jeudi 17 octobre 2024

Cuisine et santé dans la Rome antique

Le régime romain. Cuisine et santé dans la Rome antique

Dimitri Tilloi-d’Ambrosi

Presses universitaires de France
Date de parution : 25/09/2024
Nombre de Pages 256
EAN 9782130850311

Digérer, jeûner, ne pas trop épicer : de la naissance à la vieillesse, manger sain est une vraie préoccupation des Romains dans l’Antiquité. Les médecins, tels que l’illustre Galien, s’invitent dans les cuisines pour concilier plaisirs du banquet et santé. Loin du cliché de l’orgie romaine et des excès, la diététique s’allie à la morale des philosophes pour définir une hygiène de vie garante d’un esprit sain dans un corps sain. Du simple soldat à l’empereur, manger sain, c’est aussi revendiquer les valeurs de la romanité.

Ce voyage à la table des Romains révèle que le souci d’un régime adapté traverse les siècles jusqu’à aujourd’hui.

Dimitri Tilloi-d’Ambrosi est agrégé et docteur en histoire romaine, spécialiste d’histoire de l’alimentation dans la Rome antique. Il a publié La Rome antique. Vérités et légendes (Perrin, 2023) et 24 heures de la vie sous Néron (Puf, 2022).

Dixième conférence doctorale en histoire des sciences, de la médecine et des sciences humaines

Beyond Switching Plastic Straws

Call for Abstracts

Tenth PhD Conference in the History of Science, Medicine and the Humanities
A biennial conference by and for PhD researchers from universities in Belgium and the Netherlands
de Greune Weide (NL)
9-10 April 2025

Submissions close 1 December 2024

We invite contributions from PhD researchers in Belgium and the Netherlands who work in the
field of the history of science in the broadest sense: including histories of knowledge, technology,
medicine, the natural sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences, spanning any time period
and any geographical region. This conference is open to researchers in any stage of their PhDs, takes
place every 2 years, and serves as one of the few platforms in our field dedicated exclusively to PhD
students. It is an event meant for convivial and collegial interactions, for all of us to share progress,
struggles, and to offer support among peers. We want to sustain and transform our discipline by
maintaining a strong collective of early career researchers. To get an idea of what the conference is
like, please read the report in Shells and Pebbles written by the organisers of the 2023 edition.
This year’s location
We’ve decided to move the venue to The Landhotel de Greune Weide (, a
large rural property located near the small town of Eibergen, in the region of Achterhoek in the
We have sought a location facilitating the academic culture we envision. We have chosen a venue
that would permit formal presentations as well as encourage informal interactions and improvised
intellectual discussions. As well, we want this conference to reflect our career stage and take
advantage of our capacity to innovate and experiment with presentation formats and venue settings.
We want to go beyond switching plastic straws for paper straws – rather, we imagine a resilient
research community built on local, sustainable, inclusive conference practices. The 2025 edition aims,
above all, to be down-to-earth and in the spirit of do-it-yourself rather than plug-and-play mentality.
We will cook, discuss, and share our research. More details soon.

Presentation formats
Each participant contributes in two ways; thus each submission should include both:
a) A traditional paper presentation. Participants should indicate their preference for short
(circa 15 minutes) or long format (circa 25 minutes).
b) A 5-minute ‘pitch’. You have 5 minutes to talk about or show us something very concrete,
more or less related to doing research or being a historian of science. This is format-free, you
choose: it can be a short talk, a performance, a song, a guided walk, an embodied activity, a
whisper… It may or may not be related to your traditional paper presentation. You can use it
to discuss (but not restricted to):
- Historiography. You’ve read something interesting, difficult, or infuriating and want
to share it.
- Source materials and methods. Here you can talk about concrete methodological
approaches in an educational format, e.g., How do you design an oral history transfer-
of-rights document for correct archiving of interview transcripts? How do you
decipher sixteenth-century handwriting? How do you combine Zotero and Obsidian
in your research workflow?
- Meta. You can talk about your PhD process and our professional outlooks as early-
career researchers.
- Good and bad mistakes. Intellectually sponsored by the Center of Trial and Error, we
want to offer a space for you to share your errors, mistakes, and mishaps. We are ready
to listen to your failures –productive or not–.
- Teaching. You are struggling to get others to understand why a reflexive attitude
towards knowledge production is so important to save our democracies, and want to
talk about it.
- Outreach. You’re engaged in blogging, podcasting, or any other form of reaching out
to a wider audience. Let us hear about it!

