dimanche 31 août 2014

Médecine et soins dans le monde méditerranéen antique

Medicine and Healing in the Ancient Mediterranean World

D. Michaelides (Editor)

Hardcover: 446 pages
Publisher: Oxbow Books (August 29, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1782972358

There are many recoverable aspects and indications concerning medicine and healing in the ancient past – from the archaeological evidence of skeletal remains, grave-goods comprising medical and/or surgical equipment and visual representations in tombs and other monuments thorough to epigraphic and literary sources. The 42 papers presented here cover many aspects of medicine in the Mediterranean world during Antiquity and early Byzantine times, bringing together both internationally established specialists on the history of medicine and researchers in the early stages of their career. The contributions are grouped under a series of headings: medicine and archaeology; media (online access to electronic corpus); the Aegean; medical authors/schools of medicine; surgery; medicaments and cures; skeletal remains; new research in Cyprus; Asklepios and incubation; and Byzantine, Arab and medieval sources. These subject areas are addressed through a combination of wide ranging archaeological and osteological data and the examination and interpretation of philosophical, literary and historiographical texts to provide a comprehensive suite of studies into early practices in this fundamental field of human experience.

Recherches galéniques

Galen: History and Research Studies

Call for papers

The Department of Medical History, National History and Cultural studies of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University is organizing an International Conference “Galen: History and Research Studies” to be held on November 20-21, 2014 in Moscow. 

The purpose of the event is to provide an international discussion on the development of medicine as a science and to review Galen’s works through an interdisciplinary analysis. We believe that they have specific and crucial philosophical meanings, which are essential for a proper understanding and explanation of evolution of medicine.

We expect leading experts in the history of medicine and medical education to deliver talks during the conference. Participation is free of charge. Conference proceedings will be published in “History of Medicine” – a new interdisciplinary quarterly bilingual (in Russian and English) journal.

For any information concerning the conference Please contact Mrs. Natalia Shok +7-916-415-14-17 e-mail: shok@nmt.msk.ru

For any travel and accommodation information please contact Mrs. Katerina Vaytsel, Phone +7-916-428-01-07, e-mail: vaytsel@msm-medical.ru

samedi 30 août 2014

Chirurgie cosmétique, féminisme et beauté dans la France du XXe siècle

Suzanne Noël: Cosmetic Surgery, Feminism and Beauty in Early Twentieth-century France

Paula J. Martin

Series: The History of Medicine in Context
Hardcover: 180 pages
Publisher: Ashgate Pub Co; New edition edition (August 28, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1472411889
ISBN-13: 978-1472411884

Working at the forefront of cosmetic surgery at the turn of the twentieth century, Dr Suzanne Noel was both a pioneer in her medical field and a firm believer in the advancement of women. Today her views on the benefits of aesthetic surgery to women may seem at odds with her feminist principals, but by placing Noel in the context of turn-of-the-century French culture, this book is able to demonstrate how these two worldviews were reconciled. Noel was able to combine her intense convictions for gender equality and anti-ageism in the workforce with her underlying compassion and concern for her female patients, during a time when there were no laws in place to protect women from workplace discrimination. She was also responsible for several advances in cosmetic surgery, a thriving industry, and is today best known for her development of the mini facelift. This book, therefore, sheds much valuable light on advances in aesthetic surgery, twentieth-century beauty culture, women and the public sphere, and the 'new woman'.

Les espaces dans l'histoire de l'alcool et de la drogue

Borders, Boundaries & Contexts: Defining Spaces in the History of Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol and drug History Society Call for Papers

Papers and panel proposals are invited for an international conference on the history of alcohol and drugs to be held at Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH, USA on June 18-21, 2015. Panel proposals (3 x 20-minute papers) or individual papers (20 minutes) are invited. We will also consider proposals for fringe sessions using non-conventional formats e.g. screenings, debates, demonstrations etc.

Borders, Boundaries and Contexts seeks to break down barriers in the historical study of drugs and alcohol, encouraging transnational approaches and methodologies that transcend the singular focus on alcohol or drugs. The Program Committee invites proposals for individual papers and complete panels exploring how: 
  • spaces, boundaries and borders – physical, legal, chronological, psychological, or ideological – have influenced the history of alcohol and drugs; 
  • contexts, spatial or otherwise, have shaped the production, consumption, imagination, or regulation of alcohol and drugs; 
  • particular “spaces” have defined eras, episodes, or issues in the history of alcohol and drugs. 

Proposals from advanced graduate students and recent PhDs are particularly welcome, as are submissions on topics beyond North American and Europe, along with papers and panels that focus on periods before the modern era.

  • Topics may include (but are not limited to):
  • Global drug trade and the War on Drugs
  • Crime and Policing of spaces, boundaries, borders
  • Prohibition of drugs and alcohol
  • Temperance movements
  • Tobacco use and regulation; international perspectives
  • Licensing, pricing, and sale of alcohol and drugs
  • Labor and underground economies
  • Media regulation directed at alcohol and drugs advertising
  • Substance abuse treatment and self help groups as “spaces” for recovery and sobriety
  • Race, ethnicity, and gender in the history of alcohol and drugs
  • Religion, alcohol and drugs
  • Use and regulation of alcohol and drugs in premodern cultures
  • Alcohol and drugs in digital and popular culture
  • Role of policy-making and politics in defining spaces and boundaries for drug and alcohol production and consumption
  • The intersection of race, sexuality and space in the history of alcohol and drugs
  • Methodology: new tools and concepts in the history of alcohol and drugs
  • Alcohol and drugs impact on sports

Panel sessions: brief abstracts (c. 200 words) of each paper plus a brief statement (c. 200 words) outlining the panel theme and a brief biography of participants.Single papers: brief abstract (c. 200 words) and brief biography. Fringe events: Outline of proposed event (up to 500 words) including proposed content, technical requirements and rationale.

Please reply to: adhsconference2015@gmail.com
Deadline for submission: 17th October 2014

vendredi 29 août 2014

Transitions médicales dans la Chine du XXe siècle

Medical Transitions in Twentieth-Century China

Mary Brown Bullock, Bridie Andrews (Editors)

Hardcover: 448 pages
Publisher: Indiana University Press; 1 edition (August 11, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0253014859
ISBN-13: 978-0253014856
Product Dimensions: 9.6 x 5.9 x 1 inches

This volume examines important aspects of China's century-long search to provide appropriate and effective health care for its people. Four subjects—disease and healing, encounters and accommodations, institutions and professions, and people's health—organize discussions across case studies of schistosomiasis, tuberculosis, mental health, and tobacco and health. Among the book’s significant conclusions are the importance of barefoot doctors in disseminating western medicine, the improvements in medical health and services during the long Sino-Japanese war, and the important role of the Chinese consumer. Intended for an audience of health practitioners, historians, and others interested in the history of medicine and health in China, the book is one of three commissioned by the China Medical Board to mark its centennial in 2014.

Science et culture au début du XXe siècle

Being Modern: Science and Culture in the early 20th century

Call for papers 

Institute of Historical Research, London 22-24 April 2015

Engagement with science was commonly used as an emblem of “Being modern”, across culture in Britain and the western world in the years around the First World War. Today, historical studies of literature, art, design, lifestyle and consumption as well as of the human sciences are exploring intensively, but frequently separately, on that talk of “science”. Historians of science are exploring the interpenetration of discourse in the public sphere and expert communities. This pioneering interdisciplinary conference is therefore planned to bring together people who do not normally meet in the same space. Scholars from a range of disciplines will come together to explore how the complex interpretations of science affected the re-creation of what it was to be modern.
Please see the website for more details: http://www.qmul.ac.uk/being-modern/

Submissions for four types of presentation and discussion are sought:
1. disciplinary panels of three x15 minute papers and discussion
2. cross-disciplinary panels of three x15 minute papers and discussion
3. Focus on research presentations of 5 minutes plus two minute discussion each will provide opportunities particularly for graduate students
4. Poster sessions

Closing date 19 October 2014.

