vendredi 30 septembre 2022

La folie en famille au Japon

Madness in the Family: Women, Care, and Illness in Japan 

H. Yumi Kim

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Oxford University Press (September 16, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 248 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0197507353

To fend off American and European imperialism in the nineteenth century, Japan strove to strengthen itself by drawing on the most updated ideas and practices from around the world. By the 1880s, this included the introduction of Western-derived psychiatry and its ideas about mental illness. The first Japanese psychiatrists claimed that mental illnesses required medical treatment in specialized institutions rather than confinement at home, as had been common practice. Yet the state implemented no social welfare policies to make new medical services more accessible and affordable to the public. The family, especially women, thus continued to carry the burden of caring for those considered mad.

Madness in the Family examines how the family in Japan came to be seen as the natural provider of care for those suffering from mental illnesses. It centers on the experiences of women and families, which have long been obscured by the voices of male psychiatrists, state officials, and lawmakers. H. Yumi Kim traces how women and families negotiated a dizzying array of claims about madness and its proper management across various settings. In the countryside, psychiatrists tried to refute the notion that fox spirits could cause madness, and the government regulated the use of cage-like structures inside homes. In cities, a booming medical marketplace spread ideas about feminized illnesses such as hysteria, and female defendants were evaluated for menstruation-induced disorders. As women and families navigated this shifting therapeutic landscape, they produced their own gendered approaches to madness that would take precedence over the claims of psychiatry, the law, and the state in everyday life.

Decoupling the history of mental illness from the discipline and institutions of psychiatry, Madness in the Family reveals the power and fragilities of gender, kinship, and care in the creation of different modes of caring for and understanding mental illness that persist to this day.

Histoires des sciences et de l'enfance

Histories of Science and Childhood

Call for Contributions

Researchers at all career levels are invited to send abstracts (c.200-300 words) for a first-stage expression of interest for the journal Osiris, an annual thematic journal that highlights research on significant themes in the history of science. We are looking to present a proposal for a thematic issue on the intersections between science and childhood across different historical periods and geographical locations. Throughout history, children have been employed as both subjects of intervention and objects of scientific knowledge and experimentation. They form an important part of the history of science – and yet they are often obscured from it. At the same time, science, technology, and medicine have been central to the constitution of the modern concepts of ‘childhood’ and ‘youth’, which have been different across time and space. This issue seeks to bring together the fields of the history of science and the history of childhood to understand how they intersect, and the historical role that science and childhood have played in issues like the dissemination of knowledge, the development of science, the establishment of states and their institutions, colonial power and resistance, and the creation of the modern selfhood.

Potential themes could include, but are not restricted to, the following list:

· Childhood and technology

· Children as technology/sites of experimentation

· Children, childhood, and medicine/psychology/health/disease

· Childhood, science, and empire/colonial modernity

· Children and environment/climate change

· Scientific and visual representations of childhood

· Science, globalization, and childhoods

· Childhood, science, gender, and race

· Science, childhood, and agency

There is no restriction on historical period or location. Early career researchers are especially welcome to apply. Abstracts should be sent to Andrea Graus ( and Violeta Ruiz ( The deadline for submission is the 10th of October 2022. Participants will be notified of the decision in the following days.

The EOI will be sent to the Osiris committee by the 15th of October. Successful EOIs will be invited to send a full proposal by the 15th of December, and the successful issue will be announced at the end of February 2023.

jeudi 29 septembre 2022

Face aux épidémies

Face aux épidémies. De la Peste noire à nos jours


Du 12 octobre 2022 au 6 février 2023
Entrée libre et gratuite

Vieilles compagnes de l'humanité, les épidémies sont révélatrices de la fragilité de la vie humaine et de la vulnérabilité des sociétés. Quelle qu'en soit l'interprétation, l'irruption brutale d'une épidémie ébranle le corps social et déclenche des réactions qui se font écho par-delà les siècles. Pourtant, cette histoire n'est pas un éternel recommencement, car les attitudes et les modes d'action des individus et des sociétés face aux épidémies changent dans le temps. Ce sont ces permanences et ces transformations profondes, saisies par les archives, que met en lumière le parcours chronologique de cette exposition, de la Peste noire au VIH/sida.
Centrée sur quelques maladies marquantes (peste, variole, choléra, grippe, VIH/sida), l'exposition met en lumière la manière dont, dans la longue durée, les épidémies ont contribué à façonner des politiques publiques consacrées à la défense sanitaire, l'hygiène et la salubrité publiques, la médecine préventive ou l'éducation à la santé. Elle souligne l'intrication entre phénomène épidémique et questions sociales, économiques, culturelles, voire morales. 

Ouverture en semaine du lundi au vendredi de 10h00 à 17h30
Ouverture samedi et dimanche de 14h00 à 17h30
Fermé le mardi

Poste en histoire mondiale de la médecine

Tenure-track assistant professor in World History, with expertise in the history of science and medicine 

Call for applications 

Ursinus College, History

Assistant Professor, World History

Institution Type: College / University
Location: Pennsylvania, United States
Position: Assistant Professor

Ursinus College seeks a tenure-track assistant professor in World History, with expertise in the history of science and medicine highly desirable. Regional expertise will be in either Latin America (excluding North America), Africa, the Indian Ocean, or South Asia. It is not defined by period.

Anticipated Start Date

Fall 2023


The course load will be 3-2 and college service and supervision of student research will be expected. Candidates should be able to design and teach engaging and inclusive courses in addition to the history department’s established 100-level world history offerings. The ability to contribute courses to and actively participate in the Health and Society Program and, if appropriate, either the Latin American Studies Program or African American and Africana Studies Program is strongly preferred. In addition, all tenured and tenure-track faculty are expected to teach in our highly innovative Quest core curriculum, anchored in a writing intensive, discussion-based, first-year interdisciplinary seminar, the Common Intellectual Experience (CIE).

The Ursinus College faculty is an engaged community of teacher-scholars dedicated to providing transformative experiences for a diverse student body in a highly reflective process embedded in our core curriculum. It is the expectation of all faculty members that they will be similarly reflective and demonstrate significant scholarly and pedagogical potential as well as a clear ability and desire to work collaboratively.

Application and Qualifications

All applicants will submit a CV, letter of application, and transcripts. In addition, applicants will provide three separate statements (1-2 pages each) reflecting on: (a) teaching experience, practices, and goals; (b) scholarly accomplishments and proposed research agenda; and (c) record of and commitment to helping cultivate an inclusive community.

All application materials will go to Dr. Lori Daggar via Interfolio: Review of completed applications will begin on November 15, 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. The first round of interviews will be conducted by telephone. Letters of reference will be requested at the time of interviews.

For consideration candidates must have their doctoral degree in hand by August 2023; preference may be given to candidates with the PhD in hand at the time of interviews.

Ursinus College is a highly selective, independent, co-educational, residential liberal arts college of approximately 1500 students located about 25 miles northwest of center city Philadelphia. With a diverse community of students, it is an expectation of all faculty to contribute to the inclusion, engagement, and success of all students. Ursinus is an EO/AA employer. Ursinus College does not discriminate on grounds of race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, age, creed, ancestry, veteran status, marital status, disability, or other classification protected by applicable law in the administration of any of its educational programs or activities or with respect to employment.


