Deadline for submission of applications: December 31, 2012.
Date of awards: March 31, 2013.
The application should be sent via e-mail to Barbra Mann Wall, PhD, RN (wallbm@nursing.upenn.edu. The application should not exceed 6 pages double-spaced. The outline below specifies the information which should be included in your application. The form and length of your application should be adapted to the research that you propose to do.
Aim(s): Begin with a concise statement of the aims of the research that you wish to do in the Center and relate these aims to your own long-term historical research goals.
Background Significance: Give a brief background of your research idea; this will enable reviewers to place your proposal within the context of the present state of historical knowledge about the study area. Explain the importance you expect your results to have. Please be sure to cite the published work of others which relates to your topic.
The Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing is offering an award of up to $3,000 to faculty from all disciplines from colleges and universities, to support historical research in nursing. Selection of faculty scholars will be based on evidence of preparation and/or productivity in historical research and/or teaching related to nursing. It is expected that the research and new materials produced by Buhler-Wilkerson scholars will help ensure the growth of scholarly work focused on the history of nursing. Recipients will participate in Center activities and will present their research at a Center seminar.
Recipients of the award who are foreign nationals must comply with U.S. State Department, immigration, and university regulations.
Previous Work: Describe briefly any work that you have done in this area or in closely related studies. Cite personal publications, if any. Be sure to enclose a sample of your writing, whether published or unpublished.
Methods: Explain how you intend to approach your study and, where appropriate, the parts of the Center's collections that you will use to achieve your aims. The Center's collections are listed at http://www.nursing.upenn.edu/history/Pages/Finding_Aids.aspx.
Facilities: Describe existing resources at your disposal-such as other collections-which will help you in carrying out this project. Note whether other collections in the Philadelphia region might be helpful in your research.
Other Research Support: Include an overview of your existing and pending research support.
Budget: Outline and itemize budget detailing the ways that you will be using the fellowship and briefly justify the items.
Curriculum Vitae: Please include a resume of professional accomplishments including education, research publications and other publications relevant to the project you propose.
Each application will be reviewed by the members of the Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing Fellowship Review Committee.
The committee will make its decision about the 2013 winner of the Alice Fisher Society Fellowship as promptly as possible. Every effort will be made to notify the applicants of the committee's decision by March 31, 2013.
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