Materia medica on the move. Collecting, trading, studying, and using medicinal plants in the early modern period
Venue: Museum Boerhaave / Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands
Wednesday, April 15th, 2015
Venue: Museum Boerhaave
19:15-19:45 Registration / Coffee & tea
19:45-19:50 Welcome: Prof. Dirk van Delft, director Museum Boerhaave
19:50-20:00 Opening: Prof. Toine Pieters, Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, Utrecht / project leader TIME CAPSULE
20:00-21:00 Public lecture: Dr. Florike Egmond (Leiden University)
Exotic medicinal plants in early modern European visual culture
21:00-22:30 Drinks and tour
Thursday, April 16th, 2015
Venue: Auditorium, Naturalis Biodiversity Centre
08:45-09:30 Registration / Coffee & tea
09:30-09:35 Opening: Prof. Toine Pieters, Descartes Centre for the History and Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, Utrecht / project leader TIME CAPSULE
09:35-09:45 Warming up: Dr. Esther van Gelder (Huygens ING, the Hague)
Clusius community 2.0: crowdsourcing an online edition of the Clusius correspondence
09:45-11:00 Parallel sessions
Auditorium:1a: Boxes, drawers, cabinets: collecting pharmaceutical samples
Chair: prof. Eric Jorink (Huygens ING, the Hague)
Marlise Rijks (Ghent University) Exotic nature on display: the collections of Antwerp apothecaries
Dr. Raymond van der Ham (Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden) Dutch materia medica collections
Victoria Pickering (Queen Mary University of London) “I suppose it an entire materia medica of the Country”: medicinal plants in Sir Hans Sloane’s “Vegetable Substances”
Regentenkamer: 1b: “We must cultivate our own garden”: growing and studying living plants
Chair: dr. Esther van Gelder (Huygens ING, the Hague)
Dr. Gerda van Uffelen (Hortus Botanicus Leiden) The not so medicinal Hortus Botanicus Leiden
Mgr. Alicja Borys (Marasyk University, Brno) The exotic plants in Silesian gardens in the 16th century
Dr. Rachel Koroloff (Harvard University) “Into the field for herbs, roots and flowers”: medicinal plant collection in Muscovy at the turn of the 17th century
11:00-11:45 Key note lecture: Dr. Tinde van Andel (Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden)
Plants of the Motherland: how enslaved Africans reinvented their household medicine in the New World
11:45-12:00 Coffee break
12:00-13:15 Parallel sessions:
Auditorium:2a: Medical theory, pharmaceutical practice: discussing the vices and virtues of plants
Chair: dr. Saskia Klerk (Charité – Universitätsmedizin, Berlin)
Katrina Maydom (University of Cambridge) Trade and the interpretation of colonial exotica in England, c. 1700
Dr. He Bian (Princeton University) Exotic plants and materia medica literature in early modern China
Dr. Alexandra Cook (University of Hong Kong) What made for a good medicine in early-modern Europe? The cases of tea and ginseng
Regentenkamer: 2b: Fieldwork in the Far, Far Away: Dutch botanical endeavours in South East Asia
Chair: prof. Maria Leuker (University of Cologne)
Dr. Anjana Singh (University of Groningen) Botanical knowledge in early modern Malabar and the Netherlands: a review of Van Reede’s Hortus Malabaricus (1678-1703)
Mieke Beumer (Artis Library, University of Amsterdam) Late 17th century botanical research in northern Ceylon
Jeroen Bos, MA (Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden) Agent of a (green) empire: the ethnobotanical notes of military engineer Carl Friedrich Reimer
13:15-14:15 Lunch
14:15-15:00 Key note lecture : Prof. Sabine Anagnostou (Philipps-Universität, Marburg)
Medicinal plants in the context of the globalization since early modern time: origins, forming, transfer and potential of pharmacobotanical knowledge
15:00-16:15 Parallel sessions
Auditorium:3a: Exchanging knowledge: the case of early modern Central Europe
Chair: dr. Florike Egmond (Leiden University)
Dr. Dominic Olariu (Philipps-Universität, Marburg) Manuscript herbals
Davina Benkert (University of Basel) Exotic plants in European letters: the case of Basel, c. 1600
Dr. phil. Tilmann Walter (University of Würzburg) The knowledge regarding non-European plants among German physicians: case studies from the Würzburg database
Regentenkamer:3b: The charm of the unfamiliar: New World drugs in Old World settings
Chair: prof. Sabine Anagnostou (Philipps-Universität, Marburg)
Dr. Samir Boumediene (University of Cambridge) American remedies in 16c Seville: the exotic as commodity and curiosity
Wouter Klein (Utrecht University) Bringing the bark: the introduction of Peruvian bark on the medical market of the Low Countries (c. 1640-1720)
Dr. Clare Griffin (University of Cambridge) The wealth of someone else’s colonies: American drugs in 17th century Russia
16:15-17:30 Drinks and mini-exhibition
17:30-20:00 Diner
Friday, April 17th, 2015
Venue: Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden
09:15-09:30 Coffee & tea
09:30-09:45 Warming up:Peter van den Hooff (Utrecht University)
“I’ve seen it’s great effect here”: laymen overseas exchanging pharmacobotanical knowledge with their loved ones back home
09:45-10:30 Key note lecture: Prof. Harold Cook (Brown University) The Atlantic drug trade and the new sciences
10:30-10:45 Coffee & tea
10:45-11:45 Parallel sessions:
Auditorium: 4a: “Those who cannot learn from history…”: practices of the past, interpretations of the present
Chair: dr. Marta Lourenço (University Museum, Lisbon)
Dr. Hjalmar Fors & dr. Nils-Otto Ahnfelt (Uppsala University) Reconstructing early modern pharmacy: global trade networks, substances and practices
Mireia Alcantara Rodriguez (Naturalis Biodiversity Centre, Leiden) Useful plants from Marcgrav & Piso’s Historia Naturalis Brasiliae (1648): are they still used in Brazil today?
Regentenkamer:4b: Early modern superfoods? Transition from the medical to the culinary in global perspective
Chair: TBA
Dr. Christine Fertig (University of Münster) Rhubarb, cinchona, devil’s dung: mind and body in stories of globalisation and consumption
Prof. Stefan Halikowski Smith (Swansea University) In the shadow of a pepper-centric historiography: understanding the global diffusion of capsicums in the 16th and 17th centuries
11:45-12:15 Panel discussion
Moderator: dr. Marta Lourenço (University Museum, Lisbon)
12:15 Closing remarks
Contact information
Questions? Remarks? Please contact the organisation:
Peter van den Hooff
+316 3848 0758
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