Dr. Lori Daggar

Ursinus College

History Department

601 E. Main St.

Collegeville, PA 19426
Website: None
Primary Category: World History / Studies

Secondary Categories: History of Science, Medicine, and Technology

Posting Date: 09/22/2022
Closing Date 11/15/2022

mercredi 28 septembre 2022

Réflexions historiographiques sur l’histoire de la médecine, de la santé et du corps

Réflexions historiographiques sur l’histoire de la médecine, de la santé et du corps 


 Séminaire de l’URHN-NHRU 


Mercredi 12 octobre 12h-13h30 sur ZOOM


L'historiographie de la psychiatrie au Canada français. À la recherche des soins prodigués par les proches
Hubert Larose-Dutil, programme de 3e cycle en histoire

Infirmier.ère.s de secteur psychiatrique en France , une triple invisibilité historiographique. Vraiment ?
Benjamin Villeneuve, programme de 3e cycle en sciences infirmières

Une lectrice incarnée : le lectorat féminin au XVIIIe siècle sous le prisme de l’histoire du corps et de la médecine
Béatrice Leblanc-Martineau, programme de 3e cycle en histoire

Responsable : Marie-Claude Thifault

Trajectoires (post)coloniales de l'eugénisme

Gouverner l'humain, contrôler la reproduction. Trajectoires (post)coloniales de l'eugénisme


co-organisé par Malek Bouyahia, Mona Claro, Lucia Direnberger, Isabelle Gouarné, Myriam Paris
avec le soutien de l’ANR et du CURAPP-ESS

Campus Condorcet, Bâtiment Recherche-Nord
2e étage, Salle 2.001
Contact :

Comment l’eugénisme, avec son postulat d’une inégalité ontologique entre les individus, s’est-il trouvé
encastré dans la pensée universaliste de l’État moderne ? Loin de disparaître après ses usages meurtriers
sous le nazisme, la référence eugéniste fut non pas évincée mais reconfigurée jusqu’à aujourd’hui.
C’est cette vie discrète que s’attache à restituer le projet EUGENE (ANR-21-CE41_0003).
Le séminaire qu’il organise, en 2022-2023, vise à confronter des recherches menées sur des aires
géographiques diverses afin de rendre compte des multiples trajectoires de l’eugénisme aux XXe et XXIe
siècles. Une triple perspective sera suivie. 1°) En adoptant une approche socio-historique, à la croisée
de l’histoire sociale des savoirs et des idées politiques et de la sociologie des problèmes publics, on
interrogera l’étendue des domaines d’action publique où la référence eugéniste fut mobilisée : politiques
de contrôle de la reproduction, mais aussi politiques menées en matière de santé publique, de logement
social, de criminalité, d’éducation ou encore de gestion de la « folie ». 2°) Une attention particulière
sera également portée aux dynamiques de domination coloniale ou impériale, dont la gestion de la
reproduction constitue un ressort majeur : on examinera comment les régions (ex)colonisées purent
offrir un « lieu refuge » ou un « laboratoire » à la mise en oeuvre des idées eugénistes. 3°) Enfin, ce
séminaire s’attachera à rendre compte des circulations transnationales des idées et savoirs eugénistes
(notamment du rôle joué par les associations savantes, les organisations internationales et les fondations
philanthropiques) : il s’agira par là de saisir comment un sens commun eugéniste a pu émerger et se
maintenir, en dépit des critiques et des condamnations morales que ces idées pouvaient susciter.

Séance inaugurale : 7 octobre 2022, 15h-17h - Actualité des recherches sur l’eugénisme
Paul-André Rosental (Centre d’histoire-Sciences Po et ESOPP) pour son ouvrage Destins
de l’eugénisme, Paris, Seuil, 2016.
Discutante : Isabelle Gouarné (CURAPP-ESS)

Séance 2 : 16 décembre 2022, 15h-17h - Ethnicisation et contrôle de la reproduction
Rosanna Sestito (CRESPPA-GTM) - La reproduction au service de l’État-Nation dans l’Iran

Rosa Muriel Mestanza (Université Paris Cité) - Stérilisations massives, eugénisme et conflit
armé au Pérou (1995-2000)

Discutante : Nathalie Le Bouteillec (CURAPP-ESS)

Séance 3 : 20 janvier 2023, 15h-17h - Psychiatrie coloniale et eugénisme
Aurélia Michel (CESSMA) - Racialisation de la psychiatrie et psychiatrisation de la race
dans le Brésil des années 1930

Paul Marquis (Centre d’histoire-SciencesPo) - Hygiénisme, organicisme et primitivisme.
L’École d’Alger, un réseau psychiatrique au service de la colonisation (années 1930 -
années 1960)

Discutant : Malek Bouyahia (CRESPPA-GTM)

Séance 4 : 3 mars 2023, 15h-17h - Eugénisme et socialisme (séance en anglais)
Eszter Varsa & Dorottya Szira (Central European University) - Eugenics and the politics of
reproduction in post-Stalinist Central-Eastern Europe

Discutantes : Juliette Cadiot (CERCEC) ; Ioana Cirstocea (CESSP, sous réserve).

Séance 5 : 16 mai 2023, 15h-17h - Eugénisme et production de l’anormalité
Martine Kaluszynski (PACTE) - L’eugénisme au coeur de la philosophie pénale républicaine.
Discours, pratiques et politiques

Christelle Gomis (European University Institut) - La « surreprésentation » des élèves
noir.e.s dans les écoles spécialisées de Londres depuis 1960

Discutant : Romuald Bodin (CENS)

Séance 6 : 2 juin 2023, 15h-17h - Réseaux transnationaux de l’eugénisme
Ivanka Guillaume (IFRAE) - Penser l’eugénisme japonais depuis les mobilisations de

Iván Olaya Pelaez (Mondes Américains) - Systèmes transnationaux de circulation des
savoirs et « politiques d’amélioration raciale » : l’eugénisme latino-américain pendant la
première moitié du XXe siècle

Discutant : Luc Berlivet (CERMES3)

mardi 27 septembre 2022

La médecine légale dans la France contemporaine

The Science of Proof. Forensic Medicine in Modern France

E. Claire Cage

Cambridge University Press 
September 2022
FORMAT: Hardback
ISBN: 9781009198332

The Science of Proof traces the rise of forensic medicine in late eighteenth- and nineteenth-century France and examines its implications for our understanding of expert authority. Tying real life cases to broader debates, the book analyzes how new forms of medical and scientific knowledge, many of which were pioneered in France, were contested, but ultimately accepted, and applied to legal problems and the administration of justice. The growing authority of medical experts in the French legal arena was nonetheless subject to sharp criticism and scepticism. The professional development of medicolegal expertise and its influence in criminal courts sparked debates about the extent to which it could reveal truth, furnish legal proof, and serve justice. Drawing on a wide base of archival and printed sources, Claire Cage reveals tensions between uncertainty about the reliability of forensic evidence and a new confidence in the power of scientific inquiry to establish guilt, innocence, and legal responsibility.

Bicentenaire de Louis Pasteur

Bicentenaire de Louis Pasteur


L'IPC-Facultés Libres <>(Paris) organise une journée d'études autour de la figure de Louis Pasteur, à l'occasion du bicentenaire de sa naissance, le vendredi 30 septembre 2022.


10h Introduction


10h15 "Pasteur, au-delà du mythe", *Michel Morange*


11h15 "Louis Pasteur, du cristal à l'hôpital", *Patrice Debré*


14h "Pasteur a-t-il mis fin au dogme de la génération spontanée ?",*Yves



15h "Le neveu de Pasteur ou la vie aventureuse d'Adrien Loir", *Maxime



16h Discussion générale et conclusion


Pas besoin de s'inscrire pour participer, soit sur place (70 av Denfert-Rochereau, 75014 Paris) soit en visio :

lundi 26 septembre 2022

Les “monstres” et les morts

Les “monstres” et les morts. Imaginaires et rationalité : ce qui entrave ou rend possible la relation

Atelier de recherche interdisciplinaire 

les 28 septembre, 4 octobre, 12 octobre et 20 octobre, de 18h à 20h30, exclusivement sur Zoom.

Cet atelier de recherche interdisciplinaire se propose d’étudier conjointement la relation qui peut exister entre une personne susceptible d’être perçue comme « monstrueuse » et une personne se percevant elle-même comme « normale » d’une part, la relation entre une personne vivante et une personne morte d’autre part. Nous ne nous intéressons pas à de purs monstres ou à des morts largement reconstruits par l’imagination, mais à des personnes qui se trouvent vues comme « monstrueuses » et à des personnes ayant effectivement existé mais étant vues comme n’ayant plus d’être autonome du fait de leur mort. Nos objets sont les relations qui, en droit, pourraient avoir lieu avec ces personnes. Notre constat est que ces relations sont, de fait, souvent manquées ou empêchées. Notre hypothèse est qu’elles le sont en raison d’un même type d’obstacle : en raison d’imaginaires (du monstrueux et des morts agissants : vampires, fantômes, etc.) qui viennent recouvrir la personne susceptible d’être perçue comme « monstrueuse » et la personne morte et qui empêchent de saisir adéquatement ce qu’elles sont et ce qu’elles peuvent faire. Notre pari méthodologique est que l’étude conjointe de la relation aux personnes susceptibles d’être perçues comme « monstrueuses » et aux morts est féconde, en raison de ces obstacles imaginaires communs. Notre ambition est d’étudier ces obstacles et de montrer de quelles manières ils peuvent être levés.

