vendredi 30 avril 2021

Santé et guérison dans le monde ibérique moderne

Health and Healing in the Early Modern Iberian World: A Gendered Perspective

Edited by Margaret E. Boyle and Sarah E. Owens

University of Toronto Press
May 2021
ISBN 9781487505189 

Recognizing the variety of health experiences across geographical borders, Health and Healing in the Early Modern Iberian World interrogates the concepts of "health" and "healing" between 1500 and 1800. Through an interdisciplinary approach to medical history, gender history, and the literature and culture of the early modern Atlantic World, this collection of essays points to the ways in which the practice of medicine, the delivery of healthcare, and the experiences of disease and health are gendered.

The contributors explore how the medical profession sought to exert its power over patients, determining standards that impacted conceptions of self and body, and at the same time, how this influence was mediated. Using a range of sources, the essays reveal the multiple and sometimes contradictory ways that early modern health discourse intersected with gender and sexuality, as well as its ties to interconnected ethical, racial, and class-driven concerns. Health and Healing in the Early Modern Iberian World breaks new ground through its systematic focus on gender and sexuality as they relate to the delivery of healthcare, the practice of medicine, and the experiences of health and healing across early modern Spain and colonial Latin America.

Le genre des objets

The Gender of Things: How Epistemic and Technological Objects Become Gendered

Call for contributions to a collective volume

Do things have gender? What an unthinkable question especially to space engineers who put astronauts on the moon; to artificial intelligence researchers who construct humanoid robots to assist humanity in saving the planet; to physicists who investigate nature inside a scientific laboratory; to surgeons who struggle to save human lives in state-of-the-art operating theaters. Yet, what seems “unthinkable” to practitioners in science, technology and medicine, has been common knowledge to scholars working in the humanities and the social sciences: things could be gendered. This is a book about the processes of gendering things. It is an interdisciplinary approach to the relationship between gender and the material culture of technoscience, in other words, gender and contradictory cultural, economic and social values and meanings attributed to epistemic and technological objects.

Focusing especially on all those things that lie on laboratory benches, engineers’ workshops and medical facilities, our goal is to expose the practices that attribute gender to epistemic and technological objects. The central questions in this collection of essays are not only “who can speak of nature?” and “who can design?” but “who has been making these determinations?” throughout history. How does a thing such as a spacesuit, a humanoid-robot, a ‘Frankenstein’ measuring machine, or a surgical instrument become a gendered object? As we peer into scientific instruments, medical devices and technological artifacts, our concern is not about the objects themselves. The spacesuits used in NASA’s 2019 project to allow an entirely female team of astronauts to go on a spacewalk outside the International Space Station for the first time, become a means to understand the legacy of sexism in the space program. As space equipment, including spacesuits, has historically been designed with men in mind, in its first attempt at an all-female spacewalk, NASA realized that there were no suitable spacesuits for both women in the team. Sophia, the humanoid robot to be named the United Nations Development Programme's first ever Innovation Champion, comes with a gendered notion of how artificial intelligence conceptualizes human-robot interactions. Several humanoid robots imitate female gestures and facial expressions, speak with a female voice, dress in skirts, and have a smiling face with makeup. A ‘Frankenstein’ measuring machine—a read off and calculation apparatus that reduced bubble chamber film to machine-readable data —points to a deep shift in gender roles within the physicists’ work place in the late 1950s: “unskilled” women took up the “natural role” of scanning photographs and recording data whereas male physicists interpreted the results. A knife in a surgeon’s hand provides an indication of how the medical ergonomics favor male surgeons and how surgical instruments are designed for male surgeons, who until recently tended to be the majority in their field. After all, things are powerful tokens of scientific and technological cultures, opening up a window for understanding the gendering of technoscientific disciplines.

We welcome essays of 3000-3500 words on a single object from any historical period that becomes the focal point for an analysis of the ways gender is embedded in a material creation used in the sciences, technology and medicine. The originality of the book resides in the fact that it addresses material culture not in everyday life but in the “hard” sciences and in newly emerging fields such as artificial intelligence to examine the co-production of gender and technoscience.


