samedi 28 septembre 2024

Influences convergentes dans l’histoire et la pratique de la phytothérapie occidentale

Converging Influences in the History of Western Herbal Medicine & Practice

15th Anniversary Conference of the Herbal History Research Network

16 October 2024 | The Medical Society of London

Speakers and topics will include: 

Materia Medica as Material Culture, Professor Mark Nesbitt, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 

Qinghao, the Glistening Green Herb (Artemisia annua L.) 2nd to the 20th century, Professor Elisabeth Hsu, University of Oxford

Cunning Folk and ‘Herbalists’ in the Nineteenth-Century Medical Marketplace, Drs Debora Moretti and Peter Jones, Alternative Healers’ Project, Universities of Hertfordshire and Nottingham

ESCOP: 35 Years of Herbal Cooperation across Europe, Simon Mills, Medical Herbalist & Author

Sweet and Sour Synergy: Oxymel as a Past and Present Medicine, Dr Erin Connelly, University of Warwick

The Hidden Botanical Collections at the Natural History Museum, John Hunnex, National History Museum

Key Links: Conference Poster
Conference Programme
Official Website
Tickets and Registration

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