Mercredi 28 septembre, 18h-20h30 : Agentivités hors normes

Christophe Pons, Directeur de recherches CNRS à l'Institut d'ethnologie méditerranéenne, européenne et comparative (Idemec - UMR 7307, Aix-Marseille Université)
Qualification et monstruosité

Pierre Ancet, Professeur en philosophie du handicap (LIR3S - UMR 7366 CNRS-uB, Université de Bourgogne)
Les zombis. Mourir de mort sociale

Denisa Butnaru, PD (Privatdozent) Dr. en Sociologie, Université de Konstanz (Allemagne), chercheure associée du Laboratoire interdisciplinaire en études culturelles (LinCS - UMR 7069, CNRS-Université de Strasbourg).
Copie non-conforme : le corps postmortel entre réplique et substitut

Mardi 4 octobre, 18h-20h30 :Regard et pouvoir des images

Martial Guédron, Professeur d'histoire de l'art moderne (Laboratoire Arts, civilisation et histoire de l'Europe - ARCHE - UR 3400, Université de Strasbourg)
Tératologie et photographie en France dans la seconde moitié du XIXème siècle

Julie Cheminaud, Maîtresse de conférences en philosophie de l'art (Centre Victor Basch, Sorbonne Université)
De monstrueux morceaux de cadavres : la morbidité des collections anatomiques

Jean-Jacques Wunenburger, Professeur émérite de philosophie générale à l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Le cadavre : un double ?

Mercredi 12 octobre, 18h-20h30 :Du cadavre au monstre, du monstre au cadavre

Floriane Tanguy, Inspectrice d'académie-Inspectrice pédagogique régionale de philosophie des académies de Dijon et Besançon, responsable de la valorisation des archives de Louis-Vincent Thomas
Un jour, le monstre viendra : les morts, les monstres et Le Vieux Thanatosaure (Louis-Vincent Thomas)

Julie Mazaleigue-Labaste, Chargée de recherche CNRS à l’Institut des sciences juridique et philosophique de la Sorbonne (ISJPS – UMR 8103, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Le vampire de Montparnasse : un cas de monstruosité(s) au milieu du XIXème siècle

Anne Carol, Professeure d’histoire contemporaine (Telemme AMU-CNRS - UMR7303, Aix-Marseille Université), membre associée du Centre Alexandre Koyré
Titre et résumé à venir

Jeudi 20 octobre, 18h-20h30 :Corps diminués, corps augmentés par les pratiques et la technique

Annamaria Fantauzzi, Anthropologue, psychologue clinique, professeure à l'université de Turin (Italie), présidente de Praticare onlus.
Corps réfugiés et refusés : la mort vivante

Fanny Georges, Maîtresse de conférences en Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication (CIM-CEISME - EA1484, Université Sorbonne nouvelle).
Titre et résumé à venir

Vous trouverez la présentation détaillée de l'atelier et l'affiche en pièces jointes. Ils se trouvent également sur le site du laboratoire LIR3S :

L'atelier est ouvert à tou-te-s, sous condition d'inscription préalable auprès de : ou

Nous nous réjouissons par avance de vos participations et serions également ravies si vous vouliez bien diffuser cette information auprès de vos collègues ou étudiant.e.s susceptibles d'être intéressé.e.s.

Épidémies et environnement dans le monde moderne

Epidemics and the Environment in the Pre-Modern World


Temple University
Friday, September 30, 9:00 am-6:30 pm
Webinar Registration Link

This symposium will explore the wide array of environmental and institutional factors that influenced the way in which plague, in the broadest sense, and other epidemics originated and spread, as well as their intellectual, artistic, demographic and socio-economic consequences at a local and global scale throughout history from Antiquity to the 18th century. How did Pre-Modern societies cope with epidemics that presented challenges and upheavals comparable to the ones we are currently experiencing in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic? What can the Pre-Modern past offer to better prepare us for our present and future?

9:00AM-12:00 PM. SESSION I

9:00-9:10 Introduction

9:10-9:50 Hunter Gardner, Professor of Classics, University of South Carolina
“Social Distancing, Roman Style: Contact, Contagion, and Isolation in Latin Plague Narratives”

9:50-10:30 Winston Black, Gatto Chair of Christian Studies, St. Francis Xavier University
“Before the Mask: Air Purification and PPE in the Second Plague Pandemic”

10:30-11:10 Susan Einbinder, Professor of Hebrew & Judaic Studies, University of Connecticut
“Jews, Rats, and Plague”

11:10-11:50 Elizabeth Duntemann, PhD Candidate Tyler School of Art &Architecture, Temple
“Framing Early Modern ‘Syphilis’ in Art and Architectural History: Chronic Infirmity and Healing in the Ambit of the Ospedali degli Incurabili Network in Naples”

12:00 PM-1:00 PM. BREAK

1:00 PM-3:00 PM. SESSION II

1:00-1:40 Stephen Dueppen, Professor of Anthropology, University of Oregon
“Redefining local communities and regional connections in West Africa after the Black Death Pandemic”

1:40-2:20 W. George Lovell, FRSC, Professor of Geography, Queen's University, Canada and Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain
"Pandemic Precedent: Amerindian Demise in the Wake of Columbus"

2:20-3:00 Lori Jones, Professor of Medical History, Carleton University and the University of Ottawa, Canada.
“`Turkey is Almost a Perpetual Seminary of the Plague’: Relocating Pathogenic Plague Environments”

3:00 PM-3:30 PM. BREAK

3:30 PM-5:00 PM. SESSION III

3:30-4:10 Kristy Wilson Bowers, Professor of History, University of Missouri
“Ordinary or Dangerous Pestilence? Epidemics in Early Modern Spain”

4:10-4:50 Gwen Robbins, Professor of Biology, University of North Carolina-Greensboro
“There will Come Soft Rains: Lessons from Epidemic Diseases and Changing Environments of the Past”

4:50-5:30 Rita Krueger, Professor of History, College of Liberal Arts, Temple University
“Outbreak in the City: Smallpox in 18th Century Vienna”

5:30 PM-6:30 PM Response and Q &A
Sharon DeWitte, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, University of South Carolina

This event is organized by the Pre-Modern Research Forum Group at the Center for the Humanities (CHAT) at Temple University and generously sponsored by CHAT, Global Studies, and the departments of Anthropology, English, Greek and Roman Classics, FGIS, History, Philosophy, Geography and Urban Studies, Spanish and Portuguese, Tyler School of Art & Architecture and the Delaware Valley Medieval Association.

dimanche 25 septembre 2022

La cécité au début du Japon contemporain

Blind in Early Modern Japan: Disability, Medicine, and Identity 


Wei Yu Wayne Tan

Publisher ‏ : ‎ University of Michigan Press (September 6, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 266 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0472075485

While the loss of sight—whether in early modern Japan or now—may be understood as a disability, blind people in the Tokugawa period (1600–1868) could thrive because of disability. The blind of the era were prominent across a wide range of professions, and through a strong guild structure were able to exert contractual monopolies over certain trades. Blind in Early Modern Japan illustrates the breadth and depth of those occupations, the power and respect that accrued to the guild members, and the lasting legacy of the Tokugawa guilds into the current moment.

