samedi 16 mars 2024

Doctorat au Medical Museion

PhD Course at Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen

Call for applications 

From the 10th to the 12th of April we will be running our popular PhD course on the subject of anatomical representation at the Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen. The course brings together interdisciplinary perspectives from history, anthropology, philosophy and anatomy to consider the ways that the medical body is constructed through representations. Students will participate in a variety of activities including a drawing workshop and getting hands-on with our museum collections. It's an intensive and fun three days for any student interested in the history, anthropology and philosophy of the body, health and medicine. If you could please share the below course information with any potentially interested PhD students we would be grateful. Places are prioritized for Danish students but international students will be added to a wait list and allocated any remaining spots.

PhD Course at Medical Museion: Anatomies: Representing the Medical Body

When we look at an anatomical image, what do we see? The body as it is? Or the body as someone imagines it to be? In this interdisciplinary course we will explore representations of the medical body in the past and today. Bringing together anthropologists, philosophers, historians, anatomists, and artists, this three-day course will blend talks and discussions with creative methodologies and a chance to get hands-on with Medical Museion’s historic collections. This course may be of interest to researchers working on the body, representation and technology. We have a limited number of places available, so sign up today!

Dates: 10- 12 April 2024
Registration deadline: 21 March 2024
Location: Appendix, Medical Museion, Copenhagen
Further details and registration:

Best wishes,

Kristin Hussey, Karin Tybjerg, and Simone Grytter
Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen

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