mercredi 24 février 2021

Santé, maladie et environnements américains modernes

Health, Disease, and Early American Environments

A Panel Discussion

Authors: Molly Nebiolo, Northeastern University; Camden Elliott, Harvard University
Comment: Thomas Wickman, Trinity College

Tuesday 2 March
5:15 PM

Virtual Event - hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society


This panel discussion brings together the histories of health, disease, and the environment to cast new light on key sites of Colonial American history. Molly Nebiolo’s research highlights how health and medical knowledge impacted the creation of early Atlantic cities. By examining the colonial history of promotional narratives, both written and spatial, her paper argues that health and well-being were fundamental ideas for the settlement of Philadelphia and Charleston. Camden Elliott’s paper recasts the history of the Stono Slave Rebellion through the lens of environmental history. Placing mosquitoes (and their pathogens) in a supporting role to a slave war in South Carolina, he investigates how yellow fever helped set the stage for resistance and malaria shielded maroons in the rebellion’s aftermath.

The Pauline Maier Early American History Seminar invites you to join the conversation on Tuesday 2 March at 5:15 PM. The seminar brings together a diverse group of scholars and interested members of the public to workshop pre-circulated papers. After brief remarks from the author and an assigned commentator, the discussion is opened to the floor. All are encouraged to ask questions, provide feedback on the circulated essay, and discuss the topic at hand. Our sessions are free and open to everyone. Register above to attend, and you will receive a confirmation message with instructions for attending the virtual session. Please check your junk mail if you do not see this message, or contact the MHS for assistance.

Subscribers for the current year may now log in to access the papers for this session. All others who register will receive the papers by email the day before the seminar.

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