Submissions to: research@sciencemuseum.ac.uk
Enquiries to: Robert.bud@sciencemuseum.ac.uk

jeudi 28 août 2014

Les corps meurtris

Les corps meurtris : Investigations judiciaires et expertises médico-légales au XVIIIe siècle

Michel Porret ; Fabrice Brandli

Éditeur : Presses universitaires de Rennes
Collection / Série : Histoire
Prix de vente au public (TTC) : 22 €
394 pages ; 24 x 15,5 cm ; relié
ISBN 978-2-7535-3375-2

Cet ouvrage donne à lire un corpus inédit d’environ 400 expertises médico-légales que signent au XVIIIe siècle à Genève des chirurgiens et des médecins assermentés en justice. Autour des enjeux judiciaires de l’expertise médico-légale qui limite l’arbitraire du juge, cette documentation permet d’historiciser la fabrique institutionnelle et sociale du savoir médico-légal sur le terrain du crime. Par l’objectivation naturaliste des plaies et des traumatismes, les experts mettent en indices judiciaires les corps meurtris.

Diffusion des savoirs biologiques au XIXe siècle

Vulgarisation et médiation scientifique

Appel à communications

Le terme « vulgarisation » a souvent des connotations négatives liées à l’étymologie du terme. Pourtant à partir du XIXe siècle on a encouragé la diffusion des savoirs en dehors de leur domaine d’émergence ainsi que leur transmission à des catégories sociales variées, soit par articles destinés à des lecteurs cultivés, soit par des ouvrages abordables pour un public plus populaire, soit par l’enseignement. La valorisation de la science et le développement du positivisme encouragent le public cultivé à s’intéresser à des savoirs spécifiques. Des revues et journaux non spécialisés (Le Globe, La Revue des Deux Mondes…) rendent compte de débats ou de la publication d’ouvrages scientifiques lorsqu’ils peuvent intéresser un lectorat important. A partir des années 1850 se développe une presse spécialement dédiée à la vulgarisation, tandis que l’esprit positiviste stimule les échanges. Des réseaux et des salons font alors se rencontrer écrivains et scientifiques. Les savoirs empruntés au domaine que nous appelons maintenant « sciences de la vie » circulent très vite dans des cercles élargis alors même que la discipline biologique tarde à fixer ses frontières et que le terme « biologie » reste d’un emploi irrégulier et concurrencé par d’autres termes jusqu’à la fin du XIXe siècle.
Quels sont les canaux de diffusion des savoirs biologiques au XIXe siècle voire le rôle des institutions ? quel retentissement ont-ils dans la culture et la société ? quelles sont les formes utilisées (articles, conférences, illustrations…)? quel travail la vulgarisation des savoirs biologiques accomplit-elle sur les signes ? la fiction littéraire a-t-elle un rôle dans leur popularisation, dans l’invention d’images et de nouveaux mythes ? Ce sont à la fois les enjeux, les moyens, et l’impact d’une vulgarisation naissante des savoirs biologiques que pourront aborder les communications de ce colloque. La progressive spécialisation des sciences au XXe siècle, la complexité des recherches modernes ont modifié l’accès au savoir et sa diffusion. Toutefois une réaction contre la fermeture disciplinaire et les clivages ainsi que la curiosité d’un public plus large pour les questions qui touchent au vivant, l’invention de nouveaux médias ont contribué au développement de ce qu’on préfère désormais appeler la médiation scientifique. Quelles sont les fonctions, les stratégies et la finalité de la médiation scientifique en ce qui concerne les savoirs du vivant ? Quelles sont les modèles de pensées, les notions, les recherches qui ont le plus d’impact sur les interrogations philosophiques, les questions de société ? Comment la littérature s’empare-t-elle de certains de ces savoirs ?
Les interventions de scientifiques, de spécialistes de la littérature du XXe et XXIe siècle nous permettront aussi d’appréhender la transformation d’un paradigme comme celui d’évolution qui a eu un rôle majeur à la fois dans la vulgarisation scientifique, dans les sciences humaines et la littérature. Par rapport à un tel paradigme, par rapport aux constructions et aux savoirs vedettes du XIXe siècle quels sont aujourd’hui les savoirs qui mobilisent le mieux la recherche et l’imaginaire scientifiques ainsi que par ailleurs l’imaginaire culturel ou littéraire ? La médiation scientifique a construit un nouvel espace d’échange, elle utilise de nouveaux moyens de diffusion. Les communications pourront aborder à la fois les moyens actuels de la médiation, et les savoirs qui font l’objet de cette médiation, leur intérêt et leur impact pour un public au-delà de leur champ disciplinaire, leurs potentialités imaginaires, leur plasticité pour un usage esthétique.
Ce colloque réunira à la fois des scientifiques, historiens de sciences et des littéraires spécialistes du XIXe siècle ou de l’époque contemporaine.

Modalités de soumission
Les propositions (400 mots maximum au format .doc), accompagnées d'un titre, de 5 mots clés, d'une courte notice (200 mots maximum), sont à envoyer à gisele.seginger@msh-paris.fr
au plus tard le 1er septembre 2014.

Christine Maillard
Gisèle Séginger

Comité scientifique
Christine Baron (université de Poitiers) ;
Claude Blackaert (CNRS-Centre Alexandre Koyré) ;
Laurence Dahan Gaïda (université de Besançon) ;
Christine Maillard (université de Strasbourg) ;
Rafael Mandressi (CNRS-Centre Alexandre Koyré) ;
Hugues Marchal (université de Bâle) ;
Laurence Talairach-Vielmas (université de Toulouse/centre Alexandre Koyré) ;
Gisèle Séginger (université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée / Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme)
Remise des propositions de communication et d’une courte notice biblio-biographique : 1er septembre 2014
Date de la remise des articles définitifs : 20 décembre 2014
Date de la publication des articles (sous réserve d’acceptation par le comité scientifique) : juin 2015

Le colloque aura lieu les jeudi 4 et vendredi 5 décembre 2014 à la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme de Paris et est organisé dans le cadre du réseau inter-MSH VIVANLIT Penser le vivant Les échanges entre littérature et sciences de la vie de la fin du XVIIIe siècle à l’époque contemporaine.

mercredi 27 août 2014

Platon contre la médecine

Plato's Rivalry with Medicine: A Struggle and Its Dissolution 

Susan B. Levin

Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: Oxford University Press; 1 edition (August 25, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0199919801
ISBN-13: 978-0199919802

While scholars typically view Plato's engagement with medicine as uniform and largely positive, Susan B. Levin argues that from the Gorgias through the Laws, his handling of medicine unfolds in several key phases. Further, she shows that Plato views medicine as an important rival for authority on phusis (nature) and eudaimonia (flourishing). Levin's arguments rest on careful attention both to Plato and to the Hippocratic Corpus. 

Levin shows that an evident but unexpressed tension involving medicine's status emerges in theGorgias and is explored in Plato's critiques of medicine in the Symposium and Republic. In theLaws, however, this rivalry and tension dissolve. Levin addresses the question of why Plato's rivalry with medicine is put to rest while those with rhetoric and poetry continue. On her account, developments in his views of human nature, with their resulting impact on his political thought, drive Plato's striking adjustments involving medicine in the Laws.

Levin's investigation of Plato is timely: for the first time in the history of bioethics, the value of ancient philosophy is receiving notable attention. Most discussions focus on Aristotle's concept of phronêsis (practical wisdom); here, Levin argues that Plato has much to offer bioethics as it works to address pressing concerns about the doctor-patient tie, medical professionalism, and medicine's relationship to society.

Revisiter l'histoire de la sexualité

Revisiting The History of Sexuality: Foucault's Legacy after 40 Years

Call for papers

Special Issue of Cultural History 5, no. 2 (October 2016).

Cultural History is a peer-reviewed journal published by Edinburgh University Press.