The book illustrates why disability must be assessed within a particular society’s social, political, and medical context, and also the importance of bringing medical history into conversation with cultural history. A Euro-American-centric disability studies perspective that focuses on disability and oppression, the author contends, risks overlooking the unique situation in a non-Western society like Japan in which disability was constructed to enhance blind people’s power. He explores what it meant to be blind in Japan at that time, and what it says about current frameworks for understanding disability.

samedi 24 septembre 2022

Maladie de la peau et histoire de la dermatologie

Skin Disease and the History of Dermatology

Scott Jackson 

Publisher ‏ : ‎ CRC Press; 1st edition (September 15, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 398 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1032226606 

This text is both a history of skin disease and a history of dermatology, telling the human historical experience of skin disease and how we have come to know what we know about the skin and its myriad diseases over the course of four millennia, looking at key figures in life and literature and key events such as the Black Death and the eradication of smallpox.
*Examines how the history of skin disease fits into the larger picture of the history of each age
*Provides dermatological insight into major events and personalities from history
*Offers a unique perspective on the history of each age

vendredi 23 septembre 2022

Les médicaments psychotropes en France au 19e siècle

Drugging France: Mind-Altering Medicine in the Long Nineteenth Century (Intoxicating Histories)

Sara E. Black

Publisher ‏ : ‎ McGill-Queen's University Press (September 15, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 400 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0228011439

In the nineteenth century, drug consumption permeated French society to produce a new norm: the chemical enhancement of modern life. French citizens empowered themselves by seeking pharmaceutical relief for their suffering and engaging in self-medication. Doctors and pharmacists, meanwhile, fashioned themselves as gatekeepers to these potent drugs, claiming that their expertise could shield the public from accidental harm. Despite these efforts, the unanticipated phenomenon of addiction laid bare both the embodied nature of the modern self and the inherent instability of the notions of individual free will and responsibility. Drugging France explores the history of mind-altering drugs in medical practice between 1840 and 1920, highlighting the intricate medical histories of opium, morphine, ether, chloroform, cocaine, and hashish. While most drug histories focus on how drugs became regulated and criminalized as dangerous addictive substances, Sara Black instead traces the spread of these drugs through French society, demonstrating how new therapeutic norms and practices of drug consumption transformed the lives of French citizens as they came to expect and even demand pharmaceutical solutions to their pain. Through self-experimentation, doctors developed new knowledge about these drugs, transforming exotic botanical substances and unpredictable chemicals into reliable pharmaceutical commodities that would act on the mind and body to modify pain, sensation, and consciousness. From the pharmacy counter to the boudoir, from the courtroom to the operating theatre, from the battlefield to the birthing chamber, Drugging France explores how everyday encounters with drugs reconfigured how people experienced their own minds and bodies.

Race et identité dans le monde médiéval

Race and Identity in the Later Medieval World

Call for papers

Special Issue of Digital Philology
Guest Edited by Sarah Ifft Decker

In recent years, medievalists have increasingly been forced to grapple with white nationalists’ use and abuse the medieval past. New scholarship, as well as innovations in teaching, have increasingly emphasized a wide and diverse medieval world. The turn toward the “global Middle Ages” has emphasized interconnection and communication across seemingly disparate world regions, through trade, travel, and the transmission of ideas. Other work has centered the experiences of subordinated and marginalized ethnic and religious groups. Innovative approaches, using a wide range of literary, documentary, and visual source material, as well as archaeological evidence, has allowed us to explore and rethink the complex ways in which medieval people constructed race, ethnicity, and identity.

The thirteenth through fifteenth centuries were particularly crucial for the rise and development of new discourses about race, ethnicity, and identity. Thus far, however, relatively few scholars have focused in-depth on race and identity in the later Middle Ages, either looking at the entire medieval period as a cohesive unit or focusing on transformations in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries without looking toward further developments in the later Middle Ages. Categories of religion and race intertwined in complicated ways. Medieval Christians increasingly employed racialized language to describe Jews and Muslims. Expulsions targeted groups defined by their ethnicity, origin, and religion. Documents employed ethnic and religious signifiers, as well as references to skin color, to define people’s identity. Visual arts and literature shaped complicated portrayals of people of different ethnic backgrounds, which reveal attitudes about race and ethnicity that in some ways resemble those seen today, but in other ways reveal striking gaps between medieval and modern concepts of race and identity.

This special issue of Digital Philology invites submissions that critically examine the discourses surrounding race and identity developed and refined over the course of the later Middle Ages, with particular attention to what is distinct about ideas of race and identity in the thirteenth through fifteenth centuries. How did texts and images construct and complicate ideas about race and identity? In what ways did these ideas shape the lived experiences of people in the medieval world, particularly people who belonged to subordinated and marginalized ethnic and religious communities? How were the categories of race, ethnicity, and religion interconnected, and how were they distinct? In what ways did these interrelated categories define how people understood their own identities? What role did ideas about racial, ethnic, and religious others play in creating the identity of the ruling majority? How did the ideas about race and identity developed in the later Middle Ages differ from those before the thirteenth century, and how did they transform over the last two centuries of the Middle Ages? This issue will seek to bring together an array of contributions which represent a variety of disciplinary perspectives as well as a diverse range of geographical and cultural contexts, including outside western Europe.

Please send abstracts of c.500 words by January 23rd, 2023, to Sarah Ifft Decker at Authors whose abstracts are accepted will be notified by February 6th, 2023 and will be expected to submit a full manuscript by January 30th, 2024. Manuscripts will be peer-reviewed, and authors are reminded that acceptance of an abstract does not guarantee publication.

jeudi 22 septembre 2022

Soins médicaux et lutte pour la survie dans la Grande Guerre

Lifesavers and Body Snatchers: Medical Care and the Struggle for Survival in the Great War 

Tim Cook

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Allen Lane (September 13, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 552 pages
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0735242319 

From Canada’s top war historian, a definitive medical history of the Great War, illuminating how the carnage of modern battle gave birth to revolutionary life-saving innovations. It brings to light shocking revelations of the ways the brutality of combat and the necessity of agonizing battlefield decisions led to unimaginable strain for men and women of medicine who fought to save the lives of soldiers.

Medical care in almost all armies, and especially in the Canadian medical services, was sophisticated and constantly evolving, with vastly more wounded soldiers saved than lost. Doctors and surgeons prevented disease from decimating armies, confronted ghastly wounds from chemical weapons, remade shattered bodies, and struggled to ease soldiers’ battle-haunted minds. After the war, the hard lessons learned by doctors and nurses were brought back to Canada. A new Department of Health created guidelines in the aftermath of the 1918-19 flu pandemic, which had killed 55,000 Canadians and millions around the world. In a grim irony, the fight to improve civilian health was furthered by the most destructive war up to that point in human history.

But medical advances were not the only thing brought back from Europe: Lifesavers and Body Snatchers exposes the disturbing story of the harvesting of human body parts in medical units behind the lines. Tim Cook has spent over a decade investigating the history of Canadian medical doctors removing the body parts of slain Canadian soldiers and transporting their brains, lungs, bones, and other organs to the Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) in London, England. Almost 800 individual body parts were removed from dead soldiers and sent to London, where they were stored, treated, and some presented in exhibition galleries. After being exhibited there, the body parts were displayed in Canada. This uncovered history is a shockingly revelation never told before and part of the hidden legacy of the medical war.

Based on deep archival research and unpublished letters of soldiers and medical personnel, Lifesavers and Body Snatchers is a powerful narrative, told in Cook’s literary style, which reveals how the medical services supported the soldiers at the front and forged a profound legacy in shaping Canadian public health in the decades that followed.

Masculinités, santé, genre

Masculinités, santé, genre. Aux intersections des savoirs et des pratiques sur les corps 




Uni-Mail, salle M3393, 15h15-17h

Séance co-organisée avec Liz-Escalle Dyachenko, Université Paris Nanterre, HAR

Introduction : Francesca Arena, iEH2- Liz Escalle-Dyachenko Université Paris Nanterre, HAR

João Gabriel, Johns Hopkins University (en vidéoconférence) :

Devenir l'homme noir. Repenser les expériences trans masculines au prisme de la question raciale.

Nur Noukhkhaly, Centre Max Weber, ENS Lyon :

Parcours de transition médicale pour des personnes transmasculines d’ascendance nord-africaine en France

2 NOVEMBRE, 12H15- 14h

CMU, salle Paul Boymond (ex B02.2226.a), Genève

Matthew Wolf-Meyer, Institute for Advanced Study, Tampere University

Eruptions and Interruptions—Disorders of Bodily Control and Autonomy and the Pathologization of Lack of Agency



(sur inscription : )

Uni-Mail, 7 novembre, 9h15-16h30 en salle M1150; 8 novembre, 9h-17h en salle 1140


Unisanté (Auditoire Jéquier-Doge, Bugnon 44, Lausanne), 15h15-18h

Valentine Gourinat, Paul-Fabien Gourd et Lucie Dalibert (S2HEP, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1) : Les prothèses de membre : entre technologie de genre et technologie “validante”

Mariama Kaba (IHM) : Exigences du corps et déficiences physiques chez les garçons. Les représentations masculines de l’enfance handicapée.

