vendredi 26 février 2021

Interprétations du traité de Galien sur les remèdes simples

Galen's Treatise On Simple Drugs. Interpretation and Transmission

Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, Vol. 70/184-185, 2020

Dossier : Galen’s Treatise On Simple Drugs: Interpretation and Transmission

M. Martelli, C. Petit & L. Raggetti, Introduction. New Perspectives on Galen’s Treatise On Simple Drugs and the History of Pharmacology

P. N. Singer, A Change in the Substance: Theory and it Limits in Galen’s Simples

J. Wilkins, Bodily Fluids (‘Humours’) and Flavours in Galen’s Simple Medicines

C. Petit, Les manuscrits grecs du traité des Simples de Galien

S. Bhayro, Galen’s Simples in Syriac

N. Afif, P. E. Pormann, W. I. Sellers, N. Smelova, S. Bhayro, The Syriac Text of Book Nine of On Simple Drugs. New Evidence from the Syriac Galen Palimpsest

L. Raggetti, Simples on the Trees or Medicines on the Table? A Synopsis of Galenic Pharmacology in MS Bodleian Huntington

I. Ventura, Galen’s Simple Drugs and Its Medieval Readers: Some Notes on the Reception of Galen’s Pharmacology

S. Fortuna, Niccolò da Reggio and His Latin Translation of Galen’s On Simple Drugs


C. Guerra, La Grotte du chien : un laboratoire européen des connaissances chimiques avant la création de laboratoires institutionnels à Naples

In memoriam: Menso Folkerts, Paul Kunitzsch (1930-2020)

Études critiques

L. Lehmhaus, M. Martelli (eds.), Collecting Recipes: Byzantine and Jewish Pharmacology in Dialogue (Amneris Roselli, Giancarlo Lacerenza)

M.-L. Monfort, Janus Cornarius et la redécouverte d'Hippocrate à la Renaissance (Christina Savino)

Comptes rendus

332 p., 1 colour ill., 156 x 234 mm, 2020, ISBN 978-2-503-58716-5

Series: Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences, 70/184-185 (2020)

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