Guest Editor: Howard Chiang

The year 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of Michel Foucault’s The History of Sexuality: An Introduction, Volume 1. One of the most important legacies of this book has been the analytical elucidation of sexuality as a product of history. Foucault’s study has shaped scholarly debates about power, medical science, sexual identity, political life, authorship, the practice of history, and many other topics. Cultural History invites submissions of concise research articles and opinion essays that reflect on Foucault’s text, drawing on either personal research and teaching experiences or pivotal encounters with the text in various scholarly contexts in the 40 years since its publication.

This special issue will place a particular emphasis on the influence of Foucault’s work in the fields of the history of sexuality and feminist and queer studies. As Foucault’s work has been critiqued from sophisticated postcolonial perspectives, contributions by scholars whose area of specialization falls outside of Europe and the United States are therefore especially welcome. Equally, this special issue provides scholars of Western culture with a forum to revisit old debates, cast new light on familiar sources, or raise refreshing methodological questions for the historical study of gender and sexuality.

Procedures for submission of articles: At this time we are requesting abstracts that are no longer than 350 words; these are due by October 15, 2014 and should be submitted electronically as an e-mail attachment to the guest editor Howard Chiang (H.H.Chiang@warwick.ac.uk ), with “Cultural History Issue 5.2 Submission” in the subject line. By October 31, 2014, authors will be notified whether they are invited to submit a full version of their essay to undergo the peer review process. The due date for completed drafts of essays is March 1, 2015. An invitation to submit a full article does not guarantee publication; publication depends on the peer review process and the overall shape the journal issue will take.

For preliminary e-mail inquiries, please contact the guest editor at H.H.Chiang@warwick.ac.uk and include “Cultural History Issue 5.2” in the subject line.

Abstract Deadline: October 15, 2014

Final Manuscript Deadline: March 1, 2015

Article submissions should follow the journal’s in-house submission guidelines (http://www.euppublishing.com/page/cult/submissions) with the exception that the maximum article length is 6,000 words (instead of the usual 9,000 words).

mardi 26 août 2014

Histoires de la santé en Asie du sud-est

Histories of Health in Southeast Asia: Perspectives on the Long Twentieth Century

Tim Harper, Sunil S. Amrith (Editors)

Hardcover: 264 pages
Publisher: Indiana University Press (August 14, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0253014867
ISBN-13: 978-0253014863

Health patterns in Southeast Asia have changed profoundly over the past century. In that period, epidemic and chronic diseases, environmental transformations, and international health institutions have created new connections within the region and the increased interdependence of Southeast Asia with China and India. In this volume leading scholars provide a new approach to the history of health in Southeast Asia. Framed by a series of synoptic pieces on the "Landscapes of Health" in Southeast Asia in 1914, 1950, and 2014 the essays interweave local, national, and regional perspectives. They range from studies of long-term processes such as changing epidemics, mortality and aging, and environmental history to detailed accounts of particular episodes: the global cholera epidemic and the hajj, the influenza epidemic of 1918, WWII, and natural disasters. The writers also examine state policy on healthcare and the influence of organizations, from NGOs such as the China Medical Board and the Rockefeller Foundation to grassroots organizations in Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Histoire des LGBT

The 2nd What is & How to Do LGBT History Conference 

Call for papers

The LGF conference venue, Canal Street, Manchester
Saturday 14th & Sunday 15th February 2015

An important part of the 10th anniversary celebrations of LGBT History month is the 1st National Festival over St Valentine’s Weekend 2015 in Manchester (aka ‘Manchester in Love 2015’) that seeks to lead and develop the growing discourse into past attitudes towards sex and gender diversity within the academy and among the general public.

The academic conference 'What is & How to DO LGBT History?' runs parallel to the 'Manchester in Love' Festival and seeks to place attitudes, experiences and identities in their historical context. In doing so, we hope to uncover and understand regional, temporal and ideological differences in past attitudes towards gender and sex. The organisers of “What is & How to Do LGBT History?” conference invite twenty minute papers or three paper panels on the following range of broad topics and their relationship to the study of past attitudes towards sex, and gender diversity.

● Archival research and the uncovering of source materials

● The influence of other disciplines on historical study

● Experiences of conducting research within the academy

● Reclaiming forgotten histories

● Writing the history of under/unexplored regions

● The relationship between historical study and political activism

● Considering the impact of our work as historians

● The problem of naming in a historical context

● Ethical issues in historical research

Papers on other issues related to the study of past attitudes towards sex and gender diversity are also most welcome. All abstracts and enquires should be sent to Mark Walmsley & Helen Smith @: lgbthmaap@gmail.com no later than 1st October along with a short biography for each presenter. Individual abstracts should be no more than 250 words. Abstracts for panels should be submitted together with an additional 250 word summary outlining the panel’s key themes.

The Distinguished Academic Patrons of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Trans History Month (UK)

Harry Cocks (Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts, Nottingham) , Matt Cook (Senior Lecturer in History & Gender Studies, Birkbeck, London University.), Martin Hall (Vice-Chancellor of Salford University & Archaeologist), Shelia Rowbotham (Professor, School of Social Sciences, Manchester University), Melanie Tebbutt (Reader in History, Director of the Manchester Centre for Regional History, MMU), Charles Upchurch (Associate Professor of History, Florida State University), Jeffrey Weeks (Research Professor, Arts and Human Sciences, South Bank University).

lundi 25 août 2014

Santé publique et reconstruction nationale dans l'Asie d'après-guerre

Public Health and National Reconstruction in Post-War Asia: International Influences, Local Transformations

Liping Bu, Ka-che Yip (Editors)

Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern History of Asia
Hardcover: 218 pages
Publisher: Routledge; 1 edition (August 13, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415719054
ISBN-13: 978-0415719056

This book, based on extensive original research, considers the transformation of public health systems in major East, South and Southeast Asian countries in the period following the Second World War. It examines how public health concepts, policies, institutions and practices were improved, shows how international health standards were implemented, sometimes through the direct intervention of transnational organisations, and explores how indigenous traditions and local social and cultural concerns affected developments, with, in some cases, the construction of public health systems forming an important part of nation-building in post-war and post-independence countries. Throughout, the book relates developments in public health systems to people’s health, demographic changes, and economic and social reconstruction projects.

Histoire et philosophie du souffle

'The Life of Breath' Philosophy of Medicine

Wellcome Trust PhD Studentship, University of Bristol - Philosophy

Location: Bristol

Salary:  £21,586 The studentship provides full tuition fees and a tax-free stipend of £64,759 over 3 years (£21,586 per annum), as well as £11,700 studentship fees and £1,500 for travel and conference attendance.

Hours: Full Time

Contract: Contract / Temporary

Placed on: 13th August 2014
Closes: 3rd November 2014

The project: The Department of Philosophy at the University of Bristol is seeking to award a fully-funded PhD studentship from January 2015. The studentship is for a doctoral project on a topic related to the WT Senior Investigator Award Life of Breath, led by Prof Havi Carel and Prof Jane Macnaughton.

The Life of Breath Senior Investigator Award is a 5-year research project exploring the cultural, philosophical, historical, and anthropological foundations of breathing and its pathological counterpart, breathlessness. The project is motivated by the view that breathing and breathlessness can only be understood fully by drawing on both biomedical information and on cultural, literary, historical and phenomenological research. In the project we will study breathing and breathlessness through a range of humanities disciplines, and use the outcomes to inform medical practice. This innovative humanities perspective, alongside empirical research, will enhance the medical understanding of breathlessness. The project will contribute to our knowledge of this common symptom and will inform medical approaches to preventing and treating diseases for which breathlessness is the primary symptom. The goal of the project is to use medical humanities research outcomes to inform medical interventions in diseases in which breathlessness is a key symptom.