Cornelia Barth (Unisanté & University College Dublin): Nobody’s going to marry me now“ - être un homme avec handicap dans des contextes humanitaires


Institut des humanités en médecine (Salle de colloque, Lausanne,) 15h45-18h

Juliette Lancel, CHUV-UNIL : Bien rêver au masculin : les savoirs du rêve et la gestion du corps des hommes à l’époque moderne en France

Michaël Roelli, UNIL : Récits autobiographiques, réflexions onirologiques et usages expérimentaux : le pénis dans la vie et l’œuvre de quelques savants rêveurs français du XXe siècle

Francesca Arena, iEH2, UNIGE, Stephen Perrig, Centre de médecine du sommeil, HUG : Performances nocturnes: la virilité entre pollutions et Succubes

mercredi 21 septembre 2022

Le corps des souverains dans les mondes hellénistique et romain

Le corps des souverains dans les mondes hellénistique et romain

Gorre Gilles et Gangloff Anne (Directeurs)

Presses universitaires de Rennes
Date de parution : 15/09/2022
Collection : Histoire
EAN : 9782753586482
Nb de pages : 424

Que peut nous dire le corps du souverain ? Comment permet-il d'identifier la forme et la nature du pouvoir politique ? Comment manifeste-t-il la prééminence et l'autorité du monarque ?

Ce volume étudie et compare pour la première fois, dans une perspective d'histoire culturelle et politique, les corps des rois hellénistiques et des empereurs romains en confrontant des sources diverses : textes, inscriptions, sculptures, peintures et monnaies. Il réunit des spécialistes européens de différentes disciplines - histoire, anthropologie, histoire de l'art, philologie - qui analysent la construction du corps des souverains antiques à travers sa codification et ses mises en scène, par rapport aux traditions et aux normes grecques, hellénistiques et romaines.

avec le soutien de l'Institut universitaire de France et des laboratoires TEMPORA et CReAAH Rennes 2 - LAHM (UMR CNRS 6566) de l'université Rennes 2

Histoire de la santé publique moderne

History of premodern public health

All are welcome to join (either online or in person) the concluding plenary event of the ERC project ‘Healthscaping Urban Europe’, where three experts will explore the history of premodern public health and especially reflect on possible future directions within this research field.

Date: 30 September 2022, 16:00-17:30

Location: University of Amsterdam, Doelenzaal, Singel 425, Amsterdam

The presentations will also be broadcasted live via Zoom. To receive a link to the online event, please email Peyman Amiri (


Professor Guy Geltner (University of Amsterdam & Monash University)
Healthscaping Urban Europe and Beyond

Dr. Nükhet Varlık (Rutgers University, Newark)
Rethinking the History of Premodern Health

Professor Peregrine Horden (Royal Holloway, University of London & Oxford University)
Healthscape Picture Restoration: Is There a Risk of Over-cleaning?

mardi 20 septembre 2022

Faire l’histoire de la médecine à l’époque moderne

Faire l’histoire de la médecine à l’époque moderne

Journée d’études

22 septembre 2022 / Campus Condorcet

La journée d’études "Faire l’histoire de la médecine à l’époque moderne. Sources, méthodologie et identités" se tiendra le 22 septembre 2022 au Campus Condorcet à Aubervilliers.

Après une première édition à Lyon en septembre 2021, la deuxième édition de cette journée d'études est conçue comme une opportunité d'échange et de collaboration entre jeunes chercheurs travaillant sur l'histoire de la médecine.

La journée sera structurée avec une première partie où les présenteront des travaux liés à leurs propres recherches doctorales ou post-doctorales, qui seront discutées collectivement par l’ensemble des Les présentations et les discussions sont structurées sur la base d’une réflexion sur les sources, qui sera le fil conducteur de la journée.


10h Accueil

10h15 Introduction, Francesco Baldanzi (Università di Firenze, EHESS), Bérengère Pinaud (EHESS), Stefano Tomassetti (LARHRA)

11h Catherine Baudouin (EHESS) "Les sages-femmes du monde atlantique espagnol au XVIe siècle : quelles sources ?"

11h50 Pause

12h10 Francesco Baldanzi (Università di Firenze, EHESS) "Enseignement dans les hôpitaux et mobilités à Florence : individus, objets, savoirs à la fin de l'époque moderne"

13h Pause déjeuner

14h30 Emily Ng Cheong Kai (Univ. Lumière Lyon 2, LARHRA) "Quelles sources pour une histoire des suites de couches du XVIe au XIXe siècle en France ?"

15h20 Erica Ciccarella (Univ. Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3), "Théorie et pratiques de l'art médical chez les femmes en Italie (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)"

16h10 Discussion finale, introduite par Elisa Andretta (CNRS/ LARHRA) et Rafael Mandressi (CNRS/ CAK)

Modalités pratiques

- Campus Condorcet, bâtiment de Recherche Sud (salle 2.023), 5 Cours des Humanités, Aubervilliers
- 22 septembre 2022, 10h-17h

Organisateurs : Elisa Andretta (CNRS/ LARHRA), Francesco Baldanzi (Università di Firenze, EHESS), Rafael Mandressi (CNRS/ CAK), Bérengère Pinaud (EHESS), Stefano Tomassetti (LARHRA)

lundi 19 septembre 2022

À la rencontre des historien.nes de la santé - Automne 2022

À la rencontre des historien.nes de la santé - Automne 2022


Cycle de conférences organisé par le réseau de recherche Historien.nes de la santé

À l’occasion de sa dixième année d’existence, le réseau de recherche Historien.nes de la santé poursuit son activité de valorisation de l’histoire francophone de la santé en partant à la rencontre de celles et ceux qui font, mais surtout qui renouvellent le champ de l’histoire de la santé en français. À travers une série de rencontres thématiques, il entend donner à voir les terrains, les approches, les regards, les sujets, les méthodologies autour desquels l’histoire de la santé en français se développe et se réinvente aujourd’hui. Il souhaite surtout, par ce biais, donner la parole aux confirmé.es ou en devenir qui œuvrent aujourd’hui à rendre vivant ce domaine désormais plein et entier de l’historiographie.

Jeudi 13 octobre 2022
Mélanie Huguenin
Les sages-femmes de Suisse romande au coeur d’une politique de contrôle (XIXe siècle)

Jeudi 3 novembre 2022
Valérie Delattre
Amputer, réparer et appareiller. Lecture archéologique du handicap dans les sociétés du passé

Jeudi 8 décembre 2022
Didier Nourrisson
Du lait de la mère à la mer des laits. Une histoire blanche et parfois trouble

Les liens d’inscription aux rencontres seront diffusés à l’automne.
Contact :

Santé et travail dans le monde moderne

Health and Work in the Early Modern World, 1500-1750 ca.


Organiser Marie-Louise Leonard

20-21 September 2022,
Aula Baratto, Ca’ Foscari and online

To register for the event Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage

Tuesday September 20

9.15 - 9.30 am
Welcome and Introduction

9.30 - 11.00 am
Health and Workers in Elite Households
Chair: tbc

Stanis Perez, Université Sorbonne Paris
Nord, Working and Ruling in a Permanent Disease Context: the Versailles Paradox (17th-18th c.)

