Banquets
Stuart Palmer, The Fall and Rise of Fasting during the Early Reformation
Louise Carson, ‘For the honour of our nation’: new research on the sugar banquet at the court of Henry VIII
Heather Hess, The Carcass, Civilized: Transforming Flesh into Meat at Seventeenth-Century German Banquets
1.00pm LUNCH
- Policy forum
2.00pm Plenary lecture 3
Susanne Friedberg, Moral economies and the cold chain
3.00pm Parallel panel sessions
25. The cultural politics of food on south Asia
Rachel Berger (also chair), ‘I can’t believe it’s not ghee: regulating food in late Colonial India’
Isaka Riho, Reconstructing culinary practices in colonial India: Cooks, memsahibs and the Indian middle class
Yamane So, A Study of the Sophisticated Terms in the Urdu Writings on Cuisine Culture under the British Raj
Isaka Riho, Reconstructing culinary practices in colonial India: Cooks, memsahibs and the Indian middle class
Yamane So, A Study of the Sophisticated Terms in the Urdu Writings on Cuisine Culture under the British Raj
26. Food and national identity in modern Europe
Jelena Ivanišević, Civilising a brave new world: Croatian cooking and table manners in 1950′s
Nafsika Papacharalampous, Invented traditions and national foods of Greece: the role of cookery books
Marta Sikorska, German or Polish? A Nuremberg cookery book from 1671
Dorota Lewandowska, Drinking like a Pole. Popular images of drinking habits in Poland from the early modern ages until the beginning of the 19th century
Nafsika Papacharalampous, Invented traditions and national foods of Greece: the role of cookery books
Marta Sikorska, German or Polish? A Nuremberg cookery book from 1671
Dorota Lewandowska, Drinking like a Pole. Popular images of drinking habits in Poland from the early modern ages until the beginning of the 19th century
27. Wine in Roman Italy
Chairs: Geoffrey Kron, Steven Ellis, Willem Jongman
Wim Broekaert, Efficiency-enhancing strategies in the Roman wine trade: from producer to consumer
Claire Holleran, ‘With a single as, you can drink here; if you pay two asses, you will drink better; if you pay four asses, you will drink Falernian wine’ (CIL IV 1679, Pompeian graffito): the retailing of wine in Roman Italy
Paul Erdkamp, The consumption of wine in Roman Italy
Wim Broekaert, Efficiency-enhancing strategies in the Roman wine trade: from producer to consumer
Claire Holleran, ‘With a single as, you can drink here; if you pay two asses, you will drink better; if you pay four asses, you will drink Falernian wine’ (CIL IV 1679, Pompeian graffito): the retailing of wine in Roman Italy
Paul Erdkamp, The consumption of wine in Roman Italy
28. Reconstructing historic loaves of bread: three periods, three methodologies, one quest
Chair: Ken Albala
Samuel Delwen, Archaeology and the exploration of ancient bread
Richard Fitch, Our Ech Day Bred – Bread in the late medieval & early post medieval period
William Rubel, Take 2 Spoonfuls of New Barm – A Dictionary of British, French, and American Baking Terms circa 1550 to 1880
Samuel Delwen, Archaeology and the exploration of ancient bread
Richard Fitch, Our Ech Day Bred – Bread in the late medieval & early post medieval period
William Rubel, Take 2 Spoonfuls of New Barm – A Dictionary of British, French, and American Baking Terms circa 1550 to 1880
29. Hunger and politics
Bruce E Baker, Foraged Food in the Nineteenth-Century American South
John Bohstedt, The Politics of Provisions: The Food Riots of 2007-08 in Historical Contexts
Brodie Waddell, The Politics of Hunger and the Revolution of 1688
John Bohstedt, The Politics of Provisions: The Food Riots of 2007-08 in Historical Contexts
Brodie Waddell, The Politics of Hunger and the Revolution of 1688
30. War and hunger in the Soviet Union
Elisaveta Khatanzeiskaya, Food Resources, Starvation and Death in the Wartime Arckangelsk (1941 – 1945)