Submission of abstracts: 14 May 2021; Submission of early drafts: 31 July 2021; Submission of final revisions: 10 September 2021


Please send your abstracts to the authors: Aida Bosch ( and Maria Rentetzi ( ) both at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.

jeudi 29 avril 2021

Histoire de la respiration

Breathing: An Inspired History


Edgar Williams

Publisher : Reaktion Books (May 5, 2021)
Language : English
Hardcover : 256 pages
ISBN-13 : 978-1789143621

Our knowledge of breathing has shaped our social history and philosophical beliefs since prehistory. Breathing occupied a spiritual status for the ancients, while today it is central to the practice of many forms of meditation, like Yoga. Over time physicians, scientists, and engineers have pieced together the intricate biological mechanisms of breathing to devise ever more sophisticated devices to support and maintain breathing indefinitely, from iron lungs to the modern ventilator. Breathing supplementary oxygen has allowed us to conquer Everest, travel to the Moon, and dive to ever greater ocean depths. We all expect to breathe fresh and clean air, but with an increase in air pollution that expectation is no longer being met. Today, respiratory viruses like COVID-19 are causing disasters both human and economical on a global scale. This is the story of breathing—a tale relevant to everyone.

Remèdes médiévaux pour traiter la toux et les maladies pulmonaires

Early Medieval Remedies for Treating Cough and Lung Disease

Online Seminar

Wednesday 12 May 2021, 2 -4 pm (BST)


Explore the relevance of medieval receipts to current herbal practice Engage with the meanings of Old English texts and their medicinal plants Understand more about online access to medieval archives

Making sense out of ‘nonsense:’ Medicinal remedies in early medieval texts
Dr Anne Van Arsdall

Wyrc briw wið lungnadle: Delicious dishes for lung disease
Val Thomas MA, MNIMH

To drink or smoke? Herbal remedies for respiratory complaints
Dr Frances Watkins MCPP, MNIMH

Round table discussion: How learning informs our research Julia Nurse, Research Development Specialist, Wellcome Collection


Tickets: £15.00

mercredi 28 avril 2021

Les fluides corporels dans l'Antiquité

Bodily Fluids in Antiquity 

Edited by Mark Bradley, Victoria Leonard, Laurence Totelin

April 26, 2021
464 Pages 13 B/W Illustrations
ISBN 9781138343726

From ancient Egypt to Imperial Rome, from Greek medicine to early Christianity, this volume examines how human bodily fluids influenced ideas about gender, sexuality, politics, emotions, and morality, and how those ideas shaped later European thought.

Comprising 25 chapters across seven key themes – language, gender, eroticism, nutrition, dissolution, death, and afterlife – this volume investigates bodily fluids in the context of the current sensory turn. It asks fundamental questions about physicality and fluidity: how were bodily fluids categorised and differentiated? How were fluids trapped inside the body perceived, and how did this perception alter when those fluids were externalised? Do ancient approaches complement or challenge our modern sensibilities about bodily fluids? How were religious practices influenced by attitudes towards bodily fluids, and how did religious authorities attempt to regulate or restrict their appearance? Why were some fluids taboo, and others cherished? In what ways were bodily fluids gendered? Offering a range of scholarly approaches and voices, this volume explores how ideas about the body and the fluids it contained and externalised are culturally conditioned and ideologically determined. The analysis encompasses the key geographic centres of the ancient Mediterranean basin, including Greece, Rome, Byzantium, and Egypt. By taking a longue durée perspective across a richly intertwined set of territories, this collection is the first to provide a comprehensive, wide-ranging study of bodily fluids in the ancient world.

Bodily Fluids in Antiquity will be of particular interest to academic readers working in the fields of classics and its reception, archaeology, anthropology, and ancient to early modern history. It will also appeal to more general readers with an interest in the history of the body and history of medicine.

Prix jeune de l'AHCESR

Prix jeune de l'AHCESR 2021


Appel à candidatures


L’Association des historiens contemporanéistes de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (AHCESR) a créé en 2016 le Prix jeune de l’AHCESR, couronnant un article d’histoire contemporaine écrit par la/le titulaire d’un doctorat obtenu au cours des trois dernières années. Ce prix entend faire connaître et encourager les recherches en histoire contemporaine les plus novatrices, par leur objet ou leur méthode, sans autre restriction que les limites de la chronologie.

Le prochain prix, pour l’année 2021, doté d’un montant de 500 euros, sera remis lors de la prochaine assemblée générale de l’AHCESR, fin 2021.