Emma Marshall, University of York,
Servants have not bodies of brasse’: Domestic Service, Sickness and Healthcare in the English Gentry Home, c. 1650-1750

11.00 - 11.30 am

11.30 - 1.00 pm
(Un)Fit to Work in the Early Modern Period
Chair: Giulia Zanon

Julia Nurse, Wellcome Collection, Unfit to Work: Lived Experience of Disability in the
Context of Working in Early Modern Britain Marie-Louise Leonard, Ca’ Foscari,
Negotiating Infirmity in the Early Modern Workplace

1.00 - 2.30 pm
Lunch Break

2.30 - 4.00 pm
Epidemics and the Urban Working Environment
Chair: tbc

Claire Turner, University of Leeds, Crossing Thresholds and Breaking Boundaries: Plague Workers, Smells, and Domestic Homes in Seventeenth-Century London (online)

Rachel Clamp, Durham University, Plague Industries in Early Modern English and Scottish Towns

4.00 - 4.30 pm

4.30 - 6.00 pm
Keynote, Paola Bertucci, Yale University, Medicine for the State: Bernardino Ramazzini and the Diseases of Workers (online)

Wednesday September 21
10.00 - 11.30 am
Sailors and Singers: Health and Working Communities
Chair: David McOmish

Benedetta Chizzolini, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Hygienic and
Sanitary Issues on Early Modern Papal Galleys, 16th-17th centuries

Ilaria Contesotto, University of Bologna, Lucidora Maselli, a singer «incapace della
tortura»: opera singers and occupational health in 17th century Venice

11.30 - 12.00 pm

12.00 - 1.30 pm
Work and the Lifecycle
Chair: Marie-Louise Leonard
Ludwig Pelzl’, EUI, Work, Aging and Retirement in Early Modern Germany, c.1600-1800

Jaco Zuijderduijn, Lund University, Old age, Health, and Labour in the Early
Modern World (online)

1.30 - 3.00 pm
Lunch Break

3.00 - 4.30 pm
Medicine, Poverty and Labour
Chair: Rachel Champ

Jan Becker, EUI, Treating the Poor: French Vernacular Medicine in 17th-Century Cochinchina

Liana DeMarco, Yale University, The Wealth of Nations is Healthy Populations: Medicine, Labour, and Theories of Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century (online)

4.30 - 4.45 pm

4.45 - 5.30 pm
Concluding Discussion and Paths Forward

dimanche 18 septembre 2022

Les zoonoses au cinéma

Cine-zoonosis: screening human/animal pollinations and contaminations


Call for papers

During the COVID-19 pandemic, epidemiologists and ecologists have repeatedly warned that, as climate change continues to decimate wildlife and their habitats, global pandemics resulting from animal-spread disease will inevitably become more common.[1] A “zoonotic disease” is one that has the capacity to “jump” back and forth between human and animal populations. As is now abundantly clear, such diseases have the potential to dramatically disrupt society, kill hundreds of thousands of people, exacerbate existing social conflicts, and set the political agenda for years to come. Consequently, zoonosis is a pivotal site in the ecopolitics of our current moment—a space where the pressing issues of rapid species extinction, national borders and migration, land management and conservation all intersect.

In this anthology, we conjoin zoonosis and cinema, asking how they mutually define and illuminate each other—historically, theoretically, aesthetically, and politically. On the one hand, public health institutions like the Center for Disease Control have long used film as a tool for studying and combating zoonotic disease. In this sense, the history of cine-zoonosis is deeply wrapped up in the history of medicine onscreen, analyzed by scholars such as Kirsten Ostherr and Lisa Cartwright.[2] In these settings, film has been used to study infected humans and animals, as well as to inform the public about the threat of zoonotic diseases (such as rabies) and about preventative measures people should take to deter their spread. In such films, animal images become tangible avatars for diseases which are otherwise invisible – or only visible within the abstract world of micro-cinematography. The animal becomes a stand-in for the disease which can be observed and interacted with at a human scale. As a result, the techniques used to frame the animal as a disease vector are crucial for the interspecies implications of each film. Cine-zoonotic representations of this sort intersect with and often draw from other histories of animal representation through film, such as those of the wildlife documentary. Public health organizations such as the CDC frequently adapted strategies for visualizing animals from popular documentaries of the time, a phenomenon explored by scholars such as Derek Bousé, Cynthia Chris, and Gregg Mitman;[3] as well as the strategies for representing animals deployed by laboratory scientists and educational filmmakers, like those analyzed by James Leo Cahill, Jennifer Peterson, and Oliver Gaycken.[4] On one hand, then, our collection poses the question: what can these visualizations of zoonosis tell us about the line we continually seek to draw (and efface) between human and non-human animals, about the difference between “us” and “them,” and about how we value different forms of life and consciousness when our own health and/or survival may be at stake?

The concept of cine-zoonosis, on the other hand, can also be understood in terms of a more metaphorical imbrication of humans with other animals as it has been explored through cinema. Critical animal studies scholars have long discussed and debated the ideas of cross-species infection, penetration, and mutual transformation. From Donna Haraway—who begins When Species Meets with the recognition that her dog “continues to colonize all my cells”[5]—to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari—who describe “becoming animal” as entering into a “particular zone of proximity” in which individuals are clearly made inseparable from “the fog and mist that depend on a molecular zone, a corpuscular space”[6]—the topic of the interpenetration of human and nonhuman animals has been of central concern. Theorists working to bridge the gap between critical animal studies and film studies have sought to apply such ideas to the relationship between onscreen animals and human spectators. Akira Lippit writes of onscreen animals as “animetaphors,” which spark an unruly process of identification and alienation between viewers and cinematic images of animals. Meanwhile, Anat Pick describes what she calls the “creaturely poetics” of onscreen animals, which can force a sense of shared mortality and finitude between human audiences and the animals they watch.[7] Thus we also wish to ask: what happens to such moments of contact when placed within the context of “cine-zoonosis,” particularly as these encounters are explored in science fiction and experimental films?

The concept of “cine-zoonosis” takes on a particular set of urgent political stakes within our contemporary moment of ecological collapse. As a major effect of changes in the Earth’s biome, zoonosis becomes a central site for contemporary global biopolitics—part of what Neel Ahuja calls “the government of species.”[8] The answers to questions of who will or will not be exposed to zoonotic diseases, who will or will not be given vaccines for these diseases, as well as who will be the test subjects when developing them, will have major impacts on lives in the near future. As a phenomenon, zoonosis has the potential to upend and rearrange the exploitation of humans and animals, but it also can clearly intensify such forms of oppression. As a historical development closely tied to climate change, the rise in zoonotic diseases asks for a critical approach to the ways in which our media ecosystems produce knowledge and understanding of this perceptually inaccessible threat in a range of settings. At the same time, knowledge of human vulnerabilities and culpabilities have long been a lived reality for people and communities who suffered the first consequences of resource and labor extraction along with the planet: the indigenous, the enslaved, the colonized, the bonded and migrant laborers, the Global South. Ways of knowing and living with the animal and the more-than-human that precede, interrupt, reinforce, or supercede contemporary institutional, rationalist, and scientific models become important in this context. The contemporary disease vector that draws our attention to “cine-zoonosis” emerges as a product of environmental abuse that was never, by any means, the only way to coexist with the environment.

We therefore also invite submissions that consider how zoonosis as a phenomenon impacts the production of images of humans and nonhuman animals in our current media milieu; how this shifting relationship is represented onscreen in different settings across the globe; and how this present visual context makes us reimagine our collective human as well as more-than-human past or future.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to: 

  • Cinema as a tool for visualizing zoonotic disease
  • Case studies of public health films made about zoonotic diseases
  • How images of infected animals are created and circulated
  • Cross-species relationships theorized as infections or contaminations in cinema
  • Global and local disparaties in visualizing human-animal pollinations
  • Institutional and infrastructural histories of contemporary zoonotic representations
  • Indigenous and intersectional critiques of zoonotic public health films and programs

We invite interested parties to submit chapter proposals for essays of approxamitly 5,000 words in length. Proposals should be 250-300 words and are due on September 30th, 2022. Please email your submissions to the book’s editors: Benjamín Schultz-Figueroa (, Jaimie Baron (, and Priya Jaikumar ( Decisions will be announced in December, 2022 with the goal of receiving completed chapters by the end of Spring, 2023.

[1]. Inger Andersen and Johan Rochstrom, “COVID-19 Is a Symptom of a Bigger Problem: Our Planet’s Ailing Health,” Time, June 5, 2020,; John Vidal, “‘Tip of the Iceberg’: Is Our Destruction of Nature Responsible for Covid-19?,” The Guardian, March 18, 2020,

[2]. Kirsten Ostherr author, Cinematic Prophylaxis: Globalization and Contagion in the Discourse of World Health, E-Duke Books Scholarly Collection (Durham, Durham [N.C.]: Duke University Press, 2005); Kirsten Ostherr, Medical Visions Producing the Patient through Film, Television, and Imaging Technologies (Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2013); Lisa Cartwright, Screening the Body: Tracing Medicine’s Visual Culture(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1995).