How to apply: Please make an online application for this project at http://www.bris.ac.uk/pg-howtoapplyspecifying that you wish to be considered for the studentship. Please also supply:

1. An up to date academic CV
2. A writing sample of up to 5,000 words
3. The names of two referees
4. A 2,000-3,000 word research proposal

In your research proposal, explain how your proposed research would make a valuable contribution to the Life of Breath project. This contribution is currently envisaged as a PhD project that would shed light on the experience of breathing and of breathlessness, a phenomenology of health and illness, or a related project within the philosophy of medicine. The closing date for receipt of applications is 3 November 2014. Interviews will be held in mid-November.

Applicants should have a strong undergraduate degree in philosophy or medical humanities and should ideally have or be undertaking a Masters degree in a relevant discipline or have relevant research experience in these or a related field. The successful candidate will work within the Department of Philosophy at the University of Bristol http://www.bris.ac.uk/philosophy/.

Funding: The studentship is funded by the Wellcome Trust (WT). The studentship provides full tuition fees and a tax-free stipend of £64,759 over 3 years (£21,586 per annum), as well as £11,700 studentship fees and £1,500 for travel and conference attendance.

Contacts: Informal enquiries may be addressed to Prof Havi Carel in the Department of Philosophy by telephone at +44 (0)117 954 6690 or by email at havi.carel@bris.ac.uk. 

dimanche 24 août 2014

Les arts sanitaires

The Sanitary Arts: Aesthetic Culture and the Victorian Cleanliness Campaigns 

Eileen Cleere

Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Ohio State University Press; 1 edition (July 28, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0814212581
ISBN-13: 978-0814212585

Eileen Cleere argues in this interdisciplinary study that mid-century discoveries about hygiene and cleanliness not only influenced public health, civic planning, and medical practice but also powerfully reshaped the aesthetic values of the British middle class. By focusing on paintings, domestic architecture, and interior design, The Sanitary Arts: Aesthetic Culture and the Victorian Cleanliness Campaigns shows that the “sanitary aesthetic” significantly transformed the taste of the British public over the nineteenth century by equating robust health and cleanliness with new definitions of beauty and new experiences of aisthesis. Covering everything from connoisseurs to custodians, Cleere demonstrates that Victorian art critics, engineers, and architects—and even novelists from George Eliot to Charles Dickens, Charlotte Mary Young to Sarah Grand—all participated in a vital cultural debate over hygiene, cleanliness, and aesthetic enlightenment.

The Sanitary Arts covers the mid-forties controversy over cleaning the dirt from the pictures in the National Gallery, the debate over decorative “dust traps” in the overstuffed Victorian home, and the late-century proliferation of hygienic breeding principles as a program of aesthetic perfectibility, to demonstrate the unintentionally collaborative work of seemingly unrelated events and discourses. Bringing figures like Edwin Chadwick and John Ruskin into close conversation about the sanitary status of beauty in a variety of forms and environments, Cleere forcefully demonstrates that aesthetic development and scientific discovery can no longer be understood as separate or discrete forces of cultural change.

Poste à St Louis

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor-History of Medicine - Washington University in St. Louis

Call for applications 

The History Department at Washington University in St. Louis invites applications for an historian of medicine starting in the fall of 2015. The search is at the rank of tenure-track assistant professor. A Ph.D. in hand by August 1, 2015 and evidence of scholarly potential are required. Area and chronological expertise are open. The successful candidate will teach an introductory course in the history of medicine, prepare classes in her/his area of specialization, be active in research and publication, perform university service, and contribute to a growing community of faculty interested in the medical humanities.

Please send a letter of application, c.v., and three letters of reference (under separate cover) via e-mail to artsci-history.search@email. wustl.edu or via postal mail to the Chair, History of Medicine Search Committee, Department of History, Washington University, 1 Brookings Dr., Campus Box 1062, St. Louis, MO 63130. Screening of applications will begin on October 15, 2014, and will continue until the position is filled.

Washington University is an AA/EOE and is strongly committed to enhancing the diversity of its faculty.

samedi 23 août 2014

Histoire de la neurologie britannique

The Neurologists: A History of a Medical Specialty in Modern Britain, c.1789-2000 

Stephen Casper

Hardcover: 256 pages
Publisher: Manchester University Press (July 31, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0719091926
ISBN-13: 978-0719091926

With its attention chiefly on Great Britain, The Neurologists describes how Victorian physicians located in a medical culture that privileged general knowledge over narrow specialism came to be transformed into the specialised physicians we now call neurologists. Relying entirely upon hitherto unseen primary sources drawn from archives across Britain, Europe and North America, this book analyses the emergence of neurology in the context of the development of modern medicine in Britain.
The Neurologists thus surveys the patterns of change and modernisation that influenced British medical culture throughout the nineteenth and twentieth century. In so doing, it ultimately seeks an account of how neurological knowledge acquired such an expansive view of human nature as to become concerned in the last decades of the twentieth century with the human sciences, philosophy, art and literature. In short, The Neurologists explains how and why neurology achieved its contemporary cultural status.

Maladies et lieux religieux antiques et médiévaux

Purifier, soigner ou guérir ? Maladies et lieux religieux de la Méditerranée antique à la Normandie médiévale. regards croisés. 

Colloque au Centre culturel de Cerisy

Du 1er au 5 octobre 2014


Organisé avec le Centre de Recherches Archéologiques et Historiques Anciennes et Médiévales (CRAHAM) de l'Université de Caen Basse-Normandie

Des biologistes américains ont noté l’existence d’une corrélation entre la présence récurrente d’épidémies infectieuses et l’apparition des religions comme facteurs d’entraide et de regroupement humains. Cette hypothèse invite à réévaluer la place et le rôle des comportements religieux en lien avec les maladies. Il existe toujours une ambiguïté du comportement de la divinité ou du saint qui, à la fois, apporte la maladie et sauve le malade. Ce principe empreint de sacré - maudit et bénit - est rarement abordé dans les travaux historiques. Or, l’attitude des hommes n’est jamais neutre à l’égard des malades. Compassion et dérision semblent recouvrir les deux faces d’une même médaille. Si le corps humain sain est un objet de désir, le corps déformé par la maladie fascine autant qu’il repousse. Aussi, en quête de guérison, le malade s’éloigne dans un sanctuaire pour faire venir le dieu à lui ou solliciter la présence de "morts très spéciaux", les saints.

Quelle est la place du soin des malades, des infirmes en situation de handicap au sein des sociétés anciennes et médiévales, dont la force et le courage du guerrier constituent les valeurs dominantes? Quelles ruptures, continuités ou transformations/transmissions, des pratiques de soin, des rites de guérison/purification ou d’éloignement des malades peut-on déceler?

Doté d’une documentation exceptionnelle et d’études neuves, le monde anglo-normand forme un point d’ancrage majeur pour conduire une réflexion sur le soin des malades dans l’Occident chrétien. Poser un "regard éloigné" et croisé sur les cultures polythéistes et chrétiennes nécessite l’emploi d’un arsenal maximal de sources, puisé des rives de la Méditerranée à celles de la Manche.


Mercredi 1er octobre
À partir de 12 heures: ACCUEIL DES PARTICIPANTS

François-Olivier TOUATI: Introduction. 

Entre punition et élection: les maladies sont-elles sacrées?

Damien JEANNE: La double chair du lépreux: une accusée piteuse et une humiliée glorieuse. Une question de renommée?