L’article doit avoir été publié :

– en français ;

– dans une revue scientifique (avec ou sans comité de lecture, en ligne et/ou en version papier, en France ou à l’étranger). Les chapitres de livres collectifs ne seront pas évalués ; – par la/le titulaire d’un doctorat soutenu entre le 1er septembre 2018 et le 1er mai 2021 ; – il ne doit pas avoir déjà été soumis dans les années précédentes pour le prix de l’AHCESR.

Modalités de candidature :

Envoi avant le 15 mai 2021 d’un unique fichier pdf comprenant:

– un bref CV

– le diplôme de doctorat

– l’article.

A l’adresse,

mardi 27 avril 2021

Une histoire du rêve en Allemagne

Une histoire du rêve - Les faces nocturnes de l'âme (Allemagne, 1500-1800)

Claire Gantet

Presses universitaires de Rennes
Collection Histoire
ISBN 978-2-7535-8164-7

Si le rêve est commun aux êtres humains voire à certains animaux, l'homme est le seul à en faire le récit, engageant une histoire, elle-même support de croyances, de savoirs et de pratiques. Entre 1500 et 1800, la définition du rêve fut âprement discutée. Elle touchait à des savoirs en profond renouvellement (en médecine et théologie notamment), voire naissants (psychologie et anthropologie) et à des pratiques difficilement contrôlables (prophétie, oniromancie).

Ce livre couvre une lacune historiographique, entre les travaux fondateurs de Jacques Le Goff et Jean-Claude Schmitt pour le Moyen-Age, et ceux de Jacqueline Carroy pour le XIXe siècle. Vers 1500, des humanistes exhumèrent des récits antiques de songes qui auraient auparavant relevé de la superstition, alors que ces mêmes humanistes, à l'époque des Réformes, aspirèrent à contrôler la possibilité d'une inspiration surnaturelle ; ils interrogèrent les origines (corporelles, astrales, divines ou diaboliques) du rêve.

Vers 1800, le rêve renvoyait à un inconscient, à une face primitive de l'âme, mais aussi à des lois de l'association des images et à un langage symbolique. De 1500 à 1800, l'étude du songe renvoya donc à une intense interrogation sur l'être humain, mais les termes en changèrent foncièrement : le rêve subit un complexe processus de psychologisation. A terme, ce livre montre que C. G. Jung fut un intense lecteur de l'onirologie des XVIe-XVIIIe siècles.

Elle constitue ainsi le socle d'une école psychanalytique majeure et de notre compréhension actuelle du rêve.

Prix du Comité d'histoire de la sécurité sociale

Prix du Comité d'histoire de la sécurité sociale (2021)

Appel à candidatures

Créé en 1973 au sein du ministère des Affaires sociales, le Comité d'histoire de la sécurité sociale a pour mission de contribuer à une meilleure connaissance de l'histoire de la sécurité sociale et plus largement de la protection sociale de l'Ancien Régime à nos jours, de susciter des travaux scientifiques et d'en assurer ou d'en aider la diffusion. Dans cet esprit, le CHSS a décidé de récompenser chaque année des thèses et des mémoires de master achevé depuis moins de trois ans se rapportant au sens large ( chômage et action sociale inclus).


En 2021, quatre prix pourront être décernés par le Comité d'histoire, deux pour des thèses consacrées à des travaux de recherches historiques inédits et deux pour encourager à la réalisation des travaux de recherches de niveau master.

L'ensemble est doté de 7000 €,
4500 € pour les thèses et
2500 € pour les mémoires de master. 


Ces travaux doivent

  • se rapporter à l’histoire de la protection sociale au sens large (chômage et action sociale inclus), y compris dans sa dimension internationale,
  • être achevés depuis moins de trois ans,
  • être rédigés en françaisou en anglais.

Les prix décernés aux thèses ayant pour objectif d’aider à leur publication, le jury écartera les thèses déjà publiées ou en cours de publication 

Modalités de candidature

Les personnes souhaitant concourir doivent transmettre leur dossier composé

  • d'une lettre de candidature,
  • thèse ou mémoire de master en format PDF,
  • un ou deux exemplaires de la version imprimée pourra être demandé ultérieurement,
  • le rapport de soutenance pour les thèses,
  • un résumé,
  • un curriculum vitae
  • avant le 20 mai 2021.

