samedi 8 mars 2014

Femmes, corps et religion à l'époque moderne

Early Modern Women, Religion, and the Body

Department of English and Drama (Martin Hall)
Loughborough University

22‐23 July 2014

Tuesday 22 July

10‐10.30 Registration (Martin Hall foyer)

10.30‐11.30 Plenary Session 1: Katharine Hodgkin (University of East London), title tbc (Martin Hall Theatre)

11.30‐12.00 Coffee break


Panel 1: Physic, Piety, and Recovery
Sophie Mann (King’s College London): ‘“Piety in Physic”: Prayer as Therapy in Early Modern England’

Leah Astbury (University of Cambridge): ‘Recovering from Childbirth in Seventeenth‐Century England’

Hannah Newton (University of Cambridge): ‘The Art of Recovery in Early Modern England, 1580‐1720’

Panel 2: Weeping, Repenting, and Lovesick Women
Marion Wynne‐Davies (University of Surrey): ‘“More women: more weeping”: The Communal Lamentation of Early Modern Women in the Works of Mary Sidney Herbert and Mary Wroth’

Rachel Lacy (University of Ottawa): ‘The Magdalene Ophelia and Hamlet’s Materiality of Repentance’

Julie Côté (University of Ottawa): ‘Reconciliation between Lovesickness and Religion in the Angoysses douloureuses qui precedent d’amours’

Panel 3: Abstinence, Suffering, and Martyrdom
Alessandria Doria (University of Milan): ‘“Ames choisies & favorisées du Ciel?”: Montpellier Medicine and the Enlightenment Critics of Chastity and Convents’

Fulvio Accardi (Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Storici, Naples): ‘Port‐Royal: The Way for Resistance through Eschatology and Martyrdom’

Agnieszka Komorowska (University of Mannheim): ‘Rhetorics of Suffering: Autobiographical Writing of Religious Women in the Convent of Port‐Royal’

1.30‐2.30 Lunch (Martin Hall foyer)


Panel 4: Rhetoric and Reproduction for Men and Women
Kate Aughterson (University of Brighton): ‘Strategic Rhetorical Essentialism’

David Parry (University of Cambridge): ‘Lady Wisdom and the Milk of the Word: The Early Modern Protestant Sacred Feminine’

Panel 5: Female Vilification on Stage
Sanner Garofalo (University of Birmingham): ‘Feminine Vilification and the Politics of the Birthing Chamber on the Seventeenth‐Century English Stage’

Amy Fuller (Nottingham Trent University): ‘“Papa don’t Preach” Abortion and “Womanly Sin” in the Morality Plays of Early Colonial Mexico’

3.30‐4.00 Coffee break


Panel 6: Piety and Physic
Elizabeth Clarke (University of Warwick): ‘Lucy Hutchinson’s “Principles”’

Alison Searle (University of Sydney): ‘Female Religious Nonconformity, Writing and Bodily Suffering (1660‐1680): Mary Franklin, Elizabeth Stockton and Anne Wentworth’

Alanna Skuse (University of Exeter): ‘“By no means shou’d any Woman dance without a nose”: Illness and morality in the Diaries of Lady Sarah Cowper (1644‐1720)’

Panel 7: Constructing Political Bodies
Ana Saez‐Hidalgo (Universidad de Valladolid): ‘“Wounding our enimies bodyes”: The Rhetoric of Violence and Confrontation in Early Modern England and Spain’

Anastasia Stylianou (University of Warwick): ‘How is the “Holy Body” Represented in Sixteenth‐Century English Writings about Female Catholic Sanctity?’