Please fill in this Google Form (link) by 1 December 2024 23h59 with the following information: a)
Title and abstract (circa 250 words) of your traditional paper presentation, with your preference
for short or long format; b) Three descriptive, jargon-free sentences about your 5-minute ‘pitch’; c)
A 2-3 sentence biography; d) Affiliation. We will notify you of our decision by Christmas Day 2024.

Participation fee
Thanks to the support of several institutions and partners, we have managed to reduce the
participation fee substantially. We are awaiting confirmation from some donors, but we estimate it
will be below 90€. This includes accommodation and food for 2 nights. If you want to participate in
the conference but are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the organisers. We aim for
this conference to be as inclusive as possible and might be able to sort something out.

Marieke Gelderblom (Utrecht University),; Max Bautista-Perpinyà
(UCLouvain),; Martijn van der Meer (Erasmus University Rotterdam),

Our sincere thanks go out to all our donors and partners: Gewina, Descartes Centre for the History and
Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Huizinga Institute, National Committee for Logics,
History and Philosphy of Science, Vossius Center for the History of Humanities and Sciences, Center
for the Philosophy of Science and Society, and the École doctorale de philosophie.

PhD mailing list
Don’t forget to sign up to the mailing list phdcommunityhosh, the list for the community of PhD
students in the history of science and the humanities in Belgium and the Netherlands. You can use
this list to connect, ask questions, express your doubts, share support, publicise post-doc positions,
promote your public PhD defence, and organise events (dedicated workshops, writing retreats…).

mercredi 16 octobre 2024

Le goût de l’ivresse en Martinique

Le goût de l’ivresse en Martinique. Le vin des élites, l’élite des vins 1880-1910

 Abel Alexis Louis

Collection : Questions alimentaires et gastronomiques
Date de publication : 10/10/2024

L’histoire des vins consommés par les élites de la Martinique entre 1880 et 1910 est surtout celle de la relation entre cette boisson et ces consommateurs.
Venu d’Orient durant l’Antiquité, le vin s’enracine en France au Moyen Âge : il est de toutes les tables. À l’époque moderne, le vin français acquiert ses lettres de noblesse avec la naissance des grands terroirs viticoles.
Avec la colonisation des Antilles, le vin accompagne les premiers Européens outre-mer. Vendu dans la plupart des négoces de Saint-Pierre au XVIIIe siècle, il poursuit sa conquête de nouveaux marchés et devient une connexion entre la métropole et les Français des Tropiques.
L’apparition du champagne accroît sa notoriété, symbolisant plus encore la puissance des élites, blanches ou métissées. Pour autant, le tafia et surtout le rhum distinguent aussi ces élites françaises désormais créoles. Par le vin et le rhum, les élites coloniales et la société dans son ensemble s’enivrent à tel point que l’ivrognerie et l’alcoolisme prennent racine aussi aux colonies. 

Colloque annuel de la BSHP

British Society for the History of Pharmacy annual conference


Call for contributions


Saturday 5 April 2025

Save the date for our annual conference, to be held at the George Marshall Medical Museum in Worcester on Saturday 5 April 2025. Join us for a packed programme of talks, socialising, our Annual General Meeting, and plenty of time to explore this wonderful museum! We are also planning visits for the afternoon of Friday 4 April if you'd like to extend your stay.

Our conference theme is inspired by our conference location Worcester. As the place where the precursor to the British Medical Association was founded in 1832, and the home to two medical museums, our focus is the interaction between pharmacy and its history with other professions and disciplines. Perhaps you'd like to talk about past pharmacists' relationships with other health practitioners. You could investigate areas of overlap between historical pharmacy practice and other disciplines. Or you might have a case study where pharmacy history meets another field of study.

We would welcome proposals for short talks (20
minutes), either directly linked to the conference theme or any other aspect of pharmacy history that you’re currently exploring. There is also the opportunity to submit a poster, again on the conference theme or other area of pharmacy history interest. You do not have to be an experienced speaker or seasoned researcher to take part - we are always very keen to support those new to pharmacy history.

Please contact Briony Hudson, Conference Organiser (, with a short outline of your proposed contribution (250 words) - or with any queries – by Friday 9 November 2024.