L'ensemble est adressé au secrétariat du Comité d’histoire de la Sécurité sociale, ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé: 14 avenue Duquesne, 75350 Paris 07 SP. En cas de dépôt : 18 place des 5martyrs du lycée Buffon 75014 PARIS à l'attention de Mme De Smet, pièce 1173AT 


Le jury est composé des membres suivants :
Axelle BRODIEZ-DOLINO, chercheuse, centre Norbert Elias CNRS,
Anne-Sophie BRUNO, maître de conférences, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
Fabrice CAHEN, chargé de recherches, INED,
Christophe CAPUANO, maître de conférences HDR, université Lumière-Lyon 2,
Virginie DE LUCA BARRUSSE, professeure, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
Bruno DUMONS, directeur de recherche, CNRS-LAHRA,
Patrick FRIDENSON, directeur d'études, EHESS,
Nicolas HATZFELD, professeur émérite, université d'Evry,
Isabelle LESPINET MORET, professeure, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
Yannick MAREC, professeur émérite, université de Rouen-Normandie,
Judith RAINHORN, professeure, université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne,
Bruno VALAT, maître de conférences, université fédérale de Toulouse, Institut national universitaire Champollion,
Olivier VERNIER, professeur, université Cote d'Azur,
Vincent VIET, chercher, CNRS-CERMES3.

lundi 26 avril 2021

Les maladies infectieuses qui n'en finissent pas

Neverending Infectious Diseases. Life Sciences, Life Cycles & Social-cultural Life. 20th-21th Century

Digital Symposium


(English Follow)

Le Symposium WKD 2021 sera entièrement digital ! Il aura lieu les après-midis des 10 et 11 mai (UTC/GMT+2H). Il est gratuit et ouvert à toute personne intéressée. Il suffit de vous inscrire sur notre site web pour recevoir le lien Zoom. Les langues du symposium sont le français et l’anglais.

Le thème de cette année est Neverending Infectious Diseases ou : pourquoi certaines “vieilles” maladies infectieuses, a priori bien connues et pour lesquelles il existe un traitement, résistent à notre modernité médicale, ne disparaissent pas, et parfois même connaissent des cas en augmentation dans nos sociétés contemporaines ?

Pour tenter de répondre à de telles questions, nous avons réuni des spécialistes de disciplines différentes. Nous croiserons le passé et le présent, les sciences biomédicales et les approches socio-culturelles. Nous vous proposerons également de découvrir d’anciens films de propagande sanitaire !

Présentation, programme complet, liste des intervenants et vidéos disponibles sur le site web du symposium.



Why are certain well-known infectious diseases, whose prevention and treatment are in theory mastered by modern medicine, not disappearing and even in some cases increasing again? One disciplinary approach alone cannot address this complex question. The World Knowledge Dialogue 2021 (WKD 2021) aims at mobilising a wide range of expertise in medicine, epidemiology, arts and the humanities, public health, and publishing. It will take place online on May 10th and 11th 2021, allowing anyone interested to attend and be part of the ongoing discussions about these important issues. The working languages are English and French.

The themes of the WKD 2021 include prophylaxis, the public representations of disease and their impact on medical funding, approaches to testing and therapy, and the political and moral underpinnings of infectious diseases. The WKD 2021 proposes original approaches to infectious diseases:

- We focus on the end – or non-end, rather than the emergence and spread, of infectious diseases,

- We aim to cast new light on current biomedical issues through long-term historical perspectives,

- We link the biomedical and the socio-cultural history of diseases.


La médecine dans l'Atlantique nord médiéval

Medicine in the Medieval North Atlantic World 


13–15 May 2021 Maynooth University, Ireland

This interdisciplinary conference explores the reception and transmission of medical knowledge between and across England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and Scandinavia during the medieval period, and will draw on history, literature, philosophy, science, religion, art, archaeology and manuscript studies. It will interrogate medical texts and ideas in both Latin and vernacular languages, addressing questions of translation, cultural and scientific inheritance and exchange, and historical conceptions of health and of the human being within nature.