Dannie Leigh Chalk (American University in Bulgaria): ‘An Uncivil Time: Interregnum Midwifery as Political Rhetoric’

5.30‐6.00 Coffee and cake break

6.00 Alison Weir, ‘“The Prince expected in due season”: The Queen’s First Duty’ (Martin Hall Theatre)

8.00 Conference Dinner (Burleigh Court)

Wednesday 23 July


Panel 8: Women, Health, and Healing

Ashleigh Blackwood (Northumbria University): ‘Nature and Narratology: Women’s Obstetric Writing in Early Modern Europe’

Katherine Tycz (University of Cambridge): ‘“The Word Made Flesh”: Text, Religion, & Women’s Bodies in Early Modern Italy’

Sajed Chowdhury (King’s College London): ‘“Compounded […] Contrarities”: Salvific Alchemy in Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judæorum (1611)’

Panel 9: Pregnancy and Poetry
Kelly Peebles (Clemson University): ‘Pregnancy, Gestation, and Spiritual Rebirth: Clément Marot’s Epistles to Renée de France and Her Unborn Child’

Nicole A. Jacobs (California Polytechnic State University): ‘Eve’s Curse: Motherhood and Scripture in Early Modern England’

Jantina Ellens (McMaster University): ‘Pregnant Devotion: Substantiating Spirituality in Eliza’s Babes (1652)’

10.30‐10.45 Coffee break

10.45‐11.45 Plenary Session 2: Mary Fissell (Johns Hopkins): title tbc (Martin Hall Theatre)

11.45‐12.00 Coffee break


Panel 10: Bible, Beauty, and Image
Ramona Wray (Queen’s University, Belfast): ‘The Body Beautiful: Biblical Aesthetics, Female Rivalry and Elizabeth Cary’s The Tragedy of Mariam’

Katie Aske (Loughborough University): ‘Ugliness and Sin in Eighteenth‐Century Literature’

David Linton (Marymount Manhattan College): ‘The Early Modern “period” and Biblical stories of menstruating women’

Panel 11: Consumption and Fasting in Women’s Religious Works
Yaakov Mascetti (Bar Ilan University): ‘“Here I have prepar’d my Paschal Lambe”: Eucharistic Writing and Gendered Textual Consumption in Aemilia Lanyer’s Salve Deus Rex Judæorum’

Anna French (University of Birmingham): ‘Print, Prophecy and Imaging the Female Body in Early Modern England’

Jenna Townend (Loughborough University): ‘“Outward fasting is inward feasting”: Fasting in the Sufferings Narratives of Quaker Women’

Panel 12: Magic, Possession and the Female Body
Alexander Cummins (University of Bristol): ‘Magic and the Female Body in Early Modern England’

Teresa Ordorika (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México): ‘Madness and Possession as Embodied Female Conditions in Early Modern Spain’

Esther Fernández Medina (Universidad de Granada): ‘Morsicas and the Body. Exorcising Fears, Excusing Sins’

1.30‐2.30 Lunch (Martin Hall foyer)


Panel 13: Female Bodily Suffering on the Stage
Lori Schroeder (Knox College): ‘The Wife’s Body: Adultery and Fasting in Thomas Heywood’s A Woman Killed with Kindness’

Emily Fine (Brandeis University): ‘Body, Soul, and Chastity in The Tragedy of Mariam’

Daniel Cadman (Sheffield Hallam University): ‘“Her body is divided from her head”: Beheading and Biblical Intertextuality in Elizabeth Cary’s The Tragedy of Mariam’

Lyndsey Bakewell (Loughborough University): ‘Religion and the Spectacular Female Body in Restoration Theatre’

Panel 14: Sinful Female Bodies
Marie Lagrée (Paris‐Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi): ‘The Poetess, the Sin and the Body: The Case of France during the Late Renaissance’

Alice Ferron (UCL): ‘“Save me from my deceitful tongue”: Sins of the Mouth and Tongue in Women’s Religious Writings’

Sheilagh O’Brien (University of Queensland): ‘“My deare and nearest children”: Matthew Hopkins on the Devil’s

Deceit of Witches in The Discovery of Witches (1647)’

4.15‐4.30 Coffee break

4.30‐5.30 Plenary Session 3: Her Own Life 25th Anniversary Session, with Elspeth Graham (Liverpool John Moores), Hilary Hinds (Lancaster), Elaine Hobby (Loughborough), and Helen Wilcox (Bangor) in Martin Hall Theatre

7.00 Optional dinner tbc

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