Edge Hill University
13th – 14th September 2018
Thursday 13th September
9.30 – 10 am: Registration, including breakfast pastries
10 – 11 am Keynote 1: Noelle Plack, Newman University
11-11.15am: Comfort Break
11.15 am – 12.30 pm: Panel 1 – Alcohol, the Family, and Respectability
– Ann-Marie Richardson, University of Liverpool, “Intellectual Rags and Patches”: How Branwell Brontë’s addiction manifests in his sister Charlotte’s novel Shirley (1849)
– Daniel Jenkin-Smith, Aston University ‘A rogue; despite his high office’ – The Abuses of Liquor and Liquidity in Trollope’s The Three Clerks
– Jean Webb, University of Worcester, ‘Alcoholism and the innocents’: a discussion of drunkenness in Charles Kingsley and Hesba Stretton’s writing for children
12.30 – 1.15 pm: Lunch
1.15 – 2.30 pm: Panel 2 – Alcohol and Gender
– David Ibitson, Men of Substance: Jerome, Zangwill and New Humour’s Masculine Boozing
– Gemma Outen, Discourses of Drink: Temperance Fiction
– Bob Nicholson, Edge Hill University, ‘Bosom Caressers,’ ‘Corpse-Revivers,’ and Other Alcoholic Encounters with America in Victorian Britain.
2.30 – 2.45 pm: Comfort Break
2.45 – 4 pm: Panel 3 – De Quincey’s Confessions
– Anna Rowntree, Peace and Posthumanism in Thomas De Quincey`s Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
– Hannah Donovan, Queen Mary University London, Thomas De Quincey’s Somatic Dream Visions
– Menglu Gao, “Founding Its Empire on Spells of Pleasure”: Brunonian Excitability, the Invigorated English Opium-eater, and Thomas De Quincey’s “China Question”
4 – 4.20: Afternoon Tea
4.20 – 5.30 pm: Panel 4 – Empire and Drugs
– Sarah Irving, Kings College London, “Mrs. Gobat smoked a narghile”: authenticity, empire and substance use in Mary Eliza Rogers’ descriptions of Palestine
– Jamie Banks, University of Leicester, ‘The Dens of Infamy in the Charlestown District’: Opium Dens and Colonial Anxieties in British Guiana and Trinidad, 1860 – 1900
– Suzanne Bode, Pre-Raphaelite Art and the Influence of Opium on Ways of Seeing
5.45 – 6.45 pm: Keynote 2: Susan Zieger, University of California Riverside
Conference Dinner: Miyagis, Ormskirk, from 7.30 pm. See our Conference Dinner page for details
Friday 14th September
9.30 – 10 am: Hangover Breakfast
10 – 11 am: Keynote 3: Douglas Small, University of Glasgow
11.15 am – 12.30 pm: Panel 5 – Addiction and Morality
– Kevin McCarron, University of Roehampton, “Pale eyed and melancholy”: addiction as moral and scientific failure in the Victorians
– Sarah Frühwirth, University of Vienna, Austria, Addictive Reading: Sensation Fiction and Substance Abuse
– Sean A. Witters, University of Vermont, “Using Addict; or, Is it Working Yet?”
12.30 – 2 pm: Lunch with ECR Discussion
2 – 3.30 pm: Panel 6 – Late Victorian Drug Cultures
– Rebecka Klette, Birkbeck, University of London, Mercurial Poisons: syphilis and mercury treatment as cause and cure of mental disorders, 1880-1909
– Natalie Roxburgh, University of Siegen, Medication and Social Optimization in Dorian Gray and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
– Abigail Boucher, Aston University, “Dabbling in Delicate Drugs”: Aristocracy, Darwinism, and Substance Abuse in M.P. Shiel’s The Purple Cloud
3.30 – 4.30 pm: Panel 7 – Post-Victorian Dynamics
– Estelle Murail, Reimagining the nineteenth-century opium scene: the case of Amitav Ghosh’s Ibis Trilogy
– Alyson Brown, Power in the Smoke
4.30 – 5 pm: Closing Remarks
Conference organizers: Dr Laura Eastlake, Dr Andrew McInnes.
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