Présentation du Centre, des colloques et des participants

Jeudi 2 octobre
Mathieu VIVAS: Corps polluant et espace consacré: le rite liturgique de réconciliation comme purification des églises et des cimetières souillés (Xe-XIVe siècles)

Thérapeutes et mortifères: dieux, saints et rois
Béatrice CHEVALLIER-CASEAU: Iatrosophistes et saints guérisseurs: la concurrence entre médecine grecque et médecine religieuse au sein du monde Byzantin
Alessandra FOSCATI: Ignis sacer/ignis infernalis. Les saints taumaturges et la maladie qui brûle les corps

Christine DELAPLACE: Des sanctuaires de guérison païens aux miracles de guérison des saints et des reliques dans l'antiquité tardive: l'exemple de la Gaule (IVe-VIe siècles)

Typologie, topographie et fonctions des lieux religieux
Edina BOZOKY: Lieux sacrés, lieux de guérison dans la nature au Moyen Age

À Saint Thomas d’Aizier, la vie et la mort dans une léproserie médiévale normande, avec Joël BLONDIAUX, Cécile CHAPELAIN DE SERÉVILLE-NIEL, Raphaëlle LEFEBVRE et Marie-Cécile TRUC

Vendredi 3 octobre
Marie-Anne MOULIN: Reliques, images et médications: les voies de la guérison dans le duché d’Alençon au XVe siècle
Hélène RÉVEILLAS: Prise en charge des malades et hôpitaux à la période médiévale: l’exemple des cimetières de l’hôtel-Dieu à Troyes et de l’hospice Saint-Ladre à Reims
Katie TUCKER: A Blessed Punishment: Evidence for leprosy at St Mary Magdalen, Winchester
Aurore-Diane SIMON: Complémentarité des lieux de soins et des espaces religieux dans la prise en charge des pauvres malades au sein de l'hôpital médiéval, l'exemple de la Bourgogne

Arnaud TASTAVIN: Gérer le corps pestifère. Reidbruderschafts, confréries et chapelles en Alsace lors de la Peste noire
Bénédicte GUILLOT & Aminte THOMANN: Une zone funéraire spécifique aux enfants atteints de carences sévères sur le parvis de l'église Saint-Sauveur de Caen à l'époque moderne (avec Olivier DUTOUR)
François-Olivier TOUATI: Apparitions, conversions et guérisons: l'incubation en Orient et en Occident du VIe au XVIe siècles

Samedi 4 octobre
François BLARY & Denis BOUGAULT: Un cas de tentative nécropsique au XVe siècle
Dominique CASTEX & Sacha KACKI: Les épidémies médiévales et modernes: évolution des savoirs médicaux et des expressions sépulcrales

Savoirs médicaux, rites et pratiques de guérison/purification/exorcisme
Joël CHANDELIER: Pratiques rituelles de guérison et médecine savante à l’époque salernitaine (XIe-XIIe siècles)
Thomas GALOPPIN: Animaux réels, animaux figurés: soigner par le symbole ou soigner par la nature dans la magie de l’époque romaine

Magali de HARO SANCHEZ: Médecine en magie et magie en médecine: antagonisme et complémentarité entre médecine rationnelle et médecine magique d'après les sources papyrologiques et littéraires gréco-latines
Julien VÉRONÈSE: Protéger, guérir et rendre malade dans la magie savante médiévale (XIIe-XVe siècles)
Emilie PIGUET: Pourquoi faire parler et agir un dieu comme un technicien? Etude des interactions entre technè médicale et guérisons miraculeuses dans les sanctuaires d’Asclépios

Soirée: Musique

Dimanche 5 octobre
Evelyne SAMAMA: De l'eau lustrale à l'eau médicale: pourquoi fréquenter les thermes dans l'Antiquité?
François COMTE: Médecins, barbiers, apothicaires et établissements religieux à Angers (fin XIIIe-début XVIe siècles)

Christine DELAPLACE: Conclusions


vendredi 22 août 2014

History of psychiatry - septembre 2014

History of psychiatry

September 2014; 25 (3)


Jean-Pierre Luauté, Thérèse Lempérière,  and Pascal Arnaud
Death of an alienist: Louis-Victor Marcé’s final year

Cheryl McGeachan
‘The world is full of big bad wolves’: investigating the experimental therapeutic spaces of R.D. Laing and Aaron Esterson

Benjamin Lévy
From paranoia querulans to vexatious litigants: a short study on madness between psychiatry and the law. Part 1

Chris Walker
Karl Jaspers on the disease entity: Kantian ideas and Weberian ideal types

Herman Westerink
Demonic possession and the historical construction of melancholy and hysteria

Ellen Nakamura
From the Netherlands to Japan: communicating psychiatric practice in the 1830s

Classic Text No. 99

GE Berrios
J.H. Pons on ‘Sympathetic insanity’: With an introduction by

Book Reviews
Christopher Gill
Book Review: PN Singer (ed.), with contributions by Daniel Davies and Vivian Nutton, Galen: Psychological Writings

Pamela Dale
Book Review: Anna Shepherd, Institutionalizing the Insane in Nineteenth-Century England

Mark Jackson
Book Review: Allan V Horwitz, Anxiety: A Short History

Bonnie Evans
Book Review: Mitzi Waltz, Autism: A Social and Medical History

Gavin Miller
Book Review: Theodor Itten and Courtenay Young (eds) R.D. Laing: 50 Years Since

Research on the history of psychiatry
Research on the history of psychiatry: Dissertation Abstracts, 2011 (continued)

Le trauma dans la société médiévale

Trauma in Medieval Society

Call for Submissions

Articles for an edited volume.
Editor: Wendy J. Turner, Professor of History at Georgia Regents University

Trauma is the emotional or physical reaction to an often life-threatening event, which in the Middle Ages could include a broken leg or the theft of cattle, leading to war, changes in law, cultural upheaval, different architecture (building a wall), or interruption of family and community relations. This project proposes to explore the theme of trauma for individuals, families, and communities—large and small. Traumatic events, such as the Black Death, altered society. Papers might include topics such as illness, famine, battle, or the breakup of a marriage. These investigations of stress on the social fabric will help shed light on what medieval society valued, what they found acceptable, and what they found unacceptable.

The hope is that this volume could be used not only as an informational foray into the subject, but also as a possible guide for or supplement to topics courses for advanced undergraduates and early graduate students of medieval medicine, law, society, culture, and disabilities.

Please send abstract for papers on any aspect of literal trauma in premodern Europe and a one-page CV by new date of 30 September 2014 to Wendy J. Turner at wturner1@gru.edu. Abstracts should not be more than 300 words and should include a tentative title, your name and affiliation. Please include the word trauma and your last name in a .doc or .docx file.

First draft of papers will be due June 2015 with revisions due by September 2015.

jeudi 21 août 2014

Le culte du corps et de l'esprit

Le culte du corps et de l'esprit : le Collège d'athlètes de Reims

Édité par Tony Froissart, Christophe Henrion

Éditeur ÉPURE - Éditions et Presses universitaires de Reims
Support Livre broché
Nb de pages 120 p. Bibliographie .
ISBN-10 291527178X
ISBN-13 9782915271782

Le Collège d'athlètes de Reims est une institution surprenante à plus d’un titre. C’est d’abord l’idée de lettrés, écrivains et journalistes sportifs qui, dans le sillon tracé par Georges Rozet, s’émeuvent des faibles performances de nos athlètes nationaux et du dépérissement de la race.

Puis, le Collège devient un projet, il est alors stimulé par la volonté et l’initiative de deux hommes, le marquis Melchior de Polignac et Georges Hébert qui se rejoignent pour donner vie à ce qui n’était jusque-là qu’une utopie, Polignac en tant que mécène paternaliste et Georges Hébert en sa qualité de pédagogue.

L’entreprise est donc stupéfiante de modernité et d’audace, c’est ce que ce livre vous invite à découvrir.

