samedi 15 février 2025

Objets puissants dans les musées et collections médicales

Material Matters. Powerful Objects in Medical Museums and Collections

Call for contributions

IAMMC Conference, 10–13 September 2025

First Biannual Conference of the “International Association of Medical Museums and Collections” (IAMMC), formerly “European Association of Museums of the History of the Medical Sciences” (EAMHMS)

The last conference (Leiden 2023) investigated “New Horizons” for medical museums and collections as a whole. The 2025 conference takes a different approach. It seeks to explore the power and needs of the single object in medical museums and collections. How can it serve as a starting point and source for specific research, teaching, and outreach? What are the challenges and opportunities of its sheer materiality? And how does our “care work” in museums and collections open up new approaches for the understanding of the object itself?

Furthermore, the current temporary exhibition of the DMMI “Heart of the Matter: Human specimens in the museum” serves as a focus for the sensitive object group of human remains with its specific needs and challenges. It raises the question of how to deal with these items on public display in the museum.

Call for papers:

We are looking forward to your proposals for a contribution by 28 February 2025.

Feel free to contact us via dmm(at)

For more details see the pdf or check

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