dimanche 25 octobre 2015

Rencontre de la Société espagnole pour l'histoire de la psychologie

Spanish Society for the History of Psychology Symposium

Call for papers

Note : Due Dec 31, 2015

The "Spanish Society for the History of Psychology" organizes its XXIX Annual Symposium on University Portucalense (Porto, Portugal) from 4 to 6 May 2016.

The overall theme of the Symposium, the participants proposed, focuses on the "History of Psychopathology and Psychotherapy" assuming full range of theories, models and practices, with special emphasis on the Latin American world.Therefore, the Symposium will provide an opportunity for dissemination, discussion and critical deepening of historical and epistemological issues personalities and institutions in the Latin American world, they have contributed to the theoretical and practical innovation in the context of understanding / explanation psychopathological and psychotherapeutic intervention. It is intended, therefore, to encourage research in a scientific-cultural and geopolitical sphere that has been systematically marginalized.

However, special attention to this general theme does not mean the exclusion of other important themes in the history of psychology, among which we highlight the following:

- Philosophical Foundations of Psychology,
- Psychology at the Ibero-
- History of psychological schools,
- History of the Neurosciences and Neropsicología,
- Biographies reviews Psychologists / as,
- History of psychiatric institutions,
- Psychology, colonialism, racism and multi / inter-cultural,
- Psychology of sexuality and gender,
- Women and feminism in psychology,
- Psychology of religion and spirituality,
- Efemerides held in 2016, including the following anniversaries: Foundation Club Zurich by Carl Gustav Jung (1916), E. Mach (1838-1916), Th Ribot (1839-1916), O. Külpe (. 1862-1916), H. Münsterberg (1863-1916), Leta Hollingworth (1886-1939, PhD 1916), H. Eysenck (1916-1997), Julian Rotter (1916-2014), Virginia Satir (1916-1988 ). 

Summaries will be accepted in Portuguese, English, and Spanish)

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