mardi 11 septembre 2012

Séminaire de John Hopkins

Johns Hopkins Program in the History of Science, Medicine and Technology Colloquium Fall 2012

Unless otherwise **noted**, meetings will be held on THURSDAYS at 3:00  p.m. at either:
Seminar Room, 3rd floor, Welch Library, East Baltimore campus

Unless indicated, colloquia are based on pre-circulated papers. For updates and changes, please visit our website

(EB)  20 September:  KEVIN SIENA, Trent University
Rotten Bodies:  Plague, Putrefaction and the Poor in Seventeenth-Century England

4 October:  JIN-KYUNG PARK, University of Toronto
Where Is the Postcolonial History of Medicine in the Japanese Empire? Social Hygiene, Human Resources, and Research on Sex and Reproduction in 1930s Korea

18 October:  ANNMARIE ADAMS, McGill University
Death at the Hospital

24 October **Wednesday - 3 pm**:  SIMON SZRETER, University of
Estimating the Prevalence of Venereal Diseases in Britain, c.1770-1914

1 November:  MARIOLA ESPINOZA, Yale University
“He marched them up to the top of the hill/ And he marched them down again”:  Elevation and Yellow Fever in Colonial Caribbean Medicine

29 November:  DAVID HERZBERG, University at Buffalo, SUNY
On-Ramps to the Oxy Express:  Drug Wars, Medical Authority, and the Long History of Prescription Drug Abuse in America

3 December **Monday - 1.30 pm**:  MICHAEL STOLBERG, University of
Medical Popularization at the Bedside. How 16th-Century Physicians Explained Diseases to their Patients

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