mardi 25 février 2025

Entre le global et le local

Between the Global and the Local

Call for papers

I'm happy to share the CfP for the annual meeting of the HSTM Network Ireland.
The meeting will take place on 9/10 May 2025 at Ulster University, Belfast Campus.

We welcome the submission of organised panels as well as individual papers on any topic related to the history of science, medicine, and technology. We encourage scholars at any stage of their career from inside and outside of academic institutions.

We encourage papers and panels on themes, such as:

– The past and future of the HSTM of Ireland

– Decolonise HSTM and/or decolonial research in HSTM

– Feminist and gender-critical approaches to HSTM

– HSTM in the classroom, at the desk, and in public

– Disability between science, technology, and medicine

Submissions of papers on any theme relating to HSTM are welcome, and need not be related specifically to Ireland.
Abstracts (no more than 300 words) and a short biography (no more than 100 words) should be submitted by 21 March 2025 using this Google Form.

We will notify all prospective speakers at the latest by the end of March.

The conference fee will be small and will include tea/coffee/lunch.
We are a small organisation and cannot support speaker travel expenses. Please note that there are a number of small grants for conference travel for postgraduate students available from other organisations, such as the Society for the Social History of Medicine.
We are looking forward to seeing you Belfast.

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