mardi 18 décembre 2012

Voyage à la Olser Library

Osler Library research travel grant

The Osler Library of the History of Medicine of McGill University sponsors a travel grant designed to assist scholars who need to travel and establish temporary residence in Montreal in order to use the resources of the Library. The Library has the largest collection of rare and secondary material in medical history in Canada, manuscripts and archives of such notables as Sir William Osler, Wilder Penfield, Norman Bethune and Maude Abbott, medical ephemera and 2,500 medical prints. Our monographic, serials and ephemera holdings are listed in the McGill Library Catalogue.

The grant is available to historians, physicians, graduate students and others interested in medical history. It carries an award of $1,500 (Canadian), and must be held for 2-4 weeks during calendar year 2012. $2,000 will be made available to those requiring 4 weeks to complete their research.

Applicants should email or mail the application form, along with a curriculum vitæ and a description of the project, specifying the relevance of the Osler Library’s holdings to their research, to the address given below.

The application form is found on our website at

The applications are considered by a Committee which gives preference to specific and clearly described projects. The deadline for the 2013 grant applications is December 31, 2012, and candidates will be informed of the results early in 2013.

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