Science, magie et technologie au Moyen-âge

Science, Magic and Technology

Call for Papers

Biennial London Chaucer Conference
London, Senate House, Institute of English Studies, 10-12 July 2015

Papers are sought on all aspects of ‘Science, Magic and Technology’ in late medieval literature and culture and particularly within Chaucer studies. Approaches might include:
  • The presentation of scientific ideas in myth and poetry
  • Observation and naturalism in literature and art
  • Experiment and experience in science and literature
  • The occult sciences (astrology, magic, alchemy) and their relationship to literature
  • Technology as magic, magic as a technology
  • Scientific literatures and the literariness of science
  • Epistemology and taxonomy in late medieval writing
  • Technologies of writing, parchment making and codicology
  • Concepts of the material and immaterial worlds, the environment, astrology, astronomy and cosmology
  • Cartography; deep-sea and space exploration
  • The science of the senses, optics, sound or scent
  • The representation of medicine in literature or the literary modes of medical writing
  • Trade technologies in literature
  • Science, magic and technology in medievalism
Papers are welcomed on the work of Geoffrey Chaucer or, more broadly, on late medieval writing and culture.
Please send 250 word abstracts to Dr Isabel Davis; Birkbeck, University of London. i.davis@bbk.ac.uk by 1st September 2014.

mercredi 20 août 2014

Le Collège d'athlètes de Reims

Le Collège d'athlètes de Reims : Institution pionnière et foyer de diffusion de la Méthode naturelle en France et à l'étranger

Tony Froissart et Christophe Henrion (Éditeurs)

Éditeur : Editions et presses universitaires de Reims
120 pages ; 14,8 x 21 cm ; broché
ISBN 978-2-915271-78-2
EAN 9782915271782

Le 19 octobre 1913, Raymond Poincaré, président de la République, inaugure le Collège d'athlètes de Reims, qui sera détruit quelques mois plus tard et jamais reconstruit. Cette institution reste, aujourd’hui encore, inscrite dans la mémoire des enseignants d’éducation physique et sportive. Pourquoi le Collège d’athlètes a-t-il marqué à ce point les représentations professionnelles? Sa conception, organisée autour de l’idée d’un homme d’action mais aussi sa mise en œuvre, mêlant entraînement sportif, formation professionnelle, accueil périscolaire, posent des questions d’actualité, au moment où il est question de refonder l’école en nouant des partenariats et de repenser la formation des enseignants. Le caractère pionnier du Collège d’athlètes et son rôle dans la diffusion de la Méthode Naturelle sont particulièrement abordés ici au travers de treize communications inédites de chercheurs, dont la très grande majorité sont membres de la SFHS.

Les maladies psychosomatiques dans la culture populaire

“Psychosomatic” Illness in Popular Culture

Call for abstracts

Edited Collection: “Psychosomatic” Illness in Popular Culture (Abstracts due September 1)

Medically unexplained symptoms, hysteria, neurasthenia, hypochondria, psychogenic illness, somatic symptoms, functional illness, malingering—there is ongoing debate amongst specialists in medicine, psychology, sociology, and the medical humanities about how to classify, diagnose, treat, and explain disorders affecting body and mind. Meanwhile, in popular culture, these terms are misunderstood, unknown, or rejected outright—what was once called “psychosomatic” illness is heavily stigmatized amongst lay people, while the associated syndromes have become the site of controversy and antipathy in the provider-patient relationship. The DSM-5 outlines diagnostic criteria for illness anxiety and somatic symptoms disorder; medically unexplained symptoms account for as much as 50% of primary care visits; we make fun of hypochondria in sit-coms; patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and post-treatment lyme disease syndrome form online communities for support and advocacy—all of these constituents might be talking about several different disorders, or one, or none. Despite the common experience of being told that their symptoms are imaginary, all in their heads, patients are experiencing a very real illness phenomenon at the intersection of mind and body. But what is it? Physical or mental Illness? political and social identity? cultural, narrative, and/or discursive construction?

The proposed collection invites interdisciplinary analysis of the phenomenon of “psychosomatic” illness as it is (mis)understood in expert and popular culture. Possible themes or topics include: 
  • the persistence of mind-body dualism in both expert and lay concepts of illness and wellness 
  • the connection between stress and illness in popular culture 
  • the struggle to establish scientific, social, and cultural legitimacy for controversial diagnoses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, post-treatment lyme disease syndrome, fibromyalgia (ME) 
  • the evolution of syndromes and the role of cultural and scientific context 
  • the role of gender, race, and class in expert and lay constructions of “psychosomatic” illness and patient identity 
  • the representation of psychosomatic and/or contested illness in self-help and wellness programs, magazines, and websites 
  • stereotypes and stigmatization of hypochondria, “hysteria,” or malingering in medical and popular culture 
  • the relative invisibility of psychosomatic and/or contested illness in fictional narrative (from literary fiction to medical melodramas on tv) 
  • the role of medical narrative/narrative medicine in mediating provider-patient conflict about medically unexplained or somatic symptoms and controversial diagnoses 
Essays should be interdisciplinary in scope and engaging to a diverse, non-specialist audience. Please send 500-word proposals and a CV to Carol-Ann Farkas by September 1, 2014. Accepted essays should be 5000-7000 words, and will be due by January 1.

mardi 19 août 2014

Pouvoir et santé en Ouzbékistan

Pouvoir et santé en Ouzbékistan. De la colonisation russe aux transformations post-soviétiques.

Sophie Hohmann

Editions PETRA
320 pages et cahier photo 14 pages
(Collection “Sociétés et cultures post-soviétiques en mouvement” dirigée par Marlène Laruelle et Virginie Symaniec)
ISBN : 978-2-84743-0752-4

Cet ouvrage porte sur la gestion de la santé et sur les stratégies de recours aux différents systèmes thérapeutiques en Ouzbékistan depuis la colonisation jusqu’aux recompositions post-soviétiques. En s’appuyant sur des sources orales et les matériaux disponibles émanant de disciplines complémentaires comme l’histoire, la sociologie, la démographie et l’anthropologie, cet ouvrage retrace la construction de la santé publique en Ouzbékistan à partir de l’époque coloniale, tout en s’attachant à mettre en perspective la colonisation russe avec d’autres expériences coloniales. Il montre qu’après avoir déployé une organisation spécifique très ramifiée et un temps efficace, le système de santé soviétique n’a passu se réformer et la fin de l’URSS en 1991 précipitera son effondrement. Les répercussions sur les populations seront irréversibles et durables. Le vide institutionnel légué par la dislocation de l’URSS va permettre de facto une reconfiguration de l’espace thérapeutique, des pratiques et des rapports de pouvoir entre les instances de soins et le politique. Se profile alors un processus de « retraditionalisation » de la médecine dans un contexte de réappropriation identitaire. À travers l’analyse de la relation entre ces différents acteurs, le pouvoir et les individus, cet ouvrage discerne les continuités qui n’apparaissent pas toujours de manière évidente lorsque l’on s’intéresse au rôle social de la médecine ainsi qu’à l’autonomie des modes de fonctionnement dans l’espace post-soviétique.

Sophie Hohmannest diplômée de l’Institut des Langues et Civilisations Orientales. Elle est docteur en sciences sociales de l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (Paris) et membre du Centre d’études des mondes russe, caucasien et centre-européen (CERCEC, EHESS). Elle travaille sur les transformations sociales et démographiques en privilégiant une approche pluridisciplinaire. Depuis quelques années, elle étudie les migrations de travail dans les Suds Post-soviétiques (Asie centrale et Caucase du Sud). Elle a publié La Mortalité chez les jeunes enfants en Ouzbékistan (2010)

Vente des plantes exotiques à Paris

Leverhulme Trust Research Assistant/Associate 

Call for applications

Applications are invited for a three-year Leverhulme Trust Research Associateship in Early Modern French History with an emphasis on the history of medicine, science and consumption. The post is available from 1 October 2014 until 30 September 2017. This is a post-doctoral position and it is expected that candidates will either have completed, or be about to complete, a PhD dissertation. Appointments will be made on the Research Assistant (grade 5) or Research Associate (grade 7) salary scales.
The post is part of a research project 'Selling exotic plant products in Paris, 1670-1730', funded by a Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant. The successful applicant will work alongside the Principal Investigator, Dr Emma Spary, and a doctoral student to conduct research on the trade and consumption of exotic plant products in Paris and Versailles around 1700. The appointee will be resident in Paris for the purposes of carrying out archival research for 18 months of the project's run time, and would be jointly responsible with the Principal Investigator for organising a workshop and preparing an edited volume based on the papers presented at it. For the remainder of the project he or she will be based in central Cambridge.
The successful applicant will have fluent French skills, and knowledge of Latin is desirable but not essential. She or he will also be familiar with archival work and early modern palaeography. A background in the history of science or medicine is desirable but not essential. Research of international standing will be expected, with evidence of published output.
To apply online for this vacancy, please click on the 'Apply' button below. This will route you to the University's Web Recruitment System, where you will need to register an account (if you have not already) and log in before completing the online application form.
Applications should include a curriculum vitae. 
Samples of written work will not be requested unless the candidate is short-listed. 
Informal enquiries may be made to the Faculty's HR Clerk, Mrs Joanne Pearson (email: jobs@hist.cam.ac.uk, telephone: 01223 335350).
Interviews for this post will take place early to mid-September. 
Please quote reference JJ03968 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The University values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity.
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.

