jeudi 4 avril 2019

Chaire en histoire de la médecine traditionnelle autochtone

Northern Ontario School of Medicine and Associated Medical Services Hannah Research Chair in the History of Indigenous Traditional Medicine and Indigenous Health 

Call for applications

Competition Number: 2019-1257-TC 

Position Title: Northern Ontario School of Medicine and Associated Medical Services Hannah Research Chair in the History of Indigenous Traditional Medicine and Indigenous Health

Unit: Human Sciences
Location: Sudbury or Thunder Bay
Term: N/A
Number of Positions: 1
Closing Date: Review of Applications will begin on April 22nd, 2019 and continue until position is filled.

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine is a joint initiative between Lakehead and Laurentian Universities. With office, teaching and research facilities on each University campus in Thunder Bay and Sudbury, the School also has multiple teaching and research sites distributed across Northern Ontario, in large and small communities. The School’s Social Accountability mandate focusses on improving the health of people in Northern Ontario.

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM), in partnership with Associated Medical Services (AMS), is pleased to announce the establishment of the NOSM-AMS Hannah Chair in the History of Indigenous Traditional Medicine and Indigenous Health and invites applications for this Research Chair. Endowed through the generosity of AMS, this new Hannah Chair joins other Hannah Chairs in Canadian medical schools where they are integral members of undergraduate and graduate education in the health professions, especially medicine. The NOSM-AMS Hannah Chair will develop a research and learning program in the history of Indigenous traditional health, medicines and healing and Indigenous health to in part enhance medical education. Candidates, who themselves are Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, or who have significant Indigenous living experience, a demonstrated proficiency in the application of Indigenous Knowledges and a strong track record in Indigenous health, traditional medicines and healing practices are welcome to apply.

The Chair will be someone who self-identifies as First Nations, Inuit or Métis or who has significant Indigenous lived experience. The successful applicant should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the application of Indigenous knowledges and pedagogies and a strong record of collaboration and research partnerships with Indigenous communities.

We are seeking an exceptional scholar and researcher with demonstrated potential for leadership and international recognition in the study of the history of Indigenous health and healing at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor. The position of NOSM-AMS Hannah Chair is for a five year term, renewable. The candidate will be appointed to the Human Sciences Division of NOSM to a tenure track or tenured position. The successful candidate will be expected to develop a strong research program, teach at both undergraduate and graduate levels, contribute service to the Faculty and supervise graduate students. The candidate will develop an innovative program of high-quality research that will attract external funding. Evidence of an active research program is required for appointment and renewal of the NOSM-AMS Hannah Chair.

NOSM has a social accountability mandate and its undergraduate curriculum is designed specifically to have an Indigenous health focus. Its postgraduate training includes a remote First Nations stream in family medicine.

The NOSM-AMS Hannah Chair in the History of Indigenous Traditional Medicine and Indigenous Health will:
  • In their work broadly promote discussion of the inherent, constitutional, Treaty and international rights of all Indigenous Peoples and communities and the protection of traditional knowledge and medicines from appropriation.
  • Develop a research program in the history of traditional Health, medicines and healing practices and build on the interdisciplinary and inter-professional activities of NOSM, contributing to the development of an understanding of the relationship between the history of traditional healing practices and current medical practice.
  • Contribute to the recognition of NOSM as a gathering point for scholars, including Indigenous scholars, and scholarly activity in the field of the history of traditional healing and health, providing a setting for scholars, traditional healers and knowledge keepers from across Canada and internationally to consider and compare practices from the breadth of traditional Knowledges and practices across the globe.
  • Contribute to worldwide knowledge in the field of the history of Indigenous health through publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations of original work at regional, national, and international meetings.
  • Provide an inspiring atmosphere in which to expand academic opportunities and develop life-long learning skills in the history of Indigenous health and traditional healing.
  • Attract students, practitioners, community members and faculty from different professional and disciplinary backgrounds to engage in, and contribute to, history of medicine academic activities and events.
  • Support capacity development in the field of the history of traditional healing and medicine by contributing to graduate training, and participation in public engagement in the history of medicine and health care.
  • The Chair will hold a PhD (or an equivalent degree or a combination of credentials and a record of scholarly achievement equivalent to the doctorate) in history (or equivalent) with a focus on the history of Indigenous health and medicine, including traditional healing, and will have disseminated the results of scholarly activity of sufficient quality and significance in this area of scholarly focus to warrant the appointment.
  • The Chair will have demonstrated the ability to teach at the University level, and will be expected to contribute to the academic environment of the School, including contributing to the governance of the Division and the School.
  • The Chair will have the opportunity to contribute to the new NOSM graduate program, Master of Medical Studies.
  • Preference will be given to those who focus on the history of Indigenous health in North America, and especially on the land of what has become Canada

Candidates shall submit the following for consideration:
  • Current curriculum vitae
  • Links to, or if not available online, selected reprints
  • Letter of interest (maximum 10 pages) outlining:
  • qualifications for a successful Chair application; fit of their profile and expertise in the identified research areas;
  • statement of current and prospective research interests, including a vision and future research program for the Chair that will enhance scholarly leadership at NOSM;
  • statement regarding teaching experience, interests and plans, including how the Chair will enhance medical education at NOSM;
  • opportunities for training highly qualified personnel;
  • The names and contact information of 3 referees.
  • Letters of reference will be solicited for short-listed candidates.

Appointment begins July 1, 2019 (negotiable). Location: Sudbury or Thunder Bay. NOSM faculty may also hold positions with Laurentian University, Lakehead University, or other organizations. Remuneration is competitive and will be based on qualifications and experience.

Review of applications will begin April 22, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled. Further information about the Northern Ontario School of Medicine is available at The relevant Collective Agreement (Unit 1, OPSEU 677) can be found in the “Career Opportunities” section.

Contact Information:

Should you want more information about this opportunity, please contact:

Dr. Elizabeth Levin
Division Head, Human Sciences
Tel: (705) 662-7250

Interested candidates are invited to apply online or submit a resume along with verification of academic accomplishments quoting the competition number # 2019-1257-TC to:

Northern Ontario School of Medicine
Attention: Human Resources
935 Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6
Fax: (705) 671-3880

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine offers accommodation for applicants with disabilities throughout its recruitment processes. If you require accommodation during the recruitment process, or require an accessible version this posting, please contact Human Resources via email at

The Northern Ontario School of Medicine invites applications from all qualified individuals. NOSM is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, visible minorities, Indigenous people, persons with disabilities, and persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply, however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority.

NOSM needs to gather information about applicants’ status as either Permanent Residents of Canada or Canadian citizens. Applicants need not identify their country of origin or current citizenship, however all applications must include one of the following statements:

“Yes, I can a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada”;

“Yes, I am not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada but I am legally eligible to work in Canada”;

“No, I am not a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada or other legally eligible to work in Canada.”

While all responses are appreciated and will be handled with the strictest confidence, only those being considered for interviews will be acknowledged.

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