samedi 5 octobre 2019

La transformation des soins de santé dans l'Angleterre moderne

The Transformation of Healthcare in Early Modern England


Tue, 22 October 2019
18:00 – 19:00 BST

The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries
Black Friars Ln 
United Kingdom

Patrick Wallis has worked on the history of early modern medicine since his doctorate on the Society of Apothecaries in the 17th century. Between the sixteenth and the nineteenth century, the English people profoundly changed their response to ill health. Previously, they had relied on their families and communities. Now they increasingly turned to commercial providers: they learned to pay doctors, buy medicines, and hire nurses.

In this lecture, Patrick Wallis will provide an insight into his current research which explores how and why this transformation in healthcare occurred, notably the massive growth in the use of commercial drugs and the frequency that people sought help from medical practitioners

Library open from 5pm. Refreshments from 5:30pm

Join us for a subscription buffet supper after the lecture: Faculty Members £25 Non-members £30 Students £10

For those attending the lecture, a suggested voluntary donation (£5 members, £10 non-members) to support the Faculty would be most welcome. Gift aid envelopes will be available

Please book with Maria Ferran, Faculty Manager, by 16th October 2019. Email: or telephone: 020 7236 1189

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