Further information
Further Particulars Apply online

Closing date : 1 September 2014

lundi 18 août 2014

Histoire et héritages des gueules cassées

Les Gueules cassées: la défiguration et ses héritages

Appel à contributions 

Université d’Exeter, Grande-Bretagne, 12-14 mars 2015

Le centenaire de la Grande Guerre offre l’opportunité de revisiter l’histoire culturelle des gueules cassées et de revenir sur l’expérience vécue par les blessés de la face. L’objet de cette conférence internationale, organisée par l’équipe du projet 1914FACES2014 (financé par le programme européen INTERREG IV et mené par l’Institut Faire Faces et l’Université d’Exeter) est d’étudier la défiguration durant la Première Guerre mondiale ainsi que son impact et les changements qui en ont découlé.

Durant la Première Guerre mondiale, l’ampleur des atteintes à la face a dépassé toutes les prévisions. Si les armes utilisées ont favorisé les blessures au visage, des progrès dans la prise en charge des blessés a néanmoins permis à un grand nombre d’entre eux de survivre à leurs blessures. Des pionniers de la chirurgie maxillo-faciale, tels Harold Gillies en Angleterre et Hippolyte Morestin en France, ont expérimenté de nouvelles procédures qui allaient transformer la chirurgie reconstructrice. Les pratiques artistiques ont influencé les pratiques chirurgicales (par exemple au travers du travail des sculpteurs devenus épithésistes), mais les innovations dans le domaine médical ont aussi eu un impact sur le contexte dans lequel les artistes ont dépeint la face. Depuis la Première Guerre mondiale, la connaissance et les représentations de la face ont beaucoup évolué : le chemin parcouru depuis la ségrégation des gueules cassées de la Grande Guerre jusqu’à la reconnaissance des « différences faciales » dans l’Equality Act de 2010 est considérable.

Cette conférence sur « Les Gueules cassées : la défiguration et ses héritages », invite à explorer l’histoire des blessés de la face en France et en Grande Bretagne dans une perspective interdisciplinaire et ancrée dans le cadre global des études de la face et des différences faciales. La conférence coïncidera avec la tenue d’une exposition intitulée Faces of Conflict: the Impact of the First World War on Art and Reconstructive Surgery, au Royal Albert Memorial Museum & Art Gallery d’Exeter (Grande Bretagne).

Nous vous invitons dès à présent à nous faire part de vos propositions de panels et de communications d’une durée de 20 minutes (en français ou en anglais). Les thèmes proposés incluent, mais ne sont pas limités, à ceux listés ci-dessous :
  • L’importance des Gueules cassées dans l’histoire de la Première Guerre mondiale
  • L’histoire sociale des blessés de la face
  • Défiguration et réintégration 
  • Penser la défiguration dans un contexte international
  • Les échanges franco-britanniques dans le domaine de la chirurgie maxillo-faciale
  • L’histoire de la chirurgie maxillo-faciale
  • De la reconstruction faciale à la greffe de visage
  • Le visage dans la littérature de la Première Guerre mondiale
  • Visage, art et chirurgie
  • Les réactions face aux représentations visuelles de la défiguration
  • La Slade School et la Première Guerre mondiale
  • Les cadres théoriques dans lesquels s’inscrit l’étude des différences faciales
  • Applications pédagogiques de l’étude de la défiguration

Veuillez envoyer un résumé (300 mots maximum) et une courte biographie (50 mots maximum) à d.h.jones@ex.ac.uk au plus tard le 1er décembre 2014.

dimanche 17 août 2014

Dernier numéro de Social History of Medicine

Social History of Medicine

Volume 27 Issue 3 August 2014

Original Articles

Ximo Guillem-Llobat
The Search for International Food Safety Regulation. From the Commission Internationale pour la répression des falsifications to the Société universelle de la Croix Blanche (1879–1909)

David Cantor
Before Survivorship: The Moment of Recovery in Twentieth-century American Cancer Campaigns

Andrew Gardiner
The ‘Dangerous’ Women of Animal Welfare: How British Veterinary Medicine Went to the Dogs

Leslie Tomory
The Question of Water Quality and London's New River in the Eighteenth Century

Simon Szreter
The Prevalence of Syphilis in England and Wales on the Eve of the Great War: Re-visiting the Estimates of the Royal Commission on Venereal Diseases 1913–1916

Liz Ross, Phil Lyon, and Craig Cathcart
Pills, Potions and Devices: Treatments for Hearing Loss Advertised in Mid-nineteenth Century British Newspapers

Elizabeth Toon
The Machinery of Authoritarian Care: Dramatising Breast Cancer Treatment in 1970s Britain

Kristin Asdal
Contesting the Animal Model: Axel Holst and the Controversy over Scurvy and Beriberi

Histoires de la santé publique

The Public’s Health: a symposium on public health histories

Call for Papers

The University of Toronto’s Health History Group presents:

March 6 - 7, 2015

We are pleased to announce a request for submissions on the topic “The Public’s Health.” This interdisciplinary conference will be of interest to anyone thinking about the history of public health from diverse, unique perspectives. The conference will take place on Friday March 6 and Saturday, March 7, 2015 at the University of Toronto. Friday will be an academic day with a series of peer-reviewed sessions on the Public’s Health. Saturday will be a public day, with a series of public talks by contributors to the civic debate regarding definitions of the Public’s Health, and showcasing the work of high-school students who will have been engaged in a Collaborative Public History Project (Discovering the Public’s Health) during the summer and fall of 2014. A reception will be held on the Friday evening of the first day and will feature a keynote address
We encourage proposals for original papers for our academic day from individuals and groups. We invite abstracts from students and scholars in the social sciences and humanities, from those with clinical backgrounds, and from any others who are engaged in thinking about the public’s health. The following areas or themes are of particular interest:
1. Who defines “the public” and therefore its health?
2. Global public health in Toronto: immigrants, refugees and visitors bring the world here and change how we think about health
3. Toronto’s place in global health
4. Community engagement: its power and its complexities within the history of public health research
5. Indigenous health: Toronto’s Aboriginal communities and their historical and current health practices
6. History of ethics in public health research
7. The built environment: changing views and their effects on health
8. Epidemics and pandemics through time: cholera, diphtheria, polio, SARS, H1N1, etc.

Presentations will be limited to 20 minutes, with additional time for discussion. All papers must present original, unpublished work.

Those who are interested should send an abstract of no more than 250 words to conference@torontohealthhistory.ca. Please send your submission as a Microsoft Word document. Abstracts must be received by August 31, 2014

All submissions will be judged on their merits by the Program Committee according to the following criteria:
1. Relevance to the theme and/or priority areas
2. Organization and clarity of the abstract
3. Interest to an interdisciplinary audience

The author listed as primary contact will be notified of the committee’s decision regarding their abstract submission by October 31, 2014.