Mikhail Suprun, Food Lend-Lease Aid to Russia during The Second World War
Pavel Vasilyev, Reassessing the Black Market in Food and Food Cards in Besieged Leningrad (1941-1944)
Mikhail Suprun, Food Lend-Lease Aid to Russia during The Second World War
Pavel Vasilyev, Reassessing the Black Market in Food and Food Cards in Besieged Leningrad (1941-1944)
4.30pm Refreshments
5.00pm Plenary lecture 4
Cormac O’Grada, Famine is not the problem: an historical perspective
Saturday 13 July
9.30am Parallel panel sessions
31. Food economics
Adina Popescu Berk, Regulating Markets: Famine and Speculation on International Grain Markets, 1890-1909
Birgit Ricquier, Kongo Cuisine and the Columbian Exchange: Lexical Evidence for Culinary Transformations at the West-Central African Coast, and Beyond
Laura Prosperi, Beyond common places: criminal power and the Italian food chain
Birgit Ricquier, Kongo Cuisine and the Columbian Exchange: Lexical Evidence for Culinary Transformations at the West-Central African Coast, and Beyond
Laura Prosperi, Beyond common places: criminal power and the Italian food chain
32. Baffling innovations: exploring the role of new foodways in the 19th and 20th centuries
Chair: Rachel Rich
Nelleke Teughels, Small Grocery Stores Become Big Business: Delhaize Frères & Cie and the Modernisation of the Traditional Corner Shop
Willem Scheire, Innovations in Food Preservation: The Domestic Refrigerator in Europe
Olivier de Maret, Setting a Trend? Italian Food Businesses in Late-Nineteenth-Century Brussels
Nelleke Teughels, Small Grocery Stores Become Big Business: Delhaize Frères & Cie and the Modernisation of the Traditional Corner Shop
Willem Scheire, Innovations in Food Preservation: The Domestic Refrigerator in Europe
Olivier de Maret, Setting a Trend? Italian Food Businesses in Late-Nineteenth-Century Brussels
33. Potatoes, bread and biscuits: environmental change and industrialisation in British food, 1790-1950
Chair: Laurel Sefton MacDowell
David Fouser, From Abernethys to Zoologicals: Industry, Environment, and Culture in British Biscuits, 1830-1914
Chris Otter, White Bread Britain: Wheat, Technology and Globalization 1850-1950
David Zylberberg, Potatoes, Broths and Wheaten Breads: Fuel Prices and Yorkshire Regional Diets, 1790-1830
David Fouser, From Abernethys to Zoologicals: Industry, Environment, and Culture in British Biscuits, 1830-1914
Chris Otter, White Bread Britain: Wheat, Technology and Globalization 1850-1950
David Zylberberg, Potatoes, Broths and Wheaten Breads: Fuel Prices and Yorkshire Regional Diets, 1790-1830
34. Governing food, 1945-70Chair: Shane Hamilton
Chris Deutsch, ‘One Line of Defense against the Spread of Foreign Contagious Disease’: Regulating Industrial Beef in California, 1945 to 1960
Freear, Josie, Exploring the role of government policy and regulation in shaping the British diet from 1947
Megan Elias, , Counterculture Cuisine in the 1970s
35. Food and drink in the Georgian workhouse
Chair: Tim Hitchcock
Jeremy Boulton, & Romola Davenport, Food, drink and diet in the Georgian Workhouse: St Martin in the Fields, 1725-1830
Susannah Ottaway, Food and the Eighteenth-Century Workhouse
Graham Butler, ‘The Necessities of life’? Food and drink in the Georgian workhouse: Newcastle-upon-Tyne c.1740-1834
Jeremy Boulton, & Romola Davenport, Food, drink and diet in the Georgian Workhouse: St Martin in the Fields, 1725-1830
Susannah Ottaway, Food and the Eighteenth-Century Workhouse
Graham Butler, ‘The Necessities of life’? Food and drink in the Georgian workhouse: Newcastle-upon-Tyne c.1740-1834
36. Food, famine and war in modern Ireland
Bryce Evans, ‘The Most Important Thing in the World’: Food and its Role in Global Conflict
Ian Miller, Did Ireland nearly starve during the First World War?
Charles Read, Hunting for Giffen Goods in 1840s Irish Market Data
Ian Miller, Did Ireland nearly starve during the First World War?
