mardi 2 juin 2015

La pharmaceuticalisation et ses mécontentements

Pharmaceuticalization and its Discontents

Jeremy Greene

Le Cermes3 organise une séance exceptionnelle de son séminaire général à l'occasion du séjour à Paris de notre collègue Jeremy Greene, professeur d'histoire de la médecine à l'Université Johns Hopkins, et de la publication de son dernier livre (Generic: The Unbranding of Modern Medicine.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press).

Le mercredi 24 juin de 14h à 17h

Université Paris Descartes
45 rue des Saint-Pères
75006 Paris

Salle des thèses
Bâtiment Jacob, 5ème étage

Elle portera sur la révolution thérapeutique de la seconde moitié du XXème siècle, les tensions suscitées par cette "pharmaceuticalisation" de la santé et le tournant vers la production et l'usage des médicaments génériques.

The history of generic drugs is a means of exploring problems of similarity and difference in modern medicine.   Generic drugs are never fully identical to the brand name products they imitate.  Rather, their claims to being ‘the same’ lies in proof that they are similar enough in ways that matter to be functionally interchangeable. As the market for generic substitutes has grown--from only 10% of the American pharmaceutical market in 1960 to nearly 80% by 2010--so too have epistemological and epidemiological conflicts over how one can prove that generics are truly equivalent to their brand-name counterparts. These debates over generic drugs reveal fundamental conflicts over what it means to practice rational medicine, and what role consumers, physicians, insurers, and others should have in defining that rationality.

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