[3]. Derek Bousé, Wildlife Films (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2000); Cynthia Chris, Watching Wildlife(Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2006); Gregg Mitman, Reel Nature: America’s Romance with Wildlife on Film (Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1999).

[4]. James Leo Cahill, Zoological Surrealism: The Nonhuman Cinema of Jean Painlevé (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2019); Jennifer Lynn Peterson, “Glimpses of Animal Life: Nature Films and the Emergence of Classroom Cinema,” in Learning with the Lights off: Educational Film in the United States, ed. Devin Orgeron, Marsha Orgeron, and Dan Streible (New York: Oxford University Press, 2012), 145–67; Oliver Gaycken, Devices of Curiosity: Early Cinema and Popular Science, 1 edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 2015).

[5]. Donna Jeanne Haraway, When Species Meet, Posthumanities 3 (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008), 15.

[6]. Gilles Deleuze, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1987), 273.

[7]. Akira Mizuta Lippit, Electric Animal: Toward a Rhetoric of Wildlife (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000); Anat Pick, Creaturely Poetics: Animality and Vulnerability in Literature and Film (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011).

[8]. Neel Ahuja, Bioinsecurities: Disease Interventions, Empire, and the Government of Species (Duke University Press, 2016), 10.

samedi 17 septembre 2022

La réception moderne de la pharmacologie galénique

The Early Modern Reception of Galen's Pharmacology. A New Assessment of "Simple Medicines" and "The Powers of Foods"


Domvs Comeliana - Pisa, 15-16 December 2022

Organised by
Fabrizio Bigotti (JMU Wurzburg / CSMBR / University of Exeter)
John Wilkins (University of Exeter / CSMBR)

Keynote Speakers
Stefania Fortuna, Viktoria von Hoffman,
Brooke H. Holmes, Gideon Manning, Elisabeth Moreau,
Simone Mucci, Vivian Nutton, Caroline Petit, Alain Touwaide

Jointly sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) and the Centre for the Study of Medicine and the Body in the Renaissance (CSMBR) The conference will focus on the early modern reception of Galenic pharmacology, and especially on works such as De simplicium medicamentorum temperamentis ac facultatibus and De alimentorum facultatibus.

Transmitted through the centuries in Greek, Persian, Arabic and then Latin translations, these texts have constituted the bedrock on which Western pharmacology was built. Along with Dioscorides, Galen represented the main source for the theorisation of the action of simples on the body. His works offered a systematic analysis of the properties of plants, minerals and animal products and their effects on the human body and contain what is possibly the first attempt at theorising the intensive spectrum of simples and foods in relation to the time taken to react within the body.

Over the past few years a variety of contributions have been devoted to Galen’s pharmacology, especially by Armelle Debru (Galen on Pharmacology, 1995), Sabine Vogt (Drugs and Pharmacology in the Cambridge Companion to Galen, 2008), Caroline Petit (Galen, Pharmacology and the Boundaries of Medicine: A Reassessment in Collecting Recipies. Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue, 2017), Iolanda Ventura (Galen’s Pharmacology in the Middle Ages, in Brill’s Companion to the Reception of Galen, 2019) and others, which add substantially to our understanding of Galenic pharmacology. These complement the classical contribution of Michael R. McVaugh on the development of drug theory and intensity of substances at Montepellier and in Arnauld of Villanova. Despite this, an overall approach to early modern Galenic pharmacology is still lacking, especially with regards to the intensity and action of substances on the body, which during the Renaissance witnessed a substantial development, both in terms of visualisation and quantification of drugs and foods properties.

Thus, the conference aims at addressing aspects of Galen’s pharmacology in relation to the philosophical, cultural and social development it underwent in the early modern period. Most notably, it will discuss in detail how Galen’s Simple Medicines had changed by 1500, and why. One reason for change was the new cultures into which the text had been introduced. Another was practical requirements for drug descriptions as opposed to medical theory, which led to a double manuscript tradition, and less focus on Galen’s experimental method. Such requirements also caused extra material to be introduced, especially from the tradition of Dioscorides. New plants too were incorporated into the system, such as tomatoes, which required accurate description and classification. In short, the early modern period faced a crisis over how to handle the power of new foods and drugs that were then imported and commercialised from the new continent, a crisis that physicians and natural philosophers sought to resolve by creating new conceptual, visual and technical instruments.

The conference will hence allow the participants to analyse how Renaissance writers had moved on from Galen’s understanding, as well as where and why they had not. Speakers will be looking at translations and how these reflect different approaches and/or traditions. Theories of action of drugs on the body will also be taken into account, viz. how these were modified in relation to Arabic pharmacology. A special emphasis will be laid on how plants were classified and visualised. Finally, attention will be devoted to the commercialisation of drugs, simples and recipes as developed within Galenic therapy.

Questions of what a quality, a humour, and a substance is – in antiquity and in the Renaissance – and to establish what the understanding of them should now be, in the light of contemporary research and methods.

Funds for this conference have been provided by the Deutsche Foschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) under the project Measuring the World by Degrees. Intensity in Early Modern Medicine and Natural Philosophy 1400-1650 (Grant no: 461231785) awarded to Dr Fabrizio Bigotti in 2022.

Info and Registration

Info and registration are available at:

vendredi 16 septembre 2022

La pharmacopée d'Antonin Artaud

Dans la pharmacopée d'Antonin Artaud. Le laudanum de Sydenham 

Thierry Lefebvre 

Le Manuscrit 
Septembre 2022
ISBN 9782304053449 

Lorsqu'il publie en 1925 sa très fameuse Lettre à Monsieur le législateur de la loi sur les stupéfiants, Antonin Artaud se décrit comme un « toxicomane malade », buveur de laudanum par nécessité et non par dilettantisme. Ce positionnement justifie la violence de son imprécation : « Monsieur le législateur de la loi de 1916, agrémentée du décret de juillet 1917 sur les stupéfiants, tu es un con. [...] Je te souhaite que ta loi retombe sur ton père, ta mère, ta femme, tes enfants, et toute ta postérité. Et maintenant avale ta loi. » Dans cet ouvrage, nous interrogeons l'étonnante modernité de ce texte ainsi que ses paradoxes. La destinée tumultueuse de l'écrivain est réexaminée à la lumière de son addiction au laudanum, mais également des obstacles réglementaires auxquels il dut faire face, et des ruses qu'il dut mettre en oeuvre pour se procurer, coûte que coûte, le remède tant convoité.

jeudi 15 septembre 2022

Vieillesses irrégulières

Vieillesses irrégulières

Mathilde Rossigneux-Méheust

La Découverte
ollection : SH / À la source
Parution : 15/09/2022
ISBN : 9782348058240
Nb de pages : 220

Août 2014. Un château célèbre, une maison de retraite qui ferme, des archives qui s’ouvrent. Une épaisse liasse composée de petites fiches attrape le regard. On y lit : « Buveur impénitent », « impulsif et violent », « malade mentale », « insulte au personnel », « trublion de la pire espèce », « à ne jamais reprendre ». Ces formules expéditives stigmatisent des centaines de pensionnaires étant partis, volontairement ou non, entre 1956 et 1980.
L’historienne fait surgir de cette source les pratiques gestionnaires d’une institution en charge de personnes âgées, les scandales de la vie d’hospice, mais aussi une galerie de portraits, des trajectoires singulières, toutes marquées par les guerres et les crises du XXe siècle. Le fichier de Villers-Cotterêts permet d’entrer de plain-pied dans une histoire discordante de l’État social et de mettre en lumière la persistance de la disqualification des vieux pauvres.
Qui sont ces femmes et ces hommes âgés qui ont suffisamment dérangé pour susciter un dispositif disciplinaire de papier spécifique pendant plus de vingt ans ? Quelle histoire nous livre l’administration de ces « indésirables » ?