About the Organizing Committee:
In 2010, a group of historians, librarians, archivists, healthcare professionals, educators and students at The University of Toronto came together as a result of their shared interest in heightening the visibility of scholars, resources and collaborative research opportunities in healthcare history at the University of Toronto. Since then, the group has grown to include representatives from the faculties of medicine, pharmacy, social work, information, occupational therapy, kinesiology and physical education, nursing, the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Public Health Ontario, the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, and the Royal Ontario Museum. By initiating a conference in Toronto in 2012 on healthcare and its history, we had hoped to achieve four main goals: appreciating our history, building a community, fostering collaborations, and preserving our past. We are pleased to report that we achieved those goals at our first conference, “Taking Toronto’s Healthcare History,, and now intend to build on them with this second conference, on “The Public’s Health.”
For more information, please visit the website: http://torontohealthhistory.ca

samedi 16 août 2014

Géographies d'asile

Asylum Geographies

Call for Papers

International Conference for Historical Geographers 5-10th July 2015, London.

Convenors: Chris Philo, Kim Ross and Cheryl McGeachan (University of Glasgow)

Lunatic asylums, mental hospitals and other ‘places’ of mental health encounter possess fascinating geographies, with distinctive urban, regional, local, and environmental connections. Within this field, there is a small yet strong cohort of historical geographers, whose research takes seriously these spaces, exploring the specific geographies arising within the history of madness, asylums and psychiatry (see Philo 1997, 2004; Alderman 1997; Ross, 2014). Specifically, there is research addressing in various ways (conceptually and methodologically) a diversity of material locations, sites, buildings, infrastructures, instruments, furnishings, etc., associated with asylums of different kinds found in different periods and places (in Britain and elsewhere). Questions have been asked about how and why they have been made (‘engineered’) as they have, adapted, transformed and maybe abandoned (sometimes over centuries), as well as about the wider societal roles – of containment, care and cure, reflecting complex admixtures of coercion and compassion – that these spaces have been intended to perform.
Given this growing interest in asylum spaces, this session seeks to explore the geographies of asylums and the geographies in asylums. We welcome papers that think about the materiality of the asylum, the myriad ways in which these spaces have been located and designed across different scales and in different geographical periods and places. We equally welcome work that considers how such spaces are (and have been) imagined, experienced, felt, resisted, loved and hated by all manner of constituencies: doctors, superintendents, attendants, nurses and, of course, ‘patients’ (but also reaching out to planners, politicians, families, voluntary workers and many others whose lives have been touched by such spaces).

Alderman, D. H. (1997) Integrating space into a reactive theory of the asylum: evidence from post-Civil War Georgia, Health and Place, 3 (2), pp.111-122.
Philo, C. (1997) Across the water: reviewing geographical studies of asylums and other mental health facilities, Health and Place, 3 (2), pp. 73-89.
Philo, C. (2004) A Geographical History of Institutional Provision for the Insane from Medieval Times to the 1860s in England and Wales, The Edwin Mellen Press.
Ross, K. (2014) The locational history of Scotland’s district lunatic asylums, 1857-1913, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Glasgow, School of Geographical and Earth Sciences.

Please send abstracts of no more than 200 words to Cheryl.Mcgeachan@glasgow.ac.uk by Monday 1st September 2014.

A decision on the papers to be submitted for consideration by the convenors of the International Historical Geography Conference, 2015 will be made on the 14th September.

For further details about the International Historical Geography Conference, please see: http://www.ichg2015.org/

Histoire de la catégorisation psychiatrique

Psychopathological fringes. Historical and social science perspectives on category work in psychiatry

Call for papers

Date: 13./14.2.2015

Venue: Berlin, Institute for the History of Medicine, Dahlem

Organization: Nicolas Henckes, Volker Hess, Emmanuel Delille, Marie Reinholdt, Stefan Reinsch, Lara Rzesnitzek

Over the last few years, the revision process of both the DSM and the chapter V on mental disorders of the ICD has stimulated within psychiatry a series of attempts at challenging established diagnostic categories. These challenges reflect both dissatisfaction with categories as they are defined in existing diagnostic classifications, and a will to adjust them to the demands of clinical and research activities. They are expressed in ways that sometimes strongly resembles the discourse of critical social science. For instance, the conveners of the conference “Deconstructing psychosis” - organized by the American Psychiatric Association along with the WHO and the US National Institutes of Health in 2005 - developed a stringent critique of the proliferation of diagnostic categories in the field of psychosis: “Although these categories are meant to refer to broadly defined psychopathological syndromes rather than biologically defined diseases that exist in nature, inevitably they undergo a process of reification and come to be perceived by many as natural disease entities, the diagnosis of which has absolute meaning in terms of causes, treatment, and outcome as well as required sampling frame for scientific research.”
Controversies over diagnostic categorization in fact have a long history in psychiatry. Rejection of diagnosis has long been prominent among certain segments of psychiatry, from Adolf Meyer’s synthesis in interwar US psychiatry through parts of phenomenological psychiatry in Germany to antipsychiatry and Lacanian psychoanalysis in 1970s France. However, the deconstruction of diagnosis has also been a core feature of what might be termed category work in psychiatry, at least since the fall of the unitary psychosis concept in the last quarter of the 19th century. By the notion of category work we understand the multifaceted practices developed by clinicians, epidemiologists, biologists, administrators and patients to negotiate and objectify the boundaries of diagnostic categories. While such practices have mostly been devoted to securing the internal coherence of major categories, the requirements of both research and clinical work have prompted the development of liminal categories meant to target conditions situated between illness and health, or between broader established diagnostic classes. Examples of such categories include prodromal schizophrenia, latent depression as well as “borderline” disorder and a range of personality disorders. Closely related to these constructs are notions of comorbidity and dimensional concepts of diagnostic spectra or continua. In many of these cases, the challenge for psychiatrists has been to devise entities that include in their very definition the possibility of their transitory status. These diagnostic constructs thus convey a paradox: while they question categorical thinking, they are usually framed within the language of categories. The aim of this workshop is to offer a historical and social science perspective on the history and current status of category work at the fringes of psychopathology. Unlike constructionist perspectives on psychiatric diagnosis that have aimed to demonstrate the less than solid nature of core categories such as depression, schizophrenia and neurosis, we are interested in the already internally contested and marginal categories devised to target conditions situated at the borders of psychopathology. Thus, rather than elaborating on the longstanding debates between “lumpers” and “splitters”, we would like to examine the ways in which psychiatry has developed knowledge and practices to target these conditions.
This workshop has its origins in the German-French research program “Psychiatric Fringes. A historical and sociological investigation of early psychosis in post-war French and German societies” funded by the ANR and the DFG for the period 2012-2014, and it will be an opportunity to discuss results from this research project. We welcome papers on other aspects of the history, the sociology and the anthropology of psychiatry at the fringes of psychopathology that complement our research and might lead to a wider understanding of this work. Papers may explore for instance one or more of the following issues:
- The construction of knowledge at the fringes of psychopathology. What knowledge practices have been involved in the creation of categories targeting liminal conditions? What have been the respective roles of epidemiology, biological science, brain imaging, biometrics, and the clinic in the development and objectification of these categories? What have been the practical and ethical implications of such work?
- Diagnostic practices. Liminal categories have been developed to address specific clinical uncertainties, but they also have raised new ones. What are these, and how are they practically managed by clinicians and patients? What are the specific diagnostic instruments developed by clinicians, and how are these used? What has been the role of psychopathological scales, psychological tests or biological treatments in diagnostic processes?
- The specific role of patients´ experience in category worky. To what extent have patients, as individuals or as organized groups, contributed to shaping categories at the borders of psychopathology?
- The trajectories of categories. Like the psychiatrists quoted above, we might be tempted to think that categories always end up in some ways reified. Is this always the case? What has been the use of liminal categories in different historical and social contexts? What has been the influence of these contexts on the very definition of such categories?

Interested prospective participants should send a title and a 350-word paper description to Ms. Stefanie Voth: stefanie.voth@charite.de by September 15th. Travel expenses and accommodation in Berlin will be covered by the conference organizers.