dimanche 14 mai 2023

Histoire de la médecine et des médecins dans la Chine du XXe siècle

Recherches sur l’histoire de la médecine et des médecins dans la Chine du XXe siècle

Demi-journée d'étude

Vous êtes invités à participer à une demi-journée du Centre de SPHERE intitulé Center for a History of Philosophy and Science seen from Asia, Africa, etc (CHPSAA), le 15 mai de 14h30 à 18h00, salle 569 (5è étage) bâtiment Olympes de Gouges, Université Paris Cité, 8 Rue Albert Einstein Paris 75013.

Si vous ne pouvez pas être présent mais désirez tout de même y participer, ce sera possible par zoom. Envoyez un message à kellera@univ-paris-diderot.fr avec le sujet 15-05-23.

La session sera consacrée à :
(org. F. Bretelle-Establet, K. Chemla)

Commentateur: Sean Hsianglin Lei (Academia Sinica, Taiwan et professeur invité à l’Université Paris Cité)

Jean Corbi (PhD candidate Sciences PO)
Title: “Student or follower? The transmission of Chinese medicine in Republican Sichuan”
Abstract: The licensing of Chinese-style physicians from 1936 onwards contributed to the institutionalization of the teaching of Chinese medicine by encouraging the development of school-based education on the model of Western medicine. These schools were intended to standardize and ‘scientize’ traditional medical knowledge. Nevertheless, the reality of teaching often seems far removed from the slogans calling for the modernization of Chinese medicine. Moreover, the licensing process generated numerous sources that shed a new light on the practitioners. They reveal that the multiplication of schools did not replace older modes of transmission of medical knowledge. If transmission between members of the same family (jia chuan) loses legitimacy, transmission from a master to a pupil (shi chuan) carried on and adapted to meet the new standards put forward by the State.

Wenbo Liang (PhD candidate SPHERE)
Title: Making "Acupuncture anesthesia" the paradigm for the "integration of Chinese and Western medicine " during China’s Cultural Revolution (1966-1976)
Abstract: Acupuncture anesthesia [针刺麻醉] (the application of acupuncture as the primary method of anesthesia in surgery) is undoubtedly one of the most influential events in the history of Chinese and Western medical exchange. This technique was first created in China during the 1950s, and was largely promoted during the Cultural revolution. Until 1979, more than 2,000,000 surgeries were performed under acupuncture anesthesia. Meanwhile, through a series of diplomatic events, acupuncture anesthesia significantly promoted international interest and attention in acupuncture. This technique was thus described as “a magnificent example of the integration of Chinese and Western medicine” [中西医结合的光辉范例] in the 1970s. Nevertheless, this technique gradually fell into disfavor in the 1980s. This episode of history led us to re-examine how politics and medicine, Chinese and Western medicine, were intertwined during the Cultural Revolution, and how the researchers developed a holistic view of pain, in an effort to advance a line of research that was "both Chinese and Western".

La langue de travail sera l’anglais pour les deux interventions et leur commentaire.

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