Vieillissement et soins au Moyen Âge

Ageing and Care in the Middle Ages

Call for papers for sessions at the International Medieval Congress, Leeds (3-6 July 2023)

Organized by Laura Cayrol-Bernardo (Universitetet i Bergen) & Ninon Dubourg (Université de Liège)

More info on:

We welcome papers that deal with questions related to ageing and care during the Medieval period. Our goal is to analyze various forms of care and healing in regards to ageing or age-related conditions that took place within and beyond the domestic sphere. To do this, we will take into account the ways in which (health)care was conditioned by gender, race, ethnicity, class, and ability at the intersection of individual and collective experiences. We will thus consider the intersubjective nature of ageing and the new relational identities created in later life.

These sessions will encourage an interdisciplinary approach.

Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:

- Therapeutic and caregiving practices

- Ageing and preventive (self)care

- Dependency in late life

- Feminized care of older adults

- Ageing and disabilities

- Institutionalization of care

- Conceptualizations of health and disease in older age

Please submit proposals (300 words) and a short CV to Laura Cayrol-Bernardo & Ninon Dubourg Papers should be 20 minutes in length. A selection of the contributions might be published in an edited volume.

The deadline for submissions is 20 September 2022.

mercredi 14 septembre 2022

La douleur de l’autre

La douleur de l’autre. XVIe-XVIIe siècles

Histoire, médecine et santé, Été 2022, n° 21

Sous la direction de Raphaële Andrault, Ariane Bayle

Toulouse, Presses universitaires du Midi, [2022], 234 p.

L’empathie, notion centrale dans les humanités médicales aujourd’hui, n’a pas d’équivalent exact aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles. Des notions voisines, comme celles de pitié et de compassion, sont convoquées pour désigner les sentiments suscités par la douleur de l’autre. Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, les articles de ce dossier s’intéressent aux réactions à la douleur physique dans des corpus variés : médecine pratique, élaborations théoriques ou écritures du for privé. Leur point commun est d’adopter une méthode d’investigation fondée sur l’analyse du lexique et des choix énonciatifs. L’« autre » est dans ce dossier un malade soigné par un médecin, un étranger observé par un voyageur, le représentant d’une altérité sociale ou d’une altérité naturelle comme les enfants ou les animaux. L’enquête met en évidence la manière dont les sujets s’émancipent des normes comportementales supposées être caractéristiques de la période. Elle contribue, au-delà, à déplacer les repères chronologiques dans l’histoire des sensibilités qui, pour la douleur, débute ordinairement au XVIIe siècle.

La douleur de l’autre. XVIe-XVIIe siècles

Raphaële Andrault et Ariane Bayle
Raphaële Andrault
Elisa Andretta
Michèle Rosellini
La répression des révoltes bretonnes au prisme de la correspondance de Sévigné. Un cas d’empathie paradoxale avec la douleur de l’autre

Mathilde Mougin
De l’indifférence à l’expérience d’une compassion interculturelle. Les émotions des voyageurs face aux supplices en Orient (Bernier, Tavernier, La Martinière)

Dominique Brancher
« Se condouloir » à distance. La souffrance avec son prochain lointain selon Montaigne

Augustin Lesage
Jon Arrizabalaga et Concetta Pennuto
La douleur dans la grosse vérole ou mal français, Gaspar Torrella, 1497-1500 

Autour de Jean-Pierre Peter

Rafael Mandressi
Autour de Jean-Pierre Peter. Introduction

Marie-Christine Pouchelle
Jean-Pierre Peter. Le gai savoir au cœur des ténèbres

Jean-Pierre Peter
Linges de souffrance, texture de chair : problèmes et stratégies du pansement 

Jean-Pierre Peter
Commentaire. Apories de la douleur

Bibliographie de Jean-Pierre Peter. Publications de 1961 à 2013 (+ vidéo inédite de 2017)

Laura Pennanec’h
Christos Lynteris (dir.), Plague Image and Imagination from Medieval to Modern Times [Texte intégral]
Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, 317 pages

Claire Fredj
Benoît Pouget, Un choc de circulations : la puissance navale française face au choléra en Méditerranée, 1831-1856 [Texte intégral]
Préface d’Anne Rasmussen, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2020, 353 pages

Camille Monduit de Caussade
Emmanuelle Berthiaud, François Léger et Jérôme Van Wijland (dir.), Prévenir, accueillir, guérir. La médecine des enfants de l’époque moderne à nos jours [Texte intégral]
Villeneuve-d’Ascq, Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2021, 340 pages

Claude-Olivier Doron
Suman Seth, Difference and Disease. Medicine, Race and the Eighteenth-Century British Empire [Texte intégral]
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, 324 pages

Émotions et expérience dans la prise en charge des enfants à travers l'histoire

Compassion and Care: Emotions and Experience in the Care of Children through History

Call for Papers

The John Rylands Research Institute and Library, Deansgate, Manchester
23-24 March 2023

Deadline: submissions should be emailed to Kate Gibson (University of Manchester) and Claudia Soares (Newcastle University) at by 30 October 2022.

The care system in the UK is under increasing pressure: systematic budget cuts, prolonged austerity, and sustained issues with staff recruitment, retention and burnout have all contributed to the crumbling of the nation’s care agencies. Independent care reviews across the UK have highlighted the need to reform and ‘reset’ the system of children’s social care, so that lifelong loving, supportive and nurturing relationships are placed at its heart. These reviews have occurred in the midst of growing demand for accountability and transparency in care processes and defence of the rights of Care Experienced people to access their records and know their history. Moreover, across the globe, carers and care work – usually designated female – have been underpaid, exploited, and devalued. Feminist scholarship on the ethics of care has long debated the invisibility and devaluing of care. But recent events such as the Covid-19 pandemic have highlighted just how central childcare systems are to the everyday functioning of society, requiring us to rethink the value of care work once again. Contemporary systems for children’s care developed out of centuries of informal, familial, community, charitable and state-led practices. This long history has not yet received full scholarly attention, and it is both timely and relevant to focus on the diversity of care relationships and experiences in the past and present. Ideas and experiences of care in the past have implications for how we might envision a caring society and an ethics of care in the future. The vibrancy of scholarship in the history of emotions, the history of childhood and the recent return to the concept of ‘experience’ provide new opportunities to reconsider histories of care.

This conference invites scholars and practitioners across disciplines, chronologies, and geographies to consider different forms and experiences of children’s care. What caring means and entails is historically and culturally specific, and this conference aims to unpick how care has been perceived and experienced from the perspective of carers and care recipients at different moments in time and across varied locations. The conference seeks to privilege the consideration of emotion and experience within care relationships, and the affective dimensions associated with care practices. We anticipate that the conference will appeal to scholars at all levels (inc. postgraduates and ECRs) working across disciplines, in the humanities, social sciences and beyond. We encourage diversity in methodological approaches, geographical scope, temporal period, and religious/spiritual backgrounds. We would particularly like to hear from Care Experienced people and current practitioners across children’s social care and policy, in seeking to make connections between care past and present.

Proposals for 20-minute papers or panels of three speakers are welcome. Topics might include:
  • Histories of familial or kinship care
  • Histories of care agencies, institutions, state and voluntary forms of care, humanitarian/relief work
  • Violence and abuse in ‘care’
  • Global perspectives, including care and migration
  • Caregiving as work: the unpaid/paid labour of care
  • Caring and the life cycle, including young carers or sibling carers
  • Emotions and motivations of care, including religion, charity, kindness, compassion, love, obligation or negligence in care relationships
  • Care recipient voices and experiences, including the experiences and agency of children and the impact of care into adulthood
  • Care giver perspectives, including the emotional costs and labour of caring
  • Care and disability, including physical and mental (ill) health
  • Care and gender
  • Care and race
  • Care environments and settings: landscapes and sensory aspects of care
  • The ethics and philosophies of care through time
  • The methodology, ethics, and emotions of care research
  • Care research and its impact on policy

For individual paper proposals, please submit a title, 200-word abstract, and contact details. For panel proposals of three papers, please submit a title, 200-word abstract for each paper, and contact details for one speaker. The conference will be a hybrid format (in person and online) and will be free. Bursaries will be available to cover travel, accommodation, and childcare costs.

Knebworth Cottage Home, 1894, copyright The Children’s Society.