mardi 20 novembre 2012

le traumatisme de guerre

British Psychological Society History of Psychological Disciplines  Seminar Series

Organiser: Professor Sonu Shamdasani (UCL)

War Trauma in France and Italy (1920s-1980s)

Dr. Maria Teresa Brancaccio (Maastricht University)

Wednesday 21st November
Time: 6pm to 7.30pm

In the twentieth century, medical-psychological theories on the health effects of war-related suffering as well as their social recognition presented large variations in different European countries. Focusing on
the medical debates and on the diagnostic categories adopted in France and in Italy in the aftermaths of the two World Wars, the paper will investigate how changes in medical, social, and political thinking
influenced the understanding of war trauma in the two countries.

Location: UCL Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, Room 544,* 5th Floor, 1-19 Torrington Place, London WC1E 7HB

Directions: From the main reception, go through the double doors at the back and turn left, walk the length of this corridor and at the very end turn left again - you will find yourself in front of the 'West' Lifts. Take these to 5th Floor. On exiting the lift, turn right through double doors and then left through single door, walk the length of this corridor pass through another door and then turn right - you will see a marble table ahead. Room 544 is straight ahead.

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