Plenary speakers: Dr Debby Banham (University of Cambridge); Prof. Guy Geltner (Monash University); Prof. Charlotte Roberts (Durham University)

Organising committee: Dr Sarah Baccianti (Queen’s University Belfast); Dr Siobhán Barrett, Dr Bernhard Bauer & Dr Deborah Hayden (Maynooth University)


The conference will be held online on Zoom. Please email to confirm your wish to participate at:

Morning Coffee and Opening Address 09.30
Session 1: 10 – 11.30 Chair: Elizabeth Boyle

Niamh Wycherley (Maynooth University)
The placebo effect in early medieval Ireland

Marie Novotná (Charles University, Prague)
Old Norse concept of health in the perspective of body-soul relation

Victoria Krivoshchekova (Maynooth University)
Early Irish literature and the embodied mind

Online Coffee and Chats 11.30 – 12.00

Online Lunch and Chats 13.00 – 14.00

Keynote 1: 12.00 – 13.00
Debby Banham (University of Cambridge) The beginnings of English medicine: editing the oldest medical compendium from England

Chair: Siobhán Barrett

Session 2: 14.00 – 15.30
Chair: Bernhard Bauer

Eystein Thanisch (Faclair na Gàidhlig, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, University of the Highlands and Islands)
We know things through defining them: Collections of scientific definitions in Gaelic medical manuscripts from Scotland

Sharon Arbuthnot (University of Cambridge)
Medieval Irish medical texts and the vocabulary of sex and reproduction

Joseph Flahive (Royal Irish Academy)
Medical vocabulary in early mediaeval Celtic latinity

Online Coffee and Chats 15.30 – 16.00

Session 3: 16.00 – 17.00
Chair: Sarah Baccianti

Matteo Tarsi (University of Trento)
Lexical pairs in the old west Norse medical manuscript tradition

Anne Irene Risøy (University of Southern Eastern Norway)
Sick maintenance in early medieval Norwegian law

Online Drinks and Chats 17.00-18.00


Morning Online Coffee and Chats 09.30 – 10.00

Online Coffee and Chats 11.00 – 11.30

Session 4: 11.30 – 13.00 Chair: Siobhán Barrett

David Stifter (Maynooth University)
The Old Irish healing charms in the Stowe missal and the protective spell in the Karlsruhe book cover

Laura Poggesi (University of Pavia - University of Bergamo)
Medical knowledge in two middle English manuscripts: their use and users

Emily Kesling (University of Oslo)
Female book production and medical texts in the eighth century

Online Lunch and Chats 13.00 – 14.00

Keynote 2: 10.00 – 11.00 Renehan Hall
Guy Geltner (Monash University) Public health and the environment in Galenic practice
Chair: Sarah Baccianti

Session 5: 14.00 – 15.30 Chair: Deborah Hayden

Brigid Mayes (Independent Scholar)
The Materia Medica of Gaelic physician Tadhg Ó Cuinn (1415): at the interface of theory and practice

Li Parrent (McGill University/Université d’Avignon)
Nordic landscapes as agents of pharmaceutical possibility

Conan Doyle (Independent Scholar)
Old English cures from the Ireland of Solinus and Bede

Online Coffee and Chats 15.30 – 16.00

Session 6: 16.00 – 17.30
Chair: Christina Lee

Ranke de Vries (St. Francis Xavier University)
Afflictions of the head in the Acallam na Senórach

Christine Voth (Independent Scholar)
The Veronica and female healing authority in medieval England

Elisa Ramazzina (Queen’s University Belfast)
“And bathis are goode to be visid in tyme of colde”: Therapeutic baths in medieval English medicine

Online Drinks and Chats 17.30-18.30

Morning Online Coffee and Chats 09.30 – 10.00
Online Coffee and Chats 11.00 – 11.30

Session 7: 11.30 – 13.00
Chair: Guy Geltner
Axel Christophersen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), University Museum, Trondheim, Norway)
Were they all pigs? From individual to public health care in medieval Trondheim, Norway

Ole Georg Moseng (University of Southeast Norway) & Erik Opsahl (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU))
Medieval environmental responsibility

Catrin Fear (University of Nottingham)
Poster presentation: The impact of lead on health in medieval Britain: Did they know it was poisonous?

Keynote 3: 10.00 – 11.00
Charlotte Roberts (Durham University) Palaeopathology: what can it tell us about the history of disease and medicine?
Chair: Deborah Hayden

Online Lunch and Chats 13.00 – 14.00

Session 8: 14.00 – 15.30
Chair: Elisa Ramazzina

Anna Matheson (Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance, Université de Tours)
How to Identify Fools: Instructions from a Middle Irish legal commentary

Gwendolyne Knight (Stockholm University)
Locating the mind with monsters in early English medicine

Christina Lee (School of English, University of Nottingham)
Singing to sanity

Concluding Remarks 15.30 – 16.00