Programme details including an associated visits and social programme and booking form will be issued with the December Gazette and via our website at

Please note that accommodation will not form part of the booking, but a suggested conference hotel and other accommodation options will be provided for delegates to book directly.

mardi 15 octobre 2024

L’intrigante histoire de la maladie de Bouillaud

L’intrigante histoire de la maladie de Bouillaud ou Rhumatisme Articulaire Aigu

Aliocha Scheuble

Presses universitaires François-Rabelais
Date de parution : 19/09/24
ISBN : 978-2-86906-939-8

De l’angine à la fièvre, des douleurs articulaires atroces aux mouvements incontrôlés, de l’atteinte du cœur à la mort… Voilà quelques maux qui caractérisent le rhumatisme articulaire aigu également appelé maladie de Bouillaud, une maladie qui a bouleversé la vie d’enfants, d’adolescents et de jeunes adultes du XVIIe siècle à nos jours . Si aujourd’hui elle a quasiment disparu des pays développés, elle persiste encore dans de nombreux pays en développement où elle reste un enjeu de santé publique.

Mais quelle est donc cette maladie aux manifestations si variées qui a intrigué des générations de brillants médecins, fait naître nombre de théories, et contraint les pouvoirs publics à y faire face ? Quel est le lien entre une angine d’allure banale et cette maladie potentiellement invalidante voire mortelle ? S’agit-il d’une maladie infectieuse ou héréditaire ? Quel est le rôle des facteurs sociaux liés à la promiscuité dans les casernes et les villes dans la propagation de la maladie ? Face à ces interrogations qui ont évolué au fil des siècles, quelles hypothèses ont été avancées, quelles prises en charge et quels traitements ont été proposés pour soulager ces jeunes patients ? Quels ont été les moyens pour prévenir le rhumatisme articulaire aigu et ses complications redoutables ?

C’est l’intrigante et fascinante histoire de la maladie de Bouillaud que ce livre raconte. Une histoire médicale et sociale avec ses errances, ses espoirs, ses erreurs et ses succès.

Physiologies médicales et philosophiques

Physiologies médicales et philosophiques (Ve s. AEC-Ve s. EC)


Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer le programme de la session automne-hiver 2024/2025 du webinaire Physiologies médicales et philosophiques (Ve s. AEC-Ve s. EC).

8 Novembre (14h30-16h30, UTC+1), Antonio Ricciardetto (Hisoma, CNRS)
La Section physiologique de l'Anonyme de Londres (P.Lit.Lond. 165, Brit.Libr. inv. 137) : nouvelles lectures et propositions

6 Décembre (14h30-16h30, UTC+1), Luca Torrente (Centre Léon Robin)
Un morceau d’embryologie théophrastéenne chez Albert le Grand ? Le fragment 377 FHSG reconsidéré

10 Janvier (14h30-16h30, UTC+1), Laetitia Monteils-Laeng (Université de Montréal)
(Séance en hybride sur Zoom et à la Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, salle 001)
Physiologie du vieillissement dans la physique géométrique du Timée

21 Mars (14h30-16h30, UTC+1), Catherine Darbo-Peschanski (Centre Léon Robin, CNRS)
Qu’est-ce qu’un lieu du corps ?

Les séances se dérouleront en visioconférence par Zoom (lien de connexion sur demande).

À propos de notre séminaire :édicales-et-philosophiques

Contacts :
Catherine Darbo-Peschanski, Centre Léon Robin, UMR 8061 :
Julien Devinant, Université de Lille, STL, UMR 8163 :
Alessia Guardasole, Orient & Méditerranée, UMR 8167 :
Giulia Scalas, Centre Léon Robin, UMR 8061 :

lundi 14 octobre 2024

Récits de rêve

Récits de rêve

Édité par Rémy Amouroux, Aude Fauvel, Michaël Roelli

Revue d'histoire des sciences humaines

L'histoire de l’onirologie occidentale s’est longtemps résumée aux études de Sigmund Freud et des psychanalystes sur les rêves. Ainsi, en dehors du domaine « psy », peu de travaux ont été réalisés sur les théories onirologiques, les méthodes onirocritiques et les pratiques onirographiques qui ont vu le jour dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, alors que la psychanalyse était à son apogée. C’est il y a une quinzaine d’années seulement que des historiennes et des historiens ont étendu leurs enquêtes à d’autres entreprises savantes, mais pour la plupart en amont de l’œuvre de Freud.
Or l’intérêt des sciences humaines pour les déterminismes inconscients (psychiques, socioculturels, génétiques) s’est affirmé tout au long du XXe siècle, faisant des récits de rêve des objets d’étude historiques, anthropologiques et sociologiques. Ainsi, d’autres rêves que ceux confiés sur un divan ou à un carnet d’analyse ont été étudiés : ceux, par exemple, d’individus peuplant des territoires colonisés ou sous tutelle, dont les administrateurs ont tâché de sonder « la vie intérieure » ; ou ceux d’animaux, qui ont non seulement transformé la neurophysiologie du sommeil à la fin des années 1950, mais aussi contribué, un demi-siècle plus tard, à une remise en question de l’anthropologie.
Les rêves et leur étude, loin de se réduire à des débats entre psychanalystes, se présentent ainsi comme un point de jonction entre les différentes disciplines consacrées à l’étude de l’être humain et de son comportement.

