samedi 15 septembre 2012

La correspondance d'Hans Sloane

The Sloane Letters Blog
Sir Hans Sloane's Correspondence Online

Le projet de mise en ligne de la correspondance du médecin Hans Sloane que mène Lisa Smith se poursuit avec l'ouverture d'un nouveau blog  :

Ci dessous le texte de présentation du blog

By Lisa Smith
I am a historian of early modern science and medicine at the University of Saskatchewanand have been working on the correspondence of Sir Hans Sloane, an eighteenth-century physician, botanist and collector, since 1997. As a PhD student I used the letters, which are held at the British Library, to find patients’ experiences. But more recently I’ve been fascinated by the problems of finding Sloane’s own voice, as few of the letters in the collection were written by Sloane! This blog will highlight the stories of patients, scientists, collectors — and, of course, Sloane — that are found in the letters. Sometimes, guest bloggers will also contribute. The Sloane Letters Blog is part of a bigger digital project, Sir Hans Sloane’s Correspondence Online, that aims to make the letters more accessible to researchers.
Questions? Please contact me at lisa.smith [at]

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