Charles Read, Hunting for Giffen Goods in 1840s Irish Market Data
11.00am Refreshments
11.30am Parallel panel sessions
37. The appliance of science
Robert M Hutchings, Demands of Domesticity: Why Americans Drank Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice in the 1950s
Tani Mauriello, If Vacuums Meant ‘More Work for Mother’, Did Dishware Mean Less Food For Mother? The relationship between an increased material standard of living and nutritional inequality for women in nineteenth-century Britain
Helen Peavitt, From the daily pint to ‘Jamaican jiggers’: repositioning the domestic refrigerator within the home
Tani Mauriello, If Vacuums Meant ‘More Work for Mother’, Did Dishware Mean Less Food For Mother? The relationship between an increased material standard of living and nutritional inequality for women in nineteenth-century Britain
Helen Peavitt, From the daily pint to ‘Jamaican jiggers’: repositioning the domestic refrigerator within the home
38. National health campaigns
Angela Davis, The resurgence in breastfeeding: Infant feeding in Britain, c. 1945-2000
Caroline Durand, Cooking for the French-Canadian Nation: Governing with Nutrition in the Province of Quebec, 1900-1945
Jane Hand, From ‘Look After Yourself’ to ‘Look After Your Heart’: The Role of Nutrition and Consumerism within Health Education in the UK, 1973-1991.
Érico Silva Muniz, Drink milk, avoid manioc! Nutrition knowledge and the proposals for workforce improvement in Brazil (1940-1960)
Caroline Durand, Cooking for the French-Canadian Nation: Governing with Nutrition in the Province of Quebec, 1900-1945
Jane Hand, From ‘Look After Yourself’ to ‘Look After Your Heart’: The Role of Nutrition and Consumerism within Health Education in the UK, 1973-1991.
Érico Silva Muniz, Drink milk, avoid manioc! Nutrition knowledge and the proposals for workforce improvement in Brazil (1940-1960)
39. Fast food
Cory Bernat, Plastics and Food Culture
Carolyn Cobbold, How a new chemical palette of dyes coloured the palate of an industrialising nation
Tom Scott-Smith, The rise of emergency feeding: technological foodstuffs in disaster and war, 1914-2013
Carolyn Cobbold, How a new chemical palette of dyes coloured the palate of an industrialising nation
Tom Scott-Smith, The rise of emergency feeding: technological foodstuffs in disaster and war, 1914-2013
40. Alimentary advice in late medieval and early modern Europe
Lucinda Byatt, Florentine Treatises on Food and Household Management in mid-sixteenth century Rome
Sarah Peters Kernan, Social Aspirations and the New Audience for Cookeries in Late Medieval England
Sarah Fox, ‘The Usual Cheer’: the role of food in early modern childbirth
Sarah Peters Kernan, Social Aspirations and the New Audience for Cookeries in Late Medieval England
Sarah Fox, ‘The Usual Cheer’: the role of food in early modern childbirth
41. Food and the Victorians
William Marshall, Yan ‘at eeats maist pudden gets maist meeat: Alimentary regionalism as a cultural component of nineteenth-century Yorkshire
Rachel Rich, Mealtimes and domesticity: Victorian women and the shape of the day
Lucy A Bailey, Squire, shopkeeper and staple food: The reciprocal relationship between the village shop and the country house in the early nineteenth century
Rebecca Ford, The Watercress Girl and the Watercress Garden: Cultural Landscapes of Watercress in the 19th-century
Rachel Rich, Mealtimes and domesticity: Victorian women and the shape of the day
Lucy A Bailey, Squire, shopkeeper and staple food: The reciprocal relationship between the village shop and the country house in the early nineteenth century
Rebecca Ford, The Watercress Girl and the Watercress Garden: Cultural Landscapes of Watercress in the 19th-century
42. Godly food
Michael Kauffmann, Imagery of food in the Bible
Allison D Fizzard, ‘A Competent Mess’: Food and Retirement at Religious Houses in England and Wales, c. 1485-1540
Katherine Harvey, Food, Drink and the Episcopal Body
Allison D Fizzard, ‘A Competent Mess’: Food and Retirement at Religious Houses in England and Wales, c. 1485-1540
Katherine Harvey, Food, Drink and the Episcopal Body
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