Patterns, Populations and Pathologies
Call for papers
Historical studies on modern epidemiology are suprisingly scarce, considering the scientific significance and policy impact of epidemiological research and thinking. Epidemiology has excerted major influence on the way that both infectious and chronic diseases are conceptualised and controlled, and, more generally, on the way that people in modern societies think about the relationship between health, behaviour, longevity and risk. The emergence of Covid-19 further emphasises the topical importance of exploring the origins and long-term trends of epidemiology. The pandemic has illustrated the huge societal importance of and demand for epidemiological data, and is also likely to lead to shifts of focus within epidemiological research.
We are calling for contributions to an edited volume devoted to the history of modern and contemporary epidemiology. Patterns, Populations and Pathologies explores the roots, development, and impact of epidemiological research. Its temporal focus will be on the past 100 years, and its approach is historical, i.e. concerned with variation over time. We also welcome comparative contributions that explore variation between research cultures. The geographic scope is not limited. The contributions can be related to, for instance, the following topics (the list is indicative rather than exclusive):
- risk factor epidemiology
- psychiatric epidemiology
- indigenous epidemiologies
- cohort studies as an epidemiological tool
- twin studies as an epidemiological tool
- intervention studies in epidemiology
- global health and epidemiology
- epidemiological study of infectious and / or non-infectious disease
- epidemiological research cultures, thought styles and communities
- the conditions for doing epidemiological research in different countries
- epidemiological innovations
- kinds of epidemiological data
- quantification in epidemiology
- epidemiology and politics
- epidemiology and public health policies
- race, gender, or class in epidemiological research
The book is edited by Heini Hakosalo, Katariina Parhi and Annukka Sailo (History of Sciences and Ideas, University of Oulu, Finland). Please email your proposal to the editors by 20 December 2020. The proposal should contain the name and email address of the author(s), the title of the paper, a short abstract (max 300 words) and a short bio, including the author’s present affiliation (max 150 words). The editors will be in contact about the acceptance of the proposal by 11 January 2021.
Contact info:
Heini Hakosalo, Professor
Katariina Parhi, Ph.D.
Annukka Sailo, Ph.D.
Research Project: Lives over Time: Birth Cohort Studies as a Form of Scientific Knowledge-Production, from the Second World War to the Present (LIVES)
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