The International Society for the History of Radiology presents
Second ISHRAD Symposium 2012
Museum Dr Guislain, Ghent, Belgium more...
Saturday October 27th, 2012
9.30h-10.00h: Reception at the Museum Dr. Guislain
10.00-12.00 h: Morning lectures
12.00-14.30 h: Sandwich lunch and visit of the museum’s collections
14.30-17.30 h: Afternoon lectures
20.00 h: Joint convivial dinner in the city of Ghent
Sunday October 29th, 2012
10.00-13.00 h: Social Programme with city tours
13.00-14.00 h: Joint lunch and return journey
Topics of lectures
"Milestones of the Belgian radiology" (Dr J-P Joris)
"Ultrasounds and CT: spin-off of two WW (Dr E. Pouders)
"History of CT and MR in Belgium" ( Prof. M. Collard)
"History of radiotherapy in Belgium" (Prof. G. Storme)
”Characteristics of a First-Generation X-Ray System " (Dr. G. Kemerink)
"Military radiology at the Westfront during WW I" (Dr. R. v. Tiggelen)
10.00-13.00 h: Social Programme with city tours
13.00-14.00 h: Joint lunch and return journey
Topics of lectures
"Milestones of the Belgian radiology" (Dr J-P Joris)
"Ultrasounds and CT: spin-off of two WW (Dr E. Pouders)
"History of CT and MR in Belgium" ( Prof. M. Collard)
"History of radiotherapy in Belgium" (Prof. G. Storme)
”Characteristics of a First-Generation X-Ray System " (Dr. G. Kemerink)
"Military radiology at the Westfront during WW I" (Dr. R. v. Tiggelen)
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