mercredi 14 octobre 2015

Europe, pharmacie et médicaments

Europe, pharmacy, medicines

Call for papers

Revista Debater a Europa – n.º14

(ISSN 1647-6336)

Debater a Europa is a journal with peer-reviewed research studies and pending indexation. The journal is affiliated to the Centro de Informação Europe Direct in Aveiro (Aveiro Europe Direct Information Center) and to the Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX da Universidade de Coimbra – CEIS20 (Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Twentieth Century, University of Coimbra - CEIS20), with support from the Gabinete em Portugal do Parlamento Europeu (European Parliament Office in Portugal) and the Representação da Comissão Europeia em Portugal (European Commission Representation in Portugal).

The editorial team, João Rui Pita and Ana Leonor Pereira, is preparing the forthcoming issue, number 14, which will be devoted to the theme “Europe, pharmacy, medicines.”

Medicines and pharmaceutical activity are indispensable to modern society. Medicines derive from scientific and technological innovation and are produced by pharmaceutical industries that are, generally, multinational corporations. Notwithstanding the existing global tendencies, in the European Union there are specificities concerning medicines. They are bound to legal and ethical standards. Some research and commercialization policies relate to health policies. The pharmaceutical profession endows an intense professional responsibility. Despite their clinical and scientific features, medicines have a strong social aspect. In the contemporary world one has to consider new areas, such as, genetics, biotechnology and others relating to medicines. These new paths represent important scientific, technological, legal, economical challenges and above all private, public and social health challenges.

The forthcoming issue of the journal Debater a Europa is devoted to the theme: “Europe, pharmacy, medicines.” In accordance with journal’s scope, we will accept studies regarding XX-XXI century medicines, European pharmacy and studies on individual state member reality. We will accept articles that analyze the historical, social, economic, legal and ethical context of medicines in accordance with the following guidelines:
  • Twentieth century history of pharmacy and medicines in European Union countries.
  • History and sociology of pharmacies, pharmaceutical industries, medicines, patents, publicity, etc.
  • The social function of the pharmaceutical professions and medicines
  • Pharmaceutical research: tradition and innovation
  • Pharmaceutical industries, production and medicine globalization
  • Dispensing medicines: legal, ethical, social and economic aspects
  • New scientific, technological, political and other challenges associated with medicines in the European context
Submission guidelines
Debater a Europa journal invites authors to submit original articles or essay reviews in conformity with the proposed thematic areas.

Authors who wish to submit an original article or an essay review for potential publication must send their manuscript, via e-mail, to
until 31 October 2015.

Authors submitting original articles must refer the thematic area in which they are included.

The submitted articles must be original, not published, accepted for publication or under review elsewhere. Authors may present their manuscripts in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French. Manuscripts should have a maximum length of 35 pages, including notes and bibliography, and must include an abstract (around 100 words), and 5 keywords with their respective translations into English. They must be written in 12-point Times New Roman separated with an interlinear space of 1.5.

Citations and final bibliography must be in accordance with the Norma Portuguesa 405-1(1994). In:

Articles that do not meet the requirements will not be accepted.

Deadline to submit articles: 31 October 2015
Communication of acceptance of papers: 30 November 2015

Scientific committee of the journal 
Alexis Vahlas – Sciences Po de Strasbourg
Ana Cláudia Campina – Universidad de Salamanca / Universidade Portucalense / EPA
Adriano Moreira – Academia das Ciências / Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
Alexandra Aragão – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
António Costa Pinto – Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
Ariane Landuyt – Università degli studi di Siena
Carlos Eduardo Pacheco do Amaral – Universidade dos Açores
Catarina Frade – Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
Danielle Perrot – Université des Antilles
François Taulelle – Université de Toulouse
Gemma Rubi – Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona
Georges Contogeorgis – Panteion University, Athens
Guilliana Laschi – Università di Bologna
Isabel Maria Freitas Valente – Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX da
Universidade de Coimbra – CEIS20 / Team Europe da Comissão Europeia
Ioan Horga – Universitatea din Oradea
João Rui Pita – Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Coimbra
Jorge de Almeida Castro – AEVA / Universidade Lusíada
Luís Lobo-Fernandes – Universidade do Minho
Manuel Lopes Porto – Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Coimbra
Matthieu Trouvé – Science Po Bordeaux
Maurice Vaisse – Univeristé Science Po, Paris
Paul Alliès – Université Montpellier 1
Raphaela Averkorn – Universidade de Siegen, Alemanha
Stefan Bielinski – Uniwersytetu Pedagogiczny, Krakowie, Polónia
Thibault Courcelle – Université de Toulouse
Yuriy Pochta – Universidade russa de amizade dos povos

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