mercredi 29 mai 2024

Colloque annuel de l’ACHN

Nursing Crossroads: Action, Inaction, and Reaction 

Colloque annuel de l’ACHN / Annual Meeting of CAHN

Saint Mary’s University

Halifax, NS, Canada

22 au 23 Juin 2024 – 22-23 June 2024

Samedi 22 juin 2024 – Saturday 22 June 2024

Mots de bienvenue – Welcoming Remarks 8:45

Peter L. Twohig (Présidente de l’Association canadienne pour l’histoire du nursing – President of the Canadian Association for the History of Nursing)

Session One 9:00-10:00
Protest and the Politics of Nursing – Protestation et politique des soins infirmiers

Sioban Nelson, University of Toronto, “In a state of experiment and change”: nursing professional associations and collective bargaining in the second half of the twentieth century”

Gloria Stephens, Independent Scholar, Nursing Vignettes Associated with the Halifax Explosion of December 6, 1917

10:00 to 10:30 Pause-café – Coffee Break

Session Two 10:30 to 12:00
Creating CAHN and The History of Nursing in Canada -- Création de l’ACHN et histoire des soins infirmiers au Canada

A Facilitated Conversation with CAHN Co-Founder Dr. Barbra Keddy, Professor Emerita, Dalhousie University School of Nursing, with Peter L. Twohig

12:00 to 1:30 Lunch

Session Three 1:30 to 3:00
Nurses in Action – Infirmières en action

Lydia Wytenbroek and Tamasha Hussein, University of British Columbia, A History of South Asian Nurses in British Columbia

Hrag Yacoubian ,Memorial University of Newfoundland, Adapting to Adversity: The Pioneering Role of Nurses in the Armenian Republic in 1920

3:00 to 3:30 Pause-café – Coffee Break

Session Four 3:30 to 5:00 Hannah Lecture
Dr. Nurse: Science, Politics, and the Transformation of American Nursing

Dominique Tobbell, Centennial Distinguished Professor and Director, Bjoring Center for Nursing Historical Inquiry University of Virginia School of Nursing


Dimanche 23 juin 2024 – Sunday 23 June 2024

Session Three 8:30 to 9:30
Nursing Education and Nursing History – Formation infirmière et histoire des soins infirmiers

Helen Vandenberg (University of Saskatchewan), Lydia Wytenbroek (University of British Columbia), Geertje Boschma (University of British Columbia) Nursing history in nursing curricula: incorporating photo analysis as a teaching tool

9:30 to 10:30 Pause-café - Coffee Break

Session Two 10:30 to 12:30
Nursing Roles, Technology, and Therapeutics – Rôles infirmiers, technologie et thérapeutique

Karen Nolte, Heidelberg University, “The incubator for the premature baby – machine, nursing and maternity in West Germany”

Sandra Harrisson, Université d’Ottawa Travail au féminin : Un gage d’une bonne santé mentale

Kelly Swaby, University of Manchester, Nurse Practitioners: The Lens to British Society

Christoph Schwamm, Heidelberg University, Infectious diseases, the history of childhood and the reorganisation of pediatric nursing in Germany, ca. 1950 – 1975

Lunch 12:30 to 1:30

Session Four 1:30 to 3:00
Nursing Experiences and the Military – Expériences infirmières et militaires

Delaney Beck, University of New Brunswick, “‘My own dears at home’: An Analysis of Lieutenant/Nursing Sister Bertha Merriman’s Wartime Familial Correspondence”

Ross Hebb, University of New Brunswick, “Nursing Sister Ina Lockhart’s Diary – A Surprisingly Unexpected Record”

Erin Spinney, University of New Brunswick (Saint John), Labour Upheaval: Gender, Professionalism, and Changes in 19th Century British Naval Hospitals

3:00 to 3:30 Pause-café - Coffee Break

Session Five 3:30 to 5:00
Nursing and the North and Rural Environments – Les soins infirmiers et le Nord et milieux ruraux

Amanda McCallum, RN, MN, Helen Vandenberg, RN, PhD, Kelly Penz, RN, PhD, University of Saskatchewan

Help Wanted, Experience Preferred, Stamina a Must: A Narrative Review of the Contextual Factors Influencing Nursing Recruitment and Retention in Rural and Remote Western Canada from the Early Twentieth Century to 2023

Gertrude B. Hutchinson, Russell Sage College, “The Grenfell Mission, Labrador Through the Eyes of Sophia V. Kiel, RN”

Myriam Lévesque, Université Laval, « She would teach me one on one. Then I would teach people»: rapports soignants entre infirmières et interprètes au Nunavik (1950-1996)

5:00 to 5:15 Remise de la bourse Vicky Bach - Vicky Bach Scholarship Award

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