vendredi 1 juin 2012

La santé à travers le temps et l'espace

Health and wellness through time and space and across the life course


Reddisekhara Yalamala (Dalhousie University) email
Robin Oakley (Dalhousie University) email

Short Abstract

Concepts of health and and wellness differ significantly through time and space and across the human life course as people age. What does it mean to be a well human through time and space and how do these notions change across the human life course in times of rapid change?

Long Abstract

Concepts of health and wellness differ significantly cross culturally and temporally and should be considered across the human life course, as people age, as well. The economic, social and historical contexts that individuals are born into influence their concepts of health, wellness and disease, etc. Food, what constitutes the meal, the cultural acceptability of foods, words, practices and treatment are vital emic dimensions but also are first affected in times of rapid change. Researchers conducting demographic, epidemiological and medical research projects need to well understand the shifting nuances of the culture and the shifting meanings across individual life courses to correctly select the measures and tools of the study in order to implement meaningful health policy changes. Sources of stress, such as rapid change, are influenced by shifting local meanings and that meaning themselves are context/culture dependant. In this panel we will examine case studies of health and wellness cross culturally, temporally and with a view to understanding how these change or remain the same across the human life course. The organisers encourage papers that recommend policy alternatives and develop culturally sensitive methods delivery of health and medicine in their specific field contexts and papers that value aging and the aged as a cultural resource.
Discussant: Maria Cattell

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