Dossier : Récits de rêve

Michaël Roelli, Aude Fauvel et Rémy Amouroux
Onirologies savantes et sciences humaines. Des récits de rêve à leurs prolongements théoriques

Rebecca Lemov
Hopi Dreams and Anthropologists' Dream Collection Strategies. Notes on the Research of Dorothy Eggan and Don Talayesva

Michaël Roelli
Portrait du rêveur matérialiste. Les récits de rêve de Louis Althusser (1941-1967)

Magaly Tornay
Rêver la clinique. La collection de rêves d’infirmières de Münsterlingen

Rachael I. Rosner
La théorie du rêve d’Aaron T. Beck dans son contexte. Une introduction à son article de 1971 sur les schémas cognitifs dans les rêves et les rêveries

Eduardo Kohn et Michaël Roelli
Je rêvais aussi en quelque sorte comme la forêt. Entretien avec Eduardo Kohn


Pierre Prévost, « Songes et exemples » (manuscrits)

Jacqueline Carroy
Psychologie des rêves et plaisir d’écriture

2025 Hagströmer fellowship

2025 Hagströmer fellowship: a residential fellowship in the history of medicine and related sciences

Call for applications

The Hagströmer Medico-Historical Library of Karolinska Institutet and the Catarina and Sven Hagströmer Foundation are now accepting applications for the 2025 Hagströmer Fellowship.

The fellowship is a short to medium term research fellowship which provides a high level of integration at the Hagströmer Library in central Stockholm. We encourage applications from postdoctoral or senior researchers in the field of history of medicine and/or related sciences (early modern to twentieth-century). The library is a part of the medical university Karolinska Institutet, and its collections contains Sweden’s largest collections in the history of medicine and related sciences, includes more than 100 000 monographs published between c. 1480 and 2000, extensive manuscript collections and c. 1300 medical and scientific journals.

Detailed description

The Hagströmer Fellowship is a residential fellowship (2-6 months) which supports a scholar who will travel to Stockholm to conduct research in the Hagströmer library during 2025.

A sum of EUR 10 000 from The Catarina and Sven Hagströmer Foundation will be made available to cover accommodation, travel, cost of living in Stockholm, and additional insurance, if needed.

Visiting scholar status at the Hagströmer library grants a workplace/ personal desk at the Hagströmer Library and access to collections (Mondays to Thursdays) for the duration of the stay. Please note, however, that the library is closed for summer between June, 21 and August 18. Affiliation status at KI grants an email address and use of library resources at Karolinska Institutet Library (KIB), including full access to scholarly databases and journals in medical sciences. The Hagströmer library expects the Fellow to spend a minimum of two months in Stockholm, to present their work at a public lecture at the library, to use the Hagströmer Library as their primary place of work, to engage with our collections and to write a short popular text about their work at the library.

Application procedure

The call is open between Oct. 1 and Nov 10, 2024 and should be sent by mail to the Catarina and Sven Hagströmer Foundation (please label your email ‘The Hagströmer Fellowship’). The application should be in pdf format and must include the following documents in the following order. A two-page description of yourself and your research as well as a brief outline of which collections you intend to use at the Hagströmer library, and how you intend to make use of your studies of the collections in your research. Also state the duration of your visit in Stockholm and your planned date of arrival.
A separate page with your full name and address. This page must also include the names and contact details of two references (references will only be taken on final candidates).
A CV of no more than three pages outlining your major academic and other relevant accomplishments and publications.
A copy of your PhD-certificate/highest formal academic degree.

The Fellow will receive a personal notification and the decision will be announced on the webpage of the Hagströmer Library Dec. 16, 2024;

The Hagströmer Library is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive research environment and encourages members of any groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in academia to apply for fellowship support.

Please share this announcement with anyone who might be interested in the library’s fellowship program. All application materials are due no later than November 10, 2024. For further